The Vixen's Lead (Kit Davenport Book 1)

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The Vixen's Lead (Kit Davenport Book 1) Page 16

by Tate James

  “Nice of River to have mentioned you’ve already run into Sergei,” he muttered, narrowing his eyes at me as if expecting an explanation, but I just shrugged.

  “He’s not the sort of guy you want taking an interest in you,” Cole continued. “He’s mixed up in this human trafficking job.”

  “I assumed as much when River used a fake name for me.” I dropped the hand I was still holding. Whoops. “Quick thinking on the whole ‘we share a girlfriend’ thing, though.”

  He gave me a long look, the corner of his mouth twitching, then wrapped his massive paw around my cold hand and tugged me along behind him.

  “We better get back before they send out a search party,” he commented, heading towards where we had left his bike earlier in the day. As we walked, he pulled me in closer and tucked me under his massive biceps, his hand resting once more on my hip, and I got another warm fuzzy inside.

  "Um, Cole?” I asked, biting my lip and not wanting to ruin the moment. Unfortunately, my bladder had other plans.

  “Hmm?” He replied, looking down at me.

  “I never got to pee… I doubt I’ll survive the drive back to Cascade Falls.” Actually, I doubted I would make it far at all.

  He gave me a confused frown for a second, then coughed out a gruff laugh. “Sure thing, Vixen. Let’s stop for dessert somewhere that has a bathroom.”



  What the fuck had I been thinking? It had been three days since the fight against Odin, and I was still kicking myself. I should never have taken Kit to that damn fight club; it was way too dangerous, and now she was on Sergei’s radar. I had received a serious talking to from River that night about my blatant disregard for Kit’s safety, and he was right, even if it was his personal feelings for her talking.

  “Cole, buddy. Are you listening to me?” Harry, the stinking little rat of a man, was all up in my face again, and fuck if I didn’t want to just deck him.

  “I’m not your fucking buddy; now move,” I snarled at him, pushing his smaller frame out of my way and reaching for the door handle to the office he had been guarding.

  “I’m telling you, he doesn’t want to be disturbed right now,” Harry tried again, this time grabbing my wrist to try and hold me back. I paused, looking down at his sticky hand on my skin as though it was a poisonous frog.

  “Don’t ever touch me, again,” I said quietly, with a promise of pain in my voice, and he wisely snatched his offending appendage back. I pushed into the dirty office and immediately saw why Sergei wouldn’t have wanted to be disturbed.

  A pair of huge tits bounced and slapped the desk while he pumped away furiously behind the naked girl bent over the desk. She was his usual type. Young, skinny, fake tits, and too much makeup, which was currently smeared down her face like some sort of nightmare makeup. I recognized her as one of the dancers here at The Pussy Palace, but she used to be a bleached blond. Sergei must have sprung for a trip to the salon, or at least a box of dye, because she was now a flaming redhead, and it pissed me off.

  The hairy Ukrainian saw me standing there and kept going. He slammed into her a dozen more times while she rolled her eyes at me and made fake noises of pleasure until he grunted and convulsed like some sort of constipated animal. Goddamn that is disgusting; I’m fucking glad I skipped lunch today.

  Finished, he withdrew from the girl and tossed a baggy of white powder onto the desk in front of her. “Get back to work, Candy.”

  The girl eagerly grabbed the bag, then stood and collected her tiny scrap of a dress from the floor. “Cole, hey baby,” she purred in a voice thick with whatever substances she was already on. “I still have ten minutes before I’m due on stage…”

  I eyed her with thinly veiled pity, standing there without a stitch of clothing on her body and another man’s sweat coating her skin. “No.”

  She shrugged and stepped into her ridiculous plastic stripper shoes, not bothering to put her dress back on. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.” She winked at me and sauntered out of the office with an absurd sway to her skinny hips.

  “You sure?” Sergei leered, snapping off his used condom and flicking it into his waste basket. “She looks smoking with that red hair now, huh? I would have thought you’d be all over that ass.”

  I hardened my features into my carefully blank mask. Integrating ourselves into this disgusting business was part of our job, and I couldn’t risk fucking that up now. “What can I say? My needs are being met just fine already.” This undercover work had never bothered me before, but knowing he assumed it was Kit “meeting my needs” made my skin crawl. Not that I wouldn’t want her to—in fact, I doubted I had ever wanted anything so badly in my life—but I despised talking about her like this.

  “I’m sure they are… How is Emily doing?” He licked his lips like the lecherous bastard he was, and I fought the urge to knock his teeth out. Emily. I couldn’t imagine why River had chosen that as Kit’s fake name. She looked nothing like an Emily.

  “None of your fucking business, Sergei. I just came to pick up my money for the Odin fight. Boss told me it was here.” I folded my arms and tried to look at anything but him, given he was still just standing there proudly naked. Not much to be proud about, though.

  He stared at me for a minute, and I could practically see the gears turning in his slimy head. Bending to collect my packet of money from his floor safe, I was treated to an uninterrupted view of his pasty rear end, and I knew my lip was curling with disgust.

  Fuck, he was revolting. When he straightened again, my mask was firmly back in place, but even so, it was an internal battle not to throttle him when he held out the envelope then pulled it back as I reached for it. Fucker.

  “You know, it strikes me as strange,” he commented, tapping my envelope on his hand. “You and River don’t seem like the sort of guys who would be happy with their girl sleeping around. You’re both too… alpha male. You know?”

  “No. I don’t. Give me the envelope, Sergei. I have places to be.” Like anywhere but here. I scowled at him and allowed just a little of my anger leak through.

  He looked like he was considering fucking around a bit longer, but something in my expression must have convinced him otherwise because he audibly swallowed and handed over the envelope of money. I jerked my head in lieu of a thank you and turned to leave the dirty office before his voice halted me.

  “Hopefully I will run into your pretty girlfriend again soon. You won’t always be around to protect her, you know.” His taunting words snapped the tenuous hold I had over my anger, and I spun back to him, closing the gap between us in one wide step and grabbing a tight fistful of his junk.

  “Do I have your undivided attention right now, Sergei?” I asked, and he responded with a high whimpering noise. I tightened my grip a little tighter, and he howled. “I asked you a question, Sergei. Do I have your undivided attention? I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding here.”

  “Y-yes! Yes! Undivided!” His voice was a pained squeak, which gave me a grim satisfaction.

  “Good. Now listen closely. If I find out you’ve so much as breathed in Emily’s direction again, I will rip this pathetic excuse of a cock straight off your body and shove it down your throat. And I will find out. Are we clear?” I hissed the promise to him, and he nodded frantically. “I’m glad we cleared that up.”

  I released his crown jewels and stormed out of the club, wiping my hand off on my jeans. It was almost the end of the day already, and I still needed to buy Kit those shoes she had been drooling over. But first, maybe I should sterilize my hand.


  It felt like the day would never get here, but finally, we would break into Blood Moon Testing Laboratories. I’d been going insane the last few weeks of planning, desperate to find out what secrets their records room might hold about me or possibly my parents.

  We piled into two vehicles, Caleb’s sleek black Mustang GT and a white panel van that Wesley used as a co
mm center for jobs where he needed to be within closer range of the targeted site. The drive out to our location was a tense one, no one speaking except to respond to River, who ran through the plan in detail again and checked that everyone was clear on their jobs.

  We parked at a rest stop off the main road, some five miles downhill from the labs, and did a double check of all our gear. Caleb still didn’t think my knife fighting was anywhere near up to scratch, so he’d opted not to arm me with any blades, but Austin, grudgingly, had been impressed with my marksmanship, and so they’d equipped me with a slim, black nine millimeter pistol. I had it tucked securely into an underarm holster strapped across my chest, which blended into the rest of my all black attire. The boys were all more heavily armed than me, but if all went according to plan, we should be in and out without running into anyone.

  Wesley and Lucy were staying with the van to run comms, and the rest of us set out in silence, trekking through the steep forest with efficiency until we reached the edge of the compound. Enclosed by a high barbed wire fence, the facility didn’t invite company. Cole clipped through the wire with ease, allowing all of us to slip through. At River’s hand signal, we split up to our assigned tasks. Cole, Austin, and River headed towards the front of the complex to create a diversion, while Caleb and I snuck in the back, where it was closest to the records room on the blueprints.

  The moon was full, giving us plenty of light to work with along with the bright flood lights evenly spaced around the exterior of the building. Caleb and I sprinted across the lit area during an opening in the patrol to reach the door selected as our access point.

  I pulled out my rolled up leather pouch of lock picks and went to work on the door security. We only had a short amount of time to get in and out. Without more information on the contents in the records room, we needed the maximum amount of time to look through it all.

  Within seconds, I had the door open.

  “Nice work,” Caleb whispered, clearly impressed. Pride at having my hard-learned skill appreciated filled me.

  We cracked the door, checking the hallway before venturing farther. Two guards were located down the hall. Our patience paid off when a loud explosion went off toward the front of the compound. The guards took off. Taking advantage of our opening, we raced toward the records room.

  Again, I made quick work of the locks. Caleb pulled me inside with him and soundlessly closed the door behind us, even as he pulled out a small flashlight to look around.

  I clicked on my own flashlight and gasped at the sight before us. I had expected a small room of paper records; after all, most things were electronic these days. But the room was enormous. Either they had expanded this area since the time those blueprints had been filed or the plans we’d used were just plain wrong, because the room was easily four times the size of what we’d anticipated. It was chock full of file boxes stacked high on shelves and in row after row after row. I had no idea how we were going to find anything that we needed in this.

  “Uh guys?” Caleb murmured quietly into his earpiece. “We might have a problem here.”

  “What is it?” River responded immediately.

  “There are way, way more files in here than we thought. This would take months to sort through.” He echoed my own thoughts.

  “Years.” I groaned. We were so close to my truth, and now this… It sucked.

  “Sending Austin your way, but he might be a few minutes. There are considerably more guards than you would have expected for a science lab.” River sounded annoyed, which was likely due to events not playing out exactly as his control-freak personality had planned.

  “Let’s get hunting.” Caleb turned to me. “I’ll start on the left, you go right. Let’s focus on finding anything dated around, what? Eighteen years ago?”

  “Sounds good.” I took off to my assigned row and ran my flashlight over the labels on the front of the boxes. The ones I had started with were from the eighteen hundreds. Holy crap, this thing was so much bigger than I’d anticipated. I moved farther down the aisle. They were all in chronological order. Skipping the next row, I made my way closer to where Caleb had started, hoping he’d found the more recent files.

  “Kit, Caleb, you have guards heading your way.” Lucy’s voice crackled through our earpieces. “I’ll see what havoc I can create by opening some locked doors.”

  Caleb and I looked at each other. We needed to hurry, and quickly made our way down the next row together.

  A loud siren started blaring from somewhere overhead, and the sounds of yelling and heavy boots marching down the corridor grew louder. My senses were all screaming at me that it was only a matter of minutes before we were found in here. I could only hope they wouldn’t immediately think to check a records room for intruders.

  “Shit,” Wesley cursed over the radio. “They’ve seen you. Our CCTV override didn’t catch that there was a camera inside the archive as well as outside. Sorry guys, you need to get out of there now!”

  Not willing to give up so easily, I continued hunting, finding a box labeled with a date in June, five years before I was born. Close enough, it’d have to do. I grabbed Caleb’s bag and stuffed in as many files as possible. Then the door slammed open.

  “Too late. They’re on you,” Wesley said helpfully.

  “Austin should be almost there,” River updated us. “We will work on another diversion.”

  The pounding of boots approached, even as I zipped Caleb’s bag closed. He slung it on his back while I pulled my gun from its holster and spun to confront whoever was coming. It felt like a freight train slammed into me from nowhere. The guard knocked the gun from my grasp, but I launched into an offensive. A punch then a kick took the guard down. A second man grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms to my sides.

  Caleb was occupied with three guards himself, so I stomped my boot onto my captor’s foot and threw my weight backwards to loosen his grip. The moment it slipped, I slammed my elbow into his gut. Twisting around to face him, I followed up with a swift punch to the face, which sent him flying backward into a stack of file boxes. Caleb was taking a few too many hits as the three guards he fought gained the upper hand. Grabbing my gun, I twisted onto my back and fired a shot through the man closest to me. He dropped instantly, giving Caleb the advantage. He finished off the last two then grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

  “Come on; we need to split,” he urged, and we raced back out to the corridor, which was in mayhem.

  Apparently Lucy’s idea of a diversion was to disable the locks on every electronic door in the facility and then set off the sprinklers. Caleb and I exited the archive room but only made it a few feet before a group of eight guards rounded the corner ahead of us. Too many for us to attempt on our own. As one, Caleb and I turned the other way and sprinted. Three more guards cut us off, and we rushed them.

  Before we got to them, someone appeared behind them. The man looked maybe a few years older than me but with several weeks’ growth on his face and a rough, feral look in his eyes. He shoved one of the guards hard into a wall, and the sickening crunch of his head on impact echoed. The savior punched the second one hard in the chest, his fist sinking right through the flesh. When he pulled his arm back, his hand was slick with blood. The third guard fled, dashing past Caleb and me. The bearded guy calmly plucked a gun from the dead guard’s waist and shot the retreating one in the back.

  Caleb mirrored my surprise as we remained rooted, watching the man wipe his bloody hand off on the other guard’s shirt before he looked at us.

  “I take it I have you to thank for this mayhem?” His voice was scratchy as though from disuse, and his eyes were those of a wild animal. I nodded dumbly, and he smiled, extending his non-bloody hand for me to shake. “Well then, thank you. The name’s Finn. I’ll owe you one sometime.”

  I accepted his hand hesitantly, but he just gave me a quick squeeze then tipped an imaginary hat toward us before he sauntered off whistling.

  We barely got a cha
nce to process what had just happened when the larger group of guards caught up to us and once again we were fighting in earnest. Severely outnumbered, things didn’t look good. We were too tightly packed in the narrow corridor. It forced me to draw hard on both my enhanced strength and speed, as well as on every lesson Cole had drilled into me in order to try and get the upper hand. Luckily, for whatever reason, none of the guards we’d encountered yet had attempted to shoot us, or we definitely would not have lasted this long. Even I couldn’t dodge bullets… as far as I knew.

  Pushing my enhanced strength into my moves gave me an upper hand, and then all of a sudden, a leather belt hooked around my neck. The force cut off my airway, and panic surged through me. I clawed at the belt, but I couldn’t get a grip to rip it away.

  My vision blurred and blackened around the edges as a high-pitched ringing deafened me. Caleb pointed a gun at my head, and fired. The force cutting off my oxygen ceased, and I slumped to the floor, coughing and spluttering. Caleb pulled me to my feet, and then I realized Caleb was actually still fighting. It was Austin who’d saved my bacon.

  “Thanks,” I managed to gasp, rubbing my throat. He said nothing, but turned to help his brother finish off the last of the guards. With them down, we sprinted for the exit.

  Thankfully we met with no further resistance on our dash back to the entry point. Soaking wet, sore, and bruised, we didn’t slow until we were deep into the forest. Wesley alerted us we were clear, thank God. Then River ordered us to meet back at the vehicles.

  Half an hour into our hike back through the trees, Austin must have been bored because he was first to break the quiet.

  “You know, this saving your life thing is becoming a bit of a habit, Christina,” he commented lightly. Certain something snide hid around the next corner, I waited. “I’m starting to question whether you actually did half of the jobs credited to The Fox. Seems to me like you can barely walk in a straight line without needing to be rescued.”


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