Dirty Bastard

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Dirty Bastard Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Her hand was on the door about to open the car. “You haven’t … like called ahead have you and told them to hire me?”


  “Please, promise me you haven’t?”

  “Don’t worry. I haven’t invaded your privacy like that. If you get this job, it’s all on you.” He hadn’t mentioned that Dane may have called ahead and offered to give them a donation for hiring his sister.

  That was on Dane to tell her, not him.

  “Good. Good.”

  He watched her climb out of the car, and he sat back in his spot, watching her. Running a finger across his lip, he stared down the length of her body. She wore a pair of tight jeans that molded to her round ass and full thighs. He wanted to feel them wrapped around his waist as he plowed into her. He loved her curves. Some men loved slender women that were all skin and bone, but not him. He liked Noelle’s body and the fact she wasn’t a size zero. He loved watching her eat and not to mention the way her tits bounced and the feel of her ass when he walked past her.

  His need when it came to Noelle was growing, and he didn’t have any way of controlling it, not that he wanted to.

  She’d gotten under his skin since she’d turned eighteen and would dance in front of him.

  He shouldn’t care about her. She was so much younger than he was, but he couldn’t help it.

  He’d never dream of hurting her, but the biggest problem he had was Dane.

  How to tell his best friend and colleague that he was in love with Noelle? She didn’t even know the extent of his feelings, and, he had no doubt, she didn’t have a clue how she felt about him.

  The woman behind the counter stepped out and held her hand out for Noelle to take. He didn’t look away as they sat against the window seat. Every few minutes Noelle would look out to him, and he saw the happiness there.

  When Dane offered her anything, he’d expected her to ask for her own apartment, or her own bakery. When she’d given her request to work, he’d been shocked. Dane had as well.

  “Can’t you pick anything else?”

  “There is nothing wrong with me working, and I’m dying here. I’m so bored. You agreed to let me have anything I wanted, and I’ll stay here. I’ll put up with your minions being around all the time, and I won’t make waves. I won’t even complain about your bad taste in girlfriends. How does that sound?”

  Dane had caved in the end, and it had been up to him to bring her to a job interview. If she believed Dane didn’t have a hand in it, she was a fool. Her brother wouldn’t just give up like that.

  After half an hour, Noelle came out, and seeing how happy she was took his breath away.

  She climbed into the car, tucking her hair behind her ears, and he saw her bubbling over with excitement.

  “I got the job!” She let out a squeal and wrapped her arms around him. He held her close. “I can’t believe it. I got the job. I start on Monday.”

  “The woman doesn’t mind that you have no experience?”

  “Her name’s Bethany, and she said that some bakers need to actually experience rather than be taught. I don’t care. She’s going to help me. I’m so happy, and it smelled so amazing in there. I totally loved it.” Her fists were clenched.

  “I’m glad.”

  “You’re not angry?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Okay. I have to be here every morning at seven. I’ve got to get a taxi or the bus—”

  “Not happening. I’ll drive you every morning.”

  “But that’s crazy. I can find transportation.”

  “We live in the same building, Noelle. I’ll drive you.”

  “It seems so far out of your way.”

  “I’d like to. When do you finish?”

  “Five,” she said, nibbling her lip.

  “I can work that.”

  “But you don’t need to.”

  He looked over at her. “Are you trying to avoid being alone with me?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Do I make you nervous?”

  “A little.”

  “Do you want me to stop being honest with you?”


  “Then what is it?” he asked.

  “We can’t be together. First of all, there’s Dane. He’ll kill you.”

  “You don’t think I can handle Dane?”

  “I don’t know. You both have been inseparable. You’re like brothers.”

  “Do you see me as a brother?”

  “What? No. Why would I see you as a brother?”

  “Just making sure that’s not your kink.”

  “You’re being gross now.”

  “You need to understand I wouldn’t have given a fuck if you saw me as a brother.”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “I’m not your brother, and I don’t think a single thing about you as sisterly.”

  “You’re messing with my head right now.”

  “No, I’m telling you the way it is. I want to fuck you, Noelle. Make you mine.”

  She paused, and he saw her cheeks once again heating.

  “Have I shocked you?”

  “Why now?” She tilted her head to the side as she looked at him.

  “Why not now?”

  “You’re you and I’m me, and I don’t get it. I don’t want to come between you and Dane.”

  “Let me handle Dane.”

  “No. I can’t do this. It’s crazy. This is not happening.” She turned so that she was staring straight ahead.

  Smiling, Jaxson started the car.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. “The apartment’s back there.”

  “I know, but I’ve still got work to do, so you’re coming to me.”

  “Where to?” she asked.

  “That’s a surprise.”

  “Why do I feel I’m not going to like your surprise?”

  He heard the nervousness in her voice and laughed. “You need to learn to have a lot of faith. Right now, you have none, and I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I don’t get what is happening right now. I feel like you’ve gotten hit on the head or something. What did you do to your hands?” she asked.

  “I hit someone a lot.”

  “You don’t hold back, do you?”

  “The man I hit is no longer walking around.”

  He heard her gasp, and with a quick glance over at her, he saw she was still staring at his hands.

  “I don’t know how to handle this.”

  “You’re not an idiot, Noelle. I’m not going to hide from you.”

  “You’re just going to hide your feelings from Dane.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t hide from anything or anyone.”

  “I don’t want you to die because of me.”

  “Then you want to keep this a secret?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what I want,” she said.

  “Finally, that makes way more sense.”

  “Stop laughing at me.”

  “I never laugh at you, Noelle. That I can guarantee.”

  They pulled up into the parking lot of a large house. He saw her staring up at the building. Removing his seatbelt, he got out of the car and rounded the vehicle to help her out.

  “Don’t say a word. Don’t look at anyone in the face, and when you leave here, you forget everything you’ve seen, got it?”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  He didn’t answer her and took her hand, leading her into the house. Closing and locking the door behind him, he made his way into the main reception. Candy, one of the girls on the front desk, wore a really tight, revealing dress. It was pure lace and showcased her tits and body.

  “Hello, Mr. Pierce, it’s good to see you here.”

  “Pleasure, Candy, is everything working well?”

  “More than well. We’ve had an increase in submissions for people wanting to join the club.”

  Keeping a hold on Noelle, he held her against his side.

  Candy’s gaze landed o
n her, and he saw the interest there. “She’s a newbie. Is she to share?”


  “Ah, okay.”

  “I’ll be in my office.”

  “Yes, sir, will Dane be stopping by?”

  He saw the interest in Candy’s eyes and shook his head. Candy had a crush on Dane, not that anything would ever happen. Candy loved every single man that walked through that door. She made them feel like a king, which was why she was a damn good greeter.

  “Don’t let anyone know I’m here,” he said.

  “Of course.”

  Grabbing Noelle’s hand, he made his way toward the back of the house where his very private and personal office was.


  The secrecy of the house scared her. Noelle had never been here, and Dane certainly hadn’t talked about it. Jaxson didn’t stop once as they walked to the back of the house. No one was around, so he was given privacy. The moment they entered a large room, he shut and locked the door. The room was dark, no windows, and she felt her heart rate speed up. Not that she was afraid of Jaxson.

  He’d never hurt her.

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  Jaxson let her hand go, and the moment he did, she missed his touch.

  He walked toward the wall, and she watched as several screens lit up. He pressed a button, and sound filled the room. Moans of pleasure and pain met her ears, and as she stepped up close, she saw cameras filled the rooms and what shocked her even more, the sex that was going on.

  “This is a sex club?”

  “When your brother and I started up, we knew that sex, drugs, and guns all sold well. It was the three commodities we had access to. At first, it was just a small brothel. A couple of the women came to us. They wanted to sell their bodies for money, but they also didn’t want to be knocked around by a pimp and have most of their takings stolen. So, we negotiated. For a small percentage, we’d take care of them, deal with any customers that were assholes, take our cut, and they’d live safely.”

  “We’re in a brothel?” she asked.

  “Not quite. Over the past few years, we realized that men with money and with power had certain needs, and if you look closely, you’ll see some faces that may look familiar. None of this can ever be repeated, so this place came into being. It’s a home that is private. No one is known, and we make sure no names are ever on the paperwork. This has no name at all.”

  “No name?”

  “It’s part of the privacy. It is simply the mansion, and here any little desire or need is met.” He stepped up close toward her, his hand on her hip as his chin rested on her shoulder.

  She couldn’t move as he leaned over and pointed at the screen.

  “You see there, that’s an age play scene going on. I believe that is a married couple, and she loves to be treated like a child and he plays her daddy.” He whispered the words against her ear. “And here, we have a Dominant and submissive scene. Again, this is what they want. Then you’ve just got some plain old fucking. That woman there is taking it up the ass and has three men to service.”

  “And all of these men are rich?” she asked.

  “The men and women. They pay their monthly dues to come here. Absolute privacy. Of course, they know beforehand that our staff cannot be hurt in any way. We take their safety seriously.”

  “You sell women. You’re a pimp,” she said.

  “I guess we are, but we only sell women that are willing and men as well. We offer everything. No one here is against what is happening to them. It’s why this place is far more selective. If she didn’t want to be fucked in the ass, she wouldn’t be kneeling on the floor begging for more cock.”

  “Why are you showing this to me?” She didn’t know this side of her brother’s business. It wasn’t her place to know anything.

  “Because, I won’t hide anything from you, and I thought you might like to see it.”

  She turned her head, and he was so close. His hands were still on her hips, holding her in place.

  “Why would I like this?” she asked.

  “You’ve always wanted to know about your brother and what we get up to, and also, I’ve seen the books you read, Noelle. I read some, and a virgin you may be, but I know what it is you want. You don’t have to hide it from me. You want it, and I will share it with you.” He pointed at the screen. “There is no shame in liking watching people fuck.” He kissed her head. “I saw the porn you like to watch as well.”

  She pulled away from him, turning so that she faced him. “That is private. You shouldn’t be snooping in my stuff.”

  “That is true. I shouldn’t, but I did.”

  “Why are you doing this? Ugh, I can’t…” She walked toward the door and placed her hands against it. She wanted nothing more than to walk away. “You’re confusing me.”

  He moved closer, his steps getting louder until he was behind her. “Tell me to stop. Tell me you don’t want me to share this with you and I’ll back off.”

  She closed her eyes and said nothing.

  “I’ll listen to you. Just say the words.”

  She remained silent.

  This, whatever this was, she couldn’t tell him she didn’t want it.

  Jaxson had been the man she’d wanted for a long time. He was her first and only crush. When she was fifteen, she’d known that no matter how she felt, there was no way either of them could act on it. Her brother would always be there, and she refused to get between the two friends.

  It tore her apart as she had seen Jaxson with girlfriends. One of the reasons she wanted her own apartment, a place to call her own, was so she wasn’t always there when Jaxson brought a girlfriend home.

  “Dane can never know. He’ll kill you.”

  “Then he’ll never know,” Jaxson said.

  She didn’t fight him as he removed her bag and jacket. “Doesn’t he know I’m here with you now?”

  “Our offices are the only places that don’t have cameras.”

  “What if he comes in?” she asked.

  “He won’t.”

  His hands rested on her hips once again. His lips brushed against her hair, and there was no way she could open her eyes. Not yet.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said.

  “I know you won’t try to hurt me, but this is inevitable.”

  His grip tightened on her hips and spun her around to face him. Keeping her eyes open, she stared right at him.

  “Why will I hurt you? I’d never do such a thing. You know that.”

  “What is this?” she asked. “What are you wanting from me?”

  “I want you, Noelle. I’ll always want you.”

  “For how long? You’re not known for wanting a full-time relationship, and I don’t know if I can handle watching you walk away. I’m new at all of this. I’ve never had a single relationship with anyone—”

  Jaxson’s lips slammed down on hers, silencing her protest. He grabbed her hands and pressed them above her head, trapping her between his hard body and the door. There was no way for her to escape.

  His kiss was hard and firm. When his tongue traced her lips, she had no choice but to open up to accept his kiss. When he plunged inside, she moaned aloud, the sound shocking even her as it sounded so desperate and needy.

  Jaxson broke the kiss, trailing his lips to her neck.

  “The first thing you shouldn’t do is tell someone how bad it’s going to be,” he said against her ear. His tongue tracing across her pulse, making her crazy for more. He seemed to know the right places to touch, and as she couldn’t fight him, she was putty in his hands.

  He was the one in complete control here, not her.

  The sounds of other people getting pleasure filled the room, and as she opened her eyes, she looked toward the screen, shocked by what she saw. So much sex. Such raw, unfiltered fucking.

  This wasn’t trained professional stars that knew what they were doing and had experienced so much sex.

  This was people who were being pai
d but also wanting what they were getting. The moans were real, not fake.

  The sight should scare her, but instead, with Jaxson holding her in place, it filled her with need, with arousal so strong it stopped all thought.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking right now,” he said.

  “I shouldn’t like this. I didn’t want to know this.”


  “Because now I want to know more.” She stared into his eyes, seeing the need looking right back at her. “And now I can’t forget it either.”

  “I’m happy for this to be a secret. For Dane to never know, or at least for now, for him to not know, but when you’re with me, I don’t want you to hide. You tell me the truth about what you want, what you desire, and I’ll do everything I can to give it to you.” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “Understand?”


  “Good.” He pressed his lips against her mouth. “I’ve got some work to do.”

  Chapter Five

  Sitting behind his desk, Jaxson watched Noelle as she tried to look everywhere but at the screens in front of her. He’d removed the jacket she’d been wearing, and the shirt she wore didn’t provide any protection for her rock-hard nipples.

  His woman was turned on as he knew she would be.

  Flipping through another candidate submission, he read the details and decided to let Dane break the bad news to the millionaire who’d applied. Putting that to one side, he sat back and looked at Noelle.

  She paced his office, stopped, looked at the screen, ran her fingers through her hair, and then started to pace again.

  “You ever thought about being fucked?” he asked.

  This made her stop as she turned to look at him. She opened her mouth, and he held his hand up.

  “I don’t want lies either, just the truth.”

  “I don’t lie.”

  “That’s clearly a lie. Okay, tell me, are you turned on? Yes or no?”


  “That was another lie.”

  “You don’t know if I’m turned on or not, so you can’t know if I’m lying.”

  Getting to his feet, he stepped up close to her, and she kept backing away until she was once again pressed against the wall.

  “I’m getting used to this. I wonder if you’ll ever push back.” He pressed his hand beside her head, and with his other, he stroked a curl of her hair. “You’re right. Women are lucky that they don’t have to worry about men knowing for sure if they’re aroused. Take an unexperienced man. He wouldn’t know that the flush on a woman’s chest is a sign that she’s aroused.” He stroked a finger across her chest. “Even her eyes, they dilate, and look at that, baby, yours are dilated. However…” He paused, glancing down at her chest. “It’s warm in here. Do you feel cold?”


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