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Credence Page 1

by Zoey Ellis












  Reign To Ruin

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2018 by Zoey Ellis

  All rights reserved. Sale of any edition of this book is wholly unauthorized. Except for use in review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part, by any means, is forbidden without written permission from the author/publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  First Edition: November 2018

  For my Dark Halos


  Bonus Novella

  This novella tells the story of Victoya and Torin and begins at the Alpha and Omega pairing event in chapter fourteen of Crave To Claim. This novella should be read after the first three books in the Myth of Omega series (Crave To Conquer #1, Crave To Capture #2, and Crave To Claim #3). Get your copies.

  Reminder: The Myth of Omega series is an explicit reading experience and is strictly for readers aged 18+.



  “Oh no,” Victoya blurted out, panic coiling in her stomach.

  Commander Torin’s gray eyes held hers as he threaded through the crowd in the Great Hall toward her and Cailyn. She had tried to make a point of not looking at him all afternoon. He made her too nervous, and when she was nervous she did stupid things. He probably already thought she was an idiot; she didn’t need to confirm it.

  She averted her eyes as he neared, but didn’t even know where to look. “Commander Torin is heading over here.”

  “Good,” Cailyn said firmly, turning to her. “He’s been watching you the whole afternoon. It’s about time he did something—he’s probably worried one of these Alphas will claim you.”

  Victoya would have rolled her eyes if she didn’t have a more pressing concern. She dropped the cube of cheese back on the table and grabbed a napkin. “But I’ve got cheese breath!”

  And suddenly he was there. Tall and athletic, Commander Torin was clearly a member of the Lox, even though he was a Beta. He wasn’t as wide or a big as the emperor but was certainly muscular and strong for his leaner build. Although he didn’t have an imposing presence, he still had an air of authority that everyone in the Empire respected. His watchful gray eyes missed nothing and his intelligence was apparent every time he opened his mouth. Victoya found him both fascinating and intimidating. He questioned every situation, drew logical conclusions, and made clever suggestions. It was clear why he was the emperor’s most trusted warrior. He never said stupid things or acted emotionally—not once in all the time she had been monitoring him. On top of all that, his chiseled features, brown hair, and stern demeanor were universally attractive. Victoya had been surprised when she first saw him that he was not already bonded. He could have any woman he wanted, but maybe he was waiting for an Omega, like the Alphas.

  Commander Torin dragged his eyes from hers as he stopped beside them. “Emperor Drocco would like you to join him, Empress,” he said to Cailyn.

  Cailyn smiled at them both and Victoya stood rooted to the spot, hoping Cailyn wouldn’t say anything to embarrass her. Cailyn had such an ease about her—she could talk to anyone and not get flustered. It was one of the reasons she was able to blend in so well as a spy. Victoya was usually fine with most people, but sometimes she lacked the skill to make strangers feel comfortable with her, or the confidence to be direct and firm when needed. With Commander Torin, it was as though her mouth didn’t work at all.

  “Thank you, Torin,” Cailyn said. “I was just discussing with Toya if maybe the Alphas are being overly cautious due to their preparation training. Maybe you could introduce her to one to encourage the others?”

  Tendrils of heat crept up Victoya’s neck. Cailyn had just made her sound desperate!

  “I will do what I can, Empress,” Commander Torin said. “Please go straight to the emperor. He is not a fan of waiting.”

  As Cailyn left, Victoya’s panic increased slightly. She’d never been left alone with him before. She glanced around, realizing that no one was really in their immediate vicinity. Thick wooden tables were dotted around the hall, spread with cold meats, bread, cheese, and wine. Far to the right, the Lox Alphas were standing, sitting, and leaning on benches while far to the left, Omegas huddled in groups chattering and tittering.

  “Is there a specific Alpha you would like me to introduce you to?”

  Victoya’s attention snapped back to Commander Torin. He stared down at her, his whole body stiff. “Um… well, no,” she mumbled, gripping the napkin in her hand tighter.

  He frowned. “No?”

  Victoya glanced over at the Alphas on the far right of the room. They all seemed surly and fierce, their eyes roving over the Omegas on the opposite side of the hall. Their scent was strange to her. Not entirely unappealing, but certainly odd. She knew she wouldn’t be bonding with any of them—not with what the Mothers had done to her—but even if she’d been able to, she couldn’t imagine herself with any of these Alphas.

  “Do you not intend to be paired with an Alpha this afternoon?” the Commander asked.

  She turned back to him, her mouth unable to work to give him an answer, but suddenly the hall quietened.

  Victoya looked around and followed everyone’s gaze up to the platform. Emperor Drocco held Cailyn in his lap, pressing her close to him as he watched his mate closely. She looked so small against him but so comfortable and snug. It was clearly a familiar position for them, and they held their eyes on each other, smiling as though they shared a delicious secret—as though no one else were in the room. The entire hall had turned to watch them, and Victoya couldn’t help but smile. There was something about the two of them that was pretty incredible. Something about the way the emperor looked at Cailyn, the way she softened into him, the way they touched each other. At first, Victoya thought it was because they were true mates, but now she knew about the concept of true Alphas and Omegas, she was sure that also played a part. They were highly compatible, and it penetrated every inch of their interactions with each other. But it also reminded Victoya of what she would never have.

  When she turned back she was shocked to see Commander Torin still looking at her—he had not been enraptured by Drocco and Cailyn like everyone else. He was still waiting for an answer. Her smile dropped from her face and she stiffened slightly before taking a breath. “Please do not feel like you have to take Cailyn, um—the empress, seriously, Commander. She was just jesting. I’m here in the capacity of my role as her assistant, not as part of the matching event.”

  The weight of his solid gaze didn’t change as she spoke and he remained silent for a long moment. “And in what capacity were you here, in the palace, before? When you worked in the kitchens?”

  Victoya’s eyes widened and her heart quickened. She hadn’t expected to have to speak to him alone, let alone talk to him about working in the kitchens. How had he even remembered her from those times? “Ah.. I—um…” Her ears began to burn as she tried to remember the excuse she had thought up when she decided to leave the Omega Compound with Cailyn. There was no way she could tell him that she had only come to the palace to try to seduce him as part of a mission for the Omega Mothers, but her mind had gone blank.

  “Were you here looking for information, like the Empress?” he questioned, when she stumbled too long.

  Victoya inhale
d at his sharp tone, a new thought occurring to her. “Am I being investigated?” she asked hesitantly.

  He lifted his head, peering down at her through the narrow slits of his eyes, and she knew he would not answer.

  “Cailyn told me I had been pardoned,” she said, her voice quiet under the blanket of silence in the hall. “It doesn’t matter why I was here before, does it?”

  Torin’s gaze remained steady. “It matters to me.”

  Her stomach dropped with disappointment. Clearly he wanted to investigate her, but he knew Cailyn wouldn’t like it. Maybe he felt slighted that she had been an Omega spy under his nose, just like Drocco had been with Cailyn. She didn’t think he would take such offense—they had hardly spoken—but he was the second-in-command of the Lox. Any man in that role would be prideful. Maybe that was the reason behind his attention to her that Cailyn noticed.

  “I’m sorry but you need to speak to the empress about that, Commander,” she said, dropping her scrunched napkin on the table. “I must go and… support this event.”

  She turned away from him and headed to a table at the back of the hall, breathing a heavy sigh of relief once she safely escaped. She poured herself a glass of wine, but as she lifted it to take a large gulp, she turned and saw that the commander was still watching her. All eyes were on the throne except his; he was completely turned away, his back to the emperor and Cailyn, while he observed Victoya.

  In her surprise, Victoya missed her mouth and red wine sloshed down the front of her tunic. Quietly cursing, she grabbed a bunch of napkins, wiped her mouth and chin, and tried to dab her tunic dry. She turned away from the Commander’s piercing gaze, wishing a portal would open up and swallow her. This was a disaster! Would Cailyn be offended if she left? If nothing was going to happen between the Alphas and Omegas, did it matter if she wasn’t there? She couldn’t bear the thought of continuing the event under such scrutiny by the one man that made her lose all control of her body and mind.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a number of warriors slowly crossing the hall. Her dabbing halted as she watched them, amazement twisting into her as they stepped closer to the Omegas. The Omegas noticed their approach and turned to face them, some watchful and openly curious, while others seemed nervous and rooted to the spot. Yera, an outgoing Omega from the compound, inched forward as an enormous Alpha came to a stop before her, looming over her as they studied each other. As soon as she smiled at him, albeit nervously, he began speaking with her. The other Alphas had already followed suit. A few pulled an Omega away from the rest and took her to another space in the hall to speak to her, others forced the Omega back against the wall, trapping her in. As the room’s dynamic changed, some Alphas and Omegas milled among the couples talking, eyeing each other until a moment to approach arose. The low murmur of conversation grew in the hall again, but this time, it felt different; charged with an excited curiosity.

  Victoya squeezed her damp tunic in her fist, unable to stop herself from grinning. It was working. They were communicating, at least. She couldn’t even share her excitement with Cailyn because she was still staring into the eyes of her Alpha. Typical.

  She threw down the napkins and moved among the crowd, keeping an eye on the body language of the Alphas and Omegas getting to know one another. Although the Alphas had gone through their preparation training, it didn’t mean they wouldn’t still be territorial over an Omega they deemed to be theirs. Fights could still break out, though it was unlikely to escalate out of control while the Omegas were blocked. The Alphas had vowed to intervene between their fellow warriors if any such disagreements took place.

  She drifted between the couples, fascinated by the Alphas. She’d never been up close to them before. There was something in their gaze when they looked at the Omegas that she couldn’t quite place—wonder or pride, possibly? They didn’t leer or lust after any Omega as the Mothers had always taught.

  A rough hand grabbed her elbow. “I am Roclan.”

  She looked up to see an enormous Alpha peering down at her with deep brown eyes. Dark blonde hair swept across his forehead, crowning his head, and he was so wide, Victoya almost felt as though she was surrounded by him.

  “I wish to speak to you,” he stated firmly.

  Before she could get a word out, he led her to another part of the hall. “Wait,” she said, trying to pull herself from his grip. “Wait, I’m not part of—”

  “We can speak privately over here.”

  Even though she tried to get out of his grip, she suddenly found herself against a wall with the Alpha towering above her.

  “What is your name?” he asked, his eyes roving over her as he stepped even closer.

  Victoya couldn’t speak for a moment. He was enormous and with every step he took, his strange scent became stronger. Not only that, but he seemed to block out all light. Suddenly she felt trapped.

  “Release her, Roclan.”

  The Alpha froze, a frown forming on his face, before he turned.

  Commander Torin stood at his shoulder, his face like stone as he watched both of them. Victoya blinked at him, surprised, as the Alpha stepped back slightly.

  “Commander,” Roclan began, seeming somewhat confused. “I am partaking in this—”

  “I know, but she is not,” the commander said, stern and sharp.

  Roclan glanced at her, his confusion deepening. “But she is an Omega, and a very pretty one. I wish to—”

  “She is the empress’ assistant,” Torin almost snapped, his voice gritty, “and not part of this event. Release her now.”

  Roclan stepped back further, dipping his head to Torin. “I will seek another, Commander.”

  Torin dipped his head in return and Victoya watched the Alpha as he strode away, her breath releasing in a gust of relief. She turned to Commander Torin. “Thank you—”

  Torin swept in front of her so fast, she almost yelped in shock. He caged her in, his hands on the wall as he leaned over her, his gray eyes pinning her to the wall. “I thought you weren’t looking for an Alpha?” The storm in his eyes was almost mesmerizing.

  “I-I-I’m not. I was trying to tell him—”

  “It didn’t look like you were saying anything.” The growl in his voice took Victoya by surprise. She stared at him, her eyes wide and her eyebrows inching up higher as she noticed his tense stance. She hadn’t ever seen him like this before—he was always calm, level-headed, and reasonable. Clearly he was still annoyed with her answer earlier.

  “I was trying,” she said, as firmly as she could without stuttering like an idiot.

  “You need to do more than try,” the commander said sternly. “These are Alphas. They will take what they want when they see it.”

  Victoya’s eyes flicked over his shoulder at the proceedings behind him. “But I thought they’ve been prepared for this event…”

  “They have learned to cull their urgent instincts so that they don’t hurt an Omega,” he said. “But they will still assert their will over what they want.”

  Victoya swallowed and then returned her eyes to his. “Thank you for the warning, Commander, and for assisting me.”

  The storm in his gaze softened. “I will escort you for the rest of the event.”

  Victoya frowned. That meant he would be questioning her for the whole afternoon. “That is not necessary.”

  “It is,” he said bluntly. “Do you think Roclan will be the only one? He won’t.”

  Stubbornness and determination rose in her stomach. He didn’t understand—no Alpha would want her, not truly. “I assure you, there will be no need to spend your time escorting me, Commander,” she said firmly. “I am quite safe.”

  As she ducked under his arm, he actually growled, and a rush of his scent embraced her. She slowed as she breathed it in, marveling at how different it was from the Alpha scent that dominated the room. While the Alphas had a heady, almost acrid, scent, Commander Torin’s was more balanced; deep and mellow.

  Victoya pushed
forward, hurrying away from him, even though the urge to turn back to him was strong. She wove through the couples talking in the space, trying to take as much in as possible and watching for any lone Alphas who might be heading her way. She suspected Commander Torin was watching her—she could almost feel his eyes on her back, but forced herself not to turn and see if she was right. She had to try and ignore him. She didn’t know if he intended to pursue finding out what she had been doing in the palace, but eventually he would have to give up.



  Torin struggled to concentrate.

  Usually when he trained Lox warriors, nothing else penetrated his thoughts. He focused completely on ensuring that the Alphas before him worked hard to improve their technique and correct any personal imperfections that marred their fighting style. He had trained meticulously with Drocco and his grandfather from a young age to be the best at understanding the melee fighting style he had adapted from the Southern Lands tribes. While Drocco also had strong technique, his successes relied on the use of his instincts, whereas Torin looked for patterns and weaknesses in order to hone his style. It meant he was just as successful a warrior as Drocco, but he fought with less emotion. He relied on his mind, logic, and senses, to tell him the next step. But that wasn’t working today.

  Every time he tried to sink into the meditative state he needed to be in to analyze the warriors he was training, his mind kept flicking back to the pairing event and the curious little Omega who claimed she didn’t want an Alpha.

  “Commander,” Gadil said, panting as he stopped in his tracks. “Do you have any feedback for us?”

  Torin drew his mind back to the sparring he was supposed to be watching. He barely moved, keeping his entire body still as his eyes flicked over the two warriors in front of him. They had been sparring for a while and he hadn’t made a single correction.


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