Daniel Returns

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Daniel Returns Page 6

by G W Mullins

  “I hate this. I am not a killer.” Daniel’s voice trailed off.

  “I know you are not, and that is why I am here to help you in any way I am allowed to. You know I am being watched just like you are and I will be held accountable for any interference.”

  “I understand. I am just tired and irritable. Not to mention hungry. You want to eat with us.”

  “I would love to stay and talk for a while. I do not need to eat. I am an angel, food is a human trait. I gave it up a long time ago.”

  Daniel laughed at her words. He knew what she meant for more than sixty years he did not have to eat. Being human again was going to take some getting used to. He hoped if he lived through the Shadows, he would have plenty of time to adjust to his new humanity.

  9 Find Out Who Your Friends Are

  The morning came early for Daniel. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around the room. All was as he had left it the night before. Jen had already awakened and was sitting at the table talking to Elizabeth. Daniel sat up trying to stretch. His body was stiff. He had slept the entire night, but he had pushed himself too far the day before.

  “Good morning ladies.” Daniel belted as he stood up.

  “Good morning Danny.” Jen said laughing.

  “Do not call me Danny. It sounds like a little kid and I hate it.” He insisted. “You really stayed all night Elizabeth. Thanks for watching over us.”

  “I have a responsibility to you. I can’t help you in every way, but this I was allowed. Besides you looked like hell last night. You can’t defend yourself like that.”

  “So, what happens now?” Jen asked.

  “We move on to another place, hopefully with a few less people.”

  Daniel pulled out the map from his backpack and spread it out over the table. They all studied it and looked for all the available options. Twenty miles from their location was a national forest and a huge lake that was off by itself. They all agreed it was the best place to escape people. It was late fall and most vacationers would have abandoned the place.

  “So, we take showers and get dressed. We might not see a shower for a while. If you want hot water, it’s now or never.” Daniel said to Jen.

  “That’s funny; when I lived at home, we never had hot water. I had almost forgotten those times. Jen gathered her things and headed for the bathroom. As she took off her clothes and waited for the water to heat, she thought back to what she used to call home. She remembered her mother and father, but she did not really miss them anymore. She had formed her own family now with Daniel, Larry and Irene. She found it funny that she had gotten more love in such a short time than she ever had seen from her parents. She missed her brothers and sister, but they all had lives of their own now. She was happy to know them from a distance.

  As Jen showered Daniel spoke with Elizabeth. He was sure there was more going on than she was admitting. He had to find out whatever he could before Jen came back into the room.

  “I get the feeling there is so much more to all this than I am seeing. I want to know the truth. If I do survive the Shadows then what is next?”

  “You are my charge.”

  “What does that mean?” Daniel asked.

  “It means I am the one who will train you in the use of your abilities and guide you as a warrior of the light.”

  “I am no warrior of the light.”

  “You were meant to be, before you were derailed by life and the Shadow enforcers.”

  “So, if I do survive. you want me to leave everything behind. Leave Jen and go into the light?” Daniel got irritated.

  “No, whatever you do is your choice. You can live on earth and have a family if you want. You could even take on charges like I have done with you and guide them. It is like a job except you work for the forces of good.”

  “Does good pay my bills?” Daniel laughed.

  “Actually, you are taken care of and provided for.”

  “So how do I get to my charges and work with them?”

  “You will orb to them. Right now, you are limited in what you can do. You need training. You should have been getting it, but things got out of control. You are gaining power every day and in time you will learn a few of these things on your own. But for now, stand up. Look across the street. See that old phone booth? Focus on it and picture yourself there.”

  Daniel squinted his eyes and looked intently on the phone booth. He remembered how to transport his spirit as a ghost, but that was so much different than what he was trying to do with a human form. He closed his eyes and felt a brief tingle and then nothing. He looked up at Elizabeth and threw his hands in the air.

  “It’s not working. I used to be able to do this as a ghost.”

  “As a ghost, you had no form, so it was easy. You’re making this harder than it needs to be. Don’t try so hard. Just simply imagine yourself there. Pool your energy and it will happen.”

  Daniel looked across the road. He tried over and over again to no result. Just as he was about to give up, he got angry. As he was about to pound his hand down on the table, his body began to dematerialize. In a matter of seconds, he was standing on the other side of the road. He turned to look back to the window where Elizabeth stood. He knew now all he had to do was get excited. In his mind, he drew on something that excited him and he was on his way back to the hotel room.

  “I did it.” He was so proud of himself.

  “Yes, you did. It was a bit clumsy and out of control, but you got where you were aiming and that is all that is important.”

  “I guess my powers are growing.” Daniel for a moment was more than optimistic about his abilities.

  “After a while you will just need to visualize the place you want to go and you will be there. It will be like second nature. In time you will learn the harder things like healing. That one takes some mastery. You are just going to have to practice.”

  “So, if I do survive, I can do good for others. What happens if I lose against the Shadows?”

  “If you lose your battle with the Shadows, they have the right to claim you spirit and force it into the light. In the light I have no ability or right to save you. You will be gone from earth and everyone you know.”

  Jen opened the door in just enough time to hear the final verdict. She was in a rage as she came back into the room. “You can’t let this happen. Daniel has endured so much, you just can’t let the Shadows take him.”

  “Jen, I don’t want that any more than anyone else. If I can help to stop it I will, but I cannot interfere in matters of the light. What I can do is train Daniel and get his powers to full strength and leave him with a fighting chance.”

  “Jen you heard the end of a conversation. Trust me Elizabeth is trying to help.” Daniel smiled at her in a way she could not help but believe him.

  Daniel headed off to the shower as Elizabeth prepared to leave. Jen watched her intently. She knew there was more going on than they had told her. Jen sat down across from Elizabeth. She stared her straight in the face as she began to speak.

  “Daniel has been through so much and that is in the few days he has been alive for the second time. He suffered for so many decades as a ghost until I came along. I will not let him go down again so easily. I will fight for him. And whoever gets in my way better be aware of what I can do.”

  “Jen we both want Daniel to be OK. I am not really supposed to be here at all, but I am willing to risk my own existence to get Daniel to a point where he is safe. I really can’t control this situation, but I will make sure Daniel can do everything within his powers to win. I think you two should be together. You have fought through things humans should never have to. Just hang in here for a little longer. Trust me, it will get better. Now, I have to go, I have other charges that are calling out to me for help as we speak. Take care of Daniel and yourself.”

  Elizabeth touched Jen’s hand and squeezed it before letting go and turning into a shaft of light. Jen felt relieved. She believed they finally had an ally
in this war. She breathed a sigh of relief as Daniel re-entered the room. He had heard Elizabeth leave and came into the room only wearing a towel. Jen sat up immediately. She was getting used to seeing Daniel this way. She smiled at him in an approving way.

  As Daniel laid down his clothes on the bed, he turned to her. His shoulder began to burn and glow. He looked up with a distressed look on his face.

  “I think we have a problem.” His voice cracked as he formed the words.

  “Get dressed and get your stuff together. We have to go. I’m not going to let a Shadow take you out of here naked. I’ve never even seen you naked.” Jen was ready for a fight. They packed and headed down the road towards the lake. It would be a long hike before they arrived, but they had no other choice. There were no buses going that way and no other options.

  They hiked on along the road. It was not bad as far as weather and quite warm for that time of year. They didn’t run into many people at all until they got to the last two miles. From out of nowhere, a hiker with his backpack came from the woods. He said he was a college student who was taking off a long weekend and wanted to spend time at the lake. Daniel and Jen decided he was safe to walk with and allowed him to come along with them.

  The boy said his name was Jack and he liked to travel alone. He had come all the way by bus but it did not take him far enough and he really didn’t want to be on a strange road alone. The three of them began the last couple of miles together. Daniel felt hesitant about the boy but seemed young and healthy and in no way possessed.

  10 A Stranger Among Them

  Daniel scouted out the area and made sure it was safe before he allowed Jen to get comfortable by the lake. It seemed quiet and there was no one at all to be seen except Jack, their new-found friend and tag along. Daniel had decided while they were walking and talking that he did not like Jack very much. He came across as a fake and was always trying to get Jen’s attention. For that much, Daniel decided Jack had to go.

  Jen had been watching Daniel since Jack had shown up and knew something was not right. She had not had a chance to approach the subject before, but with Jack gone off swimming she felt the time was perfect. When she walked up to Daniel, she could tell this would not be an easy conversation.

  “So, we are alone now, and I am sure you are just bursting to let it all out.” Jen laughed.

  “I’m that obvious I gather.” Daniel said lowering his eyes away from her.

  “You don’t like Jack much do you?”

  “Nope, can’t say that I do.”

  “What did he do to you? Oh wait, it is the pissing match you two are having right?” She laughed uncontrollably.

  “What exactly is a pissing match?” Daniel asked. He honestly did not know.

  “A pissing match is when two little boys want something and they compete to win it. Well at least that is the clean nice version of it.” Jen cocked her head to one side smiling.

  “I am not competing with him. I just don’t like the way he acts around you.”

  “Oh, so we are jealous? Danny don’t you know you have nothing to be jealous about. I chose you long ago and I am one of those ‘stand by your man’ kind of chicks. So, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Daniel looked up at her and smiled. He knew Jen loved him and he felt the same about her, but with all the coming back from the dead and attacks by demons they hadn’t been able to iron it all out. Jen moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in to a kiss. He was shocked and unprepared, but he knew he wanted it. For a brief time, they enjoyed a moment of being in love without caring when the next Shadow would attack.

  As the evening wore on Jen started to become concerned about their friend who had not returned from his late day swim. She walked down by the water and looked around but saw no sign of Jack. His belongings were still piled near theirs, so she knew he had not left. The whole thing didn’t feel right.

  “Daniel have you noticed our friend has done a disappearing act. I wouldn’t ask since we seem to have put the issue of his attention aside. I guess I feel weird after we couldn’t get rid of him before. Do you have any of those ‘back from the dead’ powers that can locate a person?”

  Daniel laughed at her, “Jen, I don’t think my powers work like that. I can’t just lock in on a person and track them. I’m not a Labrador Retriever.”

  “So, what do we do about it then? It is getting dark, and maybe something happened to him.” She insisted.

  “I will go down by the water and scout around. Maybe he is just sitting somewhere thinking of ways to be more annoying.”

  “See that is what I am talking about.” She laughed. “You guys are having a pissing match.”

  Daniel walked off in the direction he had last seen Jack. He walked all around the water’s edge, hoping to see some sign of him swimming or something. As he came down to a low cliff, he saw jack’s shoes and jeans laying at the edge of the water. It looked as if he had gone in there swimming. But there was no sign of him coming out. Daniel called out his name several times hoping he would answer but nothing happened.

  He decided it was getting too late, and there was no hope of seeing anything in the dark. Daniel headed back to Jen who was getting some food together for their dinner. She paused when she saw Daniel arrive. She knew it was not good news.

  “I found some of his clothes down by the water bank, but then nothing. It is like he went in and then disappeared. I didn’t see any signs of him anywhere else.”

  “Could he have drowned, or something worse?” Jen asked.

  “I don’t know. Why would he have jumped in the water if he wasn’t a good swimmer?”

  “There’s nothing we can do at this point. Maybe he will just show up.”

  “Jen he is not our responsibility. I know that sounds mean, but we have way bigger problems of our own to deal with. You know my shoulder is still burning. There is a shadow nearby and we are out in the open.”

  Jen heard his words and they came slamming down on her. She hadn’t thought about the lack of defenses. She was smarter than this. Just a while back she was defending herself from a street gang who was out to hurt her. She was a survivor. She had to get her head together, and remember how to fight. She looked at Daniel and realized she couldn’t just depend on him to defend her. She was stronger than that.

  Jen laid out the food on the picnic table, and they prepared to eat. She thought about the whole thing, and was quiet as they had their cold dinner. She knew whatever happened, at some point she had to call Larry and check in with him to let him know they were safe. She missed her new family. Life had just started to become slightly normal and then the Shadows came. She was determined to get back to normal somehow.

  Jen left Daniel to clean up their mess, before she headed off to a quiet corner to check the signal on her cell phone. The top of a mountain wasn’t the ideal place to get a signal but she had a bit of one.

  “Hello Jen is that you?”

  “Yeah Larry it is me. Are you guys doing Ok?” Jen asked.

  “Honey we are fine, I am more concerned if you two are alright.”

  “Yeah we have managed to make it through the first two. I’m scared Larry. There is just so much going on; more than I could have never even imagined a few months ago. It is kind of hard to believe.”

  “You think you are having trouble believing, try it from our end.”

  “Daniel is staying strong and he is determined to survive this.”

  “He is a good guy. I trust him and you know me, I don’t just trust anyone.” Larry reassured her. “So where are you two now?”

  “Larry you know I can’t tell you. If I did, someone might use it to hurt you or us. Just know I love you guys and we hope to be home soon.”

  “You two be careful. I want you both home, you hear me?”

  “Thanks Larry, gotta go for now. I’ll call as soon as I can.”

  As Jen ended the call, she saw movement in the distance. As she walked back towards D
aniel, she knew someone was there in the dark. The height was right for Jack, but why was he hanging back. As Jen moved in closer, she called out to Daniel who had stretched out on his back across the table top. He must have dozed off, because he did not move when Jen screamed.

  Jen ran to him, as the figure of a man came from the other side of the table. He was closer and got to Daniel faster than Jen could. Before he could open his eyes, the man was on top of Daniel. As Daniel focused his eyes, he saw Jack straddling on top of him. He pinned Daniel’s chest down with his knees as Jack closed his hands around Daniel’s throat.

  Daniel looked into his eyes. They were not normal; they were black and devoid of life. He knew the third shadow had arrived. He panicked and squirmed back and forth trying to release himself from the demon’s grip. As he finally broke free, he threw his arm up and slammed against Jack’s head and he fell backwards.

  As Jen approached the Shadow, turned his attention away from Daniel for a brief moment. It was enough for Daniel to think and get his head straight. Daniel closed his eyes for a split second and imagined a place near Jen. A flash of light emerged from within him and starbursts lit the night as he dematerialized. Jen covered her mouth in shock as Daniel reappeared before her.

  “How the hell did you do that? “She screeched. “Never mind I don’t wanna know. You blasted a shadow with energy before, can you do it again?”

  “One way to find out.”

  Daniel pulled his arms up from his side and bent his elbows as if to clinch his fists and gather his energy. Jack climbed down from the table and started to walk towards them. His head hung down in a way that only his eyes could be seem looking at them. He looked deranged and psychotic. Nothing of the boy they had met earlier remained. Daniel knew this as he pulled his wrists back, and let go of the energy burst he had accumulated.


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