My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8)

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My Ex's Baby (Crescent Cove Book 8) Page 17

by Taryn Quinn

  Flowers were just…thoughtful.

  And I was overthinking everything because she drove me crazy.

  I tucked the ice cream in the freezer and followed her into her living room. She kept fussing around the room. She placed one of the jars in the front window and still another on the little sideboard table that held crystals and another diffuser. Decks of colorful cards, tall glass candles, plants, and dried flowers were scattered around every crack and crevice in her place.

  In front of the bank of windows was her sewing area. It took over almost half of her living room. Her dress form was decked out in a sparkly formal dress with lots of flowing see-through material. She was picking up bits of fabric and tucking them into one of the half dozen baskets that always seemed to litter her space.


  She wouldn’t look at me.


  She stopped, tucking her fingers into the sleeves of her sweatshirt. “I’m almost done.”

  I went over to her and slid my knuckle along the smooth skin of her back. I eased her back against my chest. “What’s up?”


  I teased the soft skin of her her midriff, my thumb coasting up over her ribs to the underside of her breast. She shivered in my arms. I dipped my head to taste her shoulder. “It’s something. You won’t even look at me.”

  Spicy lemons and freckles filled my senses. I followed the star pattern they made on her shoulder with the tip of my tongue. I kissed over to her neck, my tongue dragging along the fragile chain of sunny yellow gems dotting along every few inches of her necklace. I lifted her hair up and traced a figure eight along the nape of her neck.

  She swayed against me with a sigh.

  I’d never had to work so hard to woo a girl in my life. Sex was easy between us, but the minute I offered her more, she turned into a damn turtle. Even if the more I offered was just a fistful of flowers.

  I wouldn’t let her slip away from me. If I could be patient and find the perfect design in a slab of wood, I could certainly wait out Kinleigh.

  I hoped.

  But for now, I knew how to make her open up for me. Even if it was just her body.

  I slipped under her sweatshirt, cupped her breast and gently tugged at one tip. I let her hair fall and used the other hand to slip between her thighs. I groaned into her neck when I found just skin under the loose hem of her shorts.

  Her curls teased my cheek as I searched out that little spot that made her purr against me. Her pulse fluttered under my mouth and I bit down softly, adding more pressure as I circled her tight little clit.

  In this space, I knew her. I understood what she needed. I didn’t have to chase her or search through layers of emotion and truth. Here, she was honest.

  And so was I.

  She gripped my thigh, trying to reach around to find me. But right now, it wasn’t about me. All too soon, I’d lose myself in her and we’d race to the finish. And she’d try to push me away again.

  I wasn’t ready for that. Even if it meant blue balls for an hour, dammit.

  I held her closer, dipping two fingers into her sweet, perfect heat. Her head fell back, and one of her hands came up to cover mine on her breast. “August.”

  The song changed from the tongue-in-cheek lyrics to a soft, acoustic song. I let the music lead me with slow, searching explorations of her body. I drew her sweatshirt up and off, gazing down at her pale skin in the golden light of her living room.

  I eased us away from the windows. No one should see her but me. Even on a nearly deserted street, it didn’t matter.

  She was just for me.

  I drew my fingers from her and traced lazy circles up her belly. Her necklace was long and hung between the gentle swells of her breasts. I dragged a small yellow gem over the tip and watched her nipple tighten even more. She sucked in a breath as I used the light abrasion of the chain to torment her.

  To torment me.

  She swayed against my jeans. Her ass fit me so perfectly. Curved enough to cushion the length of my shaft between her cheeks through the nylon shorts. I ground myself against her, swaying lightly to the song as I used the chain on each of her breasts, while I toyed with the other with endlessly patient tugs.

  “You’re making me crazy.”

  “Good.” I dragged my nose along her jawline. “Exactly how I want you.”

  “Touch me.”

  “I am.” I nipped her ear.

  “More.” Her head rolled along my chest, her hair teasing me just as much as I was teasing her.

  I let the chain swing back to its spot and turned her in my arms. I cupped her face, and those huge blue eyes were unfocused and soft. Lost in the pleasure I could give her.

  Her busy brain buried for now.

  I lowered my mouth to hers. Sipping lightly, and nipping her lower lip. She smiled into the kiss and I used it to ease my way in until we were tangled. Tongues twining and flicking, her fingers pushing at my sweatshirt and T-shirt until it joined hers on the floor.

  I hissed as her water-soft skin skimmed mine for the first time tonight.

  She swayed into me, her nipples digging into my chest as she went onto her toes and wrapped her arms around me. It was just enough for me to hook her leg around my hips and lift her.

  “What about the pizza?”

  “Later,” I mumbled into her mouth.

  She laughed and hung onto me. I turned down the short hall to her room, kicking in the door. More candles and scents hit me here. These lighter and softer, with fabric and pillows everywhere. Her bed was too damn small for the both of us, but I made it work.

  I stretched her out on the patchwork quilt and her hair was like fire over the peach sheets and pillowcases. She dug her purple-tipped toes into my jeans. “Off.”

  “Or?” I knelt between her legs and leaned back.

  She sat up and reached for my fly. “I can help if you want.”

  I grinned down at her. “Is that right?”

  Her long, nimble fingers raced over the zipper and quickly reached in to draw me out of my boxer briefs. She swiped her tongue over her lower lip and peeked at me through veiled lashes.


  She flicked her tongue under the head of my cock. “I love the way you say my name so many different ways.”

  She took me deeper and I threw my head back. Her name was more of a strangled moan this time. I was quickly losing control of the situation.

  “Yes. Like that. All dark and gravelly.” She peeled down my jeans to get to more of me, digging her nails into my ass as she took me deeper.

  I fisted my fingers into her curls, holding her there.

  Her huge eyes were a little wild. Not the hazy and unfocused from before, but drunk on power. And I couldn’t even care at that moment. Because she had me wrapped, if only she’d see it. The truth was I’d do anything for her.

  This was so much more than just baby-making practice.

  I tugged on her hair and she took more of me, her nostrils flaring as she breathed in and around the invasion of my shaft. She swallowed and pumped me with her strong hand until I was wet from her mouth and the need to empty myself between those pink lips roared through my brain.

  But as much as I loved her mouth, there was only one place I longed for.

  I eased back and swiped my thumb along her swollen lip. She greedily pulled my thumb into her mouth and I swore. I kicked my jeans away and hooked my arm around her waist to roll her under me. Those long legs quickly curled around me, drawing me where she wanted me.

  “Inside me,” she said against my lips.

  There would be no drawing this out. As much as I wanted to, she made me too insane.

  I hiked her knee up higher and sunk into her with one long thrust.

  Her nails dug into my shoulders and she caught my mouth on the next stroke. “August,” she breathed.

  At least here I knew she wanted me. Knew she needed me. Not just for the baby-making. This was where we made sense�
�in each other’s arms. The slow glide of our bodies in our own rhythm. Total oneness.

  I didn’t have to worry about finding the right spots or stressing about whether she was with me. Here, we were always right—she was my true north. And my perfect match.

  I buried my face in her hair to find that little spot along her neck that drove her crazy. Just below the tiny little ladybug tattoo behind her ear. She arched up under me and cried out my name. I drove into her, chasing the heady and overwhelming undertow of pleasure that took me down every damn time.

  My name was a steady litany between her gasps, and I wore the tattoo of her nail marks down my back as I tipped up her hips and emptied myself inside of her. My brain absolutely flatlined as I gave her everything, as I had nearly every night.

  Part of me wished for the baby she wanted. The other half of me knew that I could lose her once it happened.

  Her arms slipped from my shoulders as she went boneless underneath me.

  I was tempted to do the same. Just roll her to the side and crawl behind her and find the blissful sleep I couldn’t seem to find anymore.

  But then my stomach growled—loudly.

  Kinleigh giggled under me. “Guess I should let you have that pizza now.”

  I withdrew from her and dropped onto my side. “Now that you got what you wanted?”


  I wanted to snatch the words back, but luckily, she didn’t take offense. Instead, she curled her arms around her knees and tucked them against her chest.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure all those guys stay put for a bit. Maybe do their job.”

  I dropped my arm over my eyes.

  “What? I was reading on this site that said you should put your legs up if you can. I was thinking about moving my bed over there so I could put my feet up on the wall.”

  I shook my head. “Next, you’ll have me doing headstands for blood flow.”

  “Well, that’s the wrong way for blood flow.”

  I rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom to take care of...well, it surely wasn’t a condom. It was still weird to actually be that close to anyone. Condoms were a necessary evil for guys. At least the smart ones.

  I had a few friends who were diehards about hating condoms. More than half of them had kids earlier than they’d intended.

  Me? Here I was, actively tempting fate.

  I was still waiting for the warning signs to blare in my head. So far, the only one that was tripping me up was squirrel Kinleigh. Also known as when she clammed up and tried to put distance between us.

  Was it wrong to want to hold her down and tame her?


  Did I really want to tame her?

  That was a definite no.

  I quickly washed up. I hated to actually scrub her from my skin, but if I was going to worm my way into staying a little longer, I should probably freshen up.

  When I returned to the bedroom, she was gone and the scent of spicy sauce overrode the need to analyze everything.

  I snagged my boxers and left behind my jeans, and then followed my nose into the kitchen. The pizza box was open and several pieces were missing.

  Kinleigh was just shutting the oven. She was a woman after my own heart—cold pizza was gross.

  The music was playing again. Kinleigh’s slow hip roll as she sang along to JLo was adorable. The fact that she was only wearing my shirt was another point in this evening’s favor.

  She danced her way over to the fridge and pulled out two beers—the ones she stocked just for me—and wiggled some more.

  I had to grin. Damn, my woman was hot.

  She jumped as she noticed me. “What are you doing, creeper?”

  “Enjoying the view.” I crossed to her and slipped my fingers under the hem of my faded Chevy T-shirt to pull her closer. I hissed as the cold beers pressed against my nipples.

  Her blue eyes lit. “Cold?”

  “Care to try it and find out.” I lifted the soft cotton.

  She shrieked and tried to move away. “No. No, Aug—”

  I pushed the bottle against her breast and watched her nipple tighten and darken with the cold. She tried to squirm away, her laughter filling the space.

  The best sound ever.

  Still smiling down at her, I took both beers with one hand and put them on the counter behind her, and then lowered my mouth to her icy breast. I drew it deep into my warm mouth and she sighed, slipping her fingers into my hair.

  Hard again, I lifted her up onto the counter.


  “How long do we have on the timer?”

  She swallowed. “Four minutes.”

  “Think we can?”

  Her blue eyes twinkled. “Should you be proud of that?”

  I barked out a laugh and freed myself, slipping into her. “The correct question is can I make you come in four minutes?”

  “Probably in two.” She groaned. “Goddess, you feel amazing.”

  I shoved her—my—shirt up and latched onto her nipple. She threw her head back. “August.”

  I knew that sound. I grinned around her tight nipple and tugged her closer to the edge of the counter and drove into her. My spine twinged at the angle and that I actually had to go onto my toes to get the angle I knew she needed. “Hold on,” I managed as I gritted my teeth against how good she felt.

  She gripped the counter and lifted her legs around me.

  “No. Me,” I growled. I curled my arm around her lower back and jerked her against me so I could get deeper. Until I bottomed out inside her.

  Her arms went around me, her nails scraping my shoulders. Shock flashed in her eyes. I gripped her hair and dragged her mouth to mine, swallowing her surprised shout. I followed her lead and the room darkened, spots dancing along my periphery as we raced to the edge.

  She clasped me tighter, inside and out. My heartbeat seemed to echo in my head. Throbbing endlessly. Beating only for her.

  I let out a roar as I came so hard that the world went silent. Then suddenly, my hearing came roaring back with the shrill pitch of the timer.

  “Done,” she said weakly against my shoulder.

  “Yeah, you are.”

  She giggled. “You’re a terrible man.”

  “So terrible I made you come that fast, then twice before?”

  “It was not twice.”

  I caught her mouth. “Sure about that?”

  “Pizza’s burning.”

  “I don’t care.” But then my stomach growled again. I backed away from her, tucking myself back into my boxers. “Stay.”

  One golden brow arched. “Do I bark next?” She swung her legs as she opened one of the beers for me.

  I shoved my hand into the pink fish-shaped oven mitt and pulled out the perfect mushroom and cheese pizza. I burned the tip of my finger when I sneaked a mushroom before dumping the lot of it on the stove. Then I turned and grabbed my beer, taking a long swallow before returning it to her.

  “Aww, backwash just for me?”

  “So says the woman who took my dick inside her mouth like it was her favorite lollipop.”

  She grinned. “Different. Besides, I’m just holding this for you while you look all studly and chef-like handling that gooey pizza.”

  “Since you’re calling me a stud…” I opened her knees and wedged my hips between them. “Care for a fourth?”

  She didn’t say a word, just set aside my beer and licked her lips. Her look of dubiousness was enough for me to forget my pizza again and bury two knuckles into still swollen pussy. I found her clit, squeezing again and again. She gripped the counter, still playing it cool. But her body told the truth. It always did. She coated my hand and her breath hitched. She never broke our eye contact.

  Looking into her eyes as she quivered for me made me crazy.

  She gripped my forearm, my name a hiss as she dragged me down by the back of my neck. I let out a low laugh as her control broke and she shattered on a long moan. />
  It took everything inside me not to slide into the fisting grip of her body. To bury myself inside her again and forget the rest of the world existed.

  But this was enough. Touching her, bringing her pleasure, being here with her—all of it was more than enough. And I needed her to know that.

  I backed away from her and went to the sink to wash my hands before grabbing my beer again. It was almost empty and had gone warm, but I drank it down like the parched man I was. I’d be after the second one in a minute. “Pizza?”

  She blew out a slow breath. “Yes, please.”

  I hid my smile from her as I snagged plates from her cupboard. “Gonna wash your hands?”

  “Just as soon as my knees reform their bones.”

  I laughed and held a mushroom out to her. She bit the tip of my finger when she took it. “So mean. Is that any way to treat the man who left your knees boneless in four minutes? And then again in like two?”

  “This is going to be a thing, isn’t it?”

  I took a healthy bite from my slice. “Maybe.”

  Finally, she hopped down, and maybe my smile was a little smug when she wavered a little. I moved to the island for a napkin and got a smack to my ass for my trouble.

  We laughed over half a dozen slices between us. Topics included customers—we both had stories there—and more than a few about Rhiannon. In the end, I hauled her back to bed for another round of baby-making gymnastics.

  When she was draped over me and I resumed the ability to take in oxygen, I stroked her hair until she settled against me.

  “You can’t stay.”

  “I know.”

  “If Ivy found out…”

  “Shh. Just a few minutes and I’ll head home.”

  She snuggled down beside me. “Okay, just a few more minutes.”

  And because sleep hadn’t been one of my top priorities with all the custom orders I’d been working on along with being on call for Kin… Well, it wasn’t shocking that I passed out.

  Especially with a warm, delicious-smelling woman sprawled on me.


  “Mmm.” I rolled over and shoved my arms under the pillow, flipping it to find the cool side. My knee almost fell off the edge of the bed, for fuck’s sake.


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