Swept Away

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by Cassandra Cole



  An Erotic Romance


  Cassandra Cole

  Includes 2 BONUS

  First Time Lesbian


  Copyright © 2015 Digital Hearts Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.

  This book contains explicit content and

  is intended only for mature audiences only.


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  An Erotic Romance


  Cassandra Cole


  Nancy had been uncertain about her escape plan, but as soon as she got behind the wheel of the rented Jeep, put the windows down, and crossed the state line, she knew she’d made the right decision.

  The wind blowing through her long, red hair felt amazing, and she couldn’t help but smile as she temporarily left her life in Boston behind.

  She didn’t know what she would find in the mountains of Vermont, but anything had to be better than the life she’d had with Ben.

  It wasn’t as if she didn’t love Ben, at least at first. They had met in college and hit it off immediately. Of course it helped that they were both bisexual and tended to run with the wild same crowd.

  No one was really shocked when Ben and Nancy decided to get married after graduation. They had long been monogamous, or so Nancy thought, so marriage seemed like the next logical step in building a life together.

  “Time to grow up and leave the wild life behind,” she remembered Ben saying. And so they did, for awhile.

  The first few months were great, but as soon as the honeymoon phase wound down, Ben quickly fell back into his old ways.

  After the third time Nancy caught Ben in bed with someone else (twice with another man, once with another woman), she filed for divorce, against the advice of his parents and hers.

  Screw them, Nancy thought. If they think so highly of Ben let them put up with his shit.

  Now that she was officially free —the divorce was finalized just two days ago — Nancy could finally put the memories of her old life with Ben behind her for good.

  * * *

  She’d always been a fan of the outdoors, which was a lifestyle her husband (ex-husband, she reminded herself happily) had never been fond of. Ben’s idea of roughing it was running out of towels at a four star hotel.

  As soon as she knew she was free, she packed a bag, grabbed her Papillion, Maxine, and drove off into the midmorning mountain air in the direction of Vermont.

  She smiled as she merged onto the interstate and turned up the radio. Bruce was singing Born To Run.

  Nancy could not think of a more appropriate song to use as the theme for her new life.


  The drive was uneventful until Nancy and Maxine reached the base of the mountain on which they would be staying.

  There was still a good half hour’s worth of driving to be done to reach the lodge near the summit, but she and the dog both needed a break, so Nancy pulled over at a small general store and climbed out of the Jeep, happy to have a chance to stretch her legs.

  As she headed to a nearby patch of grass to let Maxine do her business, she noticed a woman with long dark hair sitting alone at a picnic table next to the store with a half-eaten sandwich between her hands. There was a beer bottle on the table to her left.

  They met each other’s gaze and smiled, and Nancy gave a little wave, then pointed at her dog and said, “Sorry!”

  The other woman swallowed her bite of food and shook her head. “Don’t worry about it,” she said, tipping the bottle to the dog. “When you gotta go, you gotta go, right?”

  “I didn’t realize there were tables over here, or I’d have gone further before I let her do this,” said Nancy.

  The woman gave her a wary eye. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

  Nancy muttered “good girl” as Maxine finished her business, then turned to the woman and smiled. “Is it that obvious?”

  “That’s a Boston accent,” the woman said, chewing, nodding. “Hard to miss.”

  Nancy picked up Maxine and held her on her left hip. She moved closer to the table and held out her hand. “I’m from Nancy Davidson.”

  “Sasha Miller,” the woman said, wiping her hands on her blue jeans before reaching across the table to shake Nancy’s hand. She was probably five or ten years older than her, Nancy thought. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and a naturally pretty face that needed no makeup. She had an air about her that immediately put Nancy at ease.

  Sasha jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. “This is my family’s general store, so I guess I can officially welcome you to town.”

  “Thanks,” Nancy said. She nodded toward the mountain behind her. “I’m actually staying up the mountain at the lodge. It’s at the end of this road, correct?”

  “Sure is,” Sasha said with a nod. She picked up the rest of the sandwich and held it ready at her mouth. “It’s stick season, so you may be pretty lonely up there.”

  “Stick season?”

  Verna waved a hand at all the trees that surrounded them. “No pretty leaves left on the trees, but no snow on the ground yet. Stick season, we call it. It means there ain’t much to see right now but the sticks on the trees.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “Which also means you’ll probably be the only guest at the lodge until next week sometime.” She paused to let her eyes go around Nancy’s face, then smiled. “Can get awful lonely up there at night.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” Nancy said. “But I can use a little peace and quiet. At least for a day or two.”

  “Then you’ve come to the right place,” Sasha said. She stood and turned her attention to packing up the trash from her lunch. Nancy couldn’t help but notice her curves—particularly the way her rear end filled out the faded jeans perfectly.

  It was no secret that Nancy had been a little more into her previous girlfriends than her boyfriends, although she could be content with either, and during her brief married life, she had enjoyed stealing glances at sexy women and wondering what might have been.

  Now she was happy to be ogling Sasha. When the other woman leaned over the table, her casual button-down showed off a little of her cleavage, and Nancy got the feeling she was doing it on purpose.

  “What brings you to the mountains at such a boring time of the year, anyway?” Sasha asked, pretending not to notice Nancy�
�s gaze.

  “You know how it is,” Nancy said. She wasn’t ready to tell a stranger all of her troubles—especially not when that stranger was sending signals that could easily be misconstrued. “Sometimes you just need to get out of town for a little while and enjoy the fresh air.”

  “I understand completely,” Sasha said with a nod that made her ponytail bounce. “Everybody needs a vacation every now and then, but it’s a lot nicer here when there’s actually something to do.”

  Nancy grinned. “I’m sure I’ll find something to keep me busy… at least for a little while.”

  “Well, if you get bored, you know where to find me,” Sasha said before turning to walk into the store. “I’m always up for a good time.”

  “She’s always up for a good time, Maxi,” Nancy said as she set Maxine in the passenger seat and fired up the Jeep. “Whatever the heck that means.”


  It took a good twenty minutes for Nancy to drive up the winding mountain road to reach the lodge at the top. She found herself thinking about Sasha the entire way.

  The woman she’d just met had been far more beautiful than any of the scenery on the way up the mountain, but Nancy knew better than to jump right into things, especially with a complete stranger. Her former life had taught her that much.

  If she came on too strong, she’d seem like some kind of a creep. If she came on too meek, she’d seem like a doormat.

  She’d only just met the woman, after all, and neither of them knew anything about the other. For all she knew Sasha could just be a flirtatious hetero with a big, burly husband at home. No, better to take things slow, especially since she was a stranger in these parts.

  Sasha had been right about one thing. The lodge was virtually deserted except for the desk clerk and a few maids. Nancy was grateful for the solitude.

  By the time she got checked into her room, dusk was already to settle in. She unpacked her bag and stood on the balcony off her room, looking at all the naked trees before her. She immediately thought of Sasha.

  “It’s stick season,” she heard Sasha say. “The nights can get awful lonely.”

  She fed Maxine from a bag of food she’d brought, then got undressed and settled in for the night. She was horny – Christ, she was always horny -- so she ran a hot bath and soaked for awhile.

  Eventually, her fingers found their way to her clit. She brought herself to climax quickly, closing her eyes to think about the raven-haired woman who was probably sleeping next to her mountain man husband at the foot of the mountain.


  The next couple of days went quickly by. The lodge at least had a decent internet connection, so Nancy spent some time sitting on the balcony with her laptop.

  She caught up on emails from friends offering their condolences on the death of her marriage, chatting with her mom and sister over the phone, and hiking alone in the wilderness surrounding the lodge.

  Nancy knew better than to go on a hike by herself in unknown territory, but she couldn’t quite help wanting to be away from it all, fully and completely.

  By the third day, cabin fever was setting in. She was growing tired of spending her days cooped up at the lodge or trudging through the woods.

  It was a beautiful place to stay, and ordinarily, it would have been surrounded by the hustle and bustle of other vacationers and guests popping in and out of the dining hall and handcrafted goods shops that dotted the property just outside the lodge’s front door.

  It was stick season, however, as Sasha had pointed out, so the entire mountain seemed dead, and Nancy hated the feeling of being one of the only other people at the lodge other than its skeleton crew.

  Even Maxine seemed bored. She spent her days lounging on the balcony and whining to go home.

  On the fourth day, Nancy noticed that she was running out of supplies for her hikes and her in-room cooking. She decided it would be nice to get away from the lodge for awhile.

  She left Maxine sleeping in the room while she went down to the general store to find something different to eat rather than ramen noodles, microwave pasta, and the less than four star dinners the lodge served every night.

  Of course, a trip to the general store also meant another opportunity to talk with Sasha, the woman who had filled her dreams for the past three nights.

  * * *

  There was no one in sight when she stepped through the front doors of the store. She called out a few times, but got no answer. She noticed a handwritten note taped to the checkout counter that read, “On break. Help yourself. Leave the money on the counter.”

  “How trusting,” she said to herself as she walked through the store. She assumed there wasn’t much of a shoplifting problem during stick season.

  A quick check of the back room, where freshly made sandwiches were sold from behind a miniature deli counter, led Nancy to the back door, which she cautiously went through. It was getting a little creepy in there with no one around.

  “Nancy!” a familiar voice rang out.

  Sasha was sitting in a small scenic area right behind the general store, perched atop a natural stone wall that overlooked a babbling brook that had not been visible from the road.

  She was sipping something out of a tall bottle, which she tried to hide behind her thigh as she waved.

  Nancy smirked. “I’m not the health inspector. I don’t care if you’re drinking on the job.”

  Sasha gave a nervous little chuckle and picked up the bottle again, admiring its label. “We get this specialty craft beer in once every two weeks. It always comes in on a Thursday, and it’s gone by Friday. The locals love it and visitors drive hours over the mountains just to get in line for some of it. I like it, too, so yesterday I hid a personal stash for myself. Want one?”

  “Why not?” said Nancy, gazing up at the noon sunlight that was dappled through the leaves of the surrounding trees. “It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?”

  “Atta girl,” Sasha said. She hopped down from the wall, went to a cooler that was hidden behind a small outcropping of stone, and grabbed another bottle. Cracking it open, she handed it over. “Cheers?”

  “Cheers,” said Nancy.

  She swigged the drink. She’d never been one to care much for craft beers, and this pale ale didn’t exactly taste like anything she would drive hours to buy every two weeks, but she put on a brave face and told a little white lie. “Delicious.”

  “So what brings you back down here?” Sasha asked, perching herself on the corner of a bench that looked out over the brook. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving already.”

  Nancy scooted up next to her. “I was going mad up there. There are only so many times I can chitchat with the cleaning crew or listen to the desk clerk’s same old jokes.”

  Sasha snorted a laugh into her drink. “So you came down here looking for some excitement? I’m afraid there’s nobody in town. I think the owner of the bed and breakfast would probably cook for you, though. She’s bored out of her mind, too.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Nancy murmured.

  Her gaze had drifted from the beauty of the nature all around her to the gorgeous skin of Sasha’s bare legs. She was wearing a pair of cute denim shorts that, while not super-short, were plenty short enough to show off the muscles and perfect curve of her calves and thighs.

  Her skin wasn’t dark, but it was naturally tanned—Nancy assumed that came from working the large garden to one side of the general store.

  Sasha was barefooted (something else the health inspector probably wouldn’t have appreciated) and even her feet were the perfect shape and size.

  When Nancy cleared her thoughts enough to look back at Sasha’s face, the other woman was smiling coyly. “Like what you see?” she said.

  “I didn’t mean to—“

  “It’s okay,” said Sasha. “Stare away. I like the attention. Believe me, I get a lot of it from people who stop in on their way to someplace else, think I’m a hot backwoods country
girl, flirt a little and then move along. They like to look, but they’re too scared to touch.”

  “Why would anybody be scared to touch you?” Nancy was feeling bold from the near half a bottle of the craft beer she had downed quickly in an attempt not to taste it.

  Distantly, she wondered how much alcohol was in it. Weren’t pale beers supposed to be light on that? But it must have been enough to make her act a little crazy. Before she could stop herself, she reached over and slid a hand over Sasha’s thigh, moving her palm so that it rested just inside the other woman’s leg. She gave it a little squeeze. “You are so toned.”

  “I do a lot of hiking,” Sasha said with a smile that told Nancy to keep doing what she was doing. She nodded own at Nancy’s hand, still on her leg. “You’ve got a lot of guts, coming on to a country girl like me.”

  “Should I stop?” Nancy asked, letting her hand fall still.

  Sasha licked her lower lip. “Don’t you dare,” she said.

  Nancy didn’t even realize what was going on before Sasha grabbed one of her hands and pushed it up between her legs, forcing Nancy’s fingers against the crotch of her own shorts.

  Nancy was startled by the sudden and very intense shift in the situation, but she’d had just enough to drink to keep her from worrying about what would happen if another customer happened to come through that back door right about now.

  She and Sasha were sitting nearly on top of each other on the bench, Sasha reaching beneath her own bra to pinch her nipples, Nancy with her hand pressed between the other woman’s legs. As Nancy began to rub furiously against the denim, Sasha threw her head back and moaned softly.

  “This isn’t going to get you anywhere,” Nancy teased, pulling her fingers away.

  Sasha’s eyes flew open. “It was before you stopped,” she said.


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