Doomed Cases Series Box Set

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Doomed Cases Series Box Set Page 37

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  The tents were set in the large open square of a large split tunnel. The tracks had been covered with concrete. I changed my route when I saw two Watchers checking the permits of other demons. I kept rubbing my neck, feeling slightly out of breath, wondering what would happen to me if I got caught by anyone. Part of me wished that I had company, someone that could direct me over to the right tent.

  I stopped by the fountain, trying to figure out where to head next. There was a demon standing close that reminded me a lot of Zachary. He was dark haired, dressed in cowboy boots and a long trench coat. He was smoking a cigarette and seemed lost in his own thoughts. There was something intriguing about his energy, and I knew that I was supposed to quit that nasty habit a while back, but I thought that he could direct me to the right place. Besides, this wasn’t the best time to worry about my addiction.

  “Hey, have you got a cigarette?” I asked. He turned to look at me, dragging more smoke into his lungs. He had nice wide hazel eyes and a wide square jaw. My stomach made a funny jolt because I was thinking about Zach. I had been thinking a lot about him lately. I felt tormented between what was right and wrong, and also with the fact that I let myself down by sleeping with Arthur.

  He eyed me up and down without a word, then picked up the pack of Marlboro Light and handed it to me.

  “New in here? Are you looking for anything specific?” he questioned with a smile when he lit the cigarette for me. He was part of Astaroth faction, a higher-level demon, and he smelled like old furniture. This wasn’t a particularly bad thing, and I felt good being around him.

  “Sort of. I’m a good gambler, so I thought that I would come here to try my luck,” I said, innocently, trying not to cough.

  “There are plenty of opportunities here. You just need to know where to look, beautiful,” he smirked, moving closer. Okay, so this was getting interesting. My menstrual cycle indicated that I was far off the wagon, so this couldn’t be it. I normally didn’t attract male attention. Maybe that was another side effect of the elixir. An unexpected wave of lust swirled through me.

  “Cool, so what are you doing here?”

  “Just hanging out, searching for opportunities, making connections,” he explained mysteriously, winking at me, and then eyeing my boobs. All right, this was definitely the elixir. Even Zach was never that forward; besides, my reputation normally preceded me. Male demons knew that I didn’t mess around and I hated being picked on. I needed to remember that around here I was in a completely different world.

  “Connections and opportunities?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I connect demons with other demons, create opportunities, like now I’m going to lead you on,” he said, dragging more smoke into his lungs. His energy changed, it started flicking all around, like it tried to escape.

  “I want to play tonight, maybe have a bit to drink too. I’m looking for someone … well, or I’m looking for a particular place,” I explained, stubbing out the half of the cigarette that I didn’t finish smoking. Okay, I realised that tequila wasn’t supposed to be on the menu today, but if I was going to play then I needed it for luck.

  “See, that’s why I’m here, to send you on your way … well, for a small fee,” he said, and winked at me again. I frowned, wondering what the hell that was about.

  “Fee? What do you want?” I questioned him, thinking that maybe I could ask someone else. This guy was slowly beginning to creep me out and I really didn’t want to bother with my power.

  “A bit of your innocence or maybe a kiss?” he asked, and a mad gleam danced in his eyes.

  “You want to fucking kiss me? For information, are you high or something?”

  “I never deny myself the pleasures of earth, darling, and you’re sexuality is very appealing,” he chuckled, then smiled foolishly, moving closer. Maybe this wasn’t going to be that bad. After all it was just a kiss. I felt a spark between us, but he wasn’t thinking about sex. Overall he was hard to read, filled with striking gloominess. I glanced around, making sure this wasn’t any kind of trick. I would have sensed if he was something else, some other being.

  “I kiss you and you’re going to tell me where I can gamble money for information?” I asked, just to be sure that we were on the same page.

  “Yes, love, that’s exactly what will happen,” he assured me with a flirtatious wink. He moved closer and I got suddenly nervous. It was either that or I could keep wandering around the market for God knew how much longer.

  He didn’t give me any indication if he was ready or not, so I made the first move. His lips were surprisingly cold, but firm. He pushed his body over mine unexpectedly and kissed me hard, rough like a hungry man, starved for long-lost affection. His tongue swirled in my mouth, sending warmth through me. When he pulled away I was out of breath and most likely turned on. This was embarrassing, because this guy was a complete stranger, and yet I felt attracted to him. He could forget about taking my innocence, this wasn’t something that I was willing to trade in.

  His eyes were gleaming, like the eyes of other demons when they were suddenly filled with twisted, dangerous power. My head felt fizzy as I tried to remember the reasons that I came here.

  “You tasted better than I imagined, princess, more human,” he whispered. “Are you sure that you’re supposed to be at the market today?”

  He had seen through my charms, but I wasn’t particularly worried. Somehow I felt like I belonged here.

  “Of course. Don’t try to mislead me now. We had a deal. I let you fiddle around with me, and you were supposed to direct me. Come on chop, chop. I don’t have all day.”

  He stared at me for longer that was necessary, with an odd smirk on his face. His arousal was distracting, and I was trying to focus on some other part of his body than his lips. Other demons were passing by and they were greeting him like he was well known around here. A cold shiver moved over my spine. My tiny voice of reason kept telling me that this guy knew that I had taken the special elixir that covered my human genes. I shouldn’t have kissed him. Now I was exposed.

  “Walk until the end of this alley, until you see the pink tent, then turn right. It’s the last tent by the entrance to the tunnels. The burning smell and tobacco should indicate that you reached the right place,” he explained.

  I nodded and then started walking away, still feeling pretty confused about what happened.

  “You’re not a demon. I could see beyond the spell. Don’t worry, behave and your secret is safe with me,” he whispered getting closer again. I turned around abruptly, but then he was gone. I looked around, thinking that maybe I was being played with or it was some dark magic. No one could just evaporate into thin air. For a split second I was thinking that this was a hallucination, the side effect of the elixir that I consumed earlier on, but I could still feel that cold kiss on my lips. It was strange but I liked it.

  Chapter 18

  “Three sparks—pride, envy, and avarice—have been kindled in all hearts.” Dante Alighieri

  I was shaking slightly when I walked away, leaving behind the demon that knew about my identity, the demon that might have not even been real. I sensed his presence nearby, felt his demonic energy rippling through me, but I couldn’t see him. Suddenly my head was clear and I knew exactly what I needed to do. He distracted me with that kiss, maybe even used some sort of charm to make me more lenient, so he would have his way with me. The market was filled with demons, and possibly other creatures that sneaked through the cracks, entrances that faction didn’t fully control. I just couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong with the demons around this place. They seemed much more powerful and skilled. I kept walking, anxious and wary of my surroundings, moving through the thick crowd, passing other various stores. One of the stores had a rich selection of potion ingredients; it looked like the demon was selling stuff from all over the world. Some of the ingredients were rare and they would inject my stock with serious power. I really wanted to stop and explore, but time was running out and I didn’t w
ant to get distracted again.

  I kept going, following the instruction of a demon that stole my kiss earlier on, and several minutes later I managed to locate the black tent. The thrill of excitement spread down through my limbs, but I stopped walking when I saw a Watcher standing outside. He was tall, large-framed and had a long scar running down the side of his neck. I took a few deep breaths wondering if he would stop me. Either way I had to get inside, and taking a risk was part of the plan.

  “I heard that this is the place where I can play some poker, gamble money in exchange for information,” I said, walking up to him. My voice vibrated a little and he most probably sensed that I was nervous. He had dark, almost tar-black eyes that flickered with magical charms. He glanced down on me, folding his arms over his enormous chest, and my anxiety spiked up. I tossed my hair behind me, telling myself that everything was all right, that no one suspected a thing. Playing a confident me was the way forward, even if I was scared shitless deep inside.

  “Have you got enough cash with you, little girl?” he asked, with a nasty smirk on his face. He was using his Watcher energy to break through my wards, whatever, he wasn’t powerful enough to challenge me like that. I had no idea why every demon in this market was such a nosy fucker. My pockets were filled with cash. I had to use my last emergency draw to make sure that I had enough for tonight. This cash was supposed to get me a new apartment, but now my priorities were completely different.

  As soon as the Watcher saw the stack of cash, he nodded to me to walk inside. I exhaled with relief that he didn’t ask any more uncomfortable questions. Foreign energy rolled over my back, and my skin felt like it was burning. I took a few deep breaths to give myself some encouragement to keep going. The tent was quite large. There was a bar set up at the front, which lifted my mood almost instantly. I was hoping that whoever was running this show served tequila down there.

  A couple of obscure demons were hanging out in the middle, talking amongst themselves. There was a broad table set probably for the poker game. This was what the whole thing was all about. I already felt like I belonged here. I couldn’t believe that demonic society treated mongrels like they didn’t matter, like they weren’t part of the underworld. Most full-blooded demons compared us to humans (not like I was prejudice or something), but that sounded so wrong.

  “What kind of prize do you require to play for tonight, miss?” asked a stranger appearing right in front of me all of a sudden. He wore a suit and was part of Lucifer’s faction. His bleached blond hair would attract attention in the human world, but probably not around here. I scratched my head, tossed my red hair behind me and said, “Thomson, I’m Alicia Thomson from Mammon’s faction. I need to find the entrance to Gjöll.”

  The guy took out the notepad and wrote down “entrance to Gjöll” along with my name next to it. He had other notes there, but when I tried to get a glimpse at the names of other demons inside he shuffled it away from me. It looked like a lot of demons were hoping to earn some money tonight. From a very early age I learnt that the demonic community was filled with secrets, demons that knew ways of gaining what they needed in order to survive on earth. I knew that Lucifer brought in the faction system in order to gain more control over humans and anyone that would challenge him. I presumed that places like the market were set up to flex up the rules, although the Watchers were still present. I needed to ask Ricky about this later on.

  “Please have a drink at the bar. The game will start in about ten minutes. We are just waiting for a couple more people,” the same demon said, and then headed over to the two females that just entered the tent.

  Ricky had mentioned that the elixir should keep me concealed for at least twenty-four hours, so I had enough time to get what I needed and then get the hell out. I walked to the bar, glancing around and making sure I wouldn’t miss anyone important. After all, I just needed one person that would be willing to earn some cash.

  “Tequila, please, three shots,” I said to the barman. The liquid that he presented wasn’t magical, but it would keep me going for at least a few hours. I was slightly anxious playing in such a new setting, but the cards were in my blood. I was good and tonight it was time to prove it.

  “Are you playing for cash or information?” asked someone that approached me from behind. When I turned around I found myself standing in front of a higher-faction demon. The scent of expensive whiskey and burnt wood wafted through the air. This guy was important and I had a feeling that he arrived straight from hell.

  “Information. Cash is not on my list of priorities at the moment,” I replied with a smile, eyeing his black hat and white shiny shoes. He wore a white waistcoat and looked like someone that mixed up the centuries with his nineteen twenties suit. His demonic blue eyes were gleaming. In the upper world he couldn’t have just passed the streets unnoticed.

  “And what kind of information do you require?” he asked, smoothing his clean-shaven jaw. I tensed my shoulders, moving closer, having a good feeling about this. The upper-level demons were more knowledgeable and there was a strong possibility that he knew about Gjöll and that damn river. I poured another shot of tequila into my mouth and smiled.

  “I’m looking for someone, the demon called Nameless Thief, I have information that he is hiding in Gjöll, the river in the underworld,” I said, getting straight to the point. I wasn’t going to waste my time and start talking in a code. The demon in front of me wanted cash and I needed information.

  He narrowed his eyes at me and looked around, sipping his own drink.

  “Gjöll … interesting,” he muttered. “Only a few demons know about the way in to Gjöll. I can certainly tell you all about it. When it comes to the thief you’re referring to, I’m afraid that I can’t help you. I don’t leave hell often anyway, and I haven’t heard about anyone that might be hiding in Gjöll.”

  “But would you be able to connect me with someone that might know more?” I asked, feeling slightly tipsy already. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to wander off to Gjöll without being certain that Nameless was down there.

  “Possibly, but you just need to play and see if luck comes your way,” he added with a creepy smile. A moment later he grabbed his drink and walked away. I wasn’t sure if he was the person that I needed. Okay, so he knew how to get to Gjöll, but he never heard about Nameless. Well, that wasn’t very encouraging.

  A moment later the young demon that I met earlier on called everyone to the table. It was time to play some poker. I was confident that I could win, but many of the demons that sat at the tables were professionals too. They most likely played here regularly, so I had to take it easy.

  Right opposite me three demonic females were talking amongst themselves. Two of them were from Lucifer’s and one of them was part of Beelzebub’s faction. I couldn’t take my eyes off their expensive jewelry and clothes. There were getting a lot of attention, smiles and nods from all the men that joined in to watch. The demon that approached me earlier at the bar sat next to me. We all had been given nametags. An older demon from Asmodeus faction situated himself on my left side, and every small hair at the back of my neck shot straight up. Yep, his energy indicated that he had recently visited Lucifer himself. I didn’t need to be a full-blooded demon to sense it. The dark lord had the tendency to leave a mark on the soul, a sign that everyone recognised.

  The poker dealer, the demon that greeted me at the door, explained the rules. There were six of us and it looked like there was a lot of money to be won. In any other circumstances I would have dived straight in, but right then I arrived here with only one purpose. I needed to find the way to Gjöll or get the location of Nameless Thief himself. The cash wasn’t relevant at this stage. Ronan would pay all the expenses once I located his son.

  A few hostesses started walking around, taking orders for drinks. They were dressed in tight shorts and very revealing white tops. My stomach was growling and I realised that I didn’t eat much before I left London above, so I ordered some canapés and
even more tequila. One of them took particular interest in me, coming up to me at least three times and asking if I wanted to order another drink. This made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

  Once everyone was done with their orders, the poker dealers shuffled the cards and the pre-flop round began. I received good cards, so I was betting whatever it was my turn. The time was moving slowly and whenever I glanced back at the clock behind me, it seemed that the pointer hadn’t moved at all. Small dots of sweat appeared on my forehead. Most of the other demons at the table looked relaxed. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was never that tense during a game.

  “So, Miss Thomson, why haven’t I seen you around here before?” asked a blond female demon, swirling a lock of her hair around her finger. There was at least ten thousand pounds in the stash now. I had never played for that kind of money before. Devlin was rich, but he had never gone overboard like that.

  “I’m new in the city, staying in for a short while,” I explained, pretty much aware that everyone was listening.

  We were slowly moving into the second round, Ruby and Donna were folding, and I kept raising the stash. I was taking a risk, feeling on edge. The guy on my left, Joshua, wasn’t drinking, and he started calling every time I bet.

  “And what is it that you do, Miss Thomson?” Joshua asked, when we were done with the second round of betting. The dealer flipped the fourth community card on the table. It was time for the turn. Why the hell was everyone so interested in me all of a sudden? I wasn’t even playing for their money.

  “I have a business. I find people that go missing,” I muttered, waiting for others to either bet, call or raise. The two female demons had lost a lot, so they backed away and kept watching the others. I didn’t even drink that much, but I felt wasted. The cards were on my side, and I believed in my luck. The last round was between me, Frederic, and Joshua.


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