by Wilbur Smith
The shot-torn sails hung slack and empty. From each ship the sounds of the carpenters' hammers and saws rang out as they hurriedly repaired the battle damage. The sail makers laid out the damaged canvas on the decks and squatted over it, long needles flying as they cobbled up the tears and rents. They all knew that this respite would not last long, that the morning breeze would rise and the next phase of the conflict must begin.
Through the telescope Mansur watched the crew of the Arcturus extinguish the last flames, then send new spars aloft to replace the broken bowsprit and the yards that had been burned or shot away.
"Is your mother aboard the Arcturus?" Mansur asked Verity.
Six weeks ago my father sent her back to the safety of the consulate n Bombay," Verity answered. She did not want to think about Caroline now, or of the circumstances in which she had last seen her. To change the subject she asked, "Will you fight again?"
"Are you afraid?" he asked.
She turned to him. Her eyes were green and her gaze was direct. That question is unkind."
"Forgive me," he said at once. "I do not doubt your courage, for you proved it to me last night. I wanted only to know your feelings."
"I am not afraid for myself. But my father is aboard the other ship, and you are on this one."
"I saw him strike you."
"He has struck me many times before, but he is still my father." Then she lowered her eyes. "More important than that, though, you are now my man. I am afraid for both of you. But I will not flinch."
He reached out and touched her arm. "I will do my utmost to avoid further battle," he assured her. "I would have done so last night but my own father was in danger. I had no choice but to come to his aid. However, I doubt that Sir Guy will let you and me escape without he does everything in his power to prevent it." He nodded grimly towards the distant Arcturus.
"Here comes the morning wind," she said. "Now my father's intentions will be made plain."
The wind scoured the polished azure surface with cats' paws. The Arcturus's sails bulged and she began to glide forward. All her yards were standing, and bright new canvas had replaced much of that which had been scorched and blackened. The wind left her behind and she slowed gradually, then came once more to a standstill. Her mainsail flapped and drooped. The squall of wind came on and picked up the two smaller ships, carried them a short distance, then dropped them.
Again stillness and silence fell on the three vessels. All their saib were set, and the upper yardmen were poised to make the final adjustments when the wind came again.
This time it came out of the east, hard and steady. It caught up the Arcturus first and bore her on. The instant she had steerage way she put up her helm and charged straight towards the two smaller ships. Her guns were still run out and her intentions manifest.
"I am afraid your father is spoiling for a fight."
"And so are you!" Verity accused him.
"You misjudge me." He shook his head. "I have already taken the prize. Sir Guy has nothing more that I want from him."
Then let us hope that the wind reaches us before he does." As Verity spoke it puffed against her cheek and blew a long strand of hair across her eyes. She tucked it back into the silk hairnet. "Here it comes."
The wind struck the Sprite and she heeled to it. Her canvas slatted and her blocks rattled as her sails filled and bulged. They could feel the
force of it in the eager trembling of the deck beneath their feet and, despite the exigencies of the moment, Verity laughed aloud with excitement. "We are off!" she cried, and for a moment clung to his arm. Then she saw Kumrah's disapproving expression and stepped back. "I need no chaperon aboard this ship for I have a hundred already."
The Sprite raced down towards the Revenge, which still lay becalmed, but then the wind reached her also. The two ships bore away together, the Revenge leading by two cables' length. Mansur looked back over the stern at the pursuit.
"With the wind coming from this quarter your father can never catch us," he told Verity exultantly. "We will run him below the horizon before nightfall." He took her arm and led her gently towards the companionway. "I can safely leave the deck to Kumrah now, and we can go below to find suitable accommodation for you."
"There are too many eyes here," she agreed, and followed him willingly.
At the bottom of the ladder he turned her to face him. She was only a few inches shorter than he was, and the thick, lustrous coils of her hair made the difference even less obvious. There are no other eyes here," he said.
"I fear I have been gullible," her cheeks blushed pink as rose petals, 'but you would never take advantage of my innocence, would you, Your Highness?"
"I am afraid you may have overestimated my chivalry, Miss Courtney. It is my intention to do exactly that."
"I suppose that it would be of no avail if I should scream, would it?"
"I am very much afraid that it would not," he said.
She swayed towards him. "Then I shall save my breath," she whispered, 'for perhaps I will find better employment for it later."
"Your lip is swollen." He touched it gently. "I will not hurt you?"
"We Courtneys are a hardy lot," she said.
He kissed her, but softly.
It was Verity who pulled him closer, and parted her swollen lips to him. "It hurts not at all," she said, and he lifted her in his arms and carried her through into his cabin.
Kumrah stamped three times on the deck above Mansur's bunk. He sat up quickly. "I am wanted on deck," he said. "Not as much as you are wanted here," she murmured, with drowsy contentment, 'but I know that when duty calls I must let you go for the moment."
He stood up and she watched him, her eyes growing bigger and her interest quickening. "I have never seen a man in his natural state before," she said. "Only now do I realize I have been deprived, for 'tis a sight much to my liking."
"I could think of far better," he demurred, and stooped to kiss her belly. It was smooth as cream and her navel was a neat pit in the taut sleek muscle. He thrust the tip of his tongue into it.
She sighed and writhed voluptuously. "You must stop that at once, or I shall never let you go."
He straightened and then his eyes flew wide with alarm. "There is blood on the sheet. Have I injured you?"
She raised herself on one elbow, looked down at the bright stain and smiled complacently. "It is the flower of my maidenhood, which I bring to you as proof that I have always belonged to you and to none other."
"Oh, my darling." He sat on the edge of the bunk and smothered her face with kisses.
She pushed him away. "Go to your duty. But come back to me the instant it is done."
Mansur ran up the ladder and it seemed that his feet were winged, but he stopped at the head of the companionway in alarm. He had expected to see the Revenge still far ahead of him, for in speed she had the edge on the Sprite, but she was almost alongside. He snatched up his telescope from its bucket beside the binnacle and strode to the side. He saw at once that the Revenge sat low in the water, and that all her pumps were manned. Seawater was spurting white over the side from the outlet pipes. As he watched in consternation, Dorian appeared on deck, stepping out from the hatch over the main hold. Mansur snatched up the speaking trumpet and hailed him. His father looked across, then came to the near rail.
"What's amiss?" Mansur called again.
"We have taken a ball below the waterline, and we are taking in water faster than the pumps can discharge it." His father's reply was faint on the wind.
So great was the disparity in speed between the two ships that in the
short time that Mansur had been on deck the Sprite had gained a few yards on the Revenge. Already his father's voice carried more clearly across the gap. He looked back over the stern and judged that the Arcturus had lost little distance in the hours that he and Verity had been below. She was making much better speed through the water than the crippled Revenge.
"What can I do to assist you?" he
asked his father. There was a long pause.
"I have shot an angle on the Arcturus's mainmast every hour," Dorian called back. "At this rate she will be within cannon shot before nightfall. Even in the darkness we cannot hope to elude her."
"Can we repair the damage?"
"The shot-hole is awkwardly placed." Dorian shook his head. "If we heave to, Arcturus will be upon us before we can plug it."
"What, then, must we do?"
"Unless something unforeseen happens, we shall be forced to fight again."
Mansur thought about Verity in the cabin below this deck, and had a picture of that perfect pale body torn to bloody tatters by round-shot. He forced the image from his mind. "Wait!" he called to Dorian, then beckoned to Kumrah.
"What can we do, old friend?" They talked quickly and earnestly, but while they did so the Revenge dropped back a little further and Mansur was obliged to order a reef in his main sail to slow the Sprite enough to keep his station with the Revenge. Then he hailed his father. "Kumrah has a plan. Conform to me as best you are able, but I will moderate my speed if you fall too far behind."
Kumrah brought the Sprite's bows around another three points into the west until they were on a direct heading for Ras al-Had, the point of land where the gulf opened out into the ocean proper.
For the rest of that morning Mansur kept his crew busy repairing the battle damage they had suffered, cleaning and servicing the guns, bringing up more round-shot from the orlop deck, filling the powder bags to replace that which had been fired away. Then, with block and tackle, they hoisted one of the guns up from the main deck to the poop where the carpenters had made a temporary gun port for it. Trained back over the stern the cannon could now be used as a stern chaser to bring the Arcturus under fire as soon as she drew within range.
Almost imperceptibly the Revenge was settling lower in the water and losing speed as the men at the pumps battled to hold at bay the inflow or water through her pierced hull. Mansur closed in on her and they Passed a line across. Then he was able to send over twenty fresh seamen
to relieve the Revenge's crew, who were exhausted from the unremitting work at the pump handles. At the same time he sent over Baris, one of Kumrah's junior officers, a young Omani who was also a native of this coast and knew every rock and reef almost as intimately as Kumrah did. While the two ships sailed in such close company, Mansur explained to his father the plan he and Kumrah had devised.
Dorian understood at once that this was perhaps their best chance, and he endorsed it without hesitation. "Go to it, lad," he called back, through the speaking trumpet.
Within the next hour Mansur was obliged to take in another reef so as not to head-reach on the Revenge during the night. As darkness fell he gazed back at the Arcturus and calculated that she had closed the gap between them to only a little over two sea miles.
It was almost midnight before he went below to his cabin, but even then Mansur and Verity could not sleep. They made love as though it would never happen again, then lay naked in each other's arms, sweating in the tropical night, and they talked softly. Sometimes they laughed and more than once Verity wept. There was so much they had to tell, their whole lifetimes to relate to each other. At last, though, even their new love could no longer keep them awake, and they slept with their limbs entwined.
An hour before first light Mansur slipped from their bunk and left her to go back on deck. But within minutes Verity, too, came up the companionway and took a place in the angle of the quarter-deck and the poop, where she could be near him but unobtrusive.
Mansur ordered the cooks to give the men their breakfast and while they ate he went down the deck and spoke to them, giving them encouragement, making them laugh and others smile, even though they knew that the Arcturus was close behind them in the darkness and they would soon be called upon to fight her again.
As soon as the dawn sky began to pale Mansur and Kumrah were at the stern rail on the poop deck beside the stern chaser. The lantern on the main truck of the Revenge showed close astern, but as the circle of their vision opened they all stared beyond her for the first glimpse of the Arcturus. They were not disappointed. As the light strengthened they caught the loom of her against the still dark horizon, and Mansur had to check himself from giving voice to his disappointment. She had gained almost a mile on them during the hours of darkness, and now she was within long cannon shot. Even as Mansur stared at her through the lens of his telescope there was a flash from her bows, and a puff of white smoke.
"Your father is firing at us with bow chasers. Though I fancy the range
is a trifle too long for him to do us any real damage for a while yet," Mansur told Verity.
At that moment there was a hail from the masthead: "Land ho!" and they left the stern and went up into the bows to scan ahead with the spyglass.
"You excel yourself, Captain," Mansur told Kumrah. "Unless I am very much mistaken, that is Ras al-Had dead ahead." They went back to the chart table beside the traverse-board and pored over the chart. This masterpiece of the cartographer's art had been drawn up by Kumrah himself, the work of a lifetime spent on the sea.
"Where is this Kos al-Heem?" Mansur asked. The name meant the Deceiver in the dialect of the Omani coast.
"I have not marked it on the chart." Kumrah pricked the waxed leather with the point of his dividers. "Some things are best kept from the eyes of the world. But it is here."
"How much longer to run?" Mansur asked.
"If this wind holds, we will be there an hour after noon."
"By then the Arcturus will have overhauled the Revenge." Mansur glanced across his father's ship.
"If it is God's will," said Kumrah, with resignation, 'for God is great."
"We must try to shield the Revenge from the fire of the Arcturus until we reach the Deceiver." Mansur gave Kumrah his orders, then went back to the stern where the gun-crew were gathered around the nine-pounder.
Kumrah shortened sail again and dropped back until he could interpose the Sprite between the other two ships. During that time the Arcturus fired twice with her bow chaser. Both shots fell short. However, the Arcturus's next splashed heavily alongside the Revenge.
"Very well." Mansur nodded. "We can try a ranging shot at her now."
He chose a round-shot from the locker, rolling it under his foot to check its symmetry. Then he measured the charge of powder with care, and had his crew swab the bore carefully to remove as much powder residue as possible.
Once the gun was loaded and run out he stood behind it and noted how the stern of the Sprite lifted and yawed as she rode over the swells. He calculated the adjustments necessary to counteract these movements. Then, slow-match in hand, he stood well clear of the breech and watched for the next swell. As the Sprite kicked up her heels and lifted her stern, like a flirtatious girl swishing her skirts, he pressed the burning end of the match to the quill of powder in the touch-hole. The elevation would give the iron ball the extra carry.
I he long cannon bellowed and slammed back into its tackle. Verity and Kumrah were watching for the fall of shot.
Seconds later they picked out the tiny feather of white that jumped from the surface of the dark sea. "Short by a hundred yards and about three degrees left," Verity called sharply.
Mansur grunted and wound the elevation screw to its maximum height. They fired again. "Under again, but on line." They kept firing steadily.
The Revenge had joined in the bombardment. The Arcturus closed in slowly, firing her bow chasers as she came on. However, by the middle of the morning none of the ships had managed a hit, although some of the shot had fallen close. Mansur and his gun-crew were stripped to the waist in the rising heat: their bodies were shining with sweat, and their faces were blackened with gunsmoke. The barrel of the cannon was too hot to touch. The wet swab sizzled and steamed as it was thrust down the bore. For the twenty-third time that morning they ran out the long nine-pounder and Mansur laid it with care. The Arcturus appeared much taller as he
squinted at it over the sights. He stood back and waited for the pitch and roll of the hull under him before he fired.