How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury

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How to Train Your Dragon: How to Fight a Dragon's Fury Page 20

by Cressida Cowell

  A threatening rumble rose deep within his throat, the

  sound an animal makes before it strikes. His head

  swivelled round, searching, searching with his eyes, his

  nose, his ears… but finding nothing.

  Cooee, thought the Witch gloatingly to herself.

  Cooooeee… You can’t see us, you stupid great fire-spurting

  reptile. And you won’t see us until it is too late.

  Even Alvin smiled, beginning to enjoy himself

  as they drew nearer, and it was clear that the Dragon

  Furious could not sense them.

  The Dragon Furious’s eyes scanned the entire

  Bay without finding anything. His nostrils wrinkling,

  he drank in the smell of burning trees, of wet Vikings,

  even the faint but distinct stink of the Murderous

  Tribe. But nothing else.

  The Dragon’s hearing was so acute that he could

  hear the soft beating wings of the Neverbirds, even

  though they were flying at a very safe distance indeed,


  and the fast beating heart of Hiccup, trembling at his

  feet, and the even faster beating hearts of the little

  dragons and of Windwalker. But nothing else.

  The Dragon gave a great snort and shook out

  his wings as if to shake off his ugly anxieties. There

  was nothing to be afraid of. He turned his head back

  towards Hiccup to continue their conversation…

  And then he gave a great yowl of startled surprise.

  Alvin’s hook had buried itself in the Dragon’s

  hand, and in the shock of the moment, just as if you

  or I had been stung by a wasp or a bee, the Dragon

  Furious opened his great paw and shook it in pain.

  The Dragon Furious’s hand opened, and out of

  his hand fell the Jewel.




  … and Alvin kicked his heels into the Stealth

  Dragon’s flanks and the Stealth Dragon dived after it.

  Hiccup ran across the Reef, barely noticing

  the sting of the rocks beneath his feet, slipping and

  sliding on patches of slimy seaweed. He saw it all, for

  the Stealth Dragon turned visible for a second in his

  excitement as he dived, and while the Jewel itself was


  too small for Hiccup to see, what he could see was the

  Stealth Dragon diving after something, and Alvin and

  the Witch crouching on the Stealth Dragon’s back.

  Out on the clifftops, Luna saw it too, with her

  sharp dragon eyesight, and she beat her wings in


  Valhallarama, watching through the telescope,

  asked uncertainly, ‘What’s going on?’

  Alvin! thought Hiccup. Alvin and the Witch!

  Those traitors… those villains.

  Furious has dropped the Jewel! They have made him

  drop the Jewel!

  And then there was another moment in which the

  Stealth Dragon’s excitement briefly turned him visible

  again. The Jewel was too small to see, but Hiccup

  clearly recognised the moment that a dragon takes their

  prey. The Stealth Dragon’s mouth opened, he caught

  something in it and soared upwards, Alvin punching

  the air in triumph. It was a momentary vision, before

  the Stealth Dragon turned invisible again.

  The Dragon Furious saw it too, and gave a snort

  of fear and fury.

  ‘NOOOOOOO!’ cried Hiccup in despair, falling

  flat on his face in the seaweed. It was so cold beneath

  his knees, so cold on his cheek, as he grovelled there,


  helplessly caught up in the slime, and then he looked

  up at the uncaring heavens above, where you could still

  hear the echoes of Alvin’s triumphant whooping.

  ‘Noooo…’ whispered the Wodensfang. How could

  Fate be so cruel?

  Alvin had the Jewel. And he knew what he had to

  do with it.

  At the very last moment, Alvin the Treacherous

  had snatched away the beginnings of hope and turned

  it into despair.




  the Dragon Furious, all his indecision gone, and

  incandescent with rage, shooting thunderbolts and

  flames in random directions, hoping to hit his invisible


  BETRAYAL! The humans have broken the rules of

  single combat! COME TO MY AID!’

  All along the clifftops, with screams of fury, the

  great and terrible army of Dragon Rebellion dragons,

  like many clouds of locusts, launched themselves into

  the air and flew into the Bay, or swam up from the

  depths, their predatory fins slicing through the water,

  spouting fire from their blow-holes as they made their

  way to the battle.

  Dreamserpents, Flame-huffers, Fire-starters,

  Riproarers, Grimlers and Monstrous Nightmares,

  Raptortongues and Triple-Headed Rageblasts, Horrors

  and Dreaders and Breathquenchers joined the dreadful

  invasion that blasted into the Bay.

  Rhinobacks lumbered into the air like gigantic

  armoured rhinoceroses. Driller-Dragons with their

  revolving horns, Razorwings shooting their dreadful

  barbed arrows, Tongue-twisters, Savagers, and


  Brainpickers spreading their terrible wings and flying

  like nightmares towards the Reef. From the snowy

  north came white Polarserpents with their horns

  like unicorns, Sabre-Tooth Driver Dragons and

  Leviathorgans, launching their bone spears, venturing

  south for this occasion only.

  Worst of all, there came the horrors from the

  greatest depths of the oceans: Sharkworms cutting

  through the water with their serrated fins, braving the

  cold waters despite the lack of the Summer Current.

  Darkbreathers who live so long in the darkness

  that their hearts have slowed to a terrible coldness and

  they have a longing for the light. Thor’s Thunderers

  sending out crackling bursts of electricity, churning up

  the waters so that great rolling waves spread across the

  Bay and threatened to swamp the Reef.

  The dreadful bulk of the multi-eyed Woden’s

  Nightmares, nearly as huge as the Dragon Furious

  himself, lighting up the sky with their eyebeams, and

  pouring out a strange, black substance across the

  waters, that they then set fire to, so that the whole of

  Wrecker’s Bay turned into a sea of flame.

  ‘The dragons are breaking the truce!’ yelled

  Stoick the Vast. ‘Quick, everyone, get on dragonback to

  fight them! My son is out there, all alone!’


  The Vikings rushed for their dragons.

  They too, made a dreadful and frightening army

  of surprising numbers, seated on dragonback and

  screaming defiance, and shooting their arrows, and

  yelling their chilling War Cries as they rode into battle.

  For many fierce dragons had joined the human

  side during the War: the intelligent dragons out of

  loyalty to their human Masters, the less clever ones out

  of fear or obedience.

, Marsh and Red Tigers, Bullroughers,

  Rocket Rippers, Devilish Dervishes, Deadly Nadders,

  Common-or-Gardens and Basic Browns, Gloomers,

  Two-Headed Gormatrons, the dreadful armoured

  Eight-Legged Battlegores that could carry up to ten

  Vikings at a time, Bullguard Slavedragons, all carrying

  their human masters into battle, or flying by their side,

  shooting flames at the enemy.

  Stoick on his Bullrougher, and Valhallarama on

  her Silver Phantom, Mogadon the Meathead and all

  the other Dragonmarker Tribes of the Archipelago;

  the Alvinsmen, led in Alvin’s absence by Madguts the

  Murderous; the Villains, Hysterics, the Bashem-Oiks,

  the Visithugs, Danger-Brutes, the Berserks and the

  Uglithugs. Barbara the Barbarian on her Lightwing, her

  cat balancing on the dragon’s head.


  Then the humans from further afield: the

  Wanderers, the Outcasts, the Nowhere-Men, not to

  mention Humungously Hotshot the Hero and his wife

  Tantrum the Hero and the Ten Fiancés.

  The humans had their own terrible weapons.

  Axes, spears, arrows, swords – of course, they had

  all these.

  But when Alvin and his Alvinsmen had been

  besieged every night by the Dragon Rebellion in Prison

  Darkheart, that great Fortress in the Amber Slavelands,

  they had been forced to develop new and terrible

  weapons in order to defend themselves.

  From the cliffs of Lava-Lout Island, great

  catapults shot rocks at the advancing Dragon Rebellion

  army, and strange heavy balls that exploded on impact

  and caused terrible injuries.

  Even mighty Rageblasts, or Savagers, or

  Brainpickers, when hit by those cannonballs, fell

  shrieking from the sky.

  Such is the destructiveness of the clever human

  mind when it turns to invention.

  ‘I SAW THE FUTURE!’ roared the Dragon





  ‘No!’ shouted Hiccup. ‘The Final Battle. The

  ultimate confrontation… I saw it in my dream, back

  when I was hidden in the underground hideout… This

  is everything I hoped would not happen.’

  He crawled forward, desperately trying to get to

  his feet, with Toothless holding on to him, holding him

  tight, just like he used to sleep with him a lifetime ago

  in their little bed on Berk, Hiccup feeling his lovely

  wriggly warmth for what he hoped would not be the

  last time.

  Oh please, begged Hiccup. Please let this not be the

  end of dragons…

  I do not want a world without Toothless…

  I do not want a world where I am wingless, crawling

  in the mud like this, rather than touching the stars on the

  back of the Windwalker…

  Up above, it was as if the heavens knew the

  significance of this moment. The thunderclouds had

  gathered, and it was hard to tell whether the lightning

  blasts shooting across the sky were thunderbolts from

  the storm, or the Dragon Furious, or the Woden’s

  Nightmare dragons, or the Thor’s Thunderers.

  ‘Giveitmegiveitmegiveitme!’ giggled Alvin,

  forgetting his safety in his excitement, and wriggling

  along the Stealth Dragon’s neck, gleefully stretching


  out his hand.

  The Stealth Dragon, very proud of itself, turned

  his head, and gave the Dragon Jewel to Alvin.

  ‘The Jewel…’ sighed Alvin contentedly. ‘The

  real Dragon Jewel, in my hand at last!’ Alvin smiled a

  slow and very nasty smile indeed. ‘And now I know its

  secret. All I need to do is break it, and the dragons are

  destroyed forever!’

  ‘Oh well done, my darling!’ cooed the Witch. ‘I

  told you we could do this.’

  And then…

  ‘Uh-oh…’ as she saw the advancing dragon army

  almost upon them. If one of those flames or bolts of

  electricity were to accidentally hit the Stealth Dragon,

  he might be shocked into visibility.

  ‘Quick!’ the Witch urged. ‘You need to break the


  Alvin bashed the Jewel against the spiny fin of

  the Stealth Dragon’s back. Nothing happened, for the

  fin wasn’t really hard enough to break anything. He

  bashed it a little harder. Again nothing happened.

  ‘Break! Break! Break! You stupid thing!’ hissed

  Alvin, walloping it as hard as he could, but the Jewel

  remained obstinately unchipped.

  ‘Break it Alvin, break it!’ screeched the Witch,


  biting Alvin on the shoulder. ‘Why are you hesitating?”

  ‘It’s harder to break than it looks, you old bat!’

  snapped Alvin furiously.

  Alvin held the Jewel firmly in one hand, and tried

  to rip at it with the hook at the end of his other arm,

  but the Stealth Dragon swerved abruptly, jiggling his

  arm, so Alvin missed the Jewel entirely, and dug the

  hook into his own palm instead.

  ‘Ow!’ howled Alvin.

  Trying to smash a Jewel while you are sitting

  on the back of a Stealth Dragon that is travelling at

  considerable speed and swivelling to evade random

  lightning bolts is a harder proposition than you might


  If you’ve ever attempted to open an oyster with?

  your bare hands while riding sidesaddle on a galloping

  horse that is being chased by wolves, you might have

  some idea of what I mean.

  ‘Curses!’ swore Alvin. ‘What I need is a

  nutcracker!’ But of course he didn’t have a nutcracker

  on him, so that wasn’t very helpful.

  He put the Jewel in his jaws and tried to clamp

  down on it, but only succeeded in breaking a tooth.

  ‘Oh for Thor’s sake,’ cursed Alvin. ‘This is



  He was running out of time. He would have to

  break this beastly Jewel somehow, and fast. It needed

  to be smashed between two hard objects, and all he

  could think of now was the ground, and his boot. That

  would do it. He’d smashed mussels like that all his life.

  ‘Stealth Dragon! I want you to land on the rocky

  end of that Reef, as far away from the Hiccup boy as

  possible!’ ordered Alvin.

  Obediently, the beautiful dragon landed elegantly

  on the Reef. Alvin jumped off the Stealth Dragon’s

  back while the Witch stayed crouching in between his

  spine fins, clutching the Stormblade.

  With trembling excited fingers, Alvin placed the

  Dragon Jewel down on the rock.

  He raised his boot.

  Hiccup saw him.

  Saw the outline of his wicked figure, framed

  against the flaming sea.

  But he was too far away for Hiccup to catch and

  stop him, slipping and sliding on the seaweed, though

  he was running with all his might.

  ‘Furious!’ cried Hiccup despairingly.

  Furious could have intervened.

  But Hiccup�
�s voice was so small and thin, and the

  human forces and the dragon forces had now joined in




  battle in the

  air above the Reef.

  The Dragon Furious, way

  up above, was being attacked

  by the humans, and although he was

  searching desperately through the smoke

  and the lightning bolts for the Stealth Dragon

  and the Jewel, he could not hear the tiny sound of

  Hiccup’s voice calling up to him.



  Alvin brought down his boot in a swift

  stamping motion.






  But before Alvin’s boot could land, he was knocked

  violently sideways, as if he were being booted himself

  by the boot of Destiny.

  Hiccup blinked, unable to believe what was


  But there it was, clearly, in front of his eyes. One

  second Alvin was bringing down his foot on the Jewel;

  the next he was soaring through the air, and landing

  on the rock some twenty feet away with an ‘Oof!’ of

  infuriated surprise, and remaining pinned there by an

  invisible force.

  Hiccup watched, open-mouthed, as the air

  above Alvin solidified into the Deadly Shadow pinning

  down Alvin with its two front feet, and Camicazi and

  Fishlegs sitting astride him – Camicazi making the

  Bog-Burglar victory salute.

  Back on the clifftop, Camicazi’s sharp

  Bog-Burglar eyes had seen the Witch and Alvin

  sneaking away on the back of the Stealth Dragon, and


  so she and Fishlegs had followed them on the back of

  the Deadly Shadow.

  One invisible dragon following another.

  And the past had at last caught up with Alvin

  the Treacherous, as the past eventually has a way of

  catching up with all of us.

  Fishlegs, on the back of the Deadly Shadow

  dragon, wanted some answers.

  ‘The Jewel… maybe the Jewel is all right… I


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