The Black Orb

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The Black Orb Page 13

by Sabine A. Reed

  Was this the last time that she would ever see him? "I missed you," she said softly, wishing she'd the courage to say it when he had been facing her.

  She turned to face the Dragon Claw. It seemed like such an ordinary thing. Beautiful, yes. But powerful?

  "Let's give you a try." She plucked it out of its niche.

  Nothing happened.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As Aria held the Dragon Claw, a wave of disappointment coursed through her. There was no tug of power, no magical spark to show her that this indeed was the weapon that would free her kingdom of the evil Queen and her Black Orb.

  "Aren't you supposed to do something?" she whispered. If it turned out to be nothing more than a dried-out stick, dipped in gold, her journey and Bikkar's sacrifice would all be for nothing.

  An image of Marcus as she had last seen him, blank and subservient to the Queen, flashed through her mind. Would he remain like that forever?

  No. She would not permit it.

  The sense of purpose that had driven her the past weeks morphed into anger.

  "You will work for me." She raised the Dragon Claw high above her head. Suddenly a beam of moonlight flashed through one of the chamber's high windows and struck it. The Dragon Claw glowed in its silvery light and at last, Aria felt warmth radiating from it.

  Bringing her arms down, she held it away from her body and watched as it shone brighter and brighter, until the light it gave off was white hot. Its heat did not burn, but rather thrilled Aria. Its power surged through her body. She felt the magic it contained.

  Ancient knowledge, bound within the Dragon Claw, burst into her mind, illuminating the path ahead.

  Aria knew she was mistress of the Dragon Claw when it began to vibrate and hum in her hands. "Take me to the Queen of Azmeer," she ordered.

  The world spun on its axis as the Dragon Claw obeyed her command. The air around her shimmered with bright twinkling lights. The walls of the citadel became a starry night, then a blue sunlit sky and then they disappeared altogether. She was flying through a black soundless abyss. Strong gusts of wind whipped past her.

  Within moments everything settled and Aria was standing in the inner sanctum of the Queen of Azmeer.

  The Queen was sitting on her divan where Aria had last seen her. Dilbaar, her Grand Vizier, stood in front of her, his hands folded across his chest. Two guards, at attention, flanked the door Marcus sat by the Queen's side.

  The magic of the Dragon Claw brought her attention to The Black Orb that was sitting on its pedestal. Streaks of silver light pulsated across its inky depths.

  "What's this?" Dilbaar stepped aside as the guards rushed at her. "Who are you?"

  The Magic of the Dragon Claw was hers to command. It made her strong and invincible. With a flick of her wrist, Aria sent the guards spinning out of the room and raised a wall where the door had been. The guards were locked out and the Queen was at her mercy.

  Aria wore the power she wielded around her like a warm comforting cloak.

  "What do you want?" The Queen's voice was strained, as if she recognized her danger. There was, however, a calculating gleam in her eyes. Aria was sure she expected the power of the Black Orb to overcome any magic that threatened her.

  "Marcus?" Aria ignored all of them as she concentrated on her brother.

  Oblivious to his beloved Queen's predicament, he continued to gaze at her with eyes full of admiration and love. At the sound of Aria's voice, he looked toward her for a moment. Nothing but the Queen seemed to hold his interest.

  Aria felt her heart sinking. He was more lost than the last time she had seen him. The Queen's spell had sunk him deep into an abyss from which he might never emerge.

  A volcano of rage began to build deep inside her. Marcus, her beloved brother, was worse than dead. He was a slave, a zombie, stripped of his will and desires.

  And the one who had made him thus sat regally next to him.

  "You!" Aria pointed with the hand that held the Dragon Claw. "You have used the Black Orb to enslave your people. Now you will pay for the misery and suffering you've brought on to your subjects."

  Ignoring her, the Queen turned to Dilbaar, who had shrank back against the wall. "Do you know who she is?"

  "I've seen her before, Your Majesty." The fat eunuch managed to squeak out the words. "She was the magician's apprentice. The one who came to perform before you, seeking to be a part of your birthday celebrations."

  "Well, it seems his apprentice had more up her sleeve than she demonstrated. Where's your master?"

  "He's dead," Aria screamed, as the anger boiling within her grew hotter, more terrible. "He died in order to protect me. He died because he used his magic and the Black Orb stripped him of his strength, his power and his magic. You will pay for his death as you will pay for all the other crimes you've committed since you used the Black Orb to drain the magic from the land."

  "So he really was a wizard." The Queen smirked. "Isn't that nice, Dilbaar? It had been a number of years since the Orb glowed so. I was wondering what it was up to? Now, I know. It killed the wizard. Well, then, you silly girl." The Queen waved her hand. "What makes you think you'll escape a similar fate?

  "No doubt you are feeling the twinges in your body that indicate the Orb has sensed your presence and is working against you, even now.

  "This will be an entertaining day, Dilbaar. It's been a while since I saw a witch die. Remember, how they all used to beg me to stop the onslaught of the Orb. It would give me great pleasure to see this witch squirm on the floor while being drained of her pathetic magic."

  Aria laughed. The Queen was so sure of herself. No doubt she believed she was safe from a witch or wizard as long as she wielded the power of the Black Orb. "I'm no witch," she delighted in informing the Queen. "And the Black Orb has no hold against me."

  The Queen straightened. "Impossible!"

  "Everything's possible with magic," Aria said, and took one step forward, closer to the Queen. "Who's going to save you?"

  "Who are you?" The Queen's arrogance showed her conviction that Aria would not be able to deny her a reply.

  "I'm Aria, the sister of the man by your side. I told you during my last visit. That's my brother Marcus."

  The Queen looked at Marcus who was still gazing at her, oblivious to the unfolding drama.

  "Oh, yes. I do recall you mentioning he was your brother." The Queen stroked Marcus's thigh. She kissed him lightly on the lips. "He's been an entertaining toy. It would give me great pleasure to kill him before your very eyes, before you succumb to my Black Orb."

  "We'll see who dies today." Aria thrust the Dragon Claw high above her head. "But first I will break the power of the Black Orb, the evil device that has held the whole kingdom hostage for so many decades."

  "You don't have the power." The Queen stood. "How dare you threaten me?"

  "Watch me!" Aria could feel the force of the magic, could feel it vibrating, pulsating, almost like a drug inside of her. The sensation was intoxicating, overwhelming. Strengthened by her rage at the Queen, the power grew until the Dragon Claw began to glow brightly. Aria directed its power toward the Black Orb.

  A beam of golden light shot from the Dragon Claw and struck the Black Orb. Silver lightning burst from the Orb, slowly brightening in response to the attack. Aria concentrated on the golden beam, sending it deep inside the curtain of the protective silver light until she felt it enter the Orb.

  The Queen lunged at Aria. "No," she screamed.

  Aria shoved her away. The power of the Dragon Claw grew stronger. It pulsated in her hand, as she brought it to bear against the Black Orb. The Dragon Claw grew hot. She felt it burn her hand, yet, she dared not release it.

  She sensed the hideous, yet intriguing, essence of the Black Orb as it fought back. There was power there. Oh yes, she felt it; the rush of it, the fascinating feel of it. It was formed from an ancient magic, capable of bestowing upon its holder a great power. It sang to her, promising her riches
beyond imagination and glory. It showed her an image of her brother, whole, bright and filled with magic. It offered her the choice to rule over millions, every one of them subservient to her will. Anything she desired was hers for the taking; gold, fame and even the crown.

  Choosing to ignore its lustful call, Aria tightened her fingers around the Dragon Claw and, with a wild cry, thrust it at the Black Orb. An ear-piercing shriek sounded, growing in volume until it paralyzed her senses. She was on the verge of losing her consciousness when an explosion rocked the room as the Black Orb shattered into uncountable shards. The sound echoed in the room long after the brittle glass rained down upon all of them.

  Aria leapt towards Marcus and dragged him behind the Queen's couch.

  Silence eventually fell, as the echoes died away and the tinkle of falling glass faded. With the Dragon Claw still clutched in her hand, Aria raised her head to look around her. The Black Orb was gone, its pedestal empty and scarred. Marcus lay next to her, dazed.

  The Queen was sprawled on the floor in the center of the room. She was still alive, for Aria could see her body move with slow, shallow breaths. Dilbaar was slumped against the wall, his body riddled with jagged pieces of the Black Orb. One penetrated an eye. Blood dribbled from his mouth. He was clearly dead.

  With a groan, Aria got to her feet. The Dragon Claw still vibrated in her hand. It was not done yet.

  Aria sensed the magic that had been released from the Black Orb linger in the room. The golden beam from the Dragon Claw became a web of thin spidery lights. It attached itself to all the magic that had been stolen from innocent victims and drew it within itself.

  Aria knew what she had to do. She commanded the Dragon Claw to release the stolen magic and return it to the original owners. Within moments, she felt a massive amount of energy dissipate from the room. It was the magic the Black Orb had stolen from others. She felt it diffusing in all directions, returning from wherever it came.

  What would happen to the kingdom now that the magic had returned? Would there be witches and wizards once more?

  The Queen moaned and moved. How easy it would be to kill her now? The Queen had never been this vulnerable before. It was only a matter of directing the power of the Dragon Claw. To do so would be justified. While on the throne, the Queen had done abominable deeds, enslaving men and women, disturbing the natural order of things by draining the kingdom of magic and destroying countless lives. She had used the power of the Black Orb selfishly, for her own gain.

  Aria pointed the Dragon Claw at her.

  "Aria!" She turned to look at Marcus. He was sitting up and blood was seeping from a wound in his head. But his eyes were clear, and he was looking at her. "What're you doing here?" He tried to get up and nearly collapsed.

  Running to him, Aria tried to help him. Her hands passed through him.

  "What happened to you?" Marcus tried to touch her. His hand swept past as if she were not there.

  Aria hesitated. Was she a ghost? Would she ever have substance again or was she forever doomed in this form?

  Slowly she raised the Dragon Claw and closed her eyes. She visualized her body as she had last seen it; slumped on the floor of the old man's hut. For a moment, she was back there, sitting next to the fire. She felt a peculiar sensation, as if she was caught in a sudden gust of wind, and opened her eyes.

  She had not moved, yet the Golden Key was once again hanging from her neck. With her free hand, she touched her arms, her legs, her face. She was back in her body.

  It was so easy. Why had she been worried about using the power of the Dragon Claw? It was hers to command. She would lack for nothing as long as she had access to this potent weapon. She could have bags full of gold bars appear at her feet. Or perhaps, rubies as big as her fist?

  Why stop at that? There was nothing she could not do, while she had it in her hands. She could be the new queen of Azmeer. In her rule, no one would sleep hungry, no one would be robbed of their magic and she would make sure her kingdom was the strongest of them all.

  "Aria?" Marcus touched her lightly on her arm. "Is that really you?"

  His touch brought her to her senses. She smiled at him. "Yes. It's me. Same as ever."

  "What happened?" he said.

  "Oh, Marcus. I'm so glad you're back." She tried to fight back the tears that welled in her eyes, a sight that was bound to distress him.

  With gentle hands, Marcus wiped her tears. "I'm sorry. I saw you...before. I know I did. But all I could think about was...her." He shuddered and pointed at the Queen.

  "She enslaved you, just like she did to so many of her subjects." Aria touched his face with her hand, feeling the familiar whiskery skin. "But the spell's been broken now and you're free."

  "It was like being trapped inside a bubble but unable to get out," he said. "I couldn't feel anything, except when I touched her." A look of revulsion crossed his face. "She do things I never wanted to do. Oh, Aria! How could I? I was unfaithful to Shayla."

  "It wasn't your fault. You were helpless, locked in the magic of the Black Orb. None of it was your fault."

  Marcus squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "I couldn't feel anything for you...or for Shayla or David. Only she mattered. Nothing else did."

  "It's over now," Aria assured him. "Don't you worry. You're safe. And she'll pay for what she did."

  She looked toward the Queen, who had pushed herself upright in the middle of the room. Her arms and face were bruised and covered with bleeding gashes. She was attempting to stand, and was whimpering with pain. Once again, Aria pointed the Dragon Claw at her.

  She felt the buildup of power. Within moments she would send it spiraling down her arm into the Dragon Claw. And the Queen would die. She deserved to die.

  Marcus touched her arm. "Wait, Aria. Don't do that."

  "She took you away from me...from Shayla and David." Aria turned on him, her eyes blazing. Her hand trembled with the power of the Dragon Claw. "She deserves it."

  "She may deserve it," Marcus said, in a calm, reasonable voice. "But you don't have the right to decide her fate."

  "I've the right and the power."

  "And won't that make you the same as her?"

  Aria looked into his patient eyes. She saw, reflected within their depths, a fear for her. Despite all that he had undergone, all the humiliation he must have suffered in the hands of the Queen, his concern was her welfare.

  "Marcus! She should be punished."

  Marcus turned towards the Queen. She was standing now, swaying as she surveyed the damage around her with eyes dazed with pain and confusion. "She'll be punished. You don't need to dirty your hands with her blood. Leave her be. Isn't that enough punishment for her? Stripped of her power, her throne and magic? She has nothing. She is nothing."

  "It isn't enough." Arias struggled to control the rage that threatened o unleash its vengeance on the pitiful woman standing before her.

  The Queen's dress hung in tatters, her hair was undone and blood ran from deep scratches on her arms, face and legs where the shrapnel from the Black Orb had bit into her. Without the Black Orb to maintain her beauty, she was haggard and old. Wrinkles covered her arms and face. Her back was stooped. She was a sad travesty of the woman who had sat in all her glory on the throne for decades.

  Once stripped of her power, she was but a defeated hulk.

  Did Aria really need or have the right to kill her?

  Aria saw in her face fear for her life. Realization dawned. The Queen of Azmeer was dead already. "You are nothing," she said softly. "I have stripped you of your title, your throne, your right to rule. You may go out in the world, clad only in the clothes you wear. Go!" She gestured with the hand that held the Dragon Claw and the door appeared.

  Outside, chaos reigned.

  Guards milled about, confused now that they were no longer bound by the Black Orb's spell. An eunuch came running in. When he saw the mutilated body of the Grand Vizier, he screamed.

  "Nime, help me," the Quee
n pleaded.

  The eunuch took a step back. "'re the..."

  "She was the Queen," Aria said. "She isn't any more. Go out and spread the word that Azmeer is once again a free kingdom."

  Ignoring the defeated woman and the eunuch who were both staring at her in bewilderment, she held out her hand. "Come, Marcus. We must go home. Shayla and David must be waiting for us."

  Outside, a few men still roamed about in confusion, but most of the palace was deserted. All those who had been under the spell of the Black Orb had become free. Most likely they had lost no time in returning to their families.

  "What will happen to her?" The eunuch pointed at the Queen, who was holding the wall for support. She looked scared and alone.

  "You may help her, if you wish." Aria shrugged.

  "I wasn't an eunuch when I was brought here twelve years ago. She gave me into the service of the Vizier and he ordered my genitalia cut off. It was not a necessary act, simply entertainment for her. Under the spell, none of us were any threat to her." The eunuch gulped out the words. "I shall lead her out of the palace. Many of the guards might not feel generous towards her. Someone might decide to plunge their dagger into her for revenge. I'll show her the way out. That's all."

  Marcus patted him on the arm. "You're a good man, Nime. Goodbye."

  In her heart, Aria knew that the former Queen would not live for too long. There would be many who would seek revenge for the life and time she had stolen from them or their families.

  Marcus grinned at her as they left the palace. "Where to?"

  Aria looked into his eyes. There was something different about him. He appeared the same, handsome, tall. But in his eyes there was knowledge that had not been present ever before.

  "First, I must return this." Aria showed him the Dragon Claw. "It would not be wise to keep something so powerful. It might be too...tempting. If you hadn't prevented me, I might have killed the Queen. So much power at my beck and call is not a good idea."

  "Where did you get it?"

  "It's a long story." Aria laughed. "I'll tell you after we steal a couple of horses and make our way back to Shayla. But for now..." She dragged Marcus into a deserted lane off the main road. "Stay still. No matter what happens, don't interfere."


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