Promised to the Alien

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Promised to the Alien Page 11

by Ravyn Wilde


  Autumn’s Awakening - Children of the Dark Mage/Dragonkynd Ménage, Book 9 (End 2019)

  Vlad & Veronica - Children of the Dark Mage, Book 10 (Winter 2020)

  Supernatural Speed Dating – (Highlighted Book!)

  How do you save the world and explore the fragile—well—passionate beginnings of a new romance at the same time?

  Natasha spends every minute of her life upholding the GOTH motto, “Hurt can be fixed, there isn’t anything we can do about dead.” As Captain of the Guardians of True Humanity, there is always another paranormal bad-ass to hunt down. But Natasha’s mother and witchy-best friend think she needs a social life, so they’re forcing her to attend the Supernatural Speed Dating event. She doesn’t have time for this crap. See more on


  Natasha shuddered in disgust, barely resisting the urge to lean over and beat her forehead against the small table that was the only thing separating her from her worst nightmare.

  If she started, she wasn’t sure she would be able to stop.

  “I brought special outfits, you know? A red cape for you, and a nightgown and nightcap big enough to cover me in partial wolf form.” The man actually giggled.

  Outwardly composed, she watched as he nervously thumbed the notebook in his hand. Eyes narrowing, she considered leaping over the table to rip out his throat. Nah, he wasn’t worth the paperwork she would need to fill out, to justify her actions. She would wait to kill him until he left the room, so she could hide the body.

  She didn’t bother trying to hide her irritated glance toward the front of the room. The large round clock hanging on the wall showed she had less than a minute left. Thank Goddess!

  “And a script if you don’t remember the words to the fairy tale,” his voice raked over her nerves like ragged fingernails on a blackboard. “Most of your lines are short sentences, you know? Like...What big eyes you have?” the man’s voice trailed off as a loud buzzer sounded in the room. He looked at her hopefully.

  Rather than killing him in several imaginative ways, she shook her head. Hell, no.

  He had told her his name when he sat at her table. Jonathon? Jacob? It didn’t matter.

  She had no intention of hooking up with someone who wanted her to play Red Riding Hood to his Big Bad Wolf. Literally. Even worse—his groveling was punctuated by ‘you know’ every second or third sentence. She didn’t bother to watch him walk away. A werewolf should have more pride. Umm. Lion’s had pride, wolves ran in packs. Damn this sucked. Her mind had turned to mush.

  Rubbing her temples in the attempt to fend off a growing headache, she wondered how many men she had already interviewed. At least a hundred.

  Glancing down at her watch she groaned. Only forty minutes had passed, which meant the number was closer to four. There would be a break after two more rounds, then another hour of hell before she could call it a night without Andrea tattling to Tasha’s mother.

  Andrea her friend and unappreciated social director for this weekend read the Annual Supernatural Summit or ASS agenda and thought this would be fun. Tasha didn’t share her enthusiasm and had no intention of participating. Then her mother started in on how Tasha’s social life was dismal, and that her one hundred and thirty-three-year-old daughter lived like a nun, disgracing the genes she inherited from her Nymph mother.

  Tasha rubbed her eyes. Her mother’s discourse on Nymphology could be trying under the best of times. When she assumed Tasha was neglecting the Nymph part of her genetic pool, mom got downright mean. In most languages, Nymph essentially meant bride or manageable woman. Hah! That certainly didn’t describe her mother...or Tasha for that matter. When her mother wanted her to do something she nagged about the importance of social duties until Tasha wanted to scream.

  Allowing herself to think about Nymphs was safer than worrying about her next speed date. At this point, Tasha would happily write an essay on the subject if it would get her out of the next couple of rounds. Such a simple thing to do...

  A paranormal with a form indistinguishable from humans, the term Nymph is a generic title for a class of female fairy, closely tied to every environment on Earth. Their bewitching beauty and erotic powers are legendary. If their chosen habitat remains healthy, a full-blooded Nymph can live for over nine thousand years.

  Her mother was half Cryad or Woodland Nymph. She was over five-thousand years old and didn’t look a day over forty-five. Her mom was a little pissed off that somehow her only child, Tasha, had inherited very little of the gentler Nymph abilities with music and prophecy.

  Nope. Tasha liked music well enough, but she couldn’t sing or play any instruments. She would rather fight than dance, like some thousand-to-one times. Her mother continually lamented Tasha’s warrior nature. The were-tiger half of her mother’s inheritance, and all her father’s genetic code—had beat the softer qualities of Natasha’s Nymph genes into gleeful submission a long time ago. Tasha was born to fight.

  To add insult to injury, Tasha liked a solitary life and had little inclination to party, a trait that also upset her mother.

  This attribute often pushed her mother over the edge. Then mom would forcefully demand that her daughter get a social life. Not for the first-time, Tasha wondered how old she would need to be before her mother let her lead her own life?

  Obviously, a hundred and thirty-three years wasn’t old enough.

  It didn’t matter to mom that she was happy. She loved her work, most of the time. She had great friends, a fantastic little house in the mountains, a devoted—if a little bossy—body servant. Mom’s real intent was to see Tasha mated, even if her daughter didn’t want a man in her life.

  Unless it was temporary, hop in and out of bed and say goodbye type of relationship. That she could use.

  So, here she sat. Her mother and friend having extracted a promise she would stay for the whole thing. Her damn white witch friend almost certainly used a compulsion spell, to get Tasha’s agreement to the full two hours. Her one escape clause was if she met a man before the time limit was up and agreed to spend one-on-one time with him.

  Given what she had experienced in the last forty minutes—that would not be happening.

  Using paranormal profiling to generate matches within the supernatural community, seemed like a valid concept.

  The idea of organizing sections within the ballroom based on each person’s level of power, intellectually made sense.

  Tonight, proved the experiment to be a dismal failure.

  Ignoring the classy black and white décor in the ballroom, instead, she focused on the rows of small tables, each one with a female waiting expectantly as the men shifted down the line after the buzzer sounded. Soon the timer would be reset, allowing the newly introduced pair eight minutes to decide if the preternatural person sitting across from them was the love of their life. At the very least, they might be interested enough to share body fluids for a few hours.

  In the realm of paranormal relationships, the phrase safe sex took on a whole new meaning. She was a prime example of needs-based dating. Natasha hadn’t had sex in over a year, mainly because it was difficult to find someone she liked who might actually live through the experience. And her inner tigress wanted to get laid in a bad way. Which meant the next time Natasha had sex, she would probably bite. And claw.

  Any partner Tasha chose would need to be powerful enough in his own right, to handle everything she could throw at him.

  Which was why she was located at the front of the room, in the high-power-high-risk area. The problem with this concept was that the beat me, hurt me, dress me in a red cape kind of guys—seemed focused on Tasha’s area of the room.

  If the men she interviewed were any indication of what was available, speed dating was not going to change her sexual dry spell. The men were boring at best. A few, like the last one, made her homicidal. The thought of having sex with any of them was hysterical.

  Andrea sat closer to the back of the what the two friends jokingly labeled the low-wattage section. Tasha couldn’t wait to compare notes. She developed a theory that most of the alpha males were looking for someone they could dominate.

  She mentally snorted at the thought. If so, Andrea would have them wrapped around her little finger before the men had any idea what happened to them. Her friend’s abilities might seem trivial, but somehow Andrea always managed to get her way. Subtle persuasion, her friend called it.

  Whatever the reason, the speed dating thing wasn’t working for Tasha. She had no intention of becoming a preternatural dominatrix in the near future.

  She glanced up to see a woman making a beeline for her table. She was dressed in a red cape and carrying a basket of goodies. Tasha sighed. At least this one wanted her to play the wolf. It was an improvement.

  When the tall blonde sat in front of her table just before the buzzer went off, Tasha bit the inside of her lip to keep from reacting.

  I will not laugh uncontrollably in this woman’s face, she repeated the mantra as she introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Natasha.”

  Stealing a look at the clock on the wall, she started counting down the seconds.

  Eight minutes later, Little Red gave up trying to broaden Tasha’s horizons and moved to the next table.

  Zylar’s Moons Series

  The Zylar’s Moons Series is a hot alien abduction romance series. On the planet Zylar, there are two suns - and three moons. A Zylan male doesn't choose a mate, his body does. Women are traditionally submissive, but all Hell breaks loose when the ruler of Zylar abducts his mate from Earth. Come along for the ride as Nyssa fights for not only her freedom but the freedom of all women on Zylar. But when she's done, she's keeping the chains!

  Come play with a sexy alien and fall in love with something Wilde. Just remember...Earth girls aren’t easy!

  What readers are saying:

  "Wow! This book is an emotional roller coaster..."

  "Hot read with great characters..."

  "Love aliens. Great plot and characters..."


  Zylar’s Moons Series – Volume 1 (Books 1 – 3) Alien Abduction

  This earth girl isn’t easy! On the planet Zylar there are two suns - and three moons. A Zylan male doesn't choose a mate, his body does. Women are traditionally submissive, but all Hell breaks loose when the ruler of Zylar abducts his mate from Earth. Come along for the ride as Nyssa fights for not only her freedom, but the freedom of all women on Zylar. But when she's done, she’s keeping the chains!


  Zylan Captive, Book 1

  VanNyssa thought Alien Abductions were fiction. She discovered she was wrong when she woke one morning in a stranger’s bed, gold chains attached to parts of her body, on a planet ruled by a man now claiming to be her life-mate. Tar plans for her to be his quiet, unassuming companion. Not! This earth-girl can never be called "easy."

  Selven Refuge, Book 2

  Tala doesn’t realize that her bid for freedom may kill the man she secretly loves. Tala has never liked the way women are treated on Zylar. When an earthling demonstrates to Zylan women that they have the power to control a very intimate and binding aspect of their lives—this newly discovered ability sparks a feminist revolution.

  Zylan Rebellion, Book 3 (Book about Brac)

  A madman kidnapped Ahnika and took her to Zylar. Now he plans to sell her into sexual slavery... Forced to witness and endure things that could break her spirit...she decides she can’t take any more. Just before she's to be sold at auction, she comes up with a daring plan to escape, knowing she’d rather die than remain a prisoner.

  ALIEN AT HER DOOR (Closely Tied to the Zylar’s Moons Series)

  Out of THIS World

  Have you ever fantasized about being abducted by a sexy alien? Or having one walk right up and knock at your door...ready and willing to convince you that he is your destiny? Well...Alien at Her Door is just the book for you! You’ll find three, Out of THIS World stories that will give new meaning to the words lost in space.

  Readers say, “This is a fun intergalactic romp full of unexpected events, humorous conversation, and a far-off planet.”



  Keeper of Tomorrows

  Guardian Alien


  Promised ~ To the Alien – Out of THIS World Book 4

  Coming Soon!

  Sold ~ To The Alien – Book 5


  Saved by the Book

  Jenna and Joey's lives are falling apart. Jenna's ex-husband is trying to kill her. Joey can no longer do her job with her self-esteem in tatters. How do they repair the broken pieces of their lives? Do they deserve a second chance at love?

  They each find a book...research possible solutions and come up with a plan. Along the way, each woman meets just the right man. A really great, smokin' HOT guy—who makes their toes curl...and their hearts start to believe there might be a second chance at love.

  Unfortunately, they are not the women they could be, and even the best They have secrets...and ISSUES... Meet two women, with two very different stories—and discover if they can be... Saved by The Book.

  About the Author

  RAVYN WILDE IS THE author of the Zylar’s Moons, Creatures of Myth, and Out of THIS World series. She writes Hot romance filled with things that go bump in the night! Get Wilde with a werewolf, or vampire, maybe a dragon or two...or let an Alien hunk take you away from all your troubles. But keep track, because once and a while a story-worthy human comes along.

  She makes her online home at You can connect with Ravyn on Twitter @RavynWilde, on Facebook at, or email her at [email protected].





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