The Prodigy Slave, Book Two: The Old World: (Revised Edition 2020)

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The Prodigy Slave, Book Two: The Old World: (Revised Edition 2020) Page 49

by Londyn Skye

  “What the hell’s that s’pposed to mean?!” Mary Jo snapped, looking confused by his response.

  “That’s the way your eyes move wheneva’ you’re tellin’ one ‘a your damn lies,” James explained. “It’s just for a tenth of a second … but I always see it. It’s one ‘a the many ways I’ve always been able to see right through you. Now let me show you what it looks like when someone’s tellin’ the truth.” He stepped forward and loomed over Mary Jo, staring straight into her eyes. “I love Lily. You can neva’ blackmail me outta that! Nor can you eva’ blackmail me into lovin’ you! There ain’t a thing worth lovin’ about you any damn way! You knew how I felt from the very beginnin’ of this whole charade! Despite that, you still wanted to marry me. I’ve been givin’ in to your blackmail without a complaint all these months. I’m even allowin’ you to shackle me into marriage just to beautify your image like you wanted. Until then, when we’re alone, I refuse to pretend like I’m your husband. In the face of everyone else, I’ll play your little game. But behind closed doors, I’m not gonna pretend like this is real, like we’re truly some lovin’ couple! So, I’m gonna say this one more time … I’m not sleepin’ with you again until the day I vow to the Lord to submit to such a crime! So, deal with it!”

  Mary Jo’s mouth was agape during his entire tirade. For once, she was speechless after someone had the audacity to speak to her that way. Surprisingly, she simply lowered her head and solemnly turned to walk away without a word.

  James, however, suddenly felt as though he had to add something more to soften the blow of his fiery, emphatic words after realizing that he had just completely obliterated the rules of engagement for the mentally insane. “MJ?” he called out to her.

  She stopped with her back to him, her head still hanging low.

  James walked around and lifted her head back up to look at him. “Look, I see the vision that you have for us now too. Togetha’, we could easily rule ova’ this city. I unda’stand now your desire to have that kind ‘a powa’. Trust me, I get it. It may have taken me a while, but I get it. But if we’re gonna be the powa’ couple that you’re envisionin’, let’s at least be honest with one anotha’. Can we do that?”

  “Be honest about what?”

  “To have the sort ‘a status you want, we might be forced to lie to everyone else about where we stand as a couple. But, at the very least, let’s not lie to each otha’ about the fact that this relationship is about business above anything else. If we can at least be ourselves durin’ this whole process, who knows … maybe I will end up fallin’ in love with you.” He touched Mary Jo’s cheek. “Who wouldn’t?” he added, after considering the laws of lunacy and hoping to undue any further mental damage he may have just caused.

  “Right,” Mary Jo replied somberly, sounding thoroughly defeated.

  “I’ll see you lata’ tonight then.”

  “Just like you said yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that.”

  “I told you I had to work late.”

  “I’m quite sure that’ll suddenly be the case tonight too,” Mary Jo replied.

  She had spoken the words with an eerie calmness in her voice that James was not familiar with. It was the first time in his life that he was unable to read what may be going on in her scrupled mind. “No, it won’t,” he lied. “Gideon’s promised me he can take any late emergencies tonight, so I have no excuses.”

  “We’ll see,” Mary Jo responded. Without another word or a tear shed, she turned and walked out of Gideon’s office.

  Feeling a lot more settled inside about his words, James let her go freely this time. During the entire exchange, all he could think about was the ironclad vows that he had made to Lily: I promise to you loyalty, faithfulness, and that I shall neva’ again give myself to any otha’, no matta’ what. The image of those written words permanently sealed inside of an envelope, and now locked away in a keepsake box, was at the forefront of his mind. He knew Lily would be forgiving if he had to resort to sleeping with Mary Jo again, if that’s what he had to do to silence her. But he flat-out refused to break his vows.

  Ironically, all day long, Lily also had the sound of her husband’s vows replaying on a loop in her head. Much like James, she was reliving the magical moments of their wedding night. The memories had the most brilliant smile affixed to her face as she went about fixing the very last supper she would ever have to make on Jesse Adams’s plantation. James’s vows were intertwined with a new song she had just composed earlier that morning …

  Lily had sat down at the piano after Jesse left for his daily trek into town. She was eager to play the new song that quickly flourished in the hours after James had made love to her on their sacred childhood wonderland. It was a bitter-sweet feeling knowing that it would be the very last song she ever played at a piano that had changed her life so dramatically. Lily’s new melody had coaxed James from the bathroom where he was getting ready for work. He had walked up behind her as she played, leaned down, and let a kiss linger on her neck while he listened. The feeling of his warm lips caused pleasurable goosebumps to rise all over her body, further enhancing her desire to play yet another song that his love had inspired.

  When Lily completed the song, James helped her up from the piano bench and pulled her into his arms. “That was beautiful,” he complimented with a kiss.

  “Thank you,” Lily smiled. She stepped out of his embrace, tinkered with a few keys on the piano again, and then looked around.

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “Despite how awful your daddy tried to make this place, we still managed to make some wonderful memories here, didn’t we?

  “We sure did. Wouldn’t’ve been the same for me growin’ up here without you. All the memories I made here with you and my motha’ were the only things that made livin’ here tolerable. Hell, if it wasn’t for you comin’ into my life, I’m convinced I’d’ve ran away from here, or done somethin’ unthinkable to myself afta’ she passed away.”

  “Please don’t say that.”

  “It’s the truth. Afta’ she died, you were the only thing in my world that kept me goin’ in the midst ‘a the hell I’s livin’ in. You neva’ failed to find a way to put me in a good mood, or to keep me laughin’ and smilin’. From the food you used to hide unda’ my bed, right down to hidin’ in that corna’ ova’ yonda’,” he said, pointing to it. “I still rememba’ you makin’ faces at me from ova’ there until I’s crackin’ up laughin’ while I’s stuck in here with MJ. Not to mention the hilarity of all the pranks we pulled on that poor girl.”

  “Those were definitely great times!” Lily smiled. “Every time I walk past that flowa’ pot outside, it reminds me of the time we hid all those crickets in there to scare MJ!”

  “That was epic!”

  “Our most genius prank eva’, if I do say so myself!” Lily concurred. “I bet MJ breaks out in hives every time she walks past that ol’ thang.”

  “No doubt!” James laughed. He then walked over and tinkered on his mother’s piano. “Even this old piano must have some wonderful memories attached to it for you, huh?”

  Lily tinkered on it again too. “It sho’ does. But now I’m sorry I neva’ told you about it. Could’ve been anotha’ beautiful memory we shared togetha’.”

  “It’s all right. I’m just glad it gave you a way to escape emotionally, ’specially durin’ the years I’s bein’ down right awful to ya’. I’m quite sure you played many a song inspired by my nastiness!”

  “I could’ve filled a whole book full ‘a songs!” Lily laughed.

  “I don’t doubt it! Nor do I blame ya’,” James smiled.

  Lily exhaled, turning in a circle, looking carefully at the place that she had spent half of her youth. “As wonderful as some ‘a the memories were here for you and me, though, I’m glad our baby won’t know one minute ‘a what it’s like to live here.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” James walked up behind Lily, wrapped his arms around
her and planted his hands on her belly. “And the best part is that we can take those wonderful memories with us when we escape this place tonight and share which eva’ ones we want with this little baby afta’ she’s born.”

  “You’re right. We sho’ can share whateva’ we want … with him,” Lily playfully emphasized.

  “Along with our wonderful memories, I’ll be takin’ the only otha’ two things I don’t wanna live without.” James turned Lily around and held both of her hands. “Are you sure you’re ready for yet anotha’ wild journey with me?”

  “I’m more than ready to take this wild journey with you,” Lily smiled. “Feels like I’ve been strengthenin’ myself for this my whole life somehow. Can’t believe in two weeks I’ll be in a whole different world.”

  “Not only that, but you’ll be back up on your beloved stage again,” James smiled.

  A grand smile emerged on Lily’s face. “My God, James, the moment I set foot on that stage, it’ll feel like I’m home again.”

  James caressed Lily’s cheek. “And I can’t wait to see the joy on this beautiful face when you finally are. I’ll give everything I have to guide you back home if it’s the last thing I eva’ do in my life…” He placed his hands on either side of her face. “’Cause I really do love you, Mrs. Lily Adams.”

  Lily inhaled, absorbing a mass amount of oxygen, right along with a heavy dose of the soul healing energy that James had now sent her way. “I promise I’ll neva’ doubt that again.” She tenderly kissed him and rested her head on his shoulder afterward, appreciating the feeling of being in his embrace for a moment. “I guess I betta’ let you get on to work before yo’ daddy comes back here and suspects somethin’s awry,” she said after reluctantly stepping out of James’s arms.

  James exhaled sharply and ran his hand through his hair when he felt his nervousness returning. “You sure you can stand dealin’ with my fatha’ for a few more hours here by yourself?”

  “Been dealin’ with that ’ol evil man for years. Anotha’ few hours is nothin’.” Lily put a comforting hand on James’s shoulder. “I’ll be perfectly fine.”

  “I guess I just ain’t gonna feel right until we’re long gone from here,” James admitted, sharply exhaling again.

  “Just a few more hours and we will be.”

  James took Lily by the hand and kissed it. “You always were the braver of the two of us.”

  “Somebody’s gotta be,” Lily teased with a smile. She then handed him the lunch she had prepared him and walked with him out onto the porch.

  Before departing, James kneeled and kissed Lily’s stomach. “How’s Daffy?” he asked, feeling her stomach for movement.

  “He’s fine. Kickin’ good and hard as usual,” Lily answered.

  “Good to hear she’s active,” James retaliated.


  James stood and playfully wagged a finger at Lily. “In anotha’ three months, you’ll be apologizin’ to her,” he teased.

  “You must be forgettin’ that I win at everything,” Lily gladly reminded him. “I’m positive that my undefeated record will stand.”

  “We shall see,” James smiled. “I’ll be back no lata’ than six. Just a few more hours, and I’ll get you outta here Mrs. Adams,” he promised, kissing her hand again.

  “I’ll be ready,” Lily smiled.

  James put on his Stetson, trotted down the steps, put his lunch in his satchel, and then mounted his horse.

  “James,” Lily called out to him while staring down at him from the porch.

  He turned to her just as he took the reins.

  Lily took a moment to just gaze at the phenomenal man reflecting in her eyes. “I really love you too,” she then said.

  James’s face lit up in a brilliant smile as he took a moment to gaze appreciatively at his wife in return. When she smiled back, he tipped his hat, and rode away with her words in tow, truly feeling like a complete man. He had a child on the way, a safe new home to take it to, and a wife who loved him beyond measure. He felt there was nothing more he could ever want for himself.

  … After James left, Lily had carried out Jesse’s orders all day with enthusiasm, feeling relieved that these were her final hours of servitude in his prison. Much like James, her heart was racing with anticipation as the time to her departure grew near. She was rejoicing over the fact that soon she would no longer be forced to suffer in the stench Jesse left lingering in the air, nor be repulsed by the way he chewed his food. Soon, he would be forced to purchase someone else to add hatred as the key ingredient to the meals they cooked for him. But what fueled Lily’s elation more than anything was the fact that, in just a matter of months, she would soon be laying her baby down in a crib within the safety and comforts of William’s childhood estate, a beautiful place that he insisted she call home. She was looking forward to the ample time she would have to knit her baby another blanket, some socks, and a little hat while on the journey there. Once rooted in the Old World, she was excited about the prospect of being free to prepare meals for James that were blended with love, and to sip lemonade with him on a porch swing while he talked to her and held her close, the way she had always dreamed. As all those wondrous things crossed her mind, Lily was nearly brought to tears thinking about the emotional satisfaction of just being free at all.

  The exhilaration of all that was shortly to come had Lily humming happily in the kitchen as she prepared dinner for Jesse and his two oldest sons, who had come over at midday to help make repairs on the barn. Lily was in such high spirits that she was even willing to prepare them a meal that was halfway worth eating. It was her parting gift for all the years she had intentionally tortured their pallets with tasteless, hate-infused food. Just after Lily pulled the meal out of the oven, she paused a moment to stretch her aching back while touching the spot where she felt her little one tumbling. She smiled, enjoying the feeling of life inside of her. The feeling was equal to the joys of creating it, in her opinion. She could only imagine how she would feel when she finally got to hold the little person within her. Like clockwork, a familiar need came over her and she waddled outside to relieve herself for the third time in two hours. She never dealt with the morning sickness, but frequent outhouse visits and an aching back had been constant since her third month of pregnancy. But she endured it all with a smile, knowing that it was going to be a means to a truly miraculous end.

  As Lily exited the kitchen, she heard the faint sound of the train whistle in the distance. She knew the train whistle patterns well and was certain it was the five o’clock train. She smiled at the fact that James was likely on his way home. Before he arrived, she wanted to tidy herself up. She took a pail of water from behind the house and stole some soap and a rag before anyone could see her. She hurried with it all into her room in the slave quarters where she washed herself, changed into clean clothes, and let her hair hang freely out of the back of her scarf the way James liked it. She then quickly headed back into the kitchen to finish the last of the food. She began setting aside an ample portion of leftovers for the trip but was unaware that she was being watched while doing so.

  J.R. had just come back from picking up some lumber in town for the barn repairs. Since then, he had been quietly peering at Lily’s back through the kitchen window, guzzling moonshine from a flask, numbing himself, just as he had done non-stop since his wife left him. He gazed at Lily, thinking about the fact that his father probably felt he was beneath her as well. In his melancholy state, that notion seemed plausible. After feeling even more pity for himself over his preconceived idea, J.R. finally chugged the last of the powerful liquor he was holding on to. He tossed his flask out into the grass and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he was finished. He then turned his bloodshot eyes back toward Lily and continued to stare at her through the window for a moment longer before proceeding through the kitchen door.

  Lily heard the door open and the stomping of boots but knew it could not possibly be James because of the time. U
nfortunately, her nose quickly confirmed that fact. She was suddenly suffocated by the stench of a pig that had been rolling in manure. From that familiar stench alone, Lily surmised that it was either J.R. or Jesse entering the house, covered in a layer of sweat and dirt as usual.

  “You got some lemonade made in here, girl?” J.R. demanded to know. His voice was also a youthful version of his father, confirming that Lily’s tortured nose was accurate. The fact that he was his father’s twin in size, sound, and odor, made Lily detest every quality about J.R., just as she did Jesse. It made her appreciate that God had been kind enough to spare James from adopting any characteristics whatsoever from his father’s side of the family.

  Lily had a cupboard open, putting away some spices with her back to J.R. when he first stepped into the kitchen. When she turned around and revealed her face, though, lemonade suddenly became the last thing on J.R.’s mind. Post her quick bath, Lily’s face was fresh and free of dirt. Her dress was clean, and more snug fitting, revealing more of her curves. The way her hair cascaded out from underneath her scarf, in dark waves down her back, accentuated her beauty in a way that J.R. had never seen before. The way she looked now suddenly made his mind flash to memories of Lily as a skinny little girl, hidden in an oversized dress with all her hair stowed away in a filthy scarf. He recalled that she had a pretty face back then, but she was nowhere near the sensual woman that was standing before him now, with looks that quickly sent pools of blood down to his southern region.

  Lily did not think J.R.’s presence, or anything else, would be able to destroy her jubilant mood for the day, but when she turned and saw the way he was looking at her, she got an instantaneous sick feeling in her stomach. It was the first time since marrying James that her mood went sour. That uncomfortable glare J.R. was piercing her with at their Easter gathering was back. This time, however, the way his mouth was parted, and his eyes slowly surveyed every inch of her body, sent shivers racing at lightning speed down Lily’s spine. She quickly turned her back to break his fixation on her. “Yessa’. I-I umm, just made some lemonade fresh,” she finally replied, walking over to pour him a glass. “I’s ’bout to bring some out to you and yo’ brotha’ and yo’ daddy,” she lied, creating an excuse to get out of the house as quickly as possible. She was desperate to ease the bad feeling she had in her stomach, one that she was certain had nothing to do with morning sickness. She nervously grabbed two more glasses and placed them on a tray along with the pitcher of lemonade.


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