How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury

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How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury Page 13

by Cressida Cowell

  It was indeed.

  It is always a mistake to underestimate the little

  people of the world, for it is often they who tip the


  ‘I REVOLT against his Revolution!’ declared Ziggerastica

  proudly. ‘These ENORMOUS dragons think they are so important… But if

  there is a Revolution to be declared, that Revolution

  should be declared by the Centre of the Universe, and the Centre of the

  Universe is ME!

  ‘I trust he will have learnt his lesson,’ snapped Ziggerastica

  with a self-satisfied sniff, before declaring

  condescendingly, ‘Yes I know, I’m MARVELLOUS…’ as Hiccup

  tried to thank him. And he disappeared with his

  humming hordes just as mysteriously as he

  had come, like a wasp swarm lighting

  for a moment on a tree, buzzing

  there for a second, and vanishing.

  Leaving only the words:

  ‘It is the smaller things of the world who

  decide the Fate of the Archipelago once again!’

  … buzzing in the air.

  The watching crowd were so over-

  excited that they noticed none of this.

  Alvin staggered from the dais, and

  was crying on his mother’s shoulder like

  he was a little boy again. ‘He cheated,

  Mother, didn’t you see? He used little

  dragon accomplices…’

  ‘I know darling, I know,’ hissed his mother

  through gritted teeth. ‘But you should have cheated


  The Druid Guardian held up his hand.




  Trying to look like a King despite the ridiculously

  swollen right half of his body, Hiccup limped up on to

  the broken dais, his tattered fire-suit flapping in the


  One by one, the Druid Guardian handed Hiccup

  the ten Lost Things of Grimbeard the Ghastly.

  ‘Hold up your hand, Hiccup,’ he said.

  ‘Will you swear to be the King forever? Will you

  swear to lay down your life for your people? Will you

  swear to rule absolutely, but with fairness, and justice,

  and mindful of the independence of your subjects?’

  Hiccup looked out over the massed and silent

  crowds. He looked at the wild stormy sky above, the

  Archipelago in flames, and then far, far in the distance,

  the thousands upon thousands of dragons waiting for

  the Final Battle in Wrecker’s Bay.

  For the first time he realised, deep in his bones,

  what being a King would mean.


  Once, back where these memoirs started, Hiccup

  had been afraid that he might be Chief of the Hooligan

  Tribe one day. How far he had come, for how much

  greater was this responsibility. All of these tough, huge

  adults looking at him with expectant eyes, wanting him

  to make the right decisions. He would be responsible

  for their lives in the upcoming battle.

  After what had happened to Snotlout, Hiccup

  knew what this meant now, that real people, people

  who were close to him, might die in true life.

  This is what War means.

  And it would all be Hiccup’s fault if anything

  went wrong.

  Around his neck hung the Black Star of Courage

  that Snotlout had given him. Well, Hiccup needed

  courage now, and he held on to that Star for dear life.

  He swallowed hard.

  ‘Peoples of the Archipelago,’ said Hiccup

  Horrendous Haddock the Third. ‘Two days ago my cousin

  Snotlout laid down his life for me.’

  Baggybum the Beerbelly gave a choking cry as he

  understood what had happened to his son.

  ‘Snotlout put on my clothes,’ said Hiccup steadily.

  ‘He wore my helmet and rode my riding-dragon to face

  the Witch and Alvin’s people, he took the arrow that


  was meant for me, he died the death that should have

  been my death. It was the bravest thing I have ever

  seen and…

  ‘… he is the greatest Hero that I have ever


  The crowd murmured in shock.

  ‘Impossible!’ hissed the Witch. ‘Snotlout was

  a coward… treacherous worm. He hated you! He

  betrayed you to us!’

  ‘He put his honour before his pride, which is one

  of the most Heroic things that any of us can ever do,’

  said Hiccup. ‘Snotlout proved himself to be one of our

  greatest Heroes. He died with the Dragonmark on his

  forehead. I drew it there myself.’

  Baggybum the Beerbelly heaved with sobs,

  destroyed with grief but proud that Snotlout had

  proved himself a Hero at the last. He had regained his

  son, and lost his son, all in the course of a minute.

  ‘Brave boy!’ shouted Gobber the Belch, wiping

  his eyes, overcome with emotion. ‘The brave, brave

  boy! I knew he had it in him! SNOTLOUT HAS


  ‘SNOTLOUT THE HERO!’ cried a Visithug,

  and the crowds cheered Snotlout to the ruined rafters.




  ‘Why did Snotlout do this for me?’ asked Hiccup.

  ‘He did it because he believed that I could be the King.

  He said, and I will never forget this: “You aren’t the

  King that we wanted, but maybe you are the King we

  need.” And then he gave me his sword to be forever at

  my service.

  ‘So you see why I have to do this, why I have to

  be the King.

  ‘I take this Crown in honour of Snotlout.

  ‘In honour of Snotlout, because he believed

  in me, and because his sacrifice must not be in vain.

  When I am King, he will live on in me. I will carry him

  with me every step I take, every decision I make.

  ‘And before I take these vows, I will say to you all

  what I said to Snotlout.

  ‘I wish I could offer you a King who is greater

  than I am. I can’t turn into somebody else. I can only

  be me. But I have discovered that I am stronger than

  I thought I was. And I think that I can do this, I think

  I can be King. And If Snotlout believed I can, then

  maybe I believe it too.’

  Hiccup turned to the Druid Guardian.

  He held up his hand.

  He took the vow.


  ‘I promise to be the King forever. I promise

  to lay down my life for my people. I promise to rule

  absolutely, but with fairness, and justice, and mindful

  of the independence of my subjects.

  ‘And I promise you this, peoples of the

  Archipelago.’ Hiccup’s voice shook. ‘I will build a new

  and fairer Wilderwest, where dragons and humans can

  live together, where slavery is no more, a land fit for

  Heroes… I promise that I shall do this, or die in the


  ‘HOORAH!’ roared the Vikings in a trumpet of

  applause, for they had forgotten who they were for a

  second, and now they remembered. They were Heroes.
br />   Heroes of the Dragonmark.

  The Druid Guardian put the Crown on Hiccup’s


  ‘By the powers of the Guardians, both

  dragon and human, by the will of Destiny and

  Thor, and Grimbeard the Ghastly, and the Peoples

  of the Archipelago, I crown you KING OF THE


  The Crown was quite a bit too large, so the

  Guardian sort of rested it lopsidedly on Hiccup’s ears.

  Thor, it was heavy. And then the Druid Guardian

  motioned for him to sit upon the Throne.


  Hiccup refused.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said. ‘I’m happy to become King,

  but I will not sit on that Throne. It is clearly cursed.’

  Hiccup had a point. There had always been

  something malevolent about that Throne. Maybe it

  was the brown stain of Hiccup the Second’s blood, still

  faintly visible on the seat. Who knows? But it seemed a

  good moment to start a new tradition.

  ‘I shall sit here on this large Stone instead,’ said


  ‘Excellent!’ said the Druid Guardian. ‘You’re

  going to make a wonderful King.’

  Hiccup sat down on the large Stone.

  ‘Hear ye! Hear ye!’ cried the Druid Guardian,

  hanging the Dragon Jewel around Hiccup’s neck. ‘As I

  tell the King the secret of the Dragon Jewel!’

  The crowd leaned in to listen.

  ‘The secret of the Dragon Jewel is this,’ said the

  Druid Guardian. ‘The Jewel contains two dragons

  caught fighting in the amber. One of those dragons

  is suffering from a sickness that is so dangerous to

  dragons that it would wipe out the entire dragon

  population, were it ever to escape.’

  The crowd murmured sadly.

  ‘So the way to use the Jewel against the dragons


  is to break it,’ continued the Druid Guardian solemnly,

  ‘and set the sickness free, to do its dreadful work.’

  Grimly, Hiccup looked at the Dragon Jewel. This

  was a dark secret indeed. He couldn’t see any dragons

  caught within the amber, but perhaps they were

  nanodragons too small to see…

  The Druid Guardian raised his arms to the crowd.











  The joyous cries of the crowds echoed even out

  across Wrecker’s Bay, and came to the ears of the

  listening Dragon Furious.

  How had the boy done it?

  Well, if the Fates would make him King, then…

  The Dragon was ready for him.

  Stoick the Vast was the first to approach the

  Stone. Creaking, for in middle age Stoick’s magnificent

  *Strictly speaking, Hiccup was not the third King Hiccup but the

  second, because Hiccup the Second was never a King. However, in the

  excitement of the moment, the Druid Guardian got it wrong.

  belly had overspilled his breeches a little and his knees

  were perhaps not quite what they were, he knelt before

  his son.

  ‘Father, what are you doing?’ said Hiccup, and

  embarrassed and distressed, he tried to pull his father

  to his feet, and when that didn’t work (Stoick was

  rather heavily built) Hiccup knelt down beside his

  father, until the Druid Guardian gave him a stern look,

  and said gently:

  ‘You are the King now, Hiccup.’

  Slowly Hiccup sat back on the Stone.

  ‘My sword is at your service, King,’ said

  Stoick the Vast, bowing his head as he knelt to his

  son, following the ancient code of the Kings of the


  ‘Oh… oh dear…’ stuttered

  Hiccup, thoroughly rattled, but

  remembering in the nick of

  time to bow formally back,

  and give the traditional


  ‘I am honoured

  to accept it.’


  of the White

  Arms, that great Hero, knelt beside her husband. She,

  too, bowed her head.

  ‘My sword is at your service, King.’

  ‘Er… thank you, Mother,’ stammered Hiccup. ‘I

  mean, I am honoured to accept it.’

  All around the ruined Castle of Grimbeard

  the Ghastly, these enormous hairy Vikings fell to

  their knees. These stern, grizzled, tattooed Warriors,

  Mogadon the Meathead, Dangerous the Tenth, Boily

  of Bashem, Barbara the Barbarian, Very-Vicious the

  Visithug, the Vicious Twins, Bertha of the Bog-Burglars,

  all fell on their knees before Hiccup, and bowed their

  heads before him.

  Hiccup’s eyes filled with tears as he saw it. It

  was almost unbelievable. He looked out on a sea of

  kneeling people, great Warriors all, battle scarred, so

  much older, larger than he was, all bowing down before


  All bowing down before him, a scraggly spider-

  web runt of a boy, Hiccup, who once nobody thought

  would be Chief of the Hooligan Tribe, let alone a King!

  With one great bellowing voice, they cried out:

  ‘Our swords are at your service, King!’

  And Hiccup replied, trying to stop his voice from

  trembling, trying to sound as Kingly as possible, ‘I am

  honoured to accept it.’

  Toothless sat up proudly on Hiccup’s shoulder.

  Hunting-dragon to a King! He always knew he was

  an important dragon. He always knew he had royal

  connections. Stormfly would find him irresistible



  THIRD!’ bellowed Gobber the Belch.

  The Vikings leaped to their feet, or were helped

  up if they were on the fatter side, and threw their

  helmets in the air, and shouted.


  So that was how Hiccup Horrendous Haddock

  the Third became the thirteenth King of the

  Wilderwest. And only those who have been following

  Hiccup’s memoirs up until now will know how very,

  very unlikely it is that it would end this way. That this

  gangly, thoughtful, imaginative, string-bean of a boy

  would end up the Heir to Grimbeard the Ghastly.

  Who would ever have thought it?

  It has taken us twelve long Quests, and twelve

  long books to get to this point.

  But there it is.


  That is what happened, against all odds and

  unlikely as it may seem.

  I told you this was the story of becoming a Hero

  the Hard Way.

  But this, of course, is not the end of the story.

  The crowning of the King might make a good

  ending, but Hiccup had been crowned King in difficult

  circumstances, right in the middle of a dragon and

  human War, exactly at noon on the Doomsday of Yule.

  So t
his is not the end of this particular story,

  indeed, it some ways, it is more like a beginning, and if

  you thought the first half of the Doomsday of Yule was

  hard, wait until you get to the second half.

  However, it seems like a good moment for a

  pause, so that we can enjoy the unlikeliness of this

  triumph, and because we have spent quite a long time

  getting here.







  The reign of King Hiccup the Third began full of hope.

  The coronation of a new King is always an

  exciting moment, and the Vikings had come from such

  a position of despair that there was quite a festive

  atmosphere in that ruined Castle, despite the waiting

  dragon army.

  King Hiccup sat on his Stone, looking out on

  his new kingdom, feeling rather grateful for the rest,

  and being able to put his feet up for a moment after a

  difficult morning. He was trying to put off the thought

  of meeting the Dragon Furious so he could enjoy this

  moment, and he was thanking Fishlegs and Camicazi

  for trying to rescue him earlier in the little strait of

  water between Hero’s End and Tomorrow.

  ‘I don’t know how to explain it, I just didn’t have

  a clue who you were…’

  ‘Humph,’ huffed Camicazi. ‘Well I call it

  very ungrateful, and Stormfly will never forgive

  you because you hit her bang smack on the bottom

  and Mood-dragons have long memories. But your


  THROWING has improved, actually it was really quite

  good (for a boy, of course)…’

  Stoick and Valhallarama, as the mother and the

  father of the King, were receiving the congratulations

  of all the other Vikings.

  ‘Oh yes,’ boasted Stoick, ‘we always knew

  Hiccup was something special… different of course,

  but in a good way… Some people say that he takes after

  his father, but I don’t know about that…’

  Toothless was saying carelessly to Stormfly, ‘Oh

  yes, T-t-toothless not surprised my Master turned

  out to be King because everybody says Toothless


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