Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Fallen (An Urban Fantasy) Page 19

by A. K. Michaels

  Alex and Zach got back into their own routine, hunting Supers who did unthinkable things to others. Soon all was back to normal, or as normal a life as they had had for the past few years.

  At the end of a particularly busy week Alex and Zach were over at Tatiana and Thadius' for dinner. The little fairy so very glad to see that her girl was getting better, even if it was a slow process.

  Thadius and Tatiana had cooked the meal together and Alex was savouring the succulent steak and picked her wine glass up. It was her favourite Zinfandel and she took a large drink. Thadius and Zach talking about work...which had been banned from the table.

  “Hey you two, no work talk, remember?” Alex said pointedly and the two men looked sheepish.

  “Sorry.” they said together and Alex smiled.

  “Okay, forgiven – now what's for sweet?” she asked and Thadius' face lit up.

  “Oh it's one of my favourites, a chocolate cake thingmabob that Tatiana does. I've no idea how she does it but it's divine! Utterly perfect!” Thadius finished and looked at his fairy who was blushing all over her pretty face.

  “Now Thadius, it's only a little thing I made up, no need to gush!” Tatiana got up as she was saying this, gathering the empty dinner plates and moved towards the kitchen.

  As Tatiana neared the door she stopped, her hands full of the plates she had picked up to take through to the dishwasher. A pain lanced through her very soul and she screamed loudly, plates crashing to the floor.

  “Tatiana!” both Thadius and Alex shouted and moved to the fairy's side.

  Tears were streaming down her face, “What's wrong my little fairy? Tell me!” Thadius was looking at the pain and fear on his Tatiana's face. What the hell was wrong?

  “Tatiana, what's wrong?!” Alex was beside herself, she had never, not once, seen Tatiana in this state.

  Tatiana looked up, tears in her eyes, “Something is very wrong in my realm...pain...death...I can feel it! I need to go! I need to go and help!” Tatiana's voice was shaking and Alex was more than a little scared.

  This fairy was very strong, very strong indeed, and here she was standing with tears in her eyes and in fear. What could cause Tatiana to be in such a state?

  “We'll come with you!” Alex stated, not a question, she was going.

  “Me too!” said Thadius and picked up his mate.

  “We need to go, now!” Tatiana said and the other three in the room nodded.

  Shit, a fairy realm, none of them had ever even seen it. What would it be like and just what the hell was happening in it?

  They would find out soon and it wouldn't be good. No, not good at all!

  ….....Continued in Book 6!

  Author's Note

  Many thanks for reading book 5 in the Defender's Blood series. I really hope you enjoyed it! If I could ask for just a minute of your time to leave a review I would be very grateful.

  So what's going on in the fairy realm? Can Alex, Zach and Thadius help Tatiana? An enemy has infiltrated and wreaks havoc and death – can they stop it?

  Read on to find out!

  Please come and join me on Facebook! All new friends welcome - link below. I also have a website if you want to have a look, link below. Have a look at my other books available and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!

  Live, Love, Read!




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