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Delicate Surrender : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection)

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by Dani Rene

  Lifting my hand, I bring it down on her ass harshly, causing a whimper and moan to tumble freely from her plump lips. Another swat causes her to tense and tighten, and soon enough, she’s pulsing around me, her body milking mine, and I lose myself in the pleasure as I empty inside her.

  When I finally pull away from her, already hungry for another taste, I find myself stepping back, watching her reaction. She’s beautiful when her face is flushed with pleasure and her eyes are wide with need.

  I pull her into my arms as I settle onto the mattress. Our bodies still bare, but I can’t stop myself from gifting her a small part of me. After care is important, and I want to sit here all night and hold her, calm her down, but my little stranger pulls away slowly.

  Her eyes are wide as she regards me. “I have to go.” Her words are like ice to my veins, splashing me in the cold reality that this was actually an anonymous scene.

  “Is there someone waiting for you?” I question, releasing her as she moves to get dressed. I watch, not going to her, allowing her the space she so clearly needs.

  When she finally looks up at me again, the guilt in her gaze has my concerns skyrocketing. I realize she could be married or have a boyfriend. I don’t know anything about her, and I never asked. It was selfish of me to think she is available.

  “Something like that,” she tells me. For a moment, I wonder what her name is, where she’s from. All these things tangle in my mind, and I’m tempted to keep her here, lock her up in my room for the night.

  Jealousy roars through me at the thought of a man waiting at home for her. I question, “A partner? Husband? Boyfriend?” I rise, tugging up my boxer briefs along with my slacks before zipping up. When I shrug on my shirt, her gaze is trailing over me.

  A small smile on her lips tells me I’m being silly. Behaving like a jealous teenager, wanting the most popular girl in school to be mine.

  “No, not at all like that.” Her admission calms me somewhat, so I offer a nod. “But tomorrow. I’ll see you then?” The sweet, hopeful expression on her face sets my mood at ease.

  “Yes, of course.” Even as I respond, I can taste her on my tongue. And I know I’ll go home tonight, reliving this encounter over and over again. “My name is Gideon. I thought you should know since we will be seeing each other again.”

  She smiles but doesn’t offer me her name. Instead, she opens the door and the noise from the club resonates through the room. With a quick backward glance, she waves at me before disappearing. I want to run after her, but I don’t. Instead, I breathe through my nostrils, inhaling her essence, recalling her face when I brought her to orgasm.

  Chapter 4


  “Holy shit.” My best friend laughs when I tell her about last night. We’re in the car on the way to the meeting and I’m still blushing from last night’s activities. When I got home, I found myself in the shower, my hand between my legs once more as I thought about Gideon and his friend.

  “I don’t know if this is even a good idea. I mean, my life is about to explode, and I need to focus.” The worry has been circling my mind all morning. My debut album is about to hit the shelves in a few months, and there’s no way I can hide my face from him. I’ll be blasted on every magazine and newspaper across the country. He will know who I am before this week is out.

  “I’m sure he’ll be able to help you focus,” she cocks a perfectly manicured brow at me. “Tell me what he looked like again?”

  “Well, he was tall, with brown hair that reminded me of warm chocolate. His eyes”—I swoon like a teenager with a crush at the memory of his gaze on me—“they made me weak. It was just how he looked at me.”

  “It’s the Dominant effect.” Chelsea giggles.

  It’s my turn to arch a brow at her. “The Dominant effect? Seriously?”

  She nods seriously as if I should know this. We both got into the lifestyle at the same time. Finding out we’re submissive in the bedroom, we found ourselves in a club back home, in New York. We ventured out into the world and enjoyed the exclusivity and privacy it offered.

  “I just don’t know how I’m meant to handle this… whatever it is… if he knows who I really am…” The hope I had last night has been squashed at the thought of Gideon learning who I am and not wanting me.

  “If he’s older, more mature, he’ll understand. Perhaps he’ll even want to keep you safe from the bullshit that’s about to hit your life,” Chelsea says, giving me advice like she’s always done.

  I lost my mother when I was twelve, and my father was more interested in the money my career would bring him, rather than wanting to raise a daughter with paternal affection.

  The car pulls up to the enormous skyscraper, which makes me nervous. Glancing out of the window, I take in the windows of the building, wondering how it’s going to feel walking in there, being the star of the show.

  “Let’s go, superstar.” Chelsea smiles and I’m thankful my best friend is here with me. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s given me the friendship I’ve always longed for, even as an agent. Chelsea knows me better than anyone else, even better than I know myself.

  We head into the building with smiles as the reception desk comes into view. A large Hale and Associates sign behind the stunning brunette who’s dressed in a bright red blouse, with her hair pinned into a tight chignon. Her lips match her top, and her eyes are done in a smoky eye which makes the blue irises pop. She’s on a call when I walk up, and I have to pinch myself to make sure this is real, and I’m not dreaming. But I’m certain it’s real when she looks up and offers me a large smile.

  “You’re Clover,” she says, setting the device down. It’s not a question, she’s making a statement, which is evident to me that she already recognizes me.

  “I am.”

  “I’m so happy to meet you.” The beautiful woman rises, coming around the desk to shake my hand. “Hi.” She grins, taking Chelsea’s hand and shaking it. “It’s wonderful to have you both here. I’ll call up to the studio and make sure they’re ready for you.”

  “That’s fine, thank you.” She ushers us into the seats, which are smooth, soft leather, and I run my fingers along the material in hopes of calming myself. I want nothing more than to be professional, mature, but I feel like a little girl, out of my depth.

  It’s only moments later that the elevator dings, and the metal doors slide open. My breath is stolen when a man saunters out into the reception area.

  Shit. It’s him.

  My heart leaps into my throat, threatening to choke me the closer he gets. When his gaze lands on me, he smiles, and I’m stunned into silence. He won’t recognize me. Will he?

  “Good morning, ladies,” he says, offering me his hand first, before turning to Chelsea. “It’s great to have you here today.” He continues, completely oblivious to who I am. He had his hands on me, his fingers inside me, and he doesn’t even acknowledge it.

  I wish I could turn to Chels and tell her, but she’s talking to him about the session and that she has to leave me here for a while since she has a meeting with another client at nine.

  Being alone with this man is not going to be easy. And I know when he finally realizes it’s me, he’ll either send me away, or act as if I don’t exist, which he seems to already be good at.

  “… thank you. I’ll see you later, yeah?” My thoughts are dragged back to the present when Chelsea smiles over at me, her hand on mine, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. I haven’t had a second to tell her who Gideon is.

  Gideon Hale.

  “Yeah, of course,” I affirm, hoping she’ll see the pleading in my gaze, but she’s not taking note of anything other than the man before us. Sadness grips me for a moment. She’s more his type than I am. Also, she’s older than me by a few years, and he’ll surely want her. Once she’s gone, Gideon’s hand on my shoulder startles me, causing me to shoot my stare at him.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I answer, staring at him,
trying to gauge his reaction, but there’s nothing there. He doesn’t even flicker with recognition. Gideon leads me back to the elevators, and once the doors open, he waits for me to enter first.

  The moment I do, my stomach sinks. Last night was nothing more than some fun. Why am I make it out to be anything more? But the moment the doors slide shut, he’s pinning me against the cool metal wall as we inch up to the top floor.

  “It’s you,” he murmurs along my lips. The scent of sandalwood assaults my nostrils as he presses himself against me. “I went home last night, craving another taste.”

  “Gideon.” His name tumbles from my lips, and a grin curls his perfect mouth. “I thought you didn’t—”

  “I was shocked to see you’re my new client, but make no mistake, I know you, Clover, I know you far too well.” His voice is rough, husky with desire as his hand grips my ass so hard, I yelp. “I want you in my office, on your knees, taking my cock down your throat.”

  The promise has me squirming. “We’re… I don’t… I mean…”

  “But before that, I’ll work your voice in another way.” He steps away from me with a wink, leaving me humming with a need that’s already taken hold of my body and mind.

  Finally, the elevator comes to a stop, and the doors slide open. Gideon gestures for me to exit first, and he follows so close behind me, I can’t find the strength to breathe. His warmth holds me, hostage, making me want to lean back and fall into his arms.

  This is ridiculous. But I can’t deny he’s everything I want. All I can pray is that I’m all he needs as well.

  Chapter 5


  I didn’t know who she was last night—when I tasted her, when I finger fucked her and made her come all over my fingers. I can still smell the phantom sweetness of her, and my cock agrees, this is a bad idea. But can I stop myself from wanting her? No.

  We enter the office where my assistant is waiting to get the contract out of the way. “This is Allyson. She’ll help you with all the paperwork. Once you’ve signed everything, we’ll get into the studio and start with the fun work.” I smile at her, and she gifts me that innocent grin that has my slacks straining. Leaving the women, I make my way into my office and shut the door. I need to calm the fuck down. This is dangerous.

  A knock on my door has me turning around, and Allyson walks in with the contract in hand. Her smile is friendly. “All signed. Just needs your infamous initials.”

  Nodding, I grab the document and take it to my desk where I set it down. On the front page, right there in bold, black letters is the name I wanted so badly last night.

  Clover Brassington.

  I quickly sign my name along the black line before handing the contract back to Allyson, who leaves me in the office. I should go out there and talk to Clover, but I'm nervous for some fucking reason.

  I pick up the phone and dial the number of the one person I know who will give me sound advice.

  “Gideon,” I hear Oliver’s voice come through the line, and I sigh a breath of relief.

  “I need your advice,” I speak before he can ask how I am because I’m not fine, not at all.

  “Okay.” I can hear the amusement in his tone, and I lean back in my chair, watching the doorway where on the other side is a pretty little girl who’s got my head in the fucking clouds.

  “The girl from last night.”

  “Yes?” Amusement drips from the word.

  “She’s in my office,” I tell him. “My new client, Clover Brassington.”

  A sigh comes across the line, before he says, “Shit.”

  Perhaps it’s the frustration that’s got my muscles in knots, but an ache starts low in my neck, and it travels to my head. I can feel a headache starting to attack.

  “Keep it professional in the office then see if she’s willing to explore privately.” His advice calms me somewhat. “If she’s not able to separate the two, then perhaps it’s best to see if one of your partners can work with her.”

  Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair, tugging hard. “I suppose that’s an option.”

  “You want to date her or just fuck her?”

  Closing my eyes, I try to figure out how to answer him. “Well…”

  “What happened last night, Gideon?”

  Rising from my chair, I head over to the window. Focusing on the buildings outside, I recall some of what happened. “After you left, I fucked her.”

  “So, you’ve already taken a taste of the forbidden fruit.”

  “Pretty much, yeah.”

  Oliver sighs on the other end of the line. “Do you like her? I mean, if you feel you could explore further with her, I don’t see the problem. Like I said, it’s up to her.”

  “What if something goes wrong?” The concern is clear in my tone. Normally, it wouldn’t bother me, but I couldn’t get her off my mind since last night, then when she walked in here, my body responded in ways I’ve never experienced.

  “Why don’t you take her out for dinner? If you feel as if she could cause any problems professionally, then you can put it down as a work dinner,” Oliver speaks, a voice of reason that sets my worry at ease, but only so much. Deep down, there’s still concern that’s got a hold of me.

  “You’re right. As always.”

  “Sit down and talk to her. Set out the rules, just like you did with past submissives. If she can honestly tell you it’s not a problem, then you move forward. If need be, get a contract signed.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I panicked.”

  “Clearly. Listen, I have a meeting. Let me know how it goes.”

  “I will, thanks.” I turn to face the door, and I’m shocked speechless when my gaze lands on the person standing on the threshold. “I have to go too.” Hanging up, I quickly set my phone on the desk and settle behind it.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “No, please, not at all. Come in and sit, we can talk.” I gesture toward the chair as I invite Clover into the space that has always been my sanctuary.

  She shuts the door, inadvertently locking us all alone in a confined space where there are so many implements I want to use on her, I’m briefly distracted picturing her bent over, hands flat on the office windows as I spank her ass.

  “What did you want to talk about?” she asks innocently, far too fucking innocently.

  I’m so fucked.

  Chapter 6


  He doesn’t move.

  His alluring gaze is locked on me. His hands are on the desk with his fingers twined together. He looks every bit the Dominant sitting in the large office chair as he regards me.

  Being in his office, I feel less nervous than I did last night. But another emotion is slowly ebbing through me—desire. When those talented fingers touched me last night, I submitted to the pleasure, and I don’t think I’d ever felt like that before.

  No. I’m certain I haven’t.

  “Last night was… I mean, I didn’t know who you were,” I finally find my voice as I respond. “The dinner you wanted to have, if that’s something that you think is a bad idea, I’ll understand. This is all just a little strange. I mean, I don’t know what your thoughts—”

  “Clover,” Gideon speaks, breaking through my rambling. “I’d like to take you out to dinner, but… This will have to be a professional dinner, rather than a date.”

  His words have my heart sinking to my stomach. But then again, I didn’t expect him to want to start a relationship with a client he’s working with. Last night was a fluke. It wasn’t meant to happen, but at least I have the memory of him, of his touch, and how he made me feel.

  “That’s fine. I look forward to it,” I tell him trying not to sound too disappointed. “Shall we get started in the studio?” I ask, hoping we can forget all that’s happened and get my voice ready for recording. The sooner I can get away from Gideon Hale, the better.

  He nods, rising from his seat. I watch as he shrugs off his jacket, and I’m met wit
h the muscled torso wrapped in crisp white material.

  His slacks are dark, but I can make out the hard lines of his thighs. I know he is beautiful completely naked. Temptation blooms on my cheeks, and I have to quickly turn away to clear my mind of the unsolicited thoughts of my voice coach.

  He follows close behind me, his warmth radiating into my back. Even last night, I noticed he emanated affection—warm and alluring—when he was near me. I thought it was my imagination, but now as his fingertips find the base of my spine, I find myself wanting to lean into him once more.

  This is going to be much more difficult than I envisioned. Being close to him is one thing, but knowing he wants me as well is another. And his touch is far too possessive to just be professional.

  The studio is bigger than I expected. When we enter, there are a few people already milling around. Two sound technicians are seated at a large mixing desk, and the glassed off room that’s waiting for me is all set up with a piano and microphone.

  “Time to do your magic, Clover,” Gideon whispers in my ear, sending heat trickling down my spine. My whole body responding to him.

  Inhaling a deep, calming breath, I step into the studio and grab the headphones that are perched on the chair. Once I’m settled, Gideon calls to me through the speaker system.

  “When you’re ready,” he tells me.

  Nodding, I allow my fingers to still over the keys, willing them to stop shaking. I know once I’m lost in the song, I’ll be okay, but it’s the moments just before. Those seconds where I feel like I’m not good enough.

  Doubt has a way of settling itself in my veins, and there’s no way of getting it out. Closing my eyes, I dance my fingertips along the ebony and ivory keys, smiling to myself as I recall the song. Words tumble from my lips, and the emotion wells up inside me.


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