My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8) Page 13

by Taryn Quinn

  No. I’m at Ivy’s. Remember? Have u been *beer emoji*?

  Just one. Are they still awake?


  I had to grin. Even drunk, Kinleigh was far too suspicious. I lo—liked how she challenged me at every turn, even if sometimes it pissed me off.

  I’m here to make a baby with you.

  The door to Ivy’s side of the duplex flew open so fast that I reared back. I had mere seconds to enjoy the sight of Kinleigh with wet hair, wearing only a tight nightshirt that said Kiss Me I’ve Got Irish Inside Me and fuzzy striped knee socks. She leaned out and yanked me inside with a fistful of my shirt, holding her finger up to her mouth.

  “Shh,” she whispered in case I didn’t understand the gesture. She nudged the door closed and dragged me toward the guest bedroom, her hand wrapped securely around mine.

  I liked the feeling far too much.

  As soon as we were inside, she slammed both hands against my chest and pushed me into the closed door. She inched up on her toes and I leaned down, unprepared for her hard, hungry kiss. The motion literally knocked off my ball cap and sent my senses reeling.

  Somehow I found myself cupping her ass, clad in just lacy panties. My cock went from interested to hell yeah in a second flat.

  “You’re so sweet,” she gasped between kisses, reaching down to palm my shaft.

  I groaned into her mouth. So much for keeping quiet. I was amazed the sound didn’t echo through the canyon. Did Crescent Cove have a canyon?

  So many questions. So little bloodflow left outside my erection.

  She plucked the mangled violet out of my hand and made a noise crossed between a sigh and a squeal. I’d never heard anything similar from Kinleigh, that was for sure.

  “You brought me a flower?”


  Her lips curved. “You sound uncertain.”

  I rubbed the heel of my hand over my chest. “I’m trying to come to terms with not being inside you yet.”

  She stepped forward and grabbed my belt buckle, pulling my cock flush with the cleft between her thighs. I couldn’t help groaning again, even more loudly than the last time.

  “That so?” Her question was a purr. “You risking another rash, big boy?”

  When I growled, she released possibly the sexiest laugh I’d ever heard from her. So light and feminine and free.

  Also, so very tipsy. Unfortunately for me.

  “I never got a rash. I don’t have a latex allergy. I just told my mom I did because I was messing around with girls at fourteen and didn’t want her to know.”

  “Fourteen?” Her eyes widened. “Early bloomer.”

  “How about you?”

  She was studying my mouth, her focus so intent that my dick twitched. “How about me what?”

  I tucked one of her loose red curls behind her ear. “How early did you…bloom?”

  She trailed the small, tender violet over the base of her throat, drawing my gaze to where her pulse beat so crazily under her fair skin. “Not very early at all. Twenty-one. Then I think I re-hymenated for a while after he broke up with me.”

  I knew I was supposed to laugh, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

  “Any man who broke up with you is a moron.” I couldn’t stand the guy without even knowing him, because I hadn’t managed to date her yet. Possibly because of him. “Tell me his name, and I’ll go put sugar in his gas tank.”

  She smiled again fleetingly. “Not worth it. Besides, he has a valet.”

  Extreme dislike shot right into hatred. And talking suddenly became very overrated.

  I scooped her up over my shoulder, expecting her to let out an unholy scream loud enough to wake the whole house. Instead, she tapped my shoulder and reached back to hold up the violet, already halfway to crushed. “It needs water.”

  Carefully, I set her down on her back on the bed, making her bounce just to see her laugh. She didn’t disappoint me, her blue eyes dancing. Still, she never relinquished her hold on my offering until I held out my hand. Worry crossed her features, and my gut tightened as if I was preparing for a blow.

  I probably was. She kept sucker-punching me, and she didn’t even know it.

  Thank fuck.

  “I’ll get some water for it.”

  She nodded and placed the struggling flower so gently in the palm of my hand. I was sure it wouldn’t last for much more than a couple of hours, but the gesture was enough.

  I filled a plastic cup from the sink in the attached bathroom and set the flower in it to bob along the surface. I returned and placed the cup beside the bed where Kinleigh was sleeping in a starfish position, her nightshirt riding up, her tiny panties twisted over her sexy hips and thighs. On the lacy material, a small spot of wetness taunted me, and I had to fist my hands to not yank down her underwear and wake her up with my mouth.

  Blowing out a breath, I pushed a hand through my hair. I should just go. Let her sleep it off and see how she felt tomorrow.

  She cracks open a door and you’re just going to let her slam it shut again?

  The door she’d cracked was having a child. It wasn’t as if she’d asked me out for ice cream. This would be a lifetime commitment.

  And to get there would involve lots and lots of fun practice…

  My cock jerked against my zipper. I couldn’t help it. Much as I tried to be a gentleman, I still thought with my other head at least part of the time. Seeing Kinleigh sprawled out the next thing to naked with that stupid phrase about having Irish inside her stretched across her tits was not helping me think straight.

  I frowned. Was that my sister’s nightshirt? Had freaking Lucky Charms bought her that?


  Yeah, and he got the girl. While you’re standing around thinking about right and wrong and being prudent, LC just impregnated Ivy and worried about details later.

  Not that I would ever take life advice—mental or otherwise—from my brother-in-law. The guy still called me Auggie and smirked every time as if it was the funniest joke ever.

  But my sister loved him. He treated her well. He adored her and their baby. Really, I had nothing to complain about there.

  That didn’t mean I wouldn’t fuck with him every chance I got. It was practically a rite of passage.

  I stared down at Kinleigh’s long, wavy hair spread across the white and pink bedspread. Uncontained fire, that was her.

  I wanted to be in her world. Wanted her to be even more a part of mine.

  Already, I knew we were good together. I just had to convince her.

  Besides, if she truly deep down wanted a baby, then what? She’d go hook up with some other dude and let it happen then? If it was meant to, of course. There were no guarantees.

  I could guarantee there was no way in hell I was going to let some other dude slip into the role of her child’s father. No way.

  And if she woke up tomorrow and decided she really didn’t want a kid yet, well, that was fine too. I’d try to forget she’d mentioned it.

  Even more, I’d try to forget how much the idea had scared me—and excited me too.

  But that wasn’t for tonight. I turned toward the door. She needed her rest.

  “August, don’t go.”

  I glanced back to find her sliding her arm across the bed, fingers outstretched.

  “Come to bed with me.”

  Fuck, how was I supposed to say no to that?

  “You’re drunk.” My voice sounded like broken glass, and depending how she responded, she would leave me bleeding.

  Not the first time either.

  “Some. But I know what I want. Just too scared to say sometimes.” A faint smile tipped up her lips and she wiggled her fingers. “An orgasm or two would knock me right out.” Her eyes closed for a moment before opening again. “It’s hard to stop thinking so much.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and fingercombed her damp, gorgeous hair all the way to the ends. On the next trip, I let my fingers sink in deeper to massage her scalp, just so she’d
keep on making those little purring sounds in her throat.

  She smelled like a strawberry sundae. Sinful as fuck.

  “I can help you with the orgasm.” Could I ever.

  She tipped her head back and met my gaze with her slumberous blue eyes. “Please.”

  That single word was my undoing. Anything she asked me for, I would give. Happily.

  I was in deep freaking trouble.

  I shifted until I was lying beside her and traced my fingertips down her jaw. I kissed her gently, extending the moment while she made a frustrated noise and grabbed for me. I eased just out of her reach and cupped one of her breasts, rubbing my thumb over her rock-hard nipple. She gasped and grabbed my hand, holding it against her while she leaned up to seek my mouth. This kiss was harder, deeper, longer. Mimicking everything I wanted to do to her, even if I knew that wasn’t an option.

  Not tonight.

  I bent my head and captured her other nipple through the nightshirt, adding a hint of teeth when she whimpered. My hand was already on the move down her soft abdomen, and for a second, the thought of her round with my child lodged in my brain.

  I wanted to claim her. Make her mine in a primal way that defied all sense.


  I kept my touch easy, at least until I reached the scalloped edge of her panties. Then I couldn’t wait any longer. I slipped my fingers inside and dragged them down her swollen cleft, groaning against her breast at the slickness awaiting me. She feathered her hand over my hair, brushing it back while she turned her head to nibble on my ear.

  “Want you inside.” Her breathy voice was going to fucking kill me.

  “I am inside. Feel that?” I circled her stiff clit and tried not to be rough. Not to rub her hard and fast just so I could hear her moaning in my ear.

  “I do. Do you feel how wet I am for you?” She leaned back and licked her lips. “I want you. Just you. No condom.”

  I shut my eyes and prayed for strength. When my dick continued to throb against the constricting fabric of my jeans, I went for broke and slid down the bed to kneel between her thighs. Looking up at her flushed cheeks and trembling lips made my fingers clumsy as I struggled to get her panties off.

  Finally, I managed it and parted her thighs, swearing under my breath at the wetness coating them.

  “Hang on to me,” I gritted out before diving in.

  She gripped my head with both hands, arching into the strokes of my tongue—and then my fingers. Winding her legs around my back, she tugged me deeper into her fragrant, drugging heat. I was surrounded by her, lost in her sighs and her quaking muscles and the way she dragged on my hair, adding hot spikes of pain that made me redouble my focus. Her pussy was so slick and hot, and with every move I made, she responded. Tightening her thighs, scraping my neck with her nails, begging me in her silk-sheets-and-champagne voice.

  “Don’t stop, August.” My name, over and over. So low and insistent. “Please don’t stop.”

  As if I would. Or even could. What was happening between us was like a tornado, churning up everything in its path.

  When she finally broke under my lips, flooding my mouth and chin with her pleasure and torturing me with those mad flutters around my fingers, I nearly followed her. My control was so thin that the wild beat of her clit against my tongue was almost too much. The urge to bury myself deep inside her and soak her in my release too overwhelming.

  Nothing between us but skin and sweat and her sweet, sexy moans.

  After easing her down, I turned my head to catch my breath. I was almost wheezing, for fuck’s sake.

  I dared to take a look at her face. She’d come so hard I hoped she’d found some relief from her busy brain.

  And oh, she had, but not how I’d assumed. Her eyes were closed, her lovely features slack.

  Kinleigh was sound asleep.



  I smiled and stretched my arms over my head, caught in that comfortable space between asleep and awake. I’d just had the best dream, and my body was still all warm and loose.

  The sun slanting in through the window helped with that, heating my face and making my smile widen as I snuggled into the pillows. Nothing better than a good sex dream. Waking up to a sunny day afterward? Bonus. Even if the sun seemed especially intense right now.

  I frowned. My room never got that much sun. Which meant I was not at home.

  Oh, goddess.

  I clutched the sheet to my chin and frantically tried to remember last night. It was all a bit fuzzy. Going to Vee’s. Drinking wine. Laughing. Awkwardness. Texting August and then him showing up at Ivy’s door.

  Shit, I was at Ivy’s. And August was—

  I opened one eye and cautiously shifted my head before immediately snapping my eye shut again.

  August was in bed with me.

  Shirtless. Possibly pantless too.

  I pressed my thighs together and took a quick assessment. Something had gone on down there last night. But full sex? The penetrative kind? After I’d texted him and said I wanted to make a—

  “Oh, goddess,” I moaned aloud, belatedly wishing I could suck the words back into my head along with my crazy, alcohol-induced baby request.

  And Ivy. Ivy had put thoughts in my head.

  And Vee.

  And all of those happy, glowing mothers who had found their forever while enjoying a forbidden night of pleasure. Or twenty-two forbidden nights.

  I wasn’t fussy.

  Maybe he was still asleep. Guys rolled over and dozed like the dead after sex, didn’t they?

  If we’d even had sex. All I knew was we’d had something that made me feel all tingly and sensitive.

  Flashes of memory took root in my brain, and I flushed from head to toe. Kissing August, pushing him against the door. Him making me laugh by carrying me and dumping me on the bed.

  I turned my head toward the other side and smothered a sigh. He’d given me the sweetest present, a lovely, tiny violet still struggling to survive in its small cup of water.

  He’d also given me one heck of an orgasm with his lips and tongue and fingers, but who was keeping track?

  Me. I so was. The only part that I wasn’t sure about was if he’d planted a flag inside me. Possibly literally and figuratively, since I’d asked him to do so.

  August brushed a kiss over my shoulder and I shivered. When he did it again, same reaction.

  I was so screwed.

  “You’re up,” I said lamely.

  “I am.” He rolled onto his back and I nearly gasped at the pole holding up his sheet tent. He was ready for service in all ways.

  Do not get wet. Do not get wet.

  “It’s daytime.” My voice was as prim as I could manage while I was flat on my back with my nipples as hard as marbles and my fingers twitching with the need to grab his morning wood.

  Caution: wet…not paint.

  “So it is.” His voice was filled with amusement as he tracked my gaze straight to his cock, clearly visible under the sheet.

  I couldn’t tell if he was naked under there. Not that it seemed to matter as far as modesty went. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t seen it before either, but there was full sunshine in here.

  Ivy’s. Sweet heavens, we were in bed together at her place. Where she could knock on the door at any time. Where she could have heard so many things.

  “How much noise did I make?” I shot a furtive look at the closed bedroom door. Had we locked it? Could it be locked? How were we supposed to get him out of here undetected?

  “You were as delicate as a hurricane.”

  “Funny, Becks.” I sat up in bed and fumbled on the nightstand for my phone, nearly upending the cup of water containing my beloved violet. Crap. “What time is it?”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “I’m not whispering.” I so was.

  When he didn’t answer, I shoved my hair back from my face and glanced over my shoulder at him. He was sprawled on the pillows with his arms
crossed beneath his head as if he didn’t have a care in the world. His muscled chest with just the right amount of dark hair was on full display, along with that interesting arrow tattoo right near his left nipple. Not to mention the winding sleeve of black and gradients of gray ink that swirled around to make his muscles seem even more dense and appealing.

  “See something you like?”

  I flushed. There was no denying it. With my coloring, anything I felt translated right to my skin. The guy was hot, and it was rather infuriating he knew it. Not even in an egotistical way. He just had a quiet confidence I couldn’t even hate him for. It was one more positive quality in an ever growing, ever irritating list.

  “Your sister might’ve heard us, you know.”

  “Us? You were the one begging me to make you co—”

  I slapped my hand over his mouth. “Don’t say it.” He lifted a brow and waited for me to remove my hand. “Did we have sex?” I demanded.

  “On top of you passing out the second after you came, you also don’t remember?”

  I tugged my nightshirt into place, hoping to embarrass him into not checking out my breasts. I was not successful. He gazed at them unrepentantly, and they did me the dishonor of not only not minding but swelling even more against the material.

  From how slowly he licked his lips, he noticed that too.

  “Of course I remember.” My slightly frosty tone was my last defense against not climbing on top of him and riding for glory. I didn’t even have panties on, for goodness sake. “It’s just hazy.”

  Hazy was a good word.

  “Hmm.” He rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand. With his other one, he drew circles on my bare thigh. “I’ll give you some flash cards then. You texted me with a question about my rashy eggplant. Then you came home with my sister and followed that up with a text about us making a baby.” His Adam’s apple rose and fell. “So I did what any rational, red-blooded male would do when confronted with such a question.”

  “Which was?” I shouldn’t be asking as if this was story time, but I couldn’t deny wanting more insight into his thought process.


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