Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 14

by A. K. Michaels

  Annemarie's face lit up then she frowned, “Mum, can he not just come to the door, not come in?”

  Dmitri frowned, “Nope, if he really likes you he'll come in and him and I will have a man to man talk.”

  Annemarie looked crestfallen, she wasn't sure if Josef would put himself in the same room as Dmitri. She nodded her head and moved away – going to her room to text Josef.

  As she walked she got her phone out, it was brand new – Dmitri had gotten them all new phones when he had seen the old ones they had. She loved it and was grateful to the large man. She liked him, knew he would look after them all, but shit, boyfriends were going to be a problem.

  Dmitri was so darn big and scary that she thought nobody would be willing to face him in order to take her out.

  She pressed send and waited – and waited – it seemed like forever but was only a minute or so and Josef texted back. She held her breath as she opened the message and then a huge smile broke over her face.

  He said 'no prob' and her heart did a little leap. He was so good looking and she had had a crush on him for ages. When he had asked to take her to the dance she was in seventh heaven. She only hoped Dmitri didn't terrify him to death.

  Downstairs Donna was still smiling, she knew Dmitri would make sure Josef behaved, she thought her mate would probably scare the boy stupid.

  The rest of the kids had finished their meals and had tidied up, they all had chores to do, even the smallest. Soon the table was cleared and cleaned and the dishes in the washer, she would wait til she was going to bed and then put it on. Mainly because the boys would eat again before then.

  Dmitri led her to the sofa, sat down and pulled her onto his lap. “Dmitri the kids are still up!” she squealed as her mate pulled her in for a deep kiss.

  “And? They're upstairs Donna, I just want a kiss that's all.” Dmitri spoke in his accented English and his voice made her melt to him. She loved him deeply and shit she just couldn't help but return the kiss.

  Dmitri pulled away, “Okay enough or I'll just carry you upstairs Laskovaya Moya.” and at his pet name for her in his native Russian she sighed deeply. She loved when he said it.

  “So what's happening with Alex and Zach?” she asked.

  “They're going to be in first thing, we need to go through a lot so I'm going to be busy.” Dmitri's mind wandered to all that he had to tell his bosses, his head getting sore just from thinking about it all.

  “Well if I can help just let me know.” Donna murmured – lying close against Dmitri's chest.

  “I know but with all this carry on with Lexi I don't know what's going to happen. Conall can't go after these Fallen on his own, so I may have to put in more hours. Sorry.” Dmitri didn't want to be away from Donna, not so soon into their bonding. However, he didn't see any other way.

  “Why don't you use Lisa and James a bit more, they could fill in for Alex and Zach?” Donna asked as her mind just came up with the idea and it popped out of her mouth. Once it had she wished she hadn't said anything, she didn't want to put her daughter or James in danger.

  “Now that's an idea, I'll see what Zach says tomorrow. We need to do something, being just one team down is causing problems. There are just so many bad supers, I have no idea why so many folk want to do wrong, can't understand it at all!” Dmitri's tone had gotten harsh.

  Donna knew that each time Dmitri came across someone doing wrong it angered him. He may be ancient, a Vampire, and downright scary, but his heart was pure and he just didn't get why folk did bad things.

  Annemarie took that moment to come back into the lounge and Donna made as if to stand up. Dmitri held her tight though, the kids knew they were mated so he was keeping her just right where she was.

  “Uhm Josef texted back – he says he'll do what you want.” Annemarie's voice was low but the smile showed the two adults just how happy she was.

  “Good!” Donna said lightly and Annemarie scurried away, back to her room to text her friends. Josef was taking her to the dance.

  “Do you think Finn will be okay?” Donna asked and Dmitri just smiled - “He'll do fine Donna. I've trained him well – he's got quite a head start on the rest. Plus Vlad knows to look after him so don't worry.”

  Donna relaxed a little more, with Dmitri and Vlad looking after her son he would be fine.

  Donna had something else she wanted to talk about and took a deep breath. “I went to see David today.”

  Dmitri stilled, why would his mate go to the Doctor, he didn't sense anything wrong.

  Dmitri nodded and Donna continued - “It was about – you know, what happened with Kade and me being in my breeding cycle at the time. I've been worried Dmitri!”

  The large Vampire tightened his grip, he had known that this had been preying on her mind. Kade had raped her while she was in her cycle, although Dmitri had gotten to her before it had ended and pulled him off, Donna was still worried she may be pregnant.

  “What did he say?” Dmitri asked, whatever it was they would deal with it.

  “It's good news, I'm definitely not pregnant.” Donna saw the relief on her mate's face. She knew that he wouldn't have left her or anything like that but she also knew that it was something that neither of them had wanted to face.

  “That's good news Donna, you can relax now Laskovaya Moya.” As Dmitri finished talking he moved one of his large hands and stroked the side of her face. “I'm glad, for your sake Donna. I know what it would've been like for you if that hadn't been the case.”

  Donna nodded and moved her head upwards and kissed him, a gentle kiss, and she was so relieved. Relieved that she wasn't pregnant, relieved that Dmitri had got there in time, relieved that Lexi had saved her life, relieved that Dmitri was her mate. She couldn't help but marvel at how much the Vampire had taken on, not just her but four kids too.

  He had done so much for them all already and her heart was full to bursting. “Thank you my mate.” she spoke around his lips and his mouth got more demanding until he pulled away.

  “Is is not bed time yet?” he asked with a very dirty smile on his face.

  Chapter 17

  Alex and Zach were in their office bright and early, leaving Conall still asleep in bed.

  The huge sheaf of paperwork lying on their desks told them how much they had missed and both started going through it to see what they needed to do.

  They were nearly done when Dmitri and Donna arrived and Alex didn't fail to notice the satiated look on Donna's face. Being mated to Dmitri was doing her good.

  “Morning you two.” Alex said as they passed by their office door and Donna jumped.

  “Alex you gave me a fright, you're in early.”

  Zach groaned, “Yea been here a while going through all this paperwork!”

  Dmitri walked in as Donna went next door to their office. “Zach, we've got a lot going on and a few things that really need a team but everyone is busy. I do have an idea tho?”

  Zach and Alex both looked at Dmitri, “Well?” asked Alex.

  “It was Donna actually that came up with it, what if I use James and Lisa and the three of us work as a team for now – then you can stay here. Do paperwork or emails but still be available if Conall needs your help.” Dmitri waited on their answer.

  Alex looked thoughtful but Zach answered straight away, “Good idea, I'll phone and see if they're up for it. Would take the pressure off us for a little while anyway.”

  Alex wasn't sure, Lisa wasn't that experienced, she didn't want her getting hurt. Zach raised his head, he had heard her thoughts, 'she'll be fine – don't worry'.

  Alex nodded, acceding to Zach's greater experience.

  Just as Alex's thoughts had gone to Lisa she got a feeling...a bad feeling...and her mind started doing that wandering thing again. There was something she needed to remember...what was it?

  Zach heard her thoughts – shit! “You okay?” he asked and Alex shook her head.

  “No, Zach there's something I've forgotten and I'm fin
ding it hard to remember – it's very strange!”

  “It'll come, just don't think about it.” Zach hoped that she wouldn't...think about it that was. He was getting increasingly worried, if Lexi was here he could speak to her about it. After all it had been Lexi that had taken the memory away.

  Alex shook her head and Zach thought he might be better just to tell her, it didn't look like she was going to stop trying to figure it out. Tonight, when they got home he would tell her, he felt he had to.

  Zach got back to work, first phoning James and asking him and Lisa to come in for a talk. James wanted to know what about but Zach just set up the meeting, they would discuss things face to face.

  Zach needed to be able to read James – he may not be willing to have Lisa in on a team. He would wait and see before making any decisions.

  Alex checked something on her computer before looking up, “Dmitri, what's going on with Kate?! There's an email here from Thadius – is this right?”

  Alex's voice was full of tension and Zach raised his head from his own work. Looking to his mate then Dmitri. The large Russian had a closed expression, what the hell was wrong?

  “Yes Alex, Thadius called, he knew you had your hands full in Scotland so didn't want to upset any of you.” Dmitri finished and Zach could feel the pain in his mate, what was it?

  “What – will someone tell me what's going on?” Zach looked between the two. Then Alex's thoughts cleared in her head and he could read them – no. Surely not.

  “Alex, what's happened.” Zach couldn't believe what he had read in her mind.

  “She killed herself Zach – three days ago. She had been taken off suicide watch and as soon as she was she killed herself.” Alex was numb, she didn't know how to feel about this.

  Kate was the mate of Daniel, one of their previous cases. A Wolf they all knew, who had been a Guard here in town. Kate had broken her nurse's confidentiality when Alex got pregnant and got sacked. Daniel had tried to blame Alex and caused several scenes, even turning up at their wedding reception.

  Zach had punched him out and Vlad had made them leave. Daniel had then completely lost it and had set up a ring of black market organs for sale. However, Daniel's way of getting the organs was atrocious, he kidnapped the owners of said organs and removed them and left them to die.

  Alex and Zach had captured them and found that Kate had been subjected to torture by Daniel. However, she had also helped Daniel to get his hands on his victims and Alex had not known whether to be angry at her or sorry for her.

  Thadius had killed Daniel in a fight to the death and Kate had been in the hospital since they had got back to Unity – under suicide watch. Now she was dead.

  Zach looked to Dmitri for more info, “She seemingly fooled everyone, saying how much better she felt and she wanted to make up for her part in it all. As soon as they stopped watching her closely she managed to kill herself.”

  Alex shook her head, “How?” and their Second in Command looked – what - angry?

  “She stole some insulin and injected herself with a huge dose, David couldn't save her. Alex, I'm not sure I feel any pity for her.” Dmitri voiced his thoughts, thoughts he had been having since finding out. Yes, Daniel had hurt her, but Dmitri was sure Alex, Donna, Lisa or a host of other females he knew would not have helped to kidnap people, a whole family of Wolves included, knowing that Daniel was going to leave them for dead.

  Alex had felt the same when they had finally caught them, she had the same things going through her own mind. She knew she couldn't have helped do something so awful. She would prefer to have been killed than hurt innocents.

  Maybe Kate just wasn't strong enough though, Alex didn't know. All she did know was it was now completely over – Daniel and Kate both dead. What a bloody waste!

  Alex tried to focus on her work...finding it hard, thoughts of Daniel and Kate whirling through her mind. Zach could feel her distress and tried to push some calming thoughts her way. Her eyes raised and looked at him with a small smile on her lips, knowing what he was trying to do.

  After a few minutes she went back to the emails, trolling through and separating the ones that were most important. Her brain kept fogging up, that feeling again of trying to remember something. It was driving her mad.

  Another hour went by and Dmitri, Zach and Alex made a lot of headway through what had built up and Zach finally started to relax – a little.

  James and Lisa were due and Zach heard them walking down the hallway. Just as they entered Alex lifted her head and smiled at Lisa, then her face went white.

  Alex stared hard...Lisa...Lisa was in the memory...her white Wolf! Alex could clearly see the Wolf on a bed next to her. Blood was marring the Wolf all over it's muzzle.

  Shit! No! No! That can't be right – NO!!!!

  Memories started to fill Alex's brain and Zach saw them – all of them. His heart felt as if it was being pulled out of his body...slowly.

  Visions of Andre raping Alex were clear, clear in his head and clear in his wife's mind.

  Lisa was looking at Alex, seeing something was badly wrong...she took a step closer. Alex raised her hands, “Stay away!” she snarled at Lisa who took a step back.

  James was looking at Alex strangely, what the hell was wrong? He put an arm around his mate, not liking the way Alex had snarled and was looking at Lisa.

  Zach stood up...moved slowly...placed a hand on his mate's shoulder. Her head swung round and what was in her eyes made him want to roar.

  “Zach?” Alex whimpered, like a child stuck in a nightmare.

  “It's okay's going to be okay.” Zach spoke very quietly, trying not to spook her.

  “Zach what's wrong?” Lisa asked, fear in her voice.

  Zach didn't look up, “She's remembered.” was all he said and Lisa staggered back, James' arms grabbing her so she didn't fall.

  Alex pushed Zach's hand off her shoulder, the look on her face was shock, hurt and betrayal. The feelings Alex was having assaulted Zach and he was finding it hard to breathe. Zach opened his mouth to speak again and Alex Moved – disappearing from their office!

  “FUCK!” Zach cursed and the other two in the office didn't know what to do.

  Dmitri rushed in, “What's wrong?” he asked quickly, looking for a threat. When he saw none he wondered what the hell had happened.

  “Alex has remembered Italy!” Zach groaned...pain deep in his soul. Zach had never felt pain like it...didn't know if he could survive it. It was so intense he thought he was going to collapse.

  “Oh shit!” Dmitri said and Zach nodded - “Yes my friend – deep deep shit!”

  Lisa was wringing her hands, “Zach I'm sorry, I talked you into doing that – taking the memory away – it's my fault!” Tears were now slowly leaving the Wolf's eyes and she couldn't stop them.

  James was holding her tight, but he couldn't speak, no words would come and he realised that nothing he could say anyway would help.

  “No Lisa, it was my decision, I need to find her and try to explain!” Zach's voice was full of pain and the next moment Conall was there in the room.

  “Dad what's wrong – I could feel you – where's mum?” His son stood in front of him and Zach wondered how he could feel him? Shit he didn't care about that just now, he needed to find Alexina!

  “Your mother's remembered Italy.” Zach looked at Conall who blanched and moved to sit on the edge of the nearest desk.

  “No, how? I mean Lexi is good, how could she remember?”

  Zach shook his head, “I don't know son, I just know that she has and she Moved. I don't know where she is! I need to find her!” Zach was beginning to panic, he didn't want Alexina out there on her own, he needed to get to her.

  Conall stood up, “Okay, give me a minute. Lexi and I have been practising, after Italy we were both scared. We've been sensing both of you, tracking you, in case of any more trouble. I should be able to find her...I just need to concentrate!”

  Zach's phone began to r
ing, he grabbed it hoping it was Alexina. He saw Tatiana's name, the fairy had been Alexina's guardian, he answered the call but before he could speak Tatiana's voice was all but screaming at him. “Zach – my god what's happened?”

  Zach frowned, “What Tatiana?” he asked slowly.

  “Don't you say what to me Vampire! What's wrong with my girl – I felt her! For just a moment, but what I felt was so bad, so awful – she's in pain Zach – tell me right now!”

  Zach so didn't want to have this conversation right now but he knew Tatiana wouldn't leave it. She would come here if he didn't tell her what was wrong.

  So he did, about Alex's abduction to Italy, which everyone knew but he then told her about the abuse Andre had inflicted. That Lexi had taken the memory away and Alex had just got those memories back.

  “Where is she!” Tatiana all but growled, in a voice so menacing that Zach's skin crawled. He had never heard the fairy talking in that manner. It scared him greatly.

  “I don't know, she Moved, Conall's trying to find her.” Zach told her and the fairy gasped.

  “She's not here Zach, not near, I can't feel her! You need to find her Zach!” Tatiana was now screaming down the phone.

  “Tell me something I don't know Tatiana!” Zach spat out the words...he was desperate to find his mate.

  At that moment Zach staggered. Dmitri grabbed him and Zach sat down...heavily...he felt bad, very bad.

  That had only one reason, Alex was far from him, very far.

  “Conall, you need to find your mother, she's far away and I'm getting weaker.” Zach gasped the words, the hurt in his body growing every second. Zach knew he wouldn't be able to stand...his legs just wouldn't work!

  Conall concentrated even more, his vast powers sent purpose...find his mum. It was about five minutes later Conall nodded, “Got her, Dad, she's in – wait – yes – Scotland! I think she's in Scotland!”

  “I need some help son I don't think I can make it on my own.” Conall moved over to his father, Dmitri, James and Lisa staring with shock and fear. Everyone knew what happened if Zach and Alex were far apart – they got ill then one would die, closely followed by the other.


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