Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels Page 12

by Gregory Johnson

  “Lord Corvet`e, you do remember how to run a tactical station on an Argoni Royal?” Lord Malsvir asked urgently.

  “Yes, I do. It was an Argoni Herald, but the controls should similar in design,” reported Corvet`e, as the Dark Rider was hit in its rear cargo bay.

  “Get up here and charge up those torpedoes and fire up those charges. We need to get yourselves back on the War Shadow. I can get us there on one engine, but only if you keep those space fighters and torpedoes from the bigger vessels off our backs,” ordered Lord Malsvir, as Corvet`e entered the cockpit of the Dark Rider and sat in the copilot's seat.

  “Yes, Sir,” Corvet`e replied as he fired at a zotium torpedo headed for the cockpit. The Dark Rider fired at the Sphinx Diablo that came in range of its sights. The Sphinx Diablo exploded into pieces that bounced off the shields. The Dark Rider cruised through the battlefield with five PRA space fighters in pursuit.

  The Dark Rider flew toward the War Shadow's shuttle bay, as two Hurthian Triofighters and a Sphinx Katarn were in hot pursuit. The Dark Rider fired at the Sphinx Katarn with a zotium torpedo and fired up the zotonic charges. “Zotonic charges locked on target. Preparing to fire on HT-1 and locking onto HT-2, FK-1 is disabled,” reported Corvet`e, as he used the tactical station's council to target the PRA space fighters. The Dark Rider slid as it landed in the War Shadow's shuttle bay, the Sphinx Katarn was blown to bits. The two Hurthian Triofighters were hit but survived the onslaught from the Dark Rider.

  26 - Aboard the Pale Dragon, in orbit of Layardia

  Xanatos was on the Main Bridge with Kingsley at his side. The crew was awaiting his orders when they entered the battlefield around Layardia. Xanatos ordered all space fighters to be launched and all crewmen to their stations. The crew did as they were ordered to do.

  “Kingsley, get to your space fighter and see to personally that our Grand Admiral comes home safely,” Xanatos ordered as the Pale Dragon was hit by a barrage of zotium torpedoes from the War Shadow. Kingsley left the Main Bridge, as Xanatos ordered Aleine to seize firing on the War Shadow.

  “Sir, the War Shadow is almost on us,” reported Aleine, as the War Shadow was coming closer toward the Pale Dragon.

  “You heard me! The leader of PRA is on board that ship. If she were to be killed in the Battle of Layardia by a PRA vessel her people will side with the WLE, and decide the PRA is not a noble cause,” Xanatos scolded his tactical officer.

  “Aye, Sir. Seizing fire on War Shadow,” replied Aleine, as the War Shadow fired at the Pale Dragon with more zotium torpedoes.

  “They are leaving orbit, Captain. What are going to do if they head for Argon or any other civilized Imperial planet?” Kingsley asked with concern in her voice.

  “We will follow them to ends of the universe if we have to. Have a little faith in Valient, Karen,” stated Xanatos.

  “I have mighty faith in Yahweh. How do you plan to get inside the War Shadow or a prison within the War Lord Empire?” asked Kingsley.

  “We will cross that bridge when we get there,” replied Xanatos, as the Pale Dragon fired at the one of the Erif- Ki Inferno Class Space Cruisers. He saw three Shadow Hound-Class Freighters in the escape vector to the Tricetus. “Target those Shadow Hound-Class Freighters and get us out of here.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lt. Aleine replied to her captain, as the Pale Dragon fired at the lead Shadow Hound-Class Freighter to free the escape route.

  The Pale Dragon was fired upon by the War Shadow, as it made its way toward the Shadow Hound-Class Freighters. The Pale Dragon was not alone in its battle for freedom out of orbit from Layardia. The Crimson Stingray and Crimson Warrior were leaving the atmosphere and ready to engage the enemy. The Pale Dragon tactical officer saw the two PRA vessels on the sensors. The Shadow Hunter was still in Phantom Space, or it would be in the heat of the battle.

  As the Pale Dragon approached the lead Shadow Hound-Class Freighter, the crew saw the Shadow Hunter frozen in the anti-phantom beam of the freighters. The power on board the Shadow Hunter was flickering from the sudden rip from Phantom Space. The WLE was using the Shadow Hunter as bait to lure the Pale Dragon into a trap.

  Captain Xanatos, this is Captain Brad Horde of the Shadow Hunter. Do not rescue us, this is a trap that the WLE is luring you into. The crackled voice on the view screen said.

  “Captain Horde, if you can read me, try to disable the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter nearest your location,” Xanatos ordered as the Pale Dragon headed for the closest Shadow Hound-Class Freighter and fired zotium torpedoes at that vessel. “All space fighters of the Pale Dragon, this is the captain. Fire all torpedoes on the following coordinates!” Xanatos punched in the coordinates of the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter the Pale Dragon fired on.

  The squadrons of various space fighters began firing their compliments of zoton torpedoes at the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter. The Shadow Hound-Class Freighter in the center of the triangular configuration was cloaked and began to break apart from the space fighters' continuing bombardment. The only cloaked Shadow Hound-Class Freighter that remained appeared to have retreated.

  Debris from the cloaked Shadow Hound-Class Freighter was heading toward the War Shadow, as she was retreating. The War Shadow was hit by the anti-phantom projector from the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter's debris field. The anti-phantom projector hit the port ghost-drive engine housing. The War Shadow was smoking from the impact zone from the debris.

  “It looks like the War Shadow's ghost-drive has been disabled from the wreckage. Valient has given us the advantage we need for a victorious rescue mission,” Xanatos praised with a grin on his face. “Commander Kingsley, you are in command of the Pale Dragon until my team and I return to the ship. We will return with the Grand Admiral back in command of the PRA, so she free the universe from the WLE,” Xanatos ordered Kingsley, as he left the Main Bridge before she could protest.

  “Captain, where are…” Kingsley began to protest, as the Main Bridge doors sealed behind him.

  “Commander Kingsley, you will be in command of the fleet. Be sure the War Shadow and her fellow ships in her fleet don't escape this system. The repairs could take only a few hours on board the War Shadow. If they leave with my team on board their ship, they will win. So, stay on their tail and follow my orders.” Xanatos ordered Kingsley on her wrist comm-unit.

  “You heard the captain. Let's get to work,” ordered Kingsley, as the Pale Dragon fired at the only decloaked Shadow Hound-Class Freighter and a shuttlecraft was launched from Pale Dragon, as well. Kingsley sat in the captain's chair, as the shuttle carrying the captain and his rescue team headed for the War Shadow. “Give the captain some assistance and have all space fighters escort his shuttle to that flagship,” she ordered over the comm systems of all the space fighter squadrons.

  Crimson Squadron broke formation to escort the captain's shuttlecraft barricade into the War Shadow. The War Shadow began firing on the captain's escorts, but failed to destroy the shuttlecraft carrying the captain and his team. The shuttlecraft flew straight through the War Shadow's shields and vanished from view of the Pale Dragon's sensors and visual scanners.

  “What happened to the captain's shuttlecraft? Tactical!” ordered Kingsley, as the tactical officer scanned her instruments to find the shuttlecraft was in a cloaked field of some type. The tactical officer reported her findings to Kingsley. “So, they know we are attempted to mount a rescue mission for the Grand Admiral. They are shielding the shuttlecraft their own cloaking device. Try to contact the captain on his wrist comm-unit,” Kingsley ordered with high anxiety in her voice.

  “Comm-units are operational,” reported Aidene.

  “Captain Xanatos, this is Commander Kingsley, do you read me, over?” Kingsley asked on the comm-unit's receiver.

  “Commander, what has happened to the Pale Dragon and your escorts?” The crackled voice of Xanatos replied back on the speakers of the Main Bridge.

  “Captain Xanatos, there appears to be a cloaking field surrounding the War
Shadow. It has cloaked the Dragonchess and we are unable to monitor your progress. The War Shadow must be trying to cloak. Get out there, Captain. If you stay there, the Dragonchess will become forever and will be unable see the shuttle craft on any scanners, but possibly the War Shadow,” Tenobi reported on the comm-unit.

  The War Shadow started to cloak, as the Dragonchess appeared in front of the War Shadow. The Dragonchess flew closer to the War Shadow and blasted in through the cloaking field with its own cloaking device. The Dragonchess was headed for the Battle Bridge's force-shielded portal. It would be big enough to fit the Dragonchess through.

  “May Yahweh aide your rescue, my captain.” blessed Kingsley.

  27 - Aboard the War Shadow, in the Main Brig

  Lord Malsvir was dragging H'Ackre-Limwin to her cell. He looked angry with her, as he threw her in the holding cell. He activated the force-shield as he walked away from the holding cell.

  “You can't hold me here forever! You hear me! I will escape this cell and your 'Empire' shall, as is the fate of all empires. Only democracy and diplomacy will truly prevail, as the Yahweh is my saving grace. The Pirate Rebel Allegiance will free this universe from your rule. I swear it, by Yahweh Himself,” H'Ackre-Limwin proclaimed to Lord Malsvir.

  “I trust you are going to enjoy your say in this detention cell. My master will be here to help clear your head, and teach the true path of enlightenment,” Lord Malsvir smugly said.

  “I already have my head cleared of dark matter. I know what your path of enlightenment will bring disaster to the universe. It is the path of darkness and deception. That is not my path to my destiny, and you know it. I would rather die,” H'Ackre-Limwin replied with honor in her voice.

  “We shall see, Grand Admiral, we will shall see,” Lord Malsvir said spitefully.

  The door to the Main Brig opened to reveal Master Malsvir entering the corridor with Corvet'e at his side. The War Master was looking at the Grand Admiral in her cell. Master Malsvir grinned venomously at her, as approached her cell.

  “You have defiance and fear, Grand Admiral. This is good, I will teach you to fear me as you fear death,” Master Malsvir laughed as he pushed some buttons on the wall.

  The detention cell was flooding with a red gas that the Grand Admiral was in. the Grand Admiral was regaining her strength from the red gas. She was about to stand up when she started coughing green liquid from her mouth.

  “I told you I would rather die than serve the darkness. My vision of a free universe will happen through my actions, or through my successor. I only hope that my successor will be more likely destroy your 'Empire' and you with it,” H'Ackre-Limwin spat out at the War Master.

  “That can be arranged. I thought all you Pirates feared death, as much as you fear your precious Valient. The War Lord Empire will always rule this universe with an iron fist. Even with the Pirate Rebels leader in my possession, the Pirate Rebels still provoke the people to rebel against us,” replied Master Malsvir, as he released another gas, this time it was blue. The Grand Admiral was no longer coughing but instead was on her knees. “Is this not your true destiny? At my feet, and on your knees,” he said with conceit in his voice.

  The Grand Admiral forced herself to her feet, with all of her strength and will power. She spat at the War Master and sat on the bench in the holding cell. She knew that Yahweh will would be shown through her by not yielding to their demands. Only by remaining honorable and loyal to Yahweh she would be free from this cell. The War Master scowled at the Talyardian, as he released a green smoke in her holding cell. This time the Grand Admiral was unconscious when the smoke cleared.

  “She is dangerous and deadly to our cause. If she does not turn to the true path in three days, terminate her,” Master Malsvir ordered as he left the Main Brig. The alarms were ringing throughout the War Shadow. Lord Malsvir knew that those were the intruder alarms. The Pale Dragon was launching a rescue mission. Lord Malsvir knew that Xanatos was leading the rescue mission, personally.

  “Master, the Pale Dragon is launching a rescue mission. I know that Captain Xanatos is personally leading the mission. Our inside intelligence officer will tell you that. The Pale Dragon is left unguarded, which means it's ours for the taking,” Lord Malsvir reported on his wrist comm-unit to the War Master.

  “Go to the Secondary Bridge, the good Captain Xanatos will be there. Lord Corvet'e will attend to our guest.” The wrist comm-unit went silent.

  Corvet'e appeared down the corridor with haste in his step. Corvet'e saw the prisoner in the detention cell asleep, or unconscious. Lord Malsvir ran to the Secondary Bridge to intercept his quarry before they rescue the Grand Admiral.

  Aboard the War Shadow, the Secondary Bridge

  Xanatos was leading his men through the corridors and elevators heading for homing beacon that the Grand Admiral was wearing. The homing beacon was indicating she was two levels down from their location. Xanatos saw a squad of soldiers approaching fast to intercept them. The squad began taking position in front of the elevator and in the corridor to the right and left of the rescue team.

  Xanatos spotted a War Spy leading the soldiers against his men. The War Spy was ordering the soldiers to not let Xanatos' men pass alive. The men called the War Spy, 'Lord Malsvir' which indicated that this was Master Malsvir' grandson or his former War Spy. Lord Malsvir began firing at Xanatos and his men with his rifle of some type.

  “Take cover, they have rifles!” ordered Xanatos, as he and his men ducked behind corners. Lord Malsvir fired repeated shots at the rescue team, and some of Xanatos' men were wounded by this new weapon. Xanatos was covered by the corner of the corridor. “Automatic weapons! Who in Valient's name has automatic weapons?” he asked Aidene, his second in command of his team.

  “There is no honor in that. Probably made on Argon. No offense, Captain,” replied Aidene, as a shot hit her in the right leg. “Ow! You will pay for that, Imperial Scum!” She stated as she charged at the War Lord with her sword in hand.

  The War Lord drew an Argonisaber from his back and blocked the Storm Elf's charge with his own parry. Lord Malsvir threw his automatic rifle to the floor, as Aidene vanished into the wind. Lord Malsvir laughed as he swung his Argonisaber up to block a blow from back.

  “You claim I have no honor, Storm Elf. Yet, you are hiding in the wind like coward and made an attempt to stab me in the back,” Lord Malsvir mocked the Storm Elf, as he charged the air the biokinetic energy. The energy revealed the location of Aidene, as she screamed in pain.

  Lord Malsvir sliced Aidene across the chest while she was screamed in pain. Lord Malsvir smiled at the rest of the rescue team. Lord Malsvir summoned his automatic weapon to his hand through his telekinetic powers.

  “Lord Malsvir… you dishonorable coward! You killed her without remorse and now you pay for that,” Xanatos spat out angrily, as he took cover when he saw Lord Malsvir holding the automatic weapon yet again.

  “Who is the coward, the man with a gun, or the man taking cover from the gun aimed him?” Lord Malsvir taunted Xanatos, as he fired at one of Xanatos' men on his left.

  Suddenly, another team wearing War Lord Empire uniforms and caring automatic weapons on their backs was cutting them off. Lord Malsvir has reinforcements trying to cut them off from behind. The other team drew Argonisabers and Demon Blades from their sides. Xanatos' rescue team was surprised from behind and three more of his men dead by the time the rest of the team discovered the ambush.

  “They sent for backup, and it's right behind us,” Xanatos warned his remaining men, as they had now defended their backs and fronts.

  Xanatos charged at Lord Malsvir his own Argonisaber in hand and was in his were-tiger form. Lord Malsvir was both stunted and frightened by this were-tiger changing in front of him. Lord Malsvir ran from Xanatos, as the remaining front of his line of soldiers were slain by the rescue team. The rear line of soldiers was still firing at the rescue team, as Xanatos summoned a rifle from a fallen Imperial soldier and a plasma round at
the rear line. The rifle was a new plasma cannon that looked like an ordinary shotgun from Sphinx.

  The plasma blast hit all of the Imperial soldiers in the rear line. All that remained of the rear soldiers was two Erif- Ki that absorbed the plasma blast and looked like they just ate a banquet. The Erif- Ki soldiers looked at the rescue team with vengeance and anger. The Erif- Ki soldiers shot the rescue team with fireballs that they fired from their hands. The rescue team was protected by Xanatos from a telekinetic shield which he created to block the fireballs.

  The War Shadow began to shake, as it were hit by a torpedo blast in the stern section of the ship. The blast threw the two Erif- Ki soldiers into a wall in the corridor. The rescue team was running toward the Main Brig of the War Shadow, as the Erif- Ki soldiers returned to their feet. Sirens were blaring from the Main Bridge. There was most likely a hull breach in Main Engineering, which indicated the War Shadow was going nowhere until the ghost-drive engine was back online.

  The two Erif- Ki soldiers ran toward Main Engineering to aid in the repairs to ghost-drive engines.

  Xanatos and his rescue team entered the Main Brig, only to be intercepted by Lord Corvet`e and five Griffin warriors. Xanatos looked at the War Lord with vengeful grin on his face.

  “Hello, my son. I see you still keep the same old company. Your mother would be so proud. I, on the hand, am very disappointed with you,” replied Corvet`e, as Xanatos approached his father with haste. Xanatos' men looked at their leader and paused when the War Lord referred to him as his son. The rescue team was following their leader with a little optimism of who to trust.

  “My Father is in heaven. You are dead to me, Lord Corvet`e. I will succeed and you will fail your Master, again,” Xanatos replied with calmness in his voice. “I see you still have cats for slaves,” that had bitterness in his voice for his mother.


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