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Dody Page 5

by Betty McLain

  “You are under a doctor’s care?”

  “Yes, I am doing fine, though.”

  “Would you like me to find someone to take over for you? You could go home early and rest up for the fall semester.”

  “No, there is just two more weeks. I would like to finish up, if I may, but I will not be coming back to teach in the fall, Mrs. David.”

  “I see. Well, we will be sorry to lose you. You are a very good teacher. And, Dody, I will let you finish up with your class. But, if at any time you feel that you need to leave, just let me know and I will get a substitute in. Okay?”

  “Yes, I will, Mrs. David, and thank you.” Dody rose and left the office. Mrs. David sat staring after Dody for several minutes. She was very concerned about that young lady.

  Dody went back to her room where she found Sue waiting for her. “What did Mrs. David want?” she asked. Sue wandered over to the window and sat curled up on the window seat. She had her artist pad before her and was sketching.

  “She wanted to find out what is wrong with me and to offer to get a sub in to take over for me, so I could leave early,” replied Dody.

  “Are you going to let her?” inquired Sue.

  “No, I am not. I talked her into letting me finish up this semester. I told her I would not be back next semester, though.”

  Sue stopped sketching and looked at Dody. “Have you decided what you are going to do, then?”

  “Not exactly,” answered Dody. “I have thought it over. As a matter of fact, I have thought of little else.”

  “I know,” answered Sue softly. “You are worrying too much. That is why you are looking so pale.”

  “I know,” answered Dody, running her hands through her hair.“I can not help it, though.”

  “You are going to have to try,” said Sue. “It is not good for your baby for you to worry so much. You need to relax more.”

  “I will try,” promised Dody. “Sue, do you have any plans for when school is out?”

  “Not really. I was going to travel a bit. I thought I might visit a few art shows. Why?” she asked.

  “I was wondering if you could come home with me. I don’t think I can face everyone alone.”

  Sue thought about it for a minute. She looked at Dody. “I told you I would do anything I could to help and I meant it. I would love to see your plantation. I bet there are lots of great scenes I can paint.”

  “Thanks, Sue. I suppose I will have to tell my mom, soon. I know I can not give up my baby. It helps to know I will have a friend nearby. Maybe I will not feel so alone.”

  “You will always have my friendship, Dody. But, unless I am very much mistaken, I am just one of many.”

  Dody smiled fondly at her friend. “Thanks, Sue,” she said softly. “I knew I could count on you. You will love being on the plantation. There are a lot of good looking guys in town. Maybe you will even take a shine to Charles. I would be glad to have his mother’s attention somewhere besides me.”

  Dody laughed softly and Sue joined in. “I am going to visit you, not to check out the local talent,” she remarked.

  The girls dropped the subject and started to plan the end of school exams. It would be time for them soon and they were going to be prepared. They had to work hard to stay ahead of the students. But, they were up to the task.

  Chapter 8

  School was to be out next Wednesday. On Monday evening, Dody received a telephone call. She had been busy helping to decorate for the end of year farewell party when she was called to the phone. She laughingly handed her hand full of party decorations to another, and then she hurried to the phone.

  “Hello,” she said a little breathlessly.

  “Hello, Barbara. This is Charles.”

  “Hi, Charles, what are you calling for? I will be home in a couple of days.”

  “Yes, I know, but I have to leave in the morning on business. I will be gone until sometime Saturday. I wanted to get your okay on a party Saturday night.”

  “What kind of party, Charles?”

  “It is just a small party at the country club. It will be the children of our new neighbors. She has a son and daughter, and they will bring their dates, of course. I told them you would be home and they asked us to join them. I said we would if it was alright with you. They are the Dorchesters. Your mother has told you about them, hasn't she? Mrs. Dorchester and your mother are great friends.”

  “Yes, she has mentioned them a few times. Sure, I guess we can go to the party, but you will have to ask Bill or Bob to come along. My friend Sue Taylor is coming home with me.”

  “I will ask Bill. He will love to come along. Dody?”

  Dody waited as he paused for a minute. “What is it, Charles?” she asked at last.

  “I was just wondering. Why don’t we announce our engagement Saturday night and make it official. Everyone already knows we are engaged, but we could set a date.” He rushed through the speech as though he was afraid of an interruption.

  “No,” said Dody very quietly. “We are not announcing our engagement. We are not engaged. I have not said I would marry you. You and our moms had no right to tell everyone we were.”

  “But, I thought we were going to be married,” stammered Charles.

  “No,” said Dody sharply. “I have not agreed to any such plan.”

  “But, Dody,” said Charles.

  “I am sorry Charles,” Dody cut in. “I don’t want to talk about it any more now. I will see you on Saturday. We will talk then. Goodbye.”

  “Okay, Dody, Goodbye.”

  Dody sighed as she hung up the phone. She was finished with letting everyone at home tell her what to do. She could not think about marrying Charles. She had her baby to think about, now. She did not know what she was going to do, yet, but she knew it did not include Charles. If she had been in love with Charles, Greg would not have had such a strong affect on her. She would not marry a man she did not love. She put the problem aside for the time being and went back to decorating. The last three days of school went by in a whirl of excitement. Even Dody forgot her troubles and enjoyed herself.

  Sue and Dody enjoyed some quiet time and a well deserved rest at Dody’s home. Dody’s friends had not discovered she was home and she and Sue lazed around and visited with Dody’s family. Sue and Mrs. Lansing got along well and Rod liked having someone around to give him some pointers on drawing.

  The night of the party Dody chose a full skirted, dark blue satin dress. She was standing in front of the mirror looking at herself when Sue entered her room.

  “It does not show, yet. Stop worrying.”

  Dody turned toward her with a smile. “I know. I guess I must be feeling guilty or something. I feel as if everyone who looks at me could tell.”

  “You have nothing to feel guilty about. You will tell when you are ready. You are just nervous. Now relax. Charles and Bill are downstairs waiting. I told them we would be right down, so come on.” She took Dody’s hand and they went down together.

  When Charles and Bill saw them, they rose and came forward.

  “Hello, Barbara,” said Charles, taking Dody’s hand in a firm clasp and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Hello, Charles.” she answered, gently disengaging her hands. “Hello, Bill,” she said, extending a hand toward him.

  “Hello, Barbara.” said Bill.

  “It looks like my mother has finally managed to get everyone to call me Barbara. If anyone wants an answer from me, I only answer to Dody,” she said smiling sadly. She turned toward Sue. “Have you two met my friend Sue Taylor?”

  “Yes,” answered Charles, “She was down here when we arrived. We introduced ourselves. Are you ready to go, Dody? I told the Dorchesters we would meet them at the club. Lucy Lang is going to be there, too.”

  “Lucy!” exclaimed Dody. “Why I have not seen her in almost three years now. Come on, let’s go. It will be great to see Lucy again.” They all followed Dody out to the car. On the way to the club, Dody chatte
d happily with Bill and Sue, who were in the back seat.

  Lucy Lang, a pert blond who was full of fun and foolishness, was Greg’s date for the evening. His sister, Marcie had Ron for her escort. They had arrived and both couples were dancing, close together, when Dody and her friends arrived at the club. Lucy was the first to see them. They were almost at their table when she spotted them.

  “Here is Charles and Dody!” she exclaimed with a joyful cry. Come on.” She started for the table and the other three followed her. Greg moved slowly. He could hardly believe that after all of this time, he was about to see Dody again. Ron looked at Dody and then turned his attention on Greg. He was very concerned for his friend. He knew what a hard time Greg had been through because of Dody.

  “Dody!” Exclaimed Lucy as she reached the table where Dody was seated.

  “Lucy,” Dody arose, smiling happily. The two friends embraced fondly.

  “Hey, it is good to see you again. It seems like it has been forever,” beamed Lucy.

  “I am happy to see you, too. How have you been?” asked Dody.

  “I have been doing great, but I have been missing my old friends. I am very glad I was able to get home for a visit.” said Lucy.

  Greg had been standing behind Dody out of her sight. “Here,” said Lucy, Turning Dody around to face Greg. “I want you to meet Greg Dorchester.”

  Dody looked up into Greg’s face. The smile and color faded from her face, leaving her deathly pale. Her voice froze. She could not say a word. She could only stare into those eyes she had been seeing constantly for the last three months. Greg stared back at her with a set face. The others, all except Ron, looked from Greg to Dody, puzzled.

  “Hey, do you two know each other?” asked Lucy.

  “Yes,” said Greg quietly. “Hello, Dody.”

  The quietness of his voice seemed to break the spell that held her. “Hello, Greg,” she answered, turning her face to one side. It was then she saw Ron and Greg’s sister. “Hello, Ron,” she said with a nod of her head.

  Ron came forward with his hand extended. Dody placed her hand in his for a brief clasp. “Hello, Dody. It is nice to see you again,” he said. He turned and pulled Marcie forward. This is Marcie Dorchester. Marcie, meet Dody.” Marcie and Dody shook hands. Ron did not know to introduce her as Dody Dorchester. He had no idea what was going on.

  “But, I thought we were to meet a Barbara Lansing,” said Marcie, puzzled.

  “I am Barbara Lansing,” explained Dody. “Most of my friends have called me Dody since I was a child, though." Dody had been very aware of Greg standing behind her during the brief introductions. How she wished she could turn and look at him again, but she did not dare. “Has everyone met my friend Sue Taylor?” she asked waving a hand toward Sue. They all greeted each other and Ron and Sue were happy to say they met before.

  Everyone was watching Greg and Dody. Sue and Ron with concern, everyone else with curiously. Dody looked at Lucy with an appeal in her eyes. Lucy was puzzled, but she did the best she could to help. “Hey, what is everyone looking so grim about? This is supposed to be a party,” she called.

  This broke the tension in the group. They began to talk and laugh. They took their chairs around the table. Ron took Marcie around the table so they could talk to Sue. Dody started to slip into her chair.

  “Will you dance with me, Dody?” asked Greg from over her shoulder.

  Dody glanced at the others. They had all gathered around Sue. They were laughing and talking. “Alright,” she said. She laid her purse on the table and preceded Greg onto the dance floor. Once there, she turned and slipped into his waiting arms. Never once did she raise her eyes to meet his. Greg held her close. He looked down at her dark hair. He could smell her perfume and the light fragrance drifted upwards into his nostrils. It was wonderful and all Dody. It felt wonderful to hold her in his arms again. He pulled her closer. Dody had been holding herself stiffly, but his closeness melted her. She relaxed and floated in his arms. They danced that way for several minutes before he spoke.

  “Why did you run off like that, Dody?” Dody stiffened, but she remained silent. “I looked for you, but you did not leave a note or address. I could not find you.” He looked down at Dody tenderly. Since she still had not looked up, she did not know this.

  “Why should you want to find me?” she asked

  He looked at her, puzzled. “Are you kidding?” he asked.


  They danced on for several minutes. They were both lost in their thoughts. Then Greg took her hand and led her toward the terrace. “Come with me,” he said. “We have got to have a talk.”

  Dody let him lead her out. She had no choice. She could not have broken his grip, and she did not want to cause a scene. The lights from inside were shinning out, dimly lighting the terrace. Greg chose a far corner where they were less likely to be disturbed and led Dody to it. He stopped and gently pulled Dody around to face him.

  “Now, I want to know what is going on. Why did you leave without a word?”

  Dody turned her gaze away from his. She quickly averted her face. “I think I should tell you I have very little memory of what happened the night we met. I dimly remember meeting you and Ron and of dancing some and that is all I remember.” Her voice was very low as she spoke.

  “That is all,” repeated Greg, He looked stunned.

  “Yes, you see, Carolyn’s punch was spiked, though I did not know at the time. I have never drunk much and I guess I over indulged that night. I can not remember.”

  Greg stared at her for several minutes while he thought this over. He found it hard to believe what he heard. “Didn’t you think it was strange you woke up in my room the next morning?” he asked. Even though the terrace was dimly lit, there was enough light for Greg to see the red color that flooded over Dody. Dody remained silent. “I see what you thought,” he said softly and laughed.

  “It is not funny,” mumbled Dody.

  “Oh, but it is funny. You thought I had taken you home with me for the night.” He chuckled softly. “Well, I guess in a way I did, but I had hoped to keep you longer than one night.”

  Dody pulled away from him with a sob. She turned back to face him. “Please don’t.” she cried in a strangled voice.

  “Oh, Dody, you do not understand,” he said sadly. “I had a right to take you home with me. We were married that night.”

  “Married?” whispered Dody.

  “Yes, we were married. Here, I have the marriage certificate right here. See.” He took the certificate from his inside pocket, where he kept it, and handed it to her as she looked up at him.

  Dody took the certificate from him and read it through, quickly. “We are really married,” she whispered to herself.

  Greg misunderstood her sigh of relief. His face hardened into a mask once more. She glanced up, but she could tell little from his expression.

  “Do not worry,” he told her quietly. “You got married quickly in Reno. I suppose you can get a divorce almost as quickly. I will not keep a wife who has to get drunk before she will marry me.”

  Dody paled. She could say nothing. She could only stare at him. He moved closer to her. Then, taking her shoulders in a hard grasp, he pulled her roughly to him. “It would be a shame to be married and divorced without knowing how it feels to be kissed by your husband.” He said thickly. His arms slid around her. He was holding her so close she could hardly breathe. Then, taking one hand, he pulled her head back. His lips came down on hers, hard and brutal. He kissed her harshly, holding her so tight she thought she might faint. He let her go, and Dody said nothing. She only stared up into his eyes as she put a hand to her bruised lips. She was very pale. It struck him to his depths to see her look at him with that look in her eyes. He wished he could take back the last few minutes. He should have been more understanding. He did not think there was any chance for him and Dody, now. Greg groaned and pulled Dody close once more. She stiffened, but he gently held her and then he kissed her
in an entirely different way. Dody gave herself up to the kiss. It was nothing like the other brutal assault. Greg deepened the kiss and allowed his tongue to slip into Dody’s mouth. He rubbed his tongue along Dody’s and she answered with her own. When he finally pulled back, they were both breathing hard. Dody looked at Greg. She did not know what to think. Did he have feelings for her, or not? She was very confused. It seemed as if her feelings were on a roller coaster. She needed time to think about all of this. She sighed and looked away from Greg. Greg hearing the sigh thought that Dody was rejecting him again. His features hardened and his face froze into a mask.

  Chapter 9

  “We had better be getting back. The others will be wondering what happened to us,” said Greg quietly.

  Dody looked at his lips. “You might want to wipe the lipstick off first,” said Dody.

  Greg took out his handkerchief and wiped off the lipstick. When he was satisfied he had it all, he put the handkerchief back in his pocket Taking Dody’s arm, He led the way back inside. They were almost back at their table when Dody realized she still had the marriage certificate open in her hand.

  “May I keep this?” she asked Greg, quietly, holding it up for him to see. “I may need it to get a divorce with.”

  “Yes, you may keep it,” he replied woodenly.

  They walked the few steps to the table in silence. Greg held Dody’s chair for her, and when she was seated, went to his own seat. The talking stopped when they returned. Everyone was watching them. Dody folded her marriage certificate and reached for her purse.

  “What is that?” asked Lucy.

  Dody looked over at Greg and held his gaze as she answered. “My marriage certificate.”

  There was a stunned intake of breathe around the table.

  “Your marriage certificate,” gasped Lucy. “I did not know you were married.”

  Dody smiled at her sadly. “I did not know, either,” she said.

  Lucy looked at her incredulously. “You mean you are married and you did not even know it?”


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