Possessed (Bozley Green Chronicles Book 1)

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Possessed (Bozley Green Chronicles Book 1) Page 19

by Bradford Bates

  David still had his arms crossed, and his face was etched with a dubious expression as I started to talk.

  “There was no tip wetting, at least not yet.” I cast Rain a hopeful look which she didn’t shy away from. “Balthazar had Rain at his cabin, and you know what a sucker I am for a damsel in distress.”

  “Yeah, I know what a sucker you are,” David said with a little bit of venom.

  Ignoring David, I turned towards Rain and pulled her close. She hesitated at first, aware that he was still glaring at us, but then she melted into my arms. Her lips tasted like cherries, I still had no idea how that was possible. I kissed her long enough to settle her nerves at our not-so-warm welcome. “Up the stairs and all the way to the right.”

  “Excuse me?” She sounded breathless.

  “My room. It’s all the way down to the right. Help yourself to a shower, and I’ll be there shortly.”

  “How very presumptuous of you.” Rain ran a hand down my chest and nibbled lightly at my bottom lip before pulling away and heading back inside.

  I watched her walk into the house before I turned back towards David. Before my eyes settled on my apprentice, I noticed the new window in place. It was amazing. What used to be three separate panes was now a single wall of glass. Everything had been cleaned up, and you never would have been able to tell that two days ago I was tossed through that space after being possessed by an angel.

  “The window looks good,” I said, trying to deflect some of his ire.

  David uncrossed his arms and turned to look at it. “Yes, it does.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence between us that I’d never actually experienced with David before. I knew he was still mad, and he needed more from me than some witty banter. Fishing my phone out of my bag, I turned it back on showing him the screen. “I’m sorry, David. Sometimes I forget that I don’t have to do everything alone.” He looked slightly mollified, but I wasn’t out of the woods yet.

  He stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. I was surprised when I felt his tears on my shoulders. Maybe I was just a little bit denser than I gave myself credit for. It was obvious now with David crying in my arms that we had outgrown the master and apprentice part of our relationship. We were more than that, we were family. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a fierce hug and then pulled away.

  “I promise I’ll do better.”

  David wiped the tears from his eyes. “You fucking better. Benny called two hours after you left and filled me in on what happened at Rain’s. I knew you’d do something stupid like run off after her.” He slapped my chest. “Bozley, I was frantic. I had half a mind to come after you when I figured out where you were going.”

  “Be thankful that you didn’t.” David gave me a once over, and I knew he understood just how close I had come to dying. “Balthazar is a bigger problem than I ever gave him credit for.” I put my hand on David’s shoulder and turned him towards the house. “I’ll fill you in on all the juicy details tomorrow. As for now…”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’ve got a hot piece waiting in your room. I get it.”

  “She’s more than that; she’s my salvation.”

  David stopped, and our eyes met. He looked shocked, and then he shoved me towards the door. “Then what are you waiting for? Go and get her.”

  I took the eight stairs in two giant leaps and sprinted for the hallway. Another flight of stairs awaited me there, but they weren’t an obstacle. At least not with the burning need I had to have Rain back in my arms.

  The door to my room was open, and I could hear the sound of the shower running as I entered. It’s been so long since I had a woman in the house that I didn’t know exactly what to do. My first thought was to hang one of my socks from the knob like they would have in a cheesy sitcom, but all I had to worry about was David, and he wouldn’t be bothering us tonight.

  I closed the door and started stripping off my clothes, and then it dawned on me that I hadn’t ever actually asked Rain if she wanted company in the shower. Kissing was one thing, but this was the next level up. It would have been different if we had been undressing each other on the way to the shower, but she was already in there, and my need for her was already pressed tightly against my pants. That’d be a hell of a nasty shock for her if she didn’t want company.

  Despite myself, I continued to pull off my clothes as I headed towards the bathroom. It was an easy action to justify. My closet was in there after all. It wasn’t like I was trying to steal a peek at those tanned and toned legs again, or that flat stomach.

  My eyes moved upwards in my memory, and there was no denying what was happening down below. Unzipping my pants just became a much trickier proposition. I cast a quick glance towards the shower before darting into the salvation of the closet.

  My pants came off just as fast as my shirt and then Rain’s voice called to me, breaking me out of the daydream of us together in the shower that had been running through my head.

  “Is that you, Bozz?”

  “Yes.” I managed to croak out. Like I said, it had been a while, and I was nervous as fuck.

  “What are you waiting for? The water’s not going to stay this warm forever.”

  Good thing she didn’t know that I had a water heater big enough to run a hotel. “I’m coming.”

  “Hopefully not yet. I was kind of planning to be a part of that process.”

  “Oh, shit,” I mumbled as I hurried towards the shower. Gideon, you might want to close your eyes for this.

  That will not be necessary, he replied flatly.

  Oh, hell no. I didn’t care for that answer at all. The fuck it won’t! I don’t need you ruining this for me.

  Do you intend to make this woman your wife?

  It’s a little too soon to tell, I responded.

  If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride-price for her and make her his wife.

  I was in a hurry and losing my patience, though I tried to stay calm so I didn’t piss off my passenger. Oh, I doubt she is a virgin. And Gideon, just for future reference, don’t ever say that to a woman on this planet. We don’t pay dowries anymore. Men and women get married when they are in love.

  The world has changed since I last walked it, Bozley Green. I shall reserve my judgment until I see all that it has to offer.

  Great. Then make like a tree and get out of here.

  I don’t understand, he responded, obvious confusion in his voice.

  If you stick around long enough, you will.

  I was done waiting to see if Gideon heeded my warning. Fuck it, if he wanted to watch then so be it. There was no way I was denying myself the pleasure any longer. The shower door opened as I got closer, and Rain was standing in the center of it.

  Her skin glistened, and water dripped from her breasts taking my eyes downward as they fell. She had a tiny bit of sculpted pubic hair rising up from her sweet flower. I stood there, staring at her feeling my dick grow harder, if that was even possible. She took a single step out of the shower and grabbed me by my manhood.

  “I see that you're trying to start the party without me. That won’t do at all, Mr. Green.” She ran her fingers gently across my member and then tightened her grip, pulling me into the shower.

  The water fell down around us almost as if we were in a waterfall. I reached out and hit a couple of buttons along the wall before I lost myself in her. The bathroom lights dimmed, and a blue light glowed from the recessed ceiling. I thought about playing some music, but the sound of the water from the shower was good enough. It was calming, and yet it drove me into her arms with a passion I hadn’t given into for years.

  Her lips met mine, and I was happy to see that she was just as hungry for this as I was. Running my hands over her body was driving me insane. She felt perfect under my fingers, it was almost like my fingers hadn’t found their true purpose until they brushed against her skin.

  Rain pushed me back against the wall, a hungry
look in her eyes. The look was all I needed to know that she was just as ready for this as I was. Her hand moved faster against me while mine moved between her legs for the first time.

  She was wet, and not just from the shower. I rubbed her gently at first and then slid a finger inside. Rain moaned against my neck and continued to work her hand against me. It was all I could do not to cry out, but there was no reason to hold back.

  The moan escaped my lips. It felt husky and laced with need when I heard it. Rain must have gotten the same impression because she stopped what she was doing and turned around. She bent over, using one arm to stabilize herself against the wall and with the other hand she guided me inside of her.

  As I slid in, the world faded away, and all I felt was pleasure. It radiated from her through me. She was my sun. In this moment, my entire world rotated around her. Rain’s screams of pleasure brought me back just enough to hear the sounds of my own need escaping my throat.

  Her motion became more frantic, and the pressure I had been suppressing for so long was threatening to break free. She let out a deep moan that almost reverberated through me, and then my damn of self-control broke.

  She stayed pressed firmly against me as we both slowly came back to ourselves. Finally she turned, both of us letting out a little sigh of displeasure as the most intimate of contact between us was broken.

  I watched her eyes, and she looked as if she needed something from me as she curled against my chest. I ran a hand through her hair and turned her face up towards mine and kissed her. This time it was tender. Not filled with passion that we had shared moments ago, but filled with the kind of feelings that could last a lifetime.

  Rain broke the silence. “I’m happy to report that you do not disappoint, Mr. Green.”

  “Well, I should hope not, I mean after all that running around and saving you, that would have been quite the letdown.”

  Rain slapped me on the chest. “That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

  A little bit of laughter escaped before I could stop it. “True enough.”

  “So?” she said searching my eyes. “It’s not nice to leave a lady hanging after she comments on your physical prowess.”

  “Fishing for compliments now?” I asked.

  “Fuck you.”

  I winked. “We already did that.”

  Rain pushed me away, and her hand went up for a slap. I caught it. Maybe we hadn’t quite made it to the point where my sarcasm was fully understood. She struggled in my grip, still wanting to make me pay for my callous remark.

  I pulled her against me, burying my head against her neck. “It was amazing, you were amazing.”

  I moved back to see if my words had reached her and had the effect I was hoping for. Her eyes softened just enough for me to feel comfortable letting her go. I was pretty sure I was safe until her hand smacked against my chest, making me wince just a little.

  “You could have just said that.” She pouted.

  “It’s hard for me to tell you how much you mean to me. I risked my life for you today, and I would gladly do it again. This…” I motioned between us, “isn’t going away anytime soon.”

  “That was a good save, Mr. Green, but I think you still owe me a better apology,” she said, turning back towards the front of the shower and grabbing a bar of soap from the tray.

  “How far would a Giovanni’s pizza go towards making it up to you?” I asked.

  “Almost far enough to make us even. That is, as long as it has sausage, pepperoni, and bacon.”

  “It shall be as the lady commands.” I kissed the back of her neck for a moment. There were rumblings beginning down below as I ran my hands over her wet body.

  Rain pushed me towards the door of the shower. “There will be time for that later. Like after pizza later.”

  “I’d curse Giovanni for taking me away from you, but I just love his pizza too much.”

  Rain made a shooing motion with her hand. “The faster you get pizza, the faster we can talk about how to best take care of what’s going on down there.” She pointed towards my lower half with a sly smile on her face. “And don’t curse Gio; the man’s an artist.”

  Ah, so she was already hip to the best pizza place in town. “That will heavily depend on how fast my pizza is ready,” I said, stepping out of the shower.

  “I believe the phrase you were looking for is our pizza, or better yet my pizza,” Rain said, turning back towards the water as the glass door closed.

  Was it wrong that I felt just a flare of jealousy when she talked about Giovanni and my pizza? I mean fuck, the guy made pizzas for a living. Damn good pizzas, but still, an artist? It wasn’t like he was off fighting demons and saving lives.

  Still, I guess he never condemned anyone to hell either. I’d sent twelve souls down there, and in hell, there is no pizza. At least, that’s what I suspected. Everyone down there was probably on some gluten-free, veggie diet. I’d forced twelve people into that kind of life, and none of them deserved to be there.

  Shaking my head, I tried to clear away that line of thought. Going down that path would lead me right back to where I had been for the last six months. I didn’t know if David could take a relapse like that from me. I knew that I wasn’t ready for another six-month spiral of self-loathing and depression. Not when there was such promise for the future. I’d find a way to free those twelve souls, or I’d spend my life making up for their loss.

  I grabbed a towel, still bristling at the thought of Gio, as she so affectionately called him, and Rain even talking. Jesus, what was wrong with me? It was suddenly like I was back in high school. Everything felt so very life and death when it was anything but.

  Rain wasn’t going to leave me without giving this a shot, and if she didn’t feel the same way, then it was better to get it over with early. I turned to watch her in the shower as I finished drying off. She was truly magnificent, and I’d hate for this not to work out in my favor.

  It was cold out, but I didn’t feel like dressing in jeans. Instead, I just grabbed a pair of my sweats, “Go Bears,” and a shirt. This might not be the year, but we’d drafted a young QB for the first time in ages, and maybe there was a shot at greatness for our team in the future. Since 85’ was a long time ago, we were due for a little less heart break. Still, when you compared us to the Cubs and the hundred-year drought, well, we were still doing ok.

  It was easy enough to ignore the three messages Benny had left me. He should have called before I had important things like ordering pizza to do. The call to Giovanni’s took about thirty seconds. I swear, they moved me to the front of the line because David and I ordered from there so often. It was like they saw my number and could read my mind.

  Tonight, that was exactly what I needed. I had other things on my mind besides pizza, although a little food went a long way when you might be getting a few more cardio sessions in.

  David spared me a quick smirk as I rushed out the door. That little gossip hound would be on me for details if Rain wasn’t still in the house. Shit, I should have brought her with me.

  By the time I got back, there was no doubt in my mind that David and Rain would be sitting side by side sharing secrets with each other. When David shared secrets, it was worse than when your mom pulled out the baby pictures.

  It was too late to worry about it now. The caddie roared to life, and I was willing to break a few laws to get that pizza back home as fast as possible. Plus, I had a feeling all the cops were busy at Balthazar’s cabin. With all those dead bodies to sort out, they’d be there for weeks, making my fast and furious style pizza runs all the easier to manage.

  Still, I had some time to kill, so I hit the nav and placed a call to Benny.

  “It’s about time you called me back. Did you get my voicemail?” Benny’s voice came through the car's speakers.

  “Nope, just thought I’d call you back instead.”

  “Well, what’s the point in me leaving the damn messages if you don’t even listen to them?
” Benny said with a little irritation creeping into his tone.

  “Maybe it just feels cathartic to get things off your chest when no one is going to interrupt you. Kinda like therapy, but without all the back and forth.”

  “What, like your voicemail is my damn shrink?” he asked.

  “About the same, except you don’t have to pay me to leave a message.” I almost let out a chuckle, but managed to keep it in.

  “Fuck off,” Benny growled.

  “People have been saying that to me a lot lately.”

  “Wonder why?” Benny had finally mastered sarcasm with that one. “Before you suck me any deeper into this stimulating conversation, I’m going to tell you why I called.” He sighed as if he was waiting for me to interrupt him and when I didn’t, he continued quickly. “Listen, we’ve got some murders happening around town that aren’t exactly our kind of thing. It’s probably not your kind of thing either, but I was wondering if you could take a look at the bodies and point us in the right direction.”

  This sounded interesting, and it might give me a chance to try a few new spells I had been working on to contact the recently departed, but if it wasn’t a demon thing, I didn’t know how much help I could actually be. “So, it’s not demon related?”

  “Not as far as I can tell.”

  Benny sounded as if he was bracing for a rejection. That wasn’t a big surprise really with how far off the rails I had been for the last six months. Anything he would have asked me for during that time was bound to earn him a round of violent swearing and a disconnected call. This time, things would be different.

  “I’ve still got a few things to wrap up tonight, but I’m sure I’ll be able to make it down sometime tomorrow. I’ll call to let you know when.”

  “Thanks, Bozz, I owe you one.”

  “You sure do.”

  Benny let out a few choice curses, and then the line went dead. He’d been able to hold that favor I owed him over my head for a long time. Luckily for him, I was bound to screw up and need help sooner rather than later, so he wouldn’t be on the hook for long. Plus, Benny was kind of doing me a favor.


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