Swept Away

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Swept Away Page 5

by Cassandra Cole

  Since she didn't trust her coordination walking up the stairs while carrying her cupcake carrier and her purse, she opted to ride in the elevator.

  It was so small, she had to wonder if it had once been a dumbwaiter before pressed into service for carrying people.

  Despite a few shimmies and a truly frightening screech, the elevator made it to the fourth floor. Not wanting to press her luck, Liz hurried off the elevator. She was pretty sure she'd walk down on the way out. She looked around to find the door labeled 4C. Considering there only appeared to be four apartments per floor, it wasn't overly difficult. Liz raised her hand to knock, but was interrupted when Sarah flung the door open.

  "Hi there!" She smiled, opening the door wide. "I saw you walking up to the building. Then, Mrs. Hammond walked out with Snookums. I knew it would be a while before you got up here. Did she talk your ear off?"

  "No, she actually just talked about what a nice girl you are."

  "That's true. Or mostly, anyway." Sarah laughed. She reached for the cupcakes. "Let me take that from you. I'll put it with the rest of the snacks."

  The small apartment was only an apartment in the academic sense. It was a studio apartment with a tiny kitchen area. A huge photograph of a ballet dancer dominated the one wall. Sarah's bed was tucked in the corner, neatly made with a gorgeous blue duvet.

  A small futon served as the seating area with a low trunk in front of it, serving as both a table and storage. The top of the trunk was covered with a table cloth, on top of which sat a variety of snack foods.

  "I figured we could get started with these and we'll order delivery later, "Sarah explained, as she placed the cupcakes on the trunk She sat on the futon, tucking her legs up underneath of her. She patted the futon next to her. "I'm pretty limited on space here, so we'll have to be cozy. Hope you don't mind."

  Liz swallowed hard. Mind? It would have been more than she could have wished for, had Sarah been interested. That was a special kind of torture she would get in line for.

  Three episodes and a cheese deep dish later, Sarah got out some brightly colored tubes of facial mask during a commercial break.

  “As promised, here's the spa portion of our activities. I'm not sure which one you would want, but I wouldn't use the one for greasy skin with that gorgeous complexion.”

  Liz felt a flush of pleasure at the compliment from such a beautiful woman. She wanted to return the compliment but she couldn't quite find the words. She murmured her thanks as she perused the tubes. Blindly, she picked up one, smelling it. The floral scent was delicate, very reminiscent of the intoxicating scent that Sarah left where ever she walked. Sarah had already selected and applied her mask before Liz had even looked at them all.

  “That's a great one! I use a perfume and body wash with the same scent.”

  At the phrase “body wash,” Liz's mind started to wander. The image of Sarah lathering her slender body, her hands skimming over soapy breasts, swam before Liz. Meanwhile, her hands kept applying the facial mask.

  “Liz! You've gotten it in your hair,” Sarah giggled.

  Sarah leaned over with a damp washcloth, dabbing the mask away from Liz's hair. Liz was so grateful for the layer of mask over her face. Otherwise, Sarah would be able to see the fiery blush that Liz knew had to be there.

  “Where did you go, just then?” Sarah asked.

  “I was thinking about whether the cupcakes will taste any good. I think I might have put in double the baking powder,” Liz quickly manufactured a silly excuse, which was better than the truth. That she was trying her best not to drool.

  “Oh, I'm sure they're just terrific. In fact,” Sarah rose from the couch in one lithe movement, “let's go ahead and sample them. I'm just going to go to the bathroom before the show comes back on.”

  Liz scolded herself for her uncontrollable imagination. Up until this point, things had been going fine. They'd laughed and talked, enjoying the show and the company. Liz had managed to forget her crush for a while and just hang out. It had been nice. Really nice.

  She was not going to let her raging libido ruin her evening. Who was in charge here? Her or her raging hormones? Vowing to think about boring things, like baseball and politics, Liz cleaned her fingers of the mask residue with the damp washcloth.

  True to her word, Sarah opened the cupcakes as soon as she sat down. The little gasp of delight she let out at the sight caused a stirring of Liz's libido. Baseball, batting averages, dugouts, Liz quietly chanted to herself, as though the right combination of boring words were a magical incantation to stem the flood of lust through her body.

  “They're almost too pretty to eat,” Sarah lifted a cupcake from the holder, examining it. “But I've never let that stop me.”

  Since the commercials were over, Sarah turned her attention back to the mystery unfolding on the screen. However, all of Liz's attention was focused on Sarah. She watched as Sarah brought the confection piled high with icing to her lips. Sarah took a bite, the icing smearing on her rosy lips. Liz found herself licking her own in an involuntary response. It was beyond Liz how Sarah managed to be so sexy while her face was coated in the mask, looking like a seasick raccoon.

  A blob of icing fell from the cupcake, finding an enviable landing in Sarah's cleavage. She used the tip of a long finger to scrape it off her skin. Liz's heart pounded in her ears as Sarah, engrossed in the show, licked the icing off of her finger, her pink tongue darting out to sweep away the sweetness.

  Liz had never been one for food in the bedroom, claiming that the potential mess far outweighed any eroticism. However, as she watched Sarah, she longed for the opportunity to rectify the error of her ways. She would bathe in chocolate syrup just to feel that velvety tongue on her body.

  Fortunately, at that moment, a loud shot emitted from the television, making Liz jump. Otherwise, Liz probably would have been stuck in a continual loop of erotic images involving Sarah and various food stuffs.

  “Didn't see that coming, did you?”

  “Uh, no, not all,” Liz said, not having a clue about the episode.

  “Unfortunately, we're going to have to wait until next season to find out what happened. Good thing, too, because I'm going to need a few months to recover from all this food. I probably put on twenty pounds just now.” She patted her stomach for emphasis.

  “And I probably put on more. That was really terrific pizza.” Considering that the reason for her visit was over, Liz stood to go, gathering her purse. “It was great hanging out, too.”

  “We should do that again. But, Liz?” Sarah put her fingers to her mouth and chuckling. “Do you think you should wash the mask off your face before you go?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Liz cringed and dropped her purse to the floor. She hurried to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face, as much to calm herself as to clean off her face. She used the towel hanging from a hook on the wall to dab her face dry. Looking in the mirror, her face looked flushed. Hopefully, Sarah would think it from the facial mask, as opposed to the vestiges of the erotic daydream.

  “I didn't know if you were planning to start a new fad. You never know, it might catch on.” Sarah giggled again. She handed Liz the cupcake container. “You take these things with you. If you were planning to leave them here, you'd better think again. They're so addictive. Better than sex.”

  “Doubt it, but I'll take your word for it,” Liz said, thinking that she would love to have a comparison test. Sex with Sarah competing against a cupcake. She suspected that the sex would win by a long shot and then some. “I'll probably bring them to work on Monday.”

  “I'll make sure to skip breakfast and have one at work. At least I'll save myself so calories, because there's no way I could turn one down.” Sarah opened the door to the apartment for Liz and walked out into the hallway. She pressed the elevator button while she spoke. “We'll have to do something again soon. This was so much fun.”

  Distracted by Sarah's smile, Liz walked onto the elevator when it arrived. Sarah w
aved goodbye from the hallway, promising to see her on Monday.

  As the elevator floor lurched underneath of her, Liz remembered too late the harrowing trip up and her vow to walk down. She prayed for a safe journey down, but decided that dying after an evening like that was not a bad way to go. Not bad at all.


  “I'm sorry, Steve, you're a really nice guy, but I just got out of a bad relationship. I'm not ready to start dating again.” Liz heard Sarah say as she walked into the break room. “I hope you can understand.”

  “Sure. You know where to find me if you change your mind,” Steve replied. Laughing, he added, “Walking away from an empty pot of coffee.”

  “Thank you, Steve.” Sarah called to his retreating form.

  “That was the nicest brush off I've ever been witness to,” Liz commented.

  “I feel just terrible.” Sarah visibly winced. She leaned over towards Liz, lowering her voice. “He's not my type, either, but I meant every word I said about my last relationship. Though it's been a while, it didn't end well. Jealousy does terrible things to some people.

  “Towards the end, I could hardly smile at anyone without starting a fight. When dancing became forbidden, that's when I had enough.

  “You don't tell a former ballerina that she can't go dancing anymore. That was the last straw, and even though it hurt, I called an end to it.”

  Liz digested all of this, then realization dawned.

  “That photograph in your apartment is you?” She was stunned she hadn't noticed, but the few times she'd been over in the last few weeks, she'd been distracted by the flesh and blood Sarah to pay much attention to the photograph.

  “Yes,” Sarah grinned. “The funny thing is that I broke it off because dancing had become an issue, but I haven't gone out dancing. I didn't want to run into my ex at any of our usual haunts. I lost touch with a lot of my friends during the relationship in order to avoid friction. I didn't really have anyone to go with.”

  Sarah looked hopefully at Liz. Her huge brown eyes fairly begged Liz to offer to go out dancing. Even though she had two left feet and no rhythm, she heard herself suggesting that they go out dancing this weekend. Sarah squealed and gave Liz a quick hug.

  “There's a place I've been dying to try out. It'll be so much fun, just you wait and see!”

  “You can decide that after you've seen me dance.”

  * * *

  Liz could feel the base of the music vibrating in her chest as they walked through the club. The multicolored lights flashed in time to the beat. Behind the bar were bartenders of both sexes, wearing tight clothing and cowboy hats. Amid the roars of his friends, an obviously inebriated male climbed onto the barber chair installed on the long counter. A busty, bleach-blond bartender yelled “giddyup” and straddled him, pouring a shot into his mouth.

  Liz hadn't been in a bar like this since her college days, and she wouldn't have chosen to been here now. Except for the stunning woman walking in front of her, hips swaying perfectly in time with the music. Sarah turned around and said something. Liz put her hands to her ears to indicate she hadn't heard her.

  “I was just making sure you didn't get lost,” Sarah shouted. “Here, take my hand. I hear the second floor is less noisy.”

  “Second floor?” Liz said, her question swallowed by the noise of the music and the crowd. Liz slid her hand into Sarah's who proceeded to work her way through the crowd. They reached the carpeted stairwell. Liz reluctantly let go of Sarah's hand, who then started up the stairs.

  Liz admired the swish of the short blue dress Sarah wore. Coupled with the black stilettos she wore, it displayed her long dancer's legs to perfection.

  Liz couldn't imagine wearing those and dancing; she, herself, chose to wear flats. Better to look less fashionable than fall on her face and break something. She hadn't been kidding about how uncoordinated she was.

  When they came to the second floor, the music wasn't nearly so loud. It appeared to be geared towards established couples. In the low light, Liz could see pairs sitting on the couches while others danced on the wooden dance floor in the middle.

  “Let's get a drink,” Sarah suggested, leaning in close so Liz could hear her. Liz inhaled the intoxicating scent of Sarah's signature perfume. That was almost enough of a buzz in and of itself.

  “If you're expecting me to dance, I'm going to need one.”

  Again, Sarah took Liz's hand as though she was worried Liz might get lost. Or more likely, run off from the dancing. Not that Liz was complaining. She just hoped her palms weren't too sweaty.

  Sarah handed Liz a brightly colored cocktail in which cherries floated. Liz drank a bit of the sweet concoction, nearly choking when Sarah held her head back and hung the red cherry above her mouth for a moment before drawing it in with her tongue.

  Liz noticed she was not the only one watching Sarah. A man standing at the bar gaped at her and swallowed hard when the cherry disappeared.

  A different young man with dark hair and eyes asked Sarah to dance. She shook her head and said that her friend needed her right now.

  Liz did her best to look lost, not too difficult really, since Sarah had taken her hand again to navigate the crowd. They sat down on a couch right on the edge of the dance floor.

  Liz took another sip of her drink and looked around. She watched the couples dance with one another. Most of the men just shifted from side to side while their respective partner shimmied and danced around them.

  A few of the men had clearly been taught to dance, as they led their dance partners in complicated moves that were just this side of obscene.

  Sarah rocked back and forth beside her on the cushion. Draining her glass in order to steel her nerves, Liz suggested they get up and dance. This was not going to go well.

  Back in elementary school when they still had square dancing, Sarah was eventually told to sit on the bleachers. She was that bad.

  Practically leaping off of the couch, Sarah led the charge onto the dance floor with a reluctant Liz behind her. Not sure of what to do, Liz swayed back and forth as best she could. She hoped she was in time with the music, but she was pretty sure she had a tin ear.

  “You're so stiff!” Sarah said, her own body moving like liquid. “Here let me help you.”

  She moved in close to Liz, putting her hands on her waist. Sandwiching Liz's leg between her own, Sarah started to move.

  She applied pressure to Liz's hips, forcing her to move in time to the music. Liz felt herself give into the rhythm of the movement. Though she had never been able to before, here she was dancing.

  “I knew you could do it!” Sarah yelled into her ear, her torso pressing against Liz's. Her small breast pressed up against Liz's, whose nipples tightened in response. “Just lose yourself to the music.”

  By some small miracle, Liz did not lose her rhythm even as the pace of the music changed. It slowed dramatically. Sarah began making larger, more erotic circles with her hips. She ground her sex on Liz's leg, her skirt riding high on her thighs.

  Sarah placed Liz's hand in the small of her back and dipped herself backwards, all the while moving her hips. When she flipped herself upright, her hair flung in all directions.

  Liz could hardly breath for the throbbing inside her. She told herself to calm down. There were plenty of straight women who danced sexily with one another as the men looked on. Liz had noted one difference though. Those women kept their eyes closed or looked at the men.

  Sarah hadn't broken eye contact with her. Not once.


  At the end of the night, they climbed laughing and breathless out of the cab that stopped in front of Sarah's apartment building.

  It had been by the far, the best night Liz had in a long time. In spite of her earlier reservations, dancing had been just want she needed. She wasn't attracted to men, but the appreciation in their eyes had been just the boost Liz needed to feel empowered and sexy.

  It was with this feeling, she stepped off
the rickety elevator with Sarah. Since they were both so energized, they decided to come back to Sarah's to watch movies until breakfast or until they passed out, whichever happened first.

  “That was absolutely terrific! You danced so well. Did you see everyone looking at you?” Since she was unaccountably energetic, Liz defaulted to babbling.

  Sarah opened the door into the apartment, the table lamp she'd left on giving a welcoming glow. She shut the door behind Liz, dropping her purse to the floor.

  “I don't know. I was only looking at you.” Sarah said, pushing Liz against the door. She slanted her mouth across Liz's. After recovering from her shock, Liz returned the kiss with just as much ardor. She wrapped her arms around Sarah's slender body, pulling her closer.

  Her pert breasts were soft against Liz's far more ample ones. Sarah groaned into Liz's mouth, pulling her towards the bed, never breaking contact.

  Frantically now, after so many weeks of sexual tension, Liz felt her insides begin to throb with the anticipation. Her core grew wet, even as Sarah pulled at the thin straps of her dress, pulling it down to release Liz's breasts from their confines.

  “i have been wanting to do this for a long time,” Sarah bent her head to Liz's breasts, teasing each nipple with her eager tongue. Liz threw her head back as Sarah drew her tongue up between her breasts, ending at her neck. She gave a quick nip on Liz's neck, who felt the heat rise in response.

  Liz wanted to return the favor, eagerly removing Sarah's dress. In the low light, Liz could see Sarah wore only a skimpy lace thong in the same shade of blue as her dress.

  “Uh, uh…” Sarah waggled a warning finger at Liz when Liz reached for the underwear. “My turn”

  Sarah stood up, still wearing the stiletto heels and the scrap of cloth. Her skin fairly glowed in the low light. Sarah reached for Liz, whisking away her dress as well. Liz barely noted it flying through the air, landing in a red heap. All of her attention was focused on the throbbing in her nether regions and the sexy woman who inspired it.


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