Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels Page 1

by Gregory Johnson

  Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

  By Gregory Johnson

  Seeds Of The Pirate Rebels

  By Gregory Johnson

  © 2109 by Gregory Johnson

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  Published by:

  Alaska Dreams Publishing

  1st Ebook Edition July 2019

  Print versions available.

  Please visit for links.

  PRINT ISBN numbers:

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9903454-8-0

  ISBN 10: 0-9903454-8-3



  1 - Aboard the Plunder Trainer, somewhere in the Cetearan Sector

  2 - Aboard the War Shadow, in orbit of the planet Densia

  3 - Aboard the Plunder Trainer, Danger Deck 3

  4 – In the Elemental Sector, Main Bridge of the Uniqueness

  5 - In the Elemental Sector, aboard the War Shadow

  6 - On the bridge of the Plunder Trainer

  7 - On the War Shadow's Main Bridge, in the Dargonix Sector

  8 - Aboard the Pale Dragon, in orbit Tricetus

  9 - In the village of Santa Felinia on Argon

  10 - On the bridge of the Pale Dragon, in orbit of Tricetus

  11 - On Argon, in the village of Santa Felinia

  12 - In the Gematrix System, on the planet Atron

  13 - In the Cetearan Sector, on the planet Layardia

  14 - In the Elemental Sector, on the Shadow Hunter

  15 - Aboard the Crimson Stingray

  16 - Aboard the War Shadow

  17 - Aboard the Shadow Hunter, in the Captain's Chambers

  18 - Aboard the Crimson Stingray

  19 - Aboard the War Shadow, in orbit of Niw- Chi

  20 - On the planet Layardia

  21 - Aboard the Shadow Hunter

  22 - Aboard the War Shadow

  23 - Aboard the Pale Dragon

  24 - Aboard the Shadow Hunter

  25 - In orbit of Layardia, aboard the War Shadow

  26 - Aboard the Pale Dragon, in orbit of Layardia

  27 - Aboard the War Shadow, in the Main Brig

  28 - Aboard the Dragonchess

  29 - In orbit of Argon, aboard the War Shadow

  30 - Aboard the War Shadow, in orbit of Layardia

  31 - In orbit of Bowdoia, aboard the Shadow Hunter

  32 - Aboard the War Shadow, on the Main Bridge

  33 - In orbit of Argon, aboard the War Shadow

  34 - On the third moon of Cetus, new PRA secret base


  It has been fifteen years since his father decided to become a War Lord, but to Xanatos a fifty-year-old Argoni, it seems like an eternity. He has been forced to make a choice between staying with his family or join the Pirate Rebel Allegiance. While on his way to the Tribal Council to begin his right of passage, a dark stranger in a hooded crimson cloak came to him. Something about this stranger was soothing, yet it gave Xanatos a cold shiver down his spine. The stranger stopped in front of him in an eerie stance and gave him such a look that it could make even a god shiver.

  The stranger spoke to Xanatos from underneath the hood of his cloak in an eerie voice, “Xanatos, your destiny lies in the stars and this is your wake-up call,” The stranger swiftly struck Xanatos in the head with a steel staff before he could react, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

  1 - Aboard the Plunder Trainer, somewhere in the Cetearan Sector

  Xanatos awakened in a bed that was not his own. He got out of the bed, placing his bare feet upon the carpet of his new chambers, feeling as though the ground was moving beneath them. He thought it was just a dream and should wake up; the stranger was just an illusion of that dream. He felt a sharp pain as if his jaw had been dislocated for a while. He touched his cheek and the pain from the steel staff came back. Xanatos realized then that it wasn't a dream.

  He heard three voices coming from the corridor behind the door. One of them belonged to the eerie stranger that struck him a day earlier. He walked closer to the door as the voices talked to one another. They seemed to be talking about him, their new hostage.

  “You didn't have to hit him, Commander Fyvre. He is only just a boy on his planet. The Alliance already considers us as a threat!” a voice of authority stated, “What will Grand Admiral Limwin think when she discovers that we are the ones who kidnapped a boy of Argon blood to better the PRA chances for survival?”

  “Do you really think the boy would have come willingly?” the eerie voice asked, “No. There would have been a struggle from him and a fight with the crowd around him. I did what you ordered, I brought him here, didn't I?” the eerie voice asked calmly.

  “I hope the boy is awake so you can make this right for your actions against him,” The third, more concerned, voice said.

  “What are you talking about, Dr. Pricdon? The boy was sidetracked by something when I hit him in the streets of his own village. I was merely showing him the true way of life,” the eerie voice replied back angrily, as they all entered Xanatos' chambers.

  Xanatos saw a female Xana Anti in a captain's uniform, a male sphinx in a medic’s uniform, and a male Dragonling in an officer's uniform walk into his new chambers. The Xana Anti was wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt with black leather pants. The ornaments on her shoulders and the short cape were good indications that she was a pirate captain. The sphinx’s medic uniform was a white robe over a red shirt; his tail was twitching in annoyance though he walked with the grace of a centaur. The Dragonling looked like an Argoni, wearing a Commander's uniform with a blue long-sleeved shirt and black jeans with long black boots over the pant legs.

  The medic walked toward Xanatos to look at his jaw, but Xanatos backed away as the sphinx came closer to him. Xanatos was angry and afraid at the same time, as the sphinx world was at war with his home world.

  “Xanatos, don't be afraid. We mean you no harm,” said the Xana Anti, “Please let the doctor look at your jaw,” her voice was sincere and calm, but Xanatos didn’t buy it.

  “War crimes! Ow!” Xanatos said as he held onto his jaw. “You kidnapped me! I was walking to the Council's Hut. Now, you want that thing to operate on my jaw! Ah-ow!” Xanatos retorted angrily at Pricdon, still holding his jaw in pain.

  “'Thing!' I am a sphinx, not..,” Dr. Pricdon stated.

  “I know what you are, Sphinx. You and your race are enemies of my people and are responsible for countless Argoni deaths. I don't trust you or your kind,” Xanatos said bitterly, his jaw stinging.

  “Those deaths were caused by War Master Sjach Malsvir, the War Lords, and their Spies that work under him. My people were threatened by the Argoni because War Master Sjach Malsvir told the Argoni we were a threat to them. You need to wake up and open your eyes!” Dr. Pricdon explained, somehow keeping his cool, “The War Lords are the true enemy and I know it. You will soon learn that the United Alliance is in league with the War Lords and their Master,” The doctor sighed as he forced Xanatos to sit down. He reset Xanatos' jaw with a loud crack, then walked away, his tail flipped up at Xanatos.

  “I am sorry for striking you so hard, Xanatos,” said the Dragonling Commander, as he bowed to him. “My n
ame is Commander Skyre Fyvre. I was ordered to retrieve you by Yahweh, or Valient, and my captain agreed to let me do so,”

  “Well, Commander Fyvre, why would Valient even talk to a half-breed like you?” Xanatos replied bitterly.

  “How did you know I was a Dragonling?” Commander Fyvre asked curiously.

  “The eyes are a dead giveaway,” said Xanatos, as Fyvre tried hide his slit eyes. “Plus, you smell like sulfur,”

  “You should take a shower, Commander. Oh, I am Captain Braskah Kinwan of the PRA. You are on my ship, the Plunder Trainer,” said the Xana Anti Captain; she handed Xanatos a wooden staff and a tray of strange-looking food. “Your training begins tonight at 20:00 hours. It is 15:30 hours now. That will give you time to think, settle, and eat,”

  “What are you talking about, training? I'm just a boy according to you people earlier, I could hear you. You had no right to kidnap me to begin with!” Xanatos stated boldly, looking down at his tray of food.

  “Your training begins at 20:00 hours by United Alliance standards. Now, eat your dinner and meditate on your training and think about your new life that is laid in front of you,” Kinwan replied, as she and her company left the room and the door sealed behind them.

  After he ate his strange, yet satisfying meal, he tried to open the door of his new chambers, but the door refused to open. He looked around for another way of escape and spotted a vent near the floor. He kicked the vent’s grate open, strapped the wooden staff to his back, and slid inside. Xanatos crawled through the air vent, hearing voices coming from further in. Some of the voices he recognized as locals from his part of the universe, the others had different accents, but were speaking in Argoni.

  As Xanatos crawled further, the voices grew louder. A voice beneath the vents belonging to a Griffin, in a strange accent, speaking to a Xana Anti asked, “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?” replied the Xana Anti. They both paused, listening for the sound while Xanatos remained still, waiting above them, breathing slowly and quietly in the air vents.

  “Must have been nothing,” said the Griffin, dismissing it.

  Xanatos took the opportunity to slowly, quietly press on and soon spotted an air pocket big enough for at least ten men to stand in. He stood up, looking down – there was a grate leading to the outside. Jumping hard onto the grate, he twisted his body so he could land on the aliens talking and attack them. Xanatos landed in the center of the group, drawing the staff from his back.

  The new aliens looked at Xanatos with surprise and puzzlement. One of the aliens was a whale that had legs and arms, another alien looked like an elf with flames around it. There were others, too, like the Griffin, the female Dragonling, and three Rularians, while Xanatos was the only Argoni in the group.

  He shoved the flaming elf into whale-like alien, making the whale screech in pain. Xanatos was about to take the three Rularians out, but his staff was stopped by a sword. A Rularian stood at the hilt of the blade. Xanatos gave the Griffin an evil look, about to hit the Rularian again, but he was pinned to the wall by a powerful gust of unnatural wind by his arms cast at him by a wind elf.

  “Calm down, Argoni,” said the wind elf in an odd accent. Xanatos had no choice but to cooperate. He calmed down and saw that these alien races were in the same situation that he was in. They all looked frightened, impatient, and lost. The wind elf released his wind’s grip on Xanatos' arms. “We are prisoners on this pirate ship. We are all trying to escape this rat maze,”

  “They kidnapped all of you, as well,” Xanatos replied calmly, coming to realization.

  “No, we all volunteered to be pirates, but the captain of this vessel is trying my patience. My mother will have her hide,” a whale-like creature replied.

  “Why? Who is your mother?” Xanatos asked curiously.

  “My mother is Grand Admiral Lunara H'Ackre-Limwin of the PRA and the only true Grand Admiral of this galaxy. Well, next to Grand Admiral George Horde of the United Alliance. The other Grand Admirals might as well be War Lords,” said the Talyardian, as he raised his hand toward Xanatos, “My name is Jurj Limwin, and you are?”

  “Xanatos, of the Chess Tribe,” said he, avoiding the hand gesture, “I was kidnapped by a ‘Commander Fyvre’ when I was walking alone in my home village. The captain of the Plunder Trainer is a Xana Anti female named..,” said Xanatos.

  “Captain Braskah Limwin, of Xananto, she was the one appointed to train us all to be great warriors of our people. I hope she succeeds,” said Limwin, just before the air vents opened up, three great serpents arriving, coming right for them.

  “What is going on!? Are they crazy!? You, Half-Breed, try to control those serpents!” Xanatos ordered one of the Dragonlings.

  “What did you call me, Mutant?” the Dragonling female replied angrily, as she snorted ice at Xanatos.

  “Half-breed! You have a problem with that?” Xanatos asked with hostility.

  “You mutants spawned from us and then you kick us off of our own planet, and now we are the Half-Breeds? I ought to skin you alive!” said the Dragonling woman angrily.

  “Wow, Karen Kingsley, calm down. Xanatos, watch your mouth. Why do you show such transgressions toward the Dragonlings?” Limwin asked, nervously.

  “Do you really want me to answer that? Now’s not exactly a good time!” Xanatos asked, taking the chance to make a run for it. The others follow suit before the serpents can come any closer.

  “Sphinx and Griffins I could see, but not Dragonlings,” Limwin stated. She paused, sniffing at the air, “You don't have room to talk Were-Tiger from the Chess Tribe,” she smiled coy.

  “Shut up,” Xanatos angrily replied.

  Once they lost the serpents, they came to the Charging Tunnels of the ship in complete silence. Karen Kingsley, the Dragonling, was beginning to feel a strange connection between herself and the Argoni man. Kingsley shook her head at the thought as she and Limwin followed Xanatos, having him lead the way in the tunnels. They found their way to a large, round room with lights and several different weapons on display. Xanatos shook his head, as they entered the chamber.

  “What is it, Xanatos?” Kingsley asked curiously.

  “One of the weapons is made of forcatanium..,” Xanatos replied as he soon realized that the entire chamber was as well, “I can't feel your mind, any of your minds,” said Xanatos, as he tried to telekinetically grab a sword in the chamber and could not. “It's a trap!” As the ceiling opened, five ninja-like warriors came out of the opening. All of the warriors were wearing different colors.

  “Cadets of the PRA, prepare yourselves, for we are about to leave this universe and we will grant you all warriors’ deaths,” The crimson-colored warrior announced.

  “What are the Valient Knights doing here? I thought Yahweh was on our side!?” Limwin replied, as she stared at Xanatos with anger.

  Captain's Quarters, on the Plunder Trainer

  “Wait, this isn't a part of their training simulation,” said Kinwan, concerned for his cadets, specifically for Cadet Limwin. The Grand Admiral would have her hide if her son was killed in his first training simulation. “Commander Fyvre, go down there and take fifteen of our best security officers with you. I need to know what the glitch is in Danger Deck 4. I will join you, shortly,”

  “Aye-aye, Sir,” Fyvre replied, as he left the Captain's Quarters and headed for the Security Officers' Quarters.

  “I don't like this one bit,” Kinwan retorted to himself.

  “Get used to it, Captain Kinwan,” said a voice from the shadows of his Quarters.

  A man wearing a violet ninja-like warrior's uniform came toward him from those shadows. It was Valient Sword of the Valient Knights. The Valient Sword drew his weapon from his back, a long sword with a hooked blade at the base of a long hilt. Valient attacked the young captain with hatred.

  In retaliation, Kinwan drew his Katana from his side, “I thought Yahweh didn't like the War Master and his minions!” Kinwan replied defensively.

  Valient Sword snarled, “We are Emperor Malsvir's newest recruits to bring order to the universe. You are the only faction standing in the way of ultimate peace!” They swung their blades at one another; as the blades clashed, the battle grew more intense. The good captain never saw an Argoni move so fast in all his life. Valient Sword's moves were like a blur and the good captain was slain within fifteen seconds of the battle. “Righteous Breastplate, my task is complete and there are three to one odds coming your way with the 'new captain' leading the group. If Master Malsvir sees that we failed, he will kill us all… or just the five of you and spare me for completing my mission,” Valient Sword stated on his wrist comm-unit.

  “You wouldn't leave us to that fate, would you?” The wrist comm-unit replied back in Righteous Breastplate's female voice.

  “You know he would,” said Peaceful Protector's female voice in the background of the ruckus on Breastplate’s end.

  2 - Aboard the War Shadow, in orbit of the planet Densia

  On the United Alliance's flagship, Sjach Malsvir was starting to wonder if War Spy 313 was telling him the truth about the Pirate Rebels' training vessel. War Spy 313 wasn't the best spy that Lord Corvet`e has trained; the best War Spy was – and is – 325, Malsvir's grandson.

  The inhibitor bracelets on the Valient Knights was best idea that War Spy 325 had come up with yet. The inhibitor bracelets were hidden in the wrist comm-units that the Valient Knights wear at all times. They keep in constant communication not only with each other, but with Valient, as well.

  The fools thought that they could send their best Knight, Valient Sword, to assassinate the War Master but the War Master foresaw this and waited for Valient Sword to appear. When he did, the War Master froze Valient Sword from time itself. He reconstructed Valient Sword's memory to convince the other Knights to come to the War Shadow. After placing a device in Valient Sword's wrist comm-unit he sent Valient Sword back to his fellow Knights and the plan worked. That was 15 years ago and now the Valient Knights all work for him.


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