Seeds of the Pirate Rebels

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Seeds of the Pirate Rebels Page 16

by Gregory Johnson

  “That's Emperor Corvet`e to you, Technician,” snapped Corvet`e. The Rularian technician stared at the view screen intently, as if he were trying to detect weakness in Corvet`e. The insectoid's eyes were difficult to read with expressionless faces the Rularians always were.

  “I see you are wearing the Royal Necklace of the War Lord Emperor. Where is the former Emperor Malsvir?” the Rularian technician asked cautiously.

  “Righteous Breastplate had slain him at the Battle of Layardia, in this very bridge,” Corvet`e stated as the Amulet of Basilisk glowed toward Lord Malsvir.

  “What is thy bidding, Emperor Corvet`e?” the Rularian's tone was humbler now.

  “That's better. Now, what phase are you in on the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter Mark II?” Corvet`e asked calmly.

  “They are still testing the new anti-phantom accelerator with the new zotium drive engines. We tested the new anti-phantom accelerator in the simulator against vessels with the Elemental Type-4 Zotium Drive and the zotium drives all breached resulting with the entire fleet being destroyed. The new Dragon Class Zotium Drive Mark I has promising results for preventing the engine from breaching. The forcatanium casing of the zoton and plutonium was a genius idea on my part. The simulations we ran with the new anti-phantom accelerator against the standard Ghost-drive Mark VII that the PRA use in their freighters and cruisers show some damage to the Zoton Recycling Unit and their space fighters are ripe for the picking with their power cells and weapons down. The cloaking device is still unable to work when the anti-phantom accelerator has activated its pulse setting,” the Rularian Technician reported to his new Emperor.

  “Does it require more power in pulse setting? The pulse setting is the new feature to the anti-phantom accelerator. It is the reason Emperor Malsvir suggested using the anti-phantom accelerator as a weapon instead of a way to trap the PRA vessels in an ambush,” Corvet`e thoughtfully asked.

  “It does require a stronger input of power for the range requirements that Emperor Malsvir requested for the ultimate victory in every battle they will be fighting in,” replied the Rularian Technician.

  “He had a valid point, Commander Pi-Rage. I will be in contact with you in the future for updates on the Shadow Hound-Class Freighter Mark II,” stated Corvet`e, as he cut the link.

  The War Shadow was ready to dock with Central Shipyard Repair Section to refuel and upgrade the power cells and shield generators. The Battle of Layardia wasn't the shortest battle the War Shadow was in, but it was by far the most unique the WLE has ever faced. It was supposed to be a simple show of power and quarantine the planet from the rest of the United Alliance for a month or so. If Righteous Breastplate hadn't intervened the Talyardians would up to their heads in WLE troops and would have surrendered the Pirate Rebels that were on the planet to the WLE.

  There was still no response from the flotilla that was sent to quarantine Bowdoia. The admiral of that flotilla was ready for retirement in six months. He was a Bowdoian and would be a hero if the WLE was successful in the mission to destroy any hope of the PRA of setting up base camp there. Suddenly, there was a transmission from an unknown source.

  “The WLE will fall to its knees before Yahweh. Your forces at Layardia fell at the hands of the PRA, for He was with the Talyardians. Now, Yahweh will retire you, Emperor Corvet`e, just as John Sjach was lost to the powers of Basilisk, so to will it be with you,” the audio transmission ended.

  “We shall see whose knees bow before who, Xanatos. Once I win this war, and Valient and his followers lose against the forces of Basilisk and the WLE. May Basilisk's stare be true,” Corvet`e gloated at the audio transmission that sounded like Xanatos' voice.

  “How can you be sure it was Xanatos who sent the message, my Emperor?” Malsvir asked with concerned.

  “I know the sound of his voice from anyone's voice, Malsvir. I will succeed where Master Malsvir has failed. I will eradicate the Pirate Rebel vermin from this universe and then the people will come to realize that Basilisk's way is their only true path for them,” Corvet`e boldly stated.

  “Are you certain that the people will follow Basilisk's way without the PRA guiding them to Valient? What do you think guides the PRA to follow Valient and continue this war against Basilisk?” Malsvir asked with caution.

  “Simple, Malsvir I will guide the people to be in their natural state. It wouldn't be hard, as you well know, it is easier to let nature take its course, then to follow the laws that Valient laid for us to obey and respect. You were once a follower, and now you have seen the truth from those lies,” Corvet`e reminded Lord Malsvir.

  “I see your point. The PRA is a follower, not a leader,” replied Malsvir, as Corvet`e smiled at the comment. “Now, I must retire for the day. You have the Main Bridge, Captain Malsvir,” Corvet`e turned and left the Main Bridge to head to Emperor Malsvir's former chambers.

  “Now that he is retiring for the night,” Malsvir said aloud, “let's truly see where the new PRA secret base is located,” he motioned the Centaur tactical officer to come to him. The Centaur complied without hesitation. “Tell me, is War Spy 313's locator chip still active?” he asked curiously.

  “Yes, Sir. Should I begin searching the sectors for the signal?” asked the Centaur.

  “Yes. The chip will give us the exact location of the secret PRA Base. Do it now,” Malsvir ordered calmly. The main computer began scanning for War Spy 313 sector by sector. The scanner got a hit in the Cetearan Sector and moving inward to the center of that sector.

  “Sir, we had a hit in the Cetearan Sector. She appears to be in Phantom Space, or else she discovered a way to shut it down,” the Centaur reported to Malsvir.

  “Why would she want to do that? There is no way anyone can locate their tracking chip and disable it. She is a War Spy and a loyal citizen of the WLE. She would never disable her tracking chip, she must be in Phantom Space,” Malsvir stated with concern.

  “Sir, the locator chips have a small charge built inside, so that if a War Spy or War Lord were to defect to the PRA, the citizen would have their heart stop beating permanently. It's a fail-safe device,” a Sphinx tactical officer reported.

  “Why would the former Master Malsvir create such a failsafe to put inside the hearts of his followers and the followers of Basilisk?” Malsvir asked with concern for himself and War Spy 313.

  “To prevent the War Spies from telling the secrets of WLE to the PRA or to our most feared allies and they aide the PRA instead of us,” the Sphinx tactical officer stated.

  “My old War Master was insane to allow such a thing to be created and inserted inside the followers of Basilisk,” Malsvir explained, “When I become Emperor, I will have those devices removed and destroyed,”

  The console on the tactical display began to glow, as the Sphinx tactical officer and Malsvir were talking. The tracking computer located the Crimson Stingray via War Spy 313's tracking chip. Malsvir noticed the display started glowing and pointed at the console, as he nodded.

  Aboard the Crimson Stingray

  Star was in her chambers when she noticed a prickly feeling in her head. She knew her Master was trying to reach her. She used her personal laptop and sliced into the wrist comm-unit's frequency for the War Lord Empire database. Suddenly, she felt a very sick to her stomach, as she was slicing through to the War Lord Empire and United Alliance networks. She felt the need to stop slicing networks and go see the ship's doctor instead. So, she shut down her laptop and walked to the door and leave her personal chambers.

  Star hadn't been with Lord Malsvir since they celebrated his promotion to War Lord about a month ago. She has been on this PRA vessel for two weeks now and suddenly was starting to understand why her War Master's son chose this way of life. Life, that was it. She has a life inside her, she could feel that now. Violet Star thought herself, as it hit her that her thought was true. She decided she needed a second opinion, a professional opinion.

  Star walked down the corridor toward the elevator that led the medical ba
y. She turned to the elevator and entered it. “Deck 10, Section 7,” Violet Star ordered the elevator. The elevator sealed its doors, she pressed the buttons for Deck 10, Section 7. It brought her slowly to her destination. “Primitive piece of junk,” She scolded the elevator, as she remembered these older vessels are not like the modern WLE vessels that she was used to.

  The doors opened to the deck that she suggested to the buttons on the dial. She left the elevator and headed for the medical bay. She felt her stomach turn slightly sour as she entered the medical bay. She went to the office part and saw the doctor was a Hurthian female.

  “How can I help you, Miss Star?” the doctor asked with curiosity in her voice.

  “Can we keep this visit and the results between you and me?” Star asked concerned.

  “Of course, what is the problem?”

  “I am feeling a little queasy in my stomach, and my telepathy has shut itself off,” Star explained to the doctor.

  “Let's see what the problem is,” said the doctor, as she examined Star with care. “Are you mated to anyone?”

  “Yes, to someone on Argon,” bluffed Star, “We call it marriage in our costumes” She added. “Why, are my feelings correct?”

  “What feelings? Are telling me you knew that you are with child?” asked the doctor.

  “No, my subconscious thoughts were suggesting that I was. I just wanted a professional opinion,” stated Star.

  “Well, tell your subconscious it was right. The tests stated you're four weeks along. I will keep this between us, that's my job. Now, you must take things easy when I tell you to; live your life as you usually do so the crew doesn't find this out,” the doctor smiled compassionately at Star, and waved her off, “but be careful, and like I said, try and take it easy.”

  “Thank you, Doc,” said Star, as she left the Medical Bay, and headed for her chambers.

  Star was glad that the doctor could keep her little secret and was overwhelmed with joy that she was right. She walked – with more of a glow about her – back the way she came. Daniel Sjach – now Sverak Malsvir – will be happy to know, and her own Master Corvet`e will be furious with them both for compromising her life and mission. After she made it to her chambers, she sealed the door and leaned against the wall, relieved.

  Suddenly, her comm-unit was chiming on the wall. Star walked over to the view screen to see an encryption code for Commander Starfire on channel 313. She answered the encrypted comm-unit frequency to see Lord Malsvir on the view screen. She was happy to see his face.

  33 - In orbit of Argon, aboard the War Shadow

  He heard his secret War Spy lover tell him the news that in different circumstances would be wonderful to hear. Still, given the facts that founder of the WLE was assassinated and Lord Corvet`e was now their new leader and Emperor of the United Alliance. This was not the best time to jump for joy and celebrate. She didn't know that her Master was the new War Master, or that the Imperial Medallion was a demonic artifact that sucked his former Master's life away quickly.

  “What's wrong, Sverak? I thought you would be happy that you'll be father…” War Spy 313 replied as she read his face like an open book.

  “I am happy about that. It's just that my former Master was assassinated by Righteous Breastplate and your Master was chosen by Basilisk to lead the WLE through the Imperial Medallion. Corvet`e has changed from semi-rebellious to acting like my former Master after the WLE was founded. He wants Captain Xanatos' head like Master Malsvir did. It's like he cares more about the WLE than his own family,” Malsvir stated boldly.

  “Did your former Master not think like after he found the Imperial Medallion? What was your grandfather like as John Sjach? I heard that the Imperial Medallion is really the Amulet of Basilisk from the crew on this ship. Is that true?” War Spy 313 asked curiously with worry for her Master.

  “Yes, it's true. The Imperial Medallion is a demonic artifact of Basilisk. My grandfather was once a caring father. At least until he read stories from Valient's Archives in Argonox of the Great Battle of Righteousness. In the end, my grandfather knew the truth was out there. Everyone told him, it was a legend and warned him not to go on his quest for the truth. He refused to listen to his friends. Now, you know the truth and why your Master is in grave danger,” Malsvir replied. He heard the footsteps of Corvet`e approaching his chambers. He turned toward his door. “Got to go, end transmission,” Malsvir cut the comm-unit signal. The door opened with a hiss, as it slid and Corvet`e entered Malsvir's chambers.

  “Malsvir, the bridge crew report that you requested an encryption code and access to information that was on need-to-know basis. Well, at least when you were a War Spy. Now that you are a new War Lord, you are still on a need-to-know basis for two years and four years with a War Spy working under you. The rules of the WLE are clear. You must have a hidden agenda, or you have a secret lover in the ranks.” replied Corvet`e, as Malsvir cringed at the latter comment. Corvet`e knew what it was. “Who is she, a War Mistress or War Spy?”

  “I needed to know the location of War Spy 313, she has been my secret lover since the academy on Argon,” reported Malsvir, as he deleted the recorded message she had sent him.

  “She must have made quite an impression on you. You put her at risk by contacting her the way you did. Shame on you, have you no tact! That was why you requested restricted files!” Corvet`e scolded Malsvir harshly.

  “You have no right talk, Master Corvet`e. As a War Lord, you did some rule-bending when you were wet behind ears. My grandfather told me what you did,” countered Malsvir. “The relic that you're wearing has changed your thinking, and the shift in power is noticeable to everyone!”

  “You know that I was chosen by Basilisk to carry on where Sjach Malsvir left off. Now, you will be the next in line to receive the Amulet of Basilisk, but only when you are ready for it. You are far from ready. You must steady your faith in the truth of Basilisk and meditate on the true revelation of Dracetus' and Basilisk's return to this universe,” Corvet`e replied. “It is a symbol of power and strength in this universe, not a relic,” He corrected.

  “Thank you, Master Corvet`e. I will be ready before you know it,” Malsvir bowed to his superior with respect. Corvet`e left Malsvir's chambers with a stride of a dictator.

  Malsvir waited for few minutes in silence. He grinned at the idea of ruling this universe with his own iron fist. He knew that Corvet`e would be consumed by the Amulet's power before Corvet`e could control its power. It was only a matter of time, and time was something Malsvir had plenty of.

  34 - On the third moon of Cetus, new PRA secret base

  The infirmary was crowded with doctors and fleet personnel who were concerned for their wounded comrades and loved ones. The surgeon ward was particularly crowded in Grand Admiral H'Ackre-Limwin's ward with the fleet personnel, including Xanatos.

  “How is she?” Xanatos asked with great concern to the doctor.

  “Stable, but you should know that Lord Corvet`e has put her in a coma from his torture treatment to her body. Talyardian physiology is very complex compared to any other species'. She is in what a Talyardian equivalent of a coma, since Talyardians can't have comas, as far as I know. The body is healing itself, but her brain is overly active,” replied the Hurthian male doctor. “I can't explain it,”

  There were wireless monitors on her head, chest, and wrists for checking vitals. She was submerged in a saltwater tank with a tube coming from her blowhole to feed her oxygen. She floated in the tank, as she was healing from the battle. She was wearing a water suit.

  “What do you mean overly active?” asked Xanatos, as looked at the monitors with curiosity. The brain monitor was spiking off the charts, while the heart and pulse monitors were lower than that of a relaxed Talyardian's state. Xanatos saw these readings once before. “Is she a religious Talyardian from the ancient temple?”

  “Yes, she is. My mother tried to push that stuff on me, I refused,” replied Jurj Kinwan, as she came in the room weari
ng an Ensign's badge on her uniform.

  “Well, she is healing through meditation. She will be on her feet in a week. Yahweh instructed the Talyardian priests to write down how to heal their bodies through meditation,” stated Xanatos, as he thanked Yahweh before that wisdom, he gave the Talyardians.

  The End

  About the Author

  I live in the small town of Clearbrook, MN. This is the first book I've written that are my own creative ideas in one book. I have a big heart and love the Lord.

  Other titles from


  By William Casselman:

  Apache Snow

  In Search of Honor

  A Coming Storm

  Arizona Rangers Series – Blake’s War

  Legend of Silene

  Homeland Security

  Titles by other ADP authors:

  My Life In The Wilderness

  All Over The Road

  Ghost Cave Mountain

  Inside the Circle

  The Silver Horn of Robin Hood

  Alaskan Troll Eggs

  Through My Eyes

  The Professional Ghost Investigator

  The Adventures of Jason and Bo

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