How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury

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How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury Page 7

by Cressida Cowell

Hiccup was alive, though she would rather have died

  than admit it.

  ‘And then,’ continued Fishlegs in an even smaller

  voice, ‘even if he is alive, he can’t land on Tomorrow

  because the Dragon Guardians are guarding it, and

  he can’t be made King because Alvin has all the Lost


  ‘Come on, Fishlegs, has Hiccup taught you

  NOTHING?’ replied Camicazi briskly. ‘There is no

  such thing as im-possible, only im-probable.’

  She rubbed her dirty nose on her sleeve.

  ‘Besides, of course he isn’t dead. He is our Hero,

  so he cannot be dead. And we cannot give up. He

  would not give up on us, would he?

  ‘I remember what Hiccup said when

  he was tied up in chains, rescuing me

  from the Witch: “I will NEVER give

  up fighting you even though it

  is too late…” he said, “even

  though all is lost… even

  though it is impossible…

  never never never!”’ And

  Camicazi punched the

  air, copying Hiccup, just as Stoick had done earlier.

  ‘Windwalker,’ she continued, asking the shaggy, gentle

  riding-dragon for the twenty-somethingth time, ‘are you

  sure you can’t get a scent of him? Not even the faintest

  little whiff?’

  The Windwalker was so tired that he kept on

  accidentally falling asleep on the wing, and dropping

  like a stone for thirty feet or so before Camicazi

  hollered at him to wake up and he had to put his wings

  out hurriedly to break his fall. He was just nodding

  off again, but at Camicazi’s question, he opened his

  drooping eyelids, and shook his shaggy head, and a tear

  crept down his cheek.

  So imagine the disbelieving excitement of

  the panicked, terrified, weary Companions of the

  Dragonmark, when all at once the Deadly Shadow’s

  six eyes spotted something on the rocking water, and

  for one sleep-crazed second he thought it was a lobster

  pot, but no, it was a boat!

  ‘It’s Hiccup!’ said Camicazi, raising her head at

  the Deadly Shadow’s instant joyful snort. ‘It’s Hiccup!

  He’s alive!’

  Fishlegs couldn’t believe it. ‘Are you sure? I mean,

  Camicazi, are you really sure?’

  ‘Yes! Yes!’


  And the Deadly Shadow and the Stormfly

  trumpeted with joy, and the Windwalker did a happy

  little barrel roll in the air in his excitement.

  But there wasn’t much time for celebration, as

  the very next moment, they spotted the grisly little

  army of dragons flying swiftly towards the tiny boat

  from the direction of the Murderous Mountains.

  ‘Tongue-twisters!’ said Fishlegs in horror.

  ‘Hellsteethers… Brainpickers… Razorwings… that is

  one nasty search party…’

  ‘They must have been sent by the Dragon Furious

  to kill the person in that boat!’ shouted

  Camicazi, ‘which just proves it’s Hiccup!

  Don’t worry, Fishlegs, we’re closer than

  they are, we can just swoop in and save

  him before they get there…



  One of the great advantages of

  the Deadly Shadow

  is his ability to


  himself so

  effectively that he

  becomes invisible.

  All they had to do now was to pick Hiccup up off the

  boat, and put him on the back of the Deadly Shadow,

  and then they could all fade into nothingness, right in

  front of the enemy’s eyes.

  Imagine you have been searching, all night, for

  someone you know in your heart of hearts cannot be

  found… the only Hero who can change the course of

  history… the Hero who also happens to be your Hero,

  your best friend Hiccup… And suddenly, when you

  have lost all hope, you find he is alive!

  No wonder they went a little crazy as they

  swooped down to save him.

  ‘Hiccup!’ roared Camicazi and Fishlegs in

  cracked, broken voices, wild with excitement, as the

  Deadly Shadow dived.

  ‘Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!’ called Innocence,

  Arrogance and Patience, and the three heads of the

  Deadly Shadow shot triumphant bolts of lightning in

  three directions over Hiccup’s head, so thrilled were

  they to have found the boy at last.

  But as the Deadly Shadow put out helpful talons

  to pluck Hiccup up to safety…

  Hiccup threw himself into the bottom of the


  ‘What IS he doing?’ said Camicazi, peering down


  in puzzlement. ‘Oh my goodness, he looks even more

  terrible than when we saw him last time, I do hope he’s

  not badly wounded…’ And then: ‘That is the MOST

  unseaworthy boat I think I have ever seen… Dive a bit

  more slowly, Shadow, and sort of hover above him, so

  he can see who we are…’

  So the Deadly Shadow dived slower this time,

  and Camicazi and Fishlegs shouted down madly, ‘It’s

  us, Hiccup, us!’ with Camicazi waving her sword in a

  friendly welcoming fashion, but it appeared to make no

  difference, and on the third dive, the badly wounded

  Hiccup whacked the Deadly Shadow very hard on the

  leg, and peppered them with Sand-Shark darts.

  ‘OW!’ yelled Arrogance as one of the darts

  caught him in the flank.

  ‘Ow!’ squealed Stormfly as she was hit in the

  wing, and Camicazi only just caught her as she fell out

  of the sky.

  This wasn’t quite how Camicazi and Fishlegs had

  imagined the happy reunion.

  ‘Well his throwing has got better at least,’ said

  Camicazi, removing the dart from Stormfly’s wing.

  ‘That was pretty accurate (for a boy of course)…’

  She tried to keep the hurt out of her voice,

  because when you have been up all night, searching


  for someone you love, and finally, oh, heart-thumping

  joy, against all odds, you find them, you sort of hope

  that they will give you a big pleased-to-see-you hug, not

  attack you with oars, and throw Sand-Shark darts at


  What in Freya’s name was Hiccup doing?

  Why was he attacking them?

  Didn’t he recognise them?

  At the very least, Hiccup ought to recognise

  Shadow, because there weren’t that many three-headed

  Deadly Shadow dragons in the Archipelago.

  To be precise, there was only one.

  But they’d had a brief vision of Hiccup’s terrified

  white face as he struck the Shadow with his oar, and it

  was quite clear he hadn’t a clue who they were.

  ‘We can’t dive again until he knows it’s us,’

  Camcazi decided. ‘We nearly sank the boat that time.

  He must be finding it hard to see with two black eyes.

  Stormfly, you fly down and tell him it’s us…’

  ‘HA!’ huffed Stormfly pointing at her numb

  wing, ‘I can’t fly with only o
ne wing, and I have to say,

  if ungrateful Heroes are going to go around throwing

  painful darts at dragons who are trying to save them,

  they can jolly well save themselves.’

  ‘OK, Fishlegs,’ said Camicazi, ‘you steer the

  Shadow and I’ll wing-walk and try and shout down to


  Camicazi leaped on to the Deadly Shadow’s wing,

  and walked along it as sure as a cat, and shouted down

  at Hiccup, crossly waving her arms about:





  KILLING YOU!’ and Hiccup threw a whole load

  more darts at her, while Hogfly barked in an excitable


  The truth is, it is extremely difficult to rescue

  someone who doesn’t want to be rescued.

  ‘Too late!’ squeaked Fishlegs, pointing ahead.


  The treacherous fog parted, showing that the

  search party of Dragon Rebellion dragons was getting

  way too close for comfort.

  ‘OK, OK,’ said Camicazi, thinking fast. ‘Time for

  Plan B. It’s a shame because Plan A would have been a

  whole lot simpler…’

  ‘We have a Plan B?’ said Fishlegs in surprise.

  ‘There’s always a Plan B,’ said Camicazi. ‘Plan

  B is, we change from being the Companion of the

  Dragonmark Rescue Party, to the Companion of the

  Dragonmark DIVERSION Party.

  ‘We’ll have to distract the Dragon Rebellion

  dragons so that Hiccup can get to the beach of

  Tomorrow. Those dragons won’t dare follow him there

  because they’ll be scared of the Dragon Guardians.’

  This was completely true. Tomorrow was the

  only island that the Dragon Rebellion did not dare

  attack, because they were so frightened of the Dragon


  ‘But what will Hiccup do about the Dragon


  ‘Well, Hiccup must have some clever Plan to deal

  with those Dragon Guardians, mustn’t he, because he’s

  already heading to the beach,’ argued Camicazi, with a

  touching faith in Hiccup’s intelligence.


  ‘Hiccup will know what he’s doing.’

  ‘And what do you mean by distract the Dragon

  Rebellion dragons?’ moaned Fishlegs. ‘Does distracting

  them involve going anywhere near them, or is it the sort

  of thing we can do safely, from a distance?’

  ‘Wait for them to get a bit closer, Shadow,’ said

  Camicazi, crouched against the dragon’s three necks,

  eyes sparkling with excitement, ‘and make sure you’re

  completely invisible. Then, when they’re within earshot,

  we’re going to…’

  She whispered something into the Deadly

  Shadow’s six ears.

  The Shadow could understand Norse, though

  none of his heads spoke it, and all three heads enjoyed

  a little trickery.

  ‘Very good,’ hissed Arrogance, eyes alight with


  ‘Nice touch,’ purred Patience.

  ‘Earshot sounds quite close,’ said Fishlegs, putting

  his hands over his eyes.

  The Dragon Rebellion dragons closed in on the

  ridiculous, half-sinking little boat, eyes gleaming with


  ‘We have to wait…’ whispered Camicazi,

  sitting invisible above them. ‘We have to wait until


  they can all hear us…’

  ‘But they’re getting really close….’ moaned


  It wasn’t just a silly little band of Sand-Sharks

  attacking Hiccup this time.

  Poison-Darters, Riproarers, Tonguetwisters,

  Hellsteethers, Driller-Dragons, Brainpickers and many

  more of the most feared species of the Archipelago

  circled Hiccup in his tiny boat. The Hellsteethers softly

  rattled their teeth, with that dreadful warning rattle

  that turned Vikings’ hearts to ice when they heard it

  surrounding their ships in the dead of the night.

  The many-eyed Tongue-Twisters pushed out their

  disgusting lolling tongues, strong enough to twist off

  a man’s arm, the Brainpickers slowly, slowly put out

  their dreaded picks, the Driller-Dragons set their drills


  Three gigantic Thor’s Thunderers slowly emerged

  from beneath the waves and stretched their long necks

  into the sky, like giant beanstalks growing out of the

  ocean. Up, up, up those beanstalks grew, long tentacles

  trailing beautifully from their necks, every one of those

  tentacles tingling with poison as strong as a man o’ war


  Softly, grimly, Darkbreathers broke the surface


  of the waves. Darkbreathers have lived so long

  in the darkness that it has entered their very

  souls and twisted them forever…

  Luna had chosen her assassins

  well. There are some dragons that

  really are monsters. These were the kind

  of dragons that killed without thinking,

  without remorse, and almost for the pleasure

  of it.

  They had a sense of drama, too. Slowly they

  circled that little boat, holding back their flames,

  their poison, their electric lightning bolts, so that

  the miserable ragged little pink worm of a human

  being should see them in their glory, and know

  what was about to happen…

  Hiccup was almost paralysed with

  fear. He crouched down in the bottom

  of his ridiculous little raft, which

  seemed to have more sea

  inside it than outside it, heart

  pounding, pathetically

  trying to shield the

  terrified Hogfly.

  This was it, then. This must be the end.

  There was a dreadful pause while the Dragon

  Rebellion dragons contemplated their prey with

  revolting relish.

  And then out of nowhere, spooky voices cried

  out of the fog around them, wailing like Valkyries,

  screaming like Furies:

  ‘We-e-e-e are the Dragon Guardians of


  Camicazi had a good sense of drama too.

  The voices belonged to Arrogance, Innocence

  and Patience of course, but the Dragon Rebellion

  dragons weren’t to know that. The dragon search party

  found themselves struck by bolts of lightning that

  seemed to come from the very fog

  itself, followed by sheets of

  shooting flame, and

  a rain of very


  arrows from Camicazi’s bow shooting them in the legs,

  the shoulders, the sides…

  You cannot blame the Dragon Rebellion dragons

  for assuming that they really were being attacked by the

  Dragon Guardians of Tomorrow. After all, they were

  only within a hundred yards of Tomorrow’s beaches.

  And even the Thor’s Thunderers were frightened

  of the Dragon Guardians.

  The Dragon Rebellion horde that only seconds

  earlier had been regardi
ng their prey with smug

  satisfaction, now responded with what can only be

  described as total panic. They screamed in horror,

  and confusion, and whirled round, trying to escape

  their Dragon Guardian attackers and get away from

  Tomorrow as fast as they could.

  There was absolute chaos in the stampede to

  get away. Thor’s Thunderer tentacles flew everywhere,

  lightning bolts exploded at random, darts and flames

  and spears and arrows rained down in waves, while the

  terrible tails of the panicking beasts lashed the ocean

  into a frothing, foaming, thunder-bolting storm.

  Hiccup looked upward with his jaw

  hanging open.

  What in the name of Freya and Woden and all

  the other gods was going on? He wasn’t going to wait


  to find out. He leaned over the side of the sinking boat

  and paddled it towards the beach of Tomorrow as fast

  as he could.

  As the Dragon Rebellion dragons retreated,

  the Windwalker and the Deadly Shadow gave chase,

  shooting lightning bolts and screaming insults. Every

  now and then the Deadly Shadow got over-excited,

  and chased a Darkbreather under the water before

  re-surfacing again.


  Take that, you big-tongued, hairy-backed,

  bully-alligators!’ yelled Camicazi, re-loading her bow

  with delight. ‘Let me know when Hiccup has got to the

  beach, Fishlegs…’

  ‘He’s nearly there,’ panted Fishlegs, spitting out

  seawater and looking back at the shores of Tomorrow.

  ‘Hang on… his boat’s half underwater but he’s almost

  there… Oh dear… now the boat’s sunk… but it’s all

  right, he’s swimming the last bit… he’s standing up…

  he’s there! He’s on the beach!’



  MAGNIFICENT, who has just saved the day ONCE

  AGAIN!’ crowed Camicazi, punching the air.

  ‘Camicazi,’ said Fishlegs anxiously, screwing up

  his eyes to see what was happening through the fog,

  ‘I really hope you’re right and Hiccup has a plan for

  what to do about those Dragon Guardians… He’s just

  wandering up the beach…’


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