Man Enough

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Man Enough Page 16

by Beth Burnett

“Well, Lynne has a job…”

  “And then she’s always wanting me to be something I’m not. Stop drinking so much, pay more attention to her all of the time.”

  “I don’t think those are unreasonable…”

  “And she has the nerve to make a joke of our sex life with you and Andy.”

  “It wasn’t a joke. It was never a joke. We were trying to help…”

  “We don’t need your help!” She blinks again, then stares up at me, weaving a bit. “Wow, you have some nice tits!”

  Danny stands up and puts himself between us. “Sarah, you need to leave.”

  She blinks up at him. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Davey’s boyfriend, and I think you should go.”

  Sarah moves to stand up, then falls back in the chair. “I think I need another beer.”

  “Shit. Danny, we can’t let her drive back to Ohio City in this condition.”

  “Fuck you,” Sarah slurs. “I can drive. I’m perfectly fine.” She tries to put her elbow on the arm of the chair and misses, slumping further down into the seat.

  Danny sighs. “I’ll drive her home.”

  “No, I don’t want you to have to deal with her.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, breeder,” Sarah mutters, half passed out. She slides further down in the chair and closes her eyes.

  Danny and I look at each and shrug. He grabs a stool and puts it under her feet. I think about taking her shoes off, then let it go. She should be grateful that I haven’t just tossed her out onto the sidewalk.

  Danny is staring at the ceiling. I touch his shoulder. “Hey, you all right?”

  He breathes out hard through his teeth. “If she was a man, I would have hit her. She had no right to talk to you like that.”

  I lean over and kiss his cheek. “My chivalrous hero.”

  He shakes his head. “I guess that’s the end of our evening.”

  I glare down at her for a minute, then turn back to him . “I have to work in the morning anyway.”

  He holds his hand out to me. “Let’s get ready for bed.”

  We take turns in the bathroom and get into bed. Danny puts his arms around me and cuddles in close. “Davey?”


  “You have a very dramatic life.”

  “I don’t, though. It all started when Lynne showed up on my doorstep.”

  He laughs. “And then your mom.”

  “And then the sex classes.”

  “And the naked women in your living room.”

  We both laugh as he pulls me in closer. “Danny, did you want to talk to me about something?”

  “Not now. We’ll have another chance.”

  I kiss his chin. “Sorry our night was ruined.”

  “It wasn’t ruined. I’m here with you.”


  “Yes, baby?”

  “I love you.”

  He gets completely still.

  “Danny, are you still breathing?”

  He looks down into my face. “Did you say you love me?”


  “Ah. Thank God.” He kisses me warmly on the mouth. “Davey, I love you, too.”

  “I know.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Get up and get the hell out of my house.” I’m kicking the side of the chair that holds a still passed out Sarah. “Hey! Hey! Get your ass out of my chair!” I start hitting her with a throw pillow.

  Danny walks out of the bathroom, dressed but with his hair still wet. It curls up a bit at the neck and around his ears when it’s wet. He looks so adorable, I’m distracted for a minute from my mission.

  “Hi,gorgeous.” I smile at him.

  “Hi, my love. I missed you when I woke up this morning.”

  “I figured I would let you sleep a few extra minutes while I got ready for work.”

  Sarah starts stirring and groaning. I turn around and hit her in the head with the pillow again.

  “Get up! Get up!” I’m beating her with the pillow. She throws her hands over her head.

  “All right, all right. Jesus Christ. I’m awake. Stop it.”

  “Get up right now and get out of my house. I have to go to work.”

  She lumbers unsteadily to her feet. Danny has moved in and it standing partly between us. Sarah squints at him. “Oh, it’s lover boy. Get out of my way, dick.”

  I nail her hard on the face with the pillow and she falls back down into the chair. Danny is laughing hysterically. “Do not ever call my man a dick!” I yell, enunciating every word. “Now get the fuck out of my house!”

  She finally full regains her feet. “I have to use your bathroom.”

  “No.” I grab her arm and propel her to the door. “You can pee in the parking lot for all I care!”

  I give her a shove out the door and slam it.

  I turn around to see Danny, perched on the arm of the couch, smiling. “I thought you were going to punch her for a second there.”

  “She had no right to talk to you like that. I don’t care if she’s a man-hater, she can’t bring that hate into my house.”

  “You’re protective of your man.”

  “You would be the same way if someone was talking shit about me.”

  I move in between his legs and curl my fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. “Besides, she ruined our night last night. She’s lucky I didn’t break her nose with that throw pillow.”

  He puts his arms around me and pulls me in close, burying his head against my breasts. “Nothing is ruined, my love. We have tonight.”

  “Not tonight.” I kiss the top of his head. “Tonight we have the get together at Frankie and Betty’s, then I have to go home so I can go with my mom to get her nipples pierced tomorrow morning.”

  “Ah, a healthy family activity!”

  I chuckle, pressing my face against the top of his head. “If you have time, you could pick me up at work and I can get ready at your place. That way I don’t have to go all the way home before coming back to your side of town.”

  “I would love it. Can I watch you get ready?”

  “Maybe, if you behave yourself until then.”

  “Oh, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “You always are.”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t harbor secret fantasies about ravaging you up against the wall.”

  He nestles his face in between my breasts and lightly kisses each one.



  “Take me to work.”


  I grab everything I need for the outing tonight while Danny gets his things together and retrieves the bag from the refrigerator. “Oh, what is that?”

  “You can look in the car. Let’s go.”

  He opens the door for me and kisses me before helping me in. “Danny?”


  “Don’t stop doing that, all right?”

  “Never in life.”

  “What are these?” I hold up what looks like an oatmeal cookie ball.

  “They’re oatmeal bites. Oatmeal, nuts, flaxseed, so on. They’re very good for you. Try it.”

  I cautiously take a bite. “Oh, it is good. Did you make these?”

  “Yes, I remember you saying that you’re bad about breakfast. These are easy. You can take them in the car and eat them while you’re driving.”

  “Danny, thank you.”

  He looks at me and takes my hand. “I want to take care of you.”

  I smile, looking down our joined hands. “Are you sure you won’t feel uncomfortable hanging out at a gay bar with a bunch of gay people?”

  He laughs. “The only person whose sexuality matters to me is yours. And that’s only because I want you to want me. Other than that, it doesn’t matter.”

  I sigh. “I wish more people felt like that. Honestly, why does a person’s love life matter to anyone else in the world?”

  “People are afraid of what they don’t understand

  “I guess.”


  I look at his face. “Yes?”

  “Last night, you told me you love me.”

  “Strangely, I remember that.”

  He smiles. “Just making sure the cold light of day didn’t make you change your mind.”

  I pretend to mull it over. “While it’s true that you’re looking a little rough this morning…”

  “Rough? Don’t make me pull over this car and show you rough!”

  “Oh! I love it when you get aggressive with me,” I say, laughing.

  “You’re going to get a spanking in a minute,” he warns.


  “Yes, my love?”

  “If you’re wondering if I meant it when I said I love you, then yes. I love you. I do love you.”

  He smiles as he lifts my hand to his mouth and presses it to his lips. “I think I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  We pull up in front of the office and he kisses me long and deep. I twine my fingers into his hair, not wanting to let him go. “Danny,” I whisper.

  “Davey,” he breathes against my mouth.

  “Can I sleep over on Sunday night?”

  “Yes. Please. You’re off on Monday, right?”


  “We’ll have all night. And all day.” He continues kissing my lips between words.


  “I need you.”


  “I love you, Davey.”

  I’m startled by a rap on the window. “Hey, no making out in public!” Steve and Erik are on the sidewalk. Danny shakes his head. “Hang on.” He jumps out of the car and walks over to open my door and give me a hand out.

  Steve sighs. “A gentleman. Erik, remember when you used to do that for me?”

  Erik gives him a pointed look. “I still do that.”

  “Hmmph. Not all of the time. And not when we’re getting out.”

  I kiss Danny quickly on the mouth. “This argument could go on for years.”

  “See you all tonight,” Danny calls as he gets back in the car.

  “Bye, gorgeous!” Steve winks at him.

  Danny laughs and shakes his head. “See you tonight, Davey.”

  He drives off as I turn on Steve and Erik. “Thank you. Thank you so much for interrupting! That was so pleasant.”

  “Girl, you were getting way too hot and heavy for this hour of the morning.”

  Erik sighs. “Did you see the way he looked at her when he left? Young love. It’s such a beautiful thing.”

  I turn my back on them and walk into the office.

  “Oh come on, Davey,” Erik is saying as he walks into our office. “Don’t be so sensitive.”

  “I’m not being sensitive. I just happened to be having a really incredible make out session before work and you bitches ruined it.”

  “Aw, poor baby,” Steve whines in a show a fake sympathy.

  I glare at him as I turn on my computer. “Unlike you old married people around here, I like to make out with my boyfriend in the car.”

  Steve raises his eyebrows. “Oh? Are we calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend now?”

  “Um, yeah. Last night when Sarah showed up at my place, she made a rude comment to me and Danny defended me. Then he introduced himself to her as my boyfriend.”

  “Sarah showed up at your house last night?” Erik is shocked.

  “I know! She was completely trashed and looking for Lynne!”

  “No way! Were you and Danny getting it on?”

  “No, but Lynne and Leah had agreed to spend the night out of the apartment so he and I could have the whole night together in my bed. Then Sarah showed up and ruined it!”

  “That bitch!” Steve yelled.

  I laugh. “It didn’t end up getting ruined. We cuddled the whole night. And I told him I love him.”

  Steve pretends to wipe tears from his eyes. “I knew from the beginning that it was meant to be.”

  “No you didn’t! You thought Danny was gay!”

  “I never thought that after I met him.”

  “Good point.”

  I send an email to Lynne outlining the evening with Sarah last night, then send her a text telling her to check her email. Then I call my mom.

  Hi, sweetheart.”

  “Leah, how was the sex class?”

  “Darling, it was amazing. I’ll tell you all about it tonight!”

  “Can’t wait.”

  “Should I come get you?”

  “No, but you can take my car if you want. I figured I would ride home with you and we can go to the piercer in the morning.”

  “Are you getting pierced too, darling?”

  “Um, no. But I will go for moral support.”

  “You’re a great daughter.”

  “I have my moments.”

  “How was your date last night?”

  “Are you at home?”


  “Is Lynne there?”

  “Yep, she’s on her laptop.”

  “Then ask her about my date last night.”

  “All right, see you tonight, sweetie.”

  “Love you, Leah.”

  “You too, darling.”

  I pass the morning sending emails and processing donations. Steve and Erik have ticket sales rolling in at this point. It looks like the benefit is going to be sold out. I send off a quick email to Andy reminding her to buy a ticket if she wants to come.

  At lunch, Steve and Erik go off to Polly’s and I ask them to bring me a salad. I put my feet on the desk and pick up the phone.

  “Hey, Danny.”

  “Davey. I miss you already.”

  “You haven’t had time to miss me.”

  “I miss you when you leave the room for five minutes,” he says, laughing.

  “You can miss me tonight when you are sleeping alone in your bed and I am back in my big, beautiful bed, sleeping peacefully with Leah snoring beside me.”

  “Poor love. It’s a hard life.”

  “It is!”

  “It’s a comfortable bed, though.”

  “It’s a great sleeping bed.”

  “Is it great for anything else?”

  “I wouldn’t know. Apparently, I am destined to do nothing but sleep in that bed for the rest of my life.”

  “Oh, that will probably change at some point.”

  “Your bed is pretty comfortable.”

  He chuckles softly. “For more than just sleeping.”

  “I know. I’m looking forward to finding out how much more tomorrow night.”

  “Can I come get you now?”

  “I’ll see you at five.”

  “All right. Bye, Davey.”


  I stare at the wall for a few minutes, thinking about tomorrow night. Danny and I will be completely alone. I’m pretty sure we’re going to have sex. I mean, I’m pretty sure it would have happened last night if not for stupid Sarah and her stupid bullshit. Maybe I should just move out of my apartment and let Leah and Lynne have it. I pop another oatmeal ball into my mouth. I love a breakfast that lasts through lunch. I could go fully vegan if everything tasted as good as these. I’m starting to get nervous about tonight. I know Danny says he is perfectly fine with hanging around all of my gay friends, but I don’t want him to be uncomfortable. More than that, I don’t want to be irritated with him if he is uncomfortable.

  I spend the rest of the lunch hour fretting about Danny, about sex, and about whether or not we’ve moved too fast.

  Steve and Erik come back from lunch talking happily, holding hands, and smiling at each other.

  “Guys? How long did you know each other before you knew you were in love?”

  Steve sits down on his desk, facing me. “I think I knew it the first time I talked to Erik. I don’t even remember exactly what he said, but I remember his smile, and the way I could read his emotions in his eyes. I just knew I was in love, or that I was go
ing to fall in love right away.”

  “That’s sweet! Erik, what about you?”

  He sits in his chair and puts his feet on his desk. “It took me a little longer. He asked me out and I said no.”

  “What? How come?”

  “Well, I was dating someone else at the time.”


  Steve clears his throat. “To be fair, I didn’t realize he was in a relationship, and I didn’t ask him out again until they had already broken up.”

  “Fair enough. So, Erik, you and your boyfriend broke up and then Steve asked you out?”

  He nods. “The ex and I were a temporary thing anyway. We had only been together a couple of weeks. When I met Steve, I thought he was really sweet and genuine, but I don’t think it was love at first sight. But after he asked me out, I started thinking about it. We had talked, we knew we had a lot in common, just from the short time we had spent together. I think I went home, looked at the guy I was doing and thought about where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.”


  “Yeah. I guess I was getting to that age when you start thinking more about love and less about the toy of the moment.”

  “So, you went out your first date?”

  “Yep, and I told you what happened in the car on the way to our first date!”

  We all laugh. “Gay men are sex maniacs,” I say.

  “Not even! We were just really attracted to each other.”

  “Besides,” Steve adds, “I’m pretty sure you would have done old Blue Eyes on the first date if the opportunity had presented itself.”

  “Pretty sure you’re right.” I look back at Erik. “So, Erik. Stop avoiding the question. When did you know you were in love?”

  He thinks for a minute. “I think I knew it on our third date. We went to an art gallery. There was a couple walking around behind us and every time the woman said something about a piece of art, the guy berated her and told her she obviously didn’t understand anything about art. Steve finally got pissed off and turned around to tell the woman that she deserved better than the prick she was with. He basically went off on the guy about what a dick he was, and that Steve, as a gay man, knew more about how to treat a woman than that guy did.”

  “Nice. What happened?”

  “Nothing. The guy took off, the woman thanked Steve and went after the guy. Typical.”

  “But that was when you knew you were in love with him?”

  “Right after. He turned to me, touched my face and told me that he would never berate me for any opinion, big or small. Then he kissed me. I knew it then. I told him then.”


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