Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  “Yes I know, that's for another day though, when we get home...for now...I'm going for a nap.” she muttered – already slipping into sleep.

  Zach got up and dressed and went downstairs and was surprised that it was so quiet. On entering the kitchen Duncan was there with Margaret and Xander but nobody else. Where had everyone gone?

  “Come away in laddie, have a whisky wae me.” Duncan rumbled and Zach sat down in the chair next to him. A smile on his face at the use of 'laddie', his friend used it all the time and the irony that he was much, much, older than the Wolf never escaped him.

  “So where is everyone?” Zach asked and as Duncan was pouring Margaret spoke.

  “Well all the girls have been placed with other members of the Pack and I must say I'm very glad that that Angel stepped in – none of them remember anything bad happening to them after being taken...Thank God! Now your lot, Vlad is asleep on the couch in the lounge – mainly because James and Simeon have gone back to the bungalow with their mates!” Margaret finished with a raised eyebrow and a large smile.

  Zach could just guess what they were getting up to. Well, him and Alexina had only just finished doing the same. “Did the twins leave?” he asked and Duncan nodded as he handed Zach a glass with a good lot of whisky in it.

  “Aye – they left almost straight away, both seemed a bit sheepish tae me?” Duncan was looking at Zach with a questioning look.

  “Ah Duncan...Alexina and I have a problem.” he said slowly.

  The large Alpha settled back in his chair, “Well ma boy – oot wae it – see if I can help.”

  Zach wondered if he should talk about it – but as Vlad, James and Simeon had been in the room when it came about he realised there was no need for secrecy. After taking a large sip of his single malt he looked up at Duncan.

  “Well it looks like Lexi and Michael – well - … uhm.” and Zach didn't know how to phrase it.

  Margaret piped up - “Oh those two – they are so obviously in love! Tho I'm not sure if that's allowed?” she finished wiping down the table and, raising her head, looked at Zach.

  “Obvious?” Zach asked.

  Margaret smiled, “Well yes Zach – have you only just noticed? I knew as soon as I saw him and her in the same room! She had obviously done something she wasn't supposed to but he was trying hard to be angry with her – and failing miserably. Don't tell me you didn't see that?” Margaret finished and picked up some toys that Xander had left lying about, she didn't want people tripping over them.

  He looked back at Duncan, “Well that's about the upshot of it – he arrived when we were in the house and it was VERY clear how they felt about one another. We don't know how far it's gone and we have no idea if it's even okay for an Angel to love our daughter! I kinda lost it and started shouting ...” and Duncan's laughter stopped him dead.

  “Ah laddie...yer daughter and an Angel...noo that's a bugger! Ye cannae jest threaten tae beat the crap oot oh him if he hurts her, noo can ye?” and Duncan chuckled some more.

  Zach nodded - “Indeed!”

  “So whit are ye gonna dae?” Duncan asked and Zach slumped over the table, taking his head in his hands.

  “That, my friend is the I have no answer for right now.” Zach whispered.

  Duncan leaned over and filled Zach's glass with more whisky, a lot more whisky, and Zach was grateful.

  Chapter 11

  As soon as James and Lisa entered their bedroom Lisa's demeanour changed and at the sight James became hard, as he always did at the change in his Wolf.

  They had came a long way in the past few years and he was amazed at how Lisa had taken to his penchant in the bedroom department. For a very long time James had been a Dominant and had dallied with many subs in various elite clubs. He sometimes had one for a few weeks but never anything permanent.

  When he and Lisa had first mated he had explained some things to her and when she was open to them he got her books on the subject which she read – more than once. Then she researched lots more. Once she had what she deemed enough information they sat down – on either corner of their sofa with paper and pens.

  James wrote down two lists – one of things he would like to do and one of things he would definitely not do. He felt strongly on some of the things done in the 'scene' and would not humiliate or abuse anyone. Most everything else was fair game to him. However, he had to know Lisa's limits – and things that were an absolute NO, so that he could treat her with the love and respect she deserved.

  Lisa sat writing lists too, one of things that were okay, one of things that she wasn't sure of and one that, to her, were a NO.

  When they then swapped lists and started going through it James was amazed at his mate's trust in him. They both agreed on the humiliation – neither wanted that. Lisa also didn't want it to be carried on outside the bedroom – and James was fine with that, up to a point.

  Lisa didn't want the ball gags that were commonly used and James said fine, but asked if she was okay with say a neck tie as a gag – to which she agreed. Both agreed that the extremes were not for them – cutting with blades for instance.

  Soon they had a good idea of what was allowed and what wasn't and James took great care and pride in his role. Always wanting to please his mate as she at the same time pleased him.

  Most Doms had a name for during play – something like Sir or Master – James had never really bothered with that, however, more and more Lisa would address him as 'My Alpha' and when she did it never failed to get a response from him. If he was not already hard when she said it he would become so immediately. If he was already hard – it would twitch in reaction to her calling him that.

  They had a rocky start when Lisa had wanted a job and James was very resistant – in his role as her mate and Dom in his eyes he should provide for her. They had argued and Lisa had cried – then James came up with a compromise. Lisa had started to join him on his flying missions. He taught her to fly the jet and they were inseparable. Now it was rare indeed to see one without the other.

  At this moment Lisa was naked on the floor – presenting herself to her mate and the sight was so erotic and beautiful that James once more marvelled at his luck in finding this Wolf. His love for her was immense and hers for him was obvious every single time they were alone.

  The way in which she would become submissive and obey any of his commands – shit, she was just perfect.

  James walked around Lisa, her head bowed, and sighed deeply before taking in a large breath. Lisa shivered...knowing he was scenting her.

  “I can smell your arousal my Wolf, though you'll have to wait – just a little. Stay there, don't move – I'll be back soon.” and James walked in to have a quick shower.

  Lisa nearly moaned, then caught herself, James hadn't said she could make a sound. She stayed in place – not moving a muscle and waited on her Alpha.

  James was back quickly and he walked all around again – taking in every minute detail – and seeing that she hadn't moved, not a centimetre. A smile played on his lips and he moved to stand in front – he placed a hand on Lisa's head which meant she could move her head upwards.

  As her eyes met his he could see she wanted to say something, “What?” he asked.

  Lisa mumbled, “Uhm – I'm all sweaty may I have a shower first my Alpha.” and James twitched, underneath his towel.

  “Although I understand your request I'm going to say no my Wolf. I want to smell you – all of you...your sweat, your arousal...I don't want you showering, not just yet.” James spoke in that voice he used solely with his mate at these times.

  The effect of his voice on Lisa was strong – it always affected her and she had no idea whatsoever as to why.

  She nodded her head slightly to show she had heard him and he continued to walk around – looking, letting a hand caress her shoulder as he passed, lifting a strand of hair – and then he was back in front.

  With a slight movement of his hand his towel was on the floor.
He stepped closer – placing a hand on the back of her head and she opened her mouth, knowing what he wanted.

  James held her head more firmly now and started to enter her mouth, she wasn't giving him what is so commonly known as a blow job – no – her mouth was wide and James was using her mouth. Basically he was fucking her mouth – or more importantly her throat. She had learned quickly what he wanted with simple signs from him – no talking as he presented to her meant he wanted what she was now giving him.

  She kept her eyes on his face and the pleasure that she saw there turned her on – she was becoming more and more moist. His hardness going all the way over the back of her throat every single time he entered her mouth. The sighs of pleasure he was making upped her arousal even more.

  James continued on, going faster, thrusts getting harder, until finally he came down her throat. Grasping hard to her hair and holding her in place.

  As he pulled out he moaned,”Oh my Lisa – you make me feel so fucking turned on – you are so good at that my Wolf.” and Lisa smiled, whenever she pleased him she got a shot of adrenaline course through her system and it never failed to amaze her.

  “Stand up.” he said, his voice low, commanding, and Lisa hurried to get to her feet. She stood in front but placed her arms behind her back, holding them tightly together which pushed her chest out. Her legs apart in a wide stance. Her breaths getting quicker.

  James ran his hand down the front of her body and moved round, circling her once more. His hand never leaving her body and where it touched little jolts of pleasure hit her.

  On his second circuit James moved up tight behind her, his arms coming round to cup her breasts. Lisa jumped, just a tiny bit, “Now now – no moving.” he breathed into her ear and her skin started to tingle.

  James stayed like that for a few minutes, rubbing her breasts and tweaking her erect nipples. The feel of his hands on her so exquisite she almost leaned back into him.

  “We don't have any of our things with us so I'll have to be a little inventive.” and then one of James' tshirts was placed over her eyes – he had rolled it up and tied it in place at the back.

  James gently moved Lisa towards the base of the bed caressing her skin as he did so. Lisa was facing towards the bed as James whispered - “Place your left leg on the bed – yes that's right.” Lisa had lifted her leg and placed her foot on top of the bed. She felt a little off balance but James' hand was at her right elbow keeping her upright.

  “Now bend over and place your hands around the middle of your calf and clasp them together.”

  Lisa did as instructed and felt her balance come back even if the position wasn't the most comfortable!

  “That's a good girl – now stay still.” James moved up behind her, closer, closer, and then she felt him near her entrance. She stayed still even tho she wanted to push back onto him.

  “Yes Lisa, that's so good, you didn't move – good baby.” James' voice was now so low Lisa had to strain to hear it.

  James placed one arm around her waist and pushed into her, softly. Lisa began a moan before biting her lip to stop it escaping.

  “You may make noise now Lisa.” James told her and the moan now escaped fully from her throat. The position was one they had only done a few times – but the strange position was one that brought great pleasure, for both of them.

  “You may not move, not an inch.” and James started to enter her more forcefully now. Lisa fought not to join in the tempo, if James said to stay still she would stay still, focusing on the sensations he was giving her.

  She always marvelled at how he would do things with her – instructing her fully – and when he said not to move, it took away any control she had. She could only concentrate on what he was doing to her and it always made it special. He worked very hard to make sure whatever he did gave her pleasure just as much as he got. In fact more so, he would make it so that she got more pleasure than him almost every time.

  Lisa felt him go inside deep, but this position meant he was entering at an angle that hit somewhere she had known nothing about until James. He had taken great pleasure in finding and using her G-spot – time and again. This position was one that hit it bang in the centre and the small explosions coming from that area at this moment were indescribable.

  Lisa was gasping and she heard James laugh – he always loved her reactions and revelled in them. He loved giving his mate pleasure, again and again.

  James continued and then all of the small explosions in Lisa merged – a huge one going off inside her and she screamed “My Alpha!” loudly.

  The words coming from her in a scream of ecstasy took James over and he spilled his seed deep inside her.

  It took several moments for Lisa to realise that James had moved her leg from the bed and back onto the floor. She had a slight cramp in her thigh from the odd position but James was already rubbing it, easing the pain.

  “Now my Wolf – shower – I want to wash you.” and James led a still woozy Lisa to the shower.

  She stood still under the warm water as her mate cleansed her and she soaked up his soft touch.

  Her mind wandered and she thought to what James had taught her. Taking her up to and past limits she thought she had. She found out she particularly liked when she was bound and completely immobile. James taking his time to pleasure her time and again. Only taking his own pleasure once he had given her several orgasms.

  When she had asked him about this he had looked straight into her eyes - “That's my job Lisa. As your Dominant my main job is to pleasure you and keep you safe. At all times I try to make sure I do that job and do it well.” he said this matter of factly – and she had kissed him deeply.

  “Your mind is floating my Wolf.” James' voice breaking into Lisa's thoughts.

  “Yes my Alpha – I'm just thinking for the millionth time how lucky I am to have found you.” she spoke quietly and respectfully, looking up through her lashes.

  James pulled her into his body, cradling her tightly in his arms. “No Lisa it is I who should be thankful – you are my Queen little Wolf.” and he nuzzled her neck, his fangs coming down and piercing her skin.

  “Ooohh!” she gasped as his Vampire's bite raised her immediately to another climax. She held on tightly – her legs having gone weak.

  After a minute or so James pulled away, “I've got you baby.” he said and picked her up and carried her over to their bed.

  Lisa fell into a deep sleep, with her Alpha at her side.

  Chapter 12

  Simeon had taken Samantha to their room, their ensuite had a bath and a shower. She watched as he filled the bath full and put in a lot of that bubble stuff that females liked so much.

  The bath was now ready and he undressed her slowly and carried her and placed her slowly into the warm water. She gasped – any cleaning at the camp was done in animal form in the stream or in luke warm water in large tin baths. Never had she lain in such warmth with bubbles all around.

  She blew a breath out her mouth and smiled when the bubbles moved and popped. Simeon was kneeling at the side of the bath and had a soft sponge in his huge hands, he was trying not to laugh at her first bubble bath.

  “It's so hot!” Sam spoke in awe.

  “Yes baths usually are little princess.” They both realised that she was in for quite a culture shock, having to leave the basic camp she had been brought up in.

  “So how is the water hot?” she asked and Simeon smirked, wondering how to tell her about gas and electricity?

  “Well there's stuff called gas and's power...which does many things, one of which is heating water. That's why there are two taps, one is for hot water and one is for cold. The hot is red – so be careful if you turn it on as the water can be very hot. I don't want you getting burned Samantha.” Simeon emphasised the last part and she nodded her head.

  “Okay, so what makes the lights work? Is that gas?” she asked with a scrunched up face.

  She watched as Si
meon smiled wider, “No, that's electricity – electricity powers all sorts of things. Lights, fridges, computers, television – lots and lots. But we've got plenty of time to go through that. For now let me bathe you – then we'll go to bed.”

  Samantha giggled, “Yes, I like the bed – it's nice and soft and we can do the mating dance!”

  Simeon gasped, “What? You mean make love? Have sex?” he asked and Samantha laughed all the more.

  “Yea but when I was small I came in and found my mum and dad doing it when my mum was in her mating cycle and I've just called it the mating dance since then.” The young Jaguar finished with a very, very cheeky smile and Simeon laughed.

  “Well I guess that's something a kid would come up with. Samantha – can I ask you some personal questions? We've not really talked much and I thought we should.” at this Samantha giggled – as Simeon had been slowly rubbing her lower belly with the sponge and hadn't realised what he was doing. He pulled his hand out of the water and took one of her arms in his hands and started to clean it.

  “Okay, what questions Simeon?” she asked and Simeon was once more struck with the depth of his feelings for her, the sound of her voice even had an effect.

  “Well how old are you? Have you had a mate before? Stuff like that.” the large Vampire finished and saw Samantha looking thoughtful.

  “Well – in human years I'm about twenty – maybe a little more or less. We don't do the birthday thing that my uncle Duncan's pack does. I haven't had a mate, but I have had sex. I started my breeding cycles about four years ago and well – we – well we....” and she looked down, suddenly embarrassed.

  Simeon lifted her chin up with a finger - “If your cycle is anything like a Wolf's then I understand, there are quite a few Wolves where I live. I didn't realise just how young you were tho.” Simeon had a frown on his face. Shit she wasn't much more than a child. No wonder Duncan hadn't been happy.

  “You're very young Samantha.” Simeon said with a frown on his face. The young Jaguar shifted in the bath – moving upwards – towards the Vampire. Her small, round breasts above the water with some bubbles sticking to them.


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