Dragon Craving: Emerald Dragons Book 3

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Dragon Craving: Emerald Dragons Book 3 Page 10

by Amelia Jade

  “Did you enjoy that?” he whispered into her ear as she slumped against him, needing a few seconds to recover.

  She nodded, unable to speak.

  A hand slid up to her neck, wrapping around it but not squeezing. Cheryl’s eyes flew open. She’d never had that happen to her before, but just feeling him there, in complete control of her was suddenly an instant turn-on.

  “I asked you a question,” he growled demandingly, fingers tightening just a fraction when she didn’t respond.

  “Yes, sir,” she responded, recognizing he was searching for submission on her part.

  Submission she definitely wanted to give.

  “Good.” His words were like a purr. “Are you ready for more?”

  “More?” she gasped. Her body hadn’t even recovered from the first.

  That didn’t stop his palm from gliding up and over her pubic bone and back down, warming her to his touch once more.

  Without warning Rowe stood, depositing her on her feet. She was helpless as he spun her around to face away from him. His hands released her, and she heard the sound of his belt coming undone. What was he doing?

  A moment later his hands returned, crossing her arms behind her back. She jerked as he quickly tied the belt around them, holding them secure. She was now completely helpless, the action pulling her elbows together, serving to stick her tits out even more.

  Rowe pushed her forward until her chest and face rested against the wall. At some point he’d removed his pants, because she could feel his nakedness against her, the height difference meaning his cock was pressed into her lower back.

  He pulled the last of the clothing from her body, leaving her naked, facing away from him. Flesh touched her once more, and a hand slid up her stomach, pausing to fondle her before continuing to her neck. Cheryl shivered, completely under his control. She was both scared and soaking wet, craving him inside her, to feel him take her completely.

  Fingers ran across her stomach and then down between her legs. Her knees wobbled as he found her clit, the fingers squeezing around her neck tighter at the same time.

  “If it’s too much, tap me with your foot. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, then added, “Yes, sir,” before he could do anything. What might be too much she wasn’t sure just yet, and that left her a little nervous. Cheryl trusted Rowe, however, and so far he’d not done a thing to lose that.

  A finger found her clit, moving in circles. At the same time his grip on her neck tightened. Oh. She moaned softly, thrusting her ass back against him, feeling his cock, trying to grind against it.

  The closer she got to coming, the tighter he gripped. By the time she was at the edge, it was becoming harder to breathe. It was a new sensation for her, but in Rowe’s capable hands she never flinched.

  All at once her body started to shudder, and didn’t stop. It only got more violent, more pronounced as she neared the edge. Rowe held her firm, even as her knees went numb and almost gave out on her. He held her there by dint of pressing her firmly to the wall with his own body.

  “ROWE!” she screamed as he all but forced the orgasm from her body, using the last bit of her breath. Vision dimmed, darkness closed in around her periphery, and Cheryl thought she was going to black out.

  He kept touching her, and without warning she came again. Wetness dripped down the insides of legs that no longer worked. The instant she sagged Rowe stopped what he was doing, releasing her neck. Strong arms lifted her from the floor and laid her on the bed, somehow managing to release his belt as well.

  Cheryl crashed into the sheets without a care, gasping for breath as much from Rowe’s actions as her own body being overwhelmed. “That was intense,” was the first thing she said.

  “You didn’t stop me.”

  “I didn’t want to,” she admitted as her breath returned. “That was new, but hot. Very, very hot.”

  He grinned and rolled deftly on top of her. “Good. I think that’s enough of that sort for today. We can explore just how far you want to go another time. For now…” he looked between his legs.

  Cheryl studied his face, biting her lip as she felt his cock between her legs. “Can you pin my arms down? I really liked that part,” she admitted sheepishly, embarrassed.

  “There’s nothing to be ashamed about,” he said, leaning in to kiss her slowly, helping to calm her. “It’s a perfectly natural thing to want to be dominated, to feel a little helpless. I’m sure many of your friends are into it too, they’re just embarrassed like you, so they don’t talk about it.”

  “Maybe. But it’s still new to me.”

  He grinned and took her hands in one of his monstrous paws, pushing them down into the pillows over her head. “Like this?”

  “That works, yup,” she said, feeling her body react.

  Rowe used his other hand to grasp the shaft of his cock, sliding it slowly against her opening, working himself inside bit by bit. She gasped and thrust her hips against him with every inch.

  Then suddenly he was fully inside her, their bodies pressed together. Soft against hard. Small and large. Like two opposite pieces they fit together perfectly. Cheryl marveled at how it seemed like they could understand each other without speaking. If she wanted to change speeds or positions, Rowe picked up on it nearly immediately.

  Her body was pounded by orgasms. Three. Four. Five. Her brain couldn’t keep track between that and the thrusting of his cock as he took her in every position she knew, and several she’d never thought possible with her body. But Rowe’s long, thick cock and his insane strength made absolutely anything possible she found out.

  She watched as his face tightened, wondering if he was finally nearing the end. Her brain told her that they’d been at it for hours, though she knew that couldn’t be true. Shoving a hand between her legs, Rowe’s thumb threatened to make her come yet again. This time he was standing on the floor while she lay on her back at the edge of the bed. It gave Cheryl the most glorious view of his body as it worked, muscles covered in glistening sweat.

  “Only do that if you’re going to join me this time,” she said, resting a hand on top of his. “That’s the last one I have in me for now.”

  He nodded. “Together then.”

  “Together.” Like they were.

  She watched with interest as Rowe’s chest grew taut. Bit by bit it traveled down, leaving his muscles in stark relief to the rest of his body. Her moans turned to cries, matching him as her name tore from his throat with a thundering roar as they came together.

  Cheryl forced her eyes to stay open, basking in the sight of him. His mouth was open, face scrunched up as he came deep inside her. The heat blasted through her, letting loose one final climax that sucked her dry of energy, leaving her nothing but a limp, panting mess on the side of the bed.

  Rowe groaned and fell on top of her, his gigantic lungs lifting and falling as he recovered. She rested her hands on his back, gently dragging her nails across his skin. She enjoyed the feeling of closeness to him, the intimacy of having him still inside her as they lay together, both exhausted from their lovemaking.

  “Hindsight is a bitch,” she muttered when speaking was finally a thing she could manage.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’ve been holding out for a week when I could have been getting laid like that every night. What is wrong with me!”

  They shared a laugh. Cheryl didn’t truly regret it. Not on any more than a physical level. Even now, although she had crossed a barrier with him, she was still wary. Maintaining a working relationship and a personal one would be a challenge, especially in public around the laborers. She would have to set some ground rules for that.

  For right now though, she intended to enjoy the fruits of this, and hope that she hadn’t made a gigantic mistake by giving him her body.

  Then again, could it really be a mistake based on the sex they’d just had? It wasn’t like she wasn’t satisfied. One-night stands weren’t her thing, but if that’s
what ended up happening with Rowe, well, the sex certainly wasn’t disappointing.

  “It’s all right,” Rowe whispered, picking her up and moving her back onto the bed so he could lie next to her more comfortably. “We have all night to make up for it.”

  She went still. “All night? What do you….oh. I see.”

  Rowe’s fingers were already dragging across her chest, and she could feel him starting to harden once more beside her.

  “Well, if you insist,” she giggled. “But this time I get to be on top.”

  Rowe didn’t argue, he just reached over and casually lifted her on top of him.

  It was going to be a long night, but at least the only hard thing about it was going to be Rowe.

  Chapter Seventeen


  He looked down at Cheryl, tempted to lean over and give her a kiss.

  Fighting down the sensation, he reminded himself of how hard it had been to simply slip out from under her arm and exit the bed. Twice she’d woken up and mumbled something in her sleep. Cheryl was a light sleeper, and it made his midnight washroom an absolute pain in the ass. Both times she’d not fully woken up, but he’d frozen, not wanting to disturb her any further. She was just too cute when she was asleep.

  Once outside the room—not an easy feat in itself with the squeaky floorboards—he moved easier, headed toward his own washroom to have a quick shower. In the morning he’d be fresh and clean, and ready for her to explore. Rowe hoped she wouldn’t mind being woken up an hour early.

  Yawning, he passed by a bank of windows, uncaring about his nudity. The lights were off. There was no way the dog out there could see him. He took another three steps before his sex- and sleep-befuddled brain kicked in.

  There were no dogs on the farm, and certainly none that should be out late at night. Hurrying back to the window, suddenly conscious of his nudity, he peered out into the darkness. Whatever he’d seen had disappeared into the shadows, obscured from his view.

  Calling to his dragon, he let his vision slip into the infrared. There! A red shape moved across the open yard on all fours. A wolf, judging by the size. They had come right up to the property now. Arrogant little fucks. He’d hoped by beating up the twins, whom he figured to be the two wolf shifters that had left the graffiti, that maybe they’d tone down their actions.

  Turns out they were just ramping it up. Snarling furiously he stalked downstairs, flinging open the door, uncaring of his own nudity. He did manage to catch the door at the last second so it didn’t bang around and make noise.

  “You!” he hissed, jumping down the steps.

  The creature was a wolf, he could see that now for certain. Its head came up and yellow eyes glowed brightly in the dark. A paw scraped at the ground, pulling at the frozen earth in a silent challenge to him. A wolf shifter; there was no doubt in his mind that the beast wasn’t natural. None of them had been, just like the men he’d encountered in the forest that afternoon hadn’t been human. They’d been shifters.

  The burning question was who the hell were they, and what did they want with the farm. He’d talked to Palin at the time. There had been no names on Rusty’s will, no listed next of kin. There had been absolutely nobody. That’s why the transfer of ownership had been able to happen so swiftly. With nobody in the way, the bank simply auctioned it off to the highest bidder. Palin. So who the hell were these people?

  “You don’t want to do that,” he snapped, pointing a finger as the wolf prepared to charge. “Truly, you’re going to find out in a very painful manner that coming at me is a bad idea.”

  The wolf ran at him.

  “I gave you fair warning, mutt. But in this form or the other, it wouldn’t make a difference.” He glanced down, remembering his nudity. “Yeah, even butt-ass naked I’m gonna give you an ass-kicking. I’ll bet your friends would love to know that.”

  The wolf ignored him and leapt right at his throat. Young and untrained then. Either that or this wasn’t one of the wolves from earlier. It must not realize that he was superior. After all, in his haste and nudity he was walking a little awkwardly, perhaps helping to conceal his true nature. Oh well, not his fault.

  Rowe turned slightly to the side, just to better brace himself, and stuck one hand out straight. The leaping wolf tried to avoid it at the last second, but it was too late. The dragon’s hand tightened and the wolf came to a very rough and abrupt halt in midair. It let out a soft yelp, but was too dazed to do much more than that.

  “I warned you,” he said, letting his boredom show. Then he shook it like a ragdoll and tossed it to the side.

  The wolf bounced several times and lay still, its flank rising and falling slowly.

  Now to get some answers.

  He stalked over to the beast as it sat up, shaking its head slightly.

  “Oh no you don’t,” he said, lunging for it as the slate-gray animal got up.

  The wolf was faster than he’d expected, and it slipped from his outstretched hand, leaving him with nothing but a handful of fur. Rowe recovered his balance and gave chase. The wolf was fast, but his legs propelled him in great leaping bounds that closed the distance. He was not about to lose this race again.

  They raced across the fields, heading north, to exactly no surprise at all. Whatever they had in the way of shelter was clearly up that way. There was no further point in hiding that. If the wolf could make it to the forest though, its speed would allow it to lose Rowe among the trees. He couldn’t run the same way with trunks blocking his path and branches overhead.

  Thus he had to prevent the creature from getting there at all costs. Things were coming to a head, and while Rowe wanted answers, he would be just as happy to start eliminating the mysterious shifters as well. One less of them was one less danger to Cheryl, and that was all he cared about.

  When it became clear he wasn’t going to catch the wolf, Rowe employed a different tactic, something he’d yet to reveal to any of the shifters who may have been watching him or the property.

  With a wave of his arm a thick wall of green rose up from the ground in front of the wolf, directly between it and the awaiting safety of the forest. Let’s see you run through that, he snarled mentally as the creature came to a halt, flanks heaving. It padded up to the impenetrable mist, but quickly backed away as it realized its corrosive nature. Turning, it faced Rowe, the only sound heavy breathing.

  He eyed the beast, tongue lolling out to the side, trying to help keep it cool. Saliva dripped to the ground, sizzling softly against the frost that had formed over the top everything. Yellow eyes stared at him. Resigned. Waiting.

  “Who the hell are you?” he asked, stepping forward.

  The wolf just stood there, unmoving.

  “What do you want?’

  A flicker of doubt passed through Rowe. Had he gotten it all wrong? Was the creature not actually a shifter? No, of course it was. No natural wolf would have stopped so instantly at the appearance of his gas wall, nor would it just be waiting for him like this one. It was cold. Calculating. It had something planned.

  Crouching, he also waited. The running in the nude had put some serious strain between his legs, and the tingling pain that was pulsing out from his dick was far from pleasant. Thank the gods for dragon healing powers. He would not want to deal with that for a long period of time. Dick strain. Seriously. Next time he was putting on underwear at a minimum. This was ridiculous.

  Something must have alerted the wolf to his flagging attention, because while he was complaining to himself about the pain in his junk, it bolted to his left.

  Roaring in anger, he went back after it, calling upon his dragon powers to create a wall of ultra-corrosive gas between it and the forest. It didn’t matter though. The wolf wasn’t going for the forest. That’s what caught him so flat-footed. It ran right past him, headed back toward the ranch and farm buildings.

  Still, Rowe was a trained warrior and he shoved his surprise aside, racing after the creature, intent on catching it this time. No
more games, no more playing polite.

  Concentrating on his left hand—his right thoroughly occupied with holding something else still—Rowe focused his powers there, building the pressure for a few moments. Then he lobbed the ball of dark green swirling mist into the path of the wolf. It exploded, forcing the creature to dodge wildly to the left.

  They repeated this game over and over again, the constant dodging allowing Rowe to close the distance. Finally he was right on top of the beast. Reaching out, he flicked a line of gas across its hind legs. The wolf shrieked in pain at the top of its lungs and lost its footing, tumbling sideways end over end until it came to a stop in a heap.

  Rowe was on it instantly, hooking an arm around its neck. “Change, you mongrel,” he roared, wrenching its head back painfully.

  In seconds he was holding onto a lanky youth who was grimacing in pain from the lacerations to his back leg.

  “Better. Now I’m going to release you, but if you try to leave I’ll not hesitate to end your life before you get more than ten feet. Understand?”

  The shifter nodded sullenly. Rowe got to his feet.

  “What the fuck?!”

  He spun at the sound of a voice. Cheryl stood at the top of the steps leading in to the ranch house, arms crossed, clad in nothing more than her robe.

  There was a noise behind him. The shifter was leaving. In wolf form.

  “He just did it again!” Cheryl shouted. “He changed into a wolf. Rowe, what the fuck is going on?”

  Angry at himself for not realizing they’d ended up smack in the middle of the ranch grounds, he walked toward the house.

  “You’re naked,” she observed mildly. “Little cold for mud wrestling, don’t you think?”

  He stopped dead, trying to figure out if she was joking or trying to hang onto her sanity.

  “Did I just see what I think I saw?” she asked quietly as they stood staring back and forth at one another.

  “Yes.” There was no point in lying, or in trying to keep things secret anymore. Cheryl had just seen it happen not once, but twice. There was physical evidence on the ground if she went out and looked at the tracks. Nothing Rowe could do would ever convince her that she’d been seeing things.


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