Alexei's Passionate Revenge

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by Helen Bianchin


  Natalya Montgomery thought she was over Alexei Delandros, but working with him again rekindles old feelings and promises of the intense ardor they once shared. But if Natalya once held Alexei’s heart, now she only holds his contempt...

  For revenge!

  Natalya’s love almost destroyed Alexei; their lust blinded him to the truth about her. But the formidable Greek won’t be fooled again! Natalya will pay for her betrayal in the most passionate way Alexei knows, and his vengeance will be all the more sweet...

  Alexei lowered his head and brushed his mouth against Natalya’s, felt the slight tremble of her lips and parted them, tasting the sweetness of her mouth with the erotic slide of his tongue, sensed her hesitation and teased her into compliance, absorbed her faint sigh and went in deep.

  Revenge—did this feel like revenge?

  Not in any sense. As his mouth closed over hers, the edge of his tongue sought to breach the tight seam of her lips—and won, her resistance fading as she fought against desire.

  “Let me go, Alexei. We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Why? You’re enjoying this as much as I am.”

  Natalya pulled away from him and Alexei let her go, despite wanting to pull her back into the strength of his arms. The kiss had stirred feelings in him he’d long tried to forget. Feelings only Natalya could ever evoke.

  “You think I’m willing to just scratch an itch with you, Alexei? Not going to happen.”


  “No, and if you think so you misjudge me,” she replied before turning away from him, but not before noticing how his eyes darkened and became almost black.

  “As do you,” he assured her far too quietly.

  Helen Bianchin was born in New Zealand and traveled to Australia before marrying her Italian-born husband. After three years they moved, returned to New Zealand with their daughter, had two sons, then resettled in Australia.

  Encouraged by friends to recount anecdotes of her years as a tobacco-share farmer’s wife living in an Italian community, Helen began setting words on paper, and her first novel was published in 1975.

  Currently Helen resides in Queensland, and her three children are now married with children of their own. An animal lover, Helen says her two beautiful Birman cats regard her study as much theirs as hers, choosing to leap onto her desk every afternoon to sit upright between the computer monitor and keyboard as a reminder they need to be right now!

  Books by Helen Bianchin

  Harlequin Presents

  Alessandro’s Prize

  Public Marriage, Private Secrets

  The Andreou Marriage Arrangement

  Bride, Bought and Paid For

  The Italian’s Ruthless Marriage Command


  Purchased: His Perfect Wife

  The Martinez Marriage Revenge

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  Alexei’s Passionate Revenge

  For my daughter, Lucia, with all my love.




















  ‘GIVE ME A few minutes, then send her in.’

  Alexei ended the call, slid the smartphone into the inside pocket of his jacket and stood in reflective silence as he studied the scene beyond the tinted plate-glass window.

  Viewed from a high floor in an inner city office building, it appeared picture-postcard perfect with sparkling blue harbour waters against a backdrop of partially dark shrub-covered rock face showcasing glimpses of expensive real estate.

  Sydney. The iconic Opera House, the expansive harbour bridge.

  A large cosmopolitan city he’d departed beneath a deliberately fabricated cloud.

  A city he’d vowed to return to in vastly different circumstances.

  Which he had.

  With a plan.

  One which covered all the bases, and every possible contingency.

  Five years ago he’d stood in this office space, denounced and discredited by Roman Montgomery, the owner of Montgomery Electronics, for daring to conduct a covert affair with Roman’s daughter, Natalya.

  A young woman who had enjoyed a life of wealth and privilege since birth. Intelligent, having graduated from university with an MBA degree with honours...savvy, and employed as her father’s PA.

  A life in which a thirty-year-old American nobody of Greek origin could never be a contender. As an added insult, Roman Montgomery had laughed at Alexei’s expressed honourable intentions, written out a cheque in lieu of notice and issued an immediate dismissal, adding the rider Natalya had merely been amusing herself with a temporary fling. What followed became an orchestrated farce as Alexei’s calls, emails and texts to Natalya were ignored, and within a matter of hours he discovered all her contact numbers had changed to an unlisted category.

  Security guards posted in the main lobby of her apartment building ensured Alexei was denied access, and a determined attempt to reach her involving mild force resulted in a Restraining Order issued against him.

  Which Alexei his folly.

  The appearance of two police officers at his apartment with an arrest warrant provided a sobering experience at best. Invoking his right to legal representation ensured Alexei’s incarceration was brief.

  The desire to vent at what he perceived to be an injustice had been a harsh soul-destructive session with a punching bag at a local gym. He could still recall the cautionary shout from a fellow member nearby...‘Hey, man, you aiming to kill that thing?’...resulting in one final vicious hit before he steadied the bag, tore off his boxing gloves, then turned and strode towards the changing rooms without so much as a word.

  ‘Better a punching bag than Roman Montgomery’s jaw,’ he muttered beneath his breath as he stood beneath a hot shower to dispense the sweat from his body before switching the dial to cold in a bid to cool off physically, mentally and emotionally.

  Within a matter of days Alexei had boarded a flight to New York, reconnected with his widowed mother, his two brothers in Washington and worked every waking hour, prepared to do anything within the bounds of the law—and a few that hovered on the fringes—in order to establish the foundation of an empire to rival others in the world of electronics.

  And he had, exceeding his own expectations, aided by a new invention embraced worldwide that had elevated him to billionaire status.

  During the past five years success and wealth had provided Alexei with much. Real estate in several countries, including a Paris apartment, a vineyard nestled on the slopes of northern Italy, an apartment in Washington, a Santorini villa inherited from his paternal grandfather.

>   Women? He’d bedded his share...a selected few of whom he continued to regard with affection. Yet not one of them had captured and held his heart.

  While innate ruthlessness had ensured Alexei gained control of Montgomery Electronics, Roman Montgomery’s daughter fitted another category entirely.

  Five years of planning, negotiating, dealing, had been with one goal in mind. To make Montgomery Electronics his own via the Australian arm of his global ADE Conglomerate.

  No money had been spared in implementing state-of-the-art equipment at the electronics plant situated at one of Sydney’s industrial sites, together with complete refurbishment of downtown city offices previously leased to Montgomery Electronics.

  The media had featured the coup, speculated on the new owner’s identity, and relayed Roman Montgomery’s failing health, financial mismanagement and the global recession as the reason for sending Montgomery Electronics to the wall.

  CVs and performance reports of existing employees had been examined, decisions made, with employment contracts prepared...currently in the process of being offered by Marc Adamson, Alexei’s legal advisor, to selected employees for signature.

  Among whom was Roman Montgomery’s daughter, Natalya.

  An act of vengeance?

  Against Natalya’s father? Without doubt.


  The decision was personal.

  Make that very personal.


  THE MEETING WITH the new company’s CEO was a mere formality, Natalya assured herself as she left Marc Adamson’s office and made her way along a wide corridor with strategically placed alcoves featuring magnificent floral displays on glass-topped stands. Professional renovations, individual reception areas bearing luxe new carpeting, expensive leather seating, artwork gracing the walls.

  A major upgrade from the old-school style her father had favoured.

  A faint smile curved her generous mouth. New owner, new vibe.

  From a personal perspective, there was a sense of satisfaction in having been offered the position as the new company owner’s PA. The plus aspect being a very satisfactory salary package.

  It would be interesting to discover how many office staff employed by her father had been retained.

  As yet the new owner’s identity hadn’t been disclosed, with one media-projected rumour referring to an American-based billionaire.

  If correct, she mentally sketched him as being over fifty, maybe older, with access to inherited family money. Of average height, possibly bearing a paunch, together with thinning hair or a toupee.

  A new broom sweeping clean...or perhaps a figurehead content to delegate and spend time schmoozing at various functions with the city’s social elite?

  Whatever...first impressions were key, and she tamped down the faint onset of nerves as she approached the CEO’s executive area.

  ‘We’re not fully operational until Monday. Just knock on the door and walk right in,’ Marc Adamson had instructed.

  Okay, no problem.

  She had a signed contract as proof the position was hers. All she had to do was smile, be professional and relax.

  What could possibly go wrong?

  Natalya curled fingers into her palm, rapped a firm double knock against the open heavily panelled door and entered a spacious office containing high quality furniture, floor-to-ceiling bookcases along one wall.

  A quick glance revealed a wide custom-made desk bearing a laptop, various electronic devices, in front of which there were four single studded leather chairs spread out in a spacious semi-circle.

  Within scant seconds it made a statement—wealth, excellent taste and power.

  It was then she registered the tall broad-shouldered male frame silhouetted against a wall of reinforced plate-glass, affording an angled glimpse of strong features, a firm jawline, dark groomed hair.

  A corporate wolf in his mid to late thirties clothed in black designer jeans, open-necked white shirt and a black soft leather jacket was vastly different from her preconceived image of the new company CEO.

  A swift unbidden curl of sensation deep within surprised her, and was immediately discounted as a ridiculous flight of imagination.

  Alexei held the advantage, one he used without compunction as he slowly turned to face the young woman who’d once shared a part of his life.

  Dark almost black eyes regarded her steadily...waiting for the moment recognition hit.

  As it did within a few fleeting seconds, and Alexei took pleasure in witnessing the faint widening of her eyes, the way her mouth parted, the quick swallow as if a sudden lump had risen in her throat as she visibly fought to school her expression into a polite mask.

  Alexei? Here?

  Coherent words momentarily failed her big-time, as she struggled to control the feeling she’d been hit by a forceful, if metaphorical, punch in the solar plexus.

  Breathe, she bade herself silently as emotions rose to the surface, a gamut almost defying description, for how often had she attempted to cast aside images from their shared past?

  Too many times to count.

  Nights, on the edge of sleep, were the worst.

  For it was then the memories returned to haunt her...the way his smile affected each and every pulse in her body; the gentle trail of his fingers down her cheek to trace her soft trembling lips. His mouth savouring her own, teasing, tasting, as he drove her wild with wanting more. The heat in his dark gleaming eyes a prelude to mind-blowing intimacy.

  Five years on there was no warmth apparent in his demeanour, just an inflexibility that sent a chill scudding down her spine.

  What did you expect...a romantic reunion?


  After five years... Are you insane?

  From a time when she’d been able to accurately define his every expression, now she felt as if she’d been flung into a maelstrom of wild conjecture where nothing made any sense as he allowed the ensuing seconds to weigh heavily in the electrified air permeating the room.

  Her mind reeled with unvoiced questions. Initially, his motive to buy out the firm formerly owned by her father?

  Rapidly followed could Alexei Delandros have accumulated so much wealth in the space of five years?

  Groomed designer stubble shadowed his jaw, adding an edgy quality, and there was a hardness apparent which didn’t equate with the man she’d once known...and loved.

  Natalya kept her eyes fixed on his in a determined effort not to escape his steady gaze. An act of defiance...or a mix of self-preservation and stubborn pride?

  Both, she conceded.

  Alexei took a degree of dispassionate interest as he examined Natalya’s slender curves, narrow waist, slim hips, showcased in a black tailored business suit, with killer heels emphasising toned legs encased in sheer hose.

  Subtle use of cosmetics enhanced her delicately boned face, emphasising expressive dark eyes and generously curved mouth.

  The length of brunette hair styled into a sleek chignon made his fingers itch to free the pins to allow the thick waves to frame her face.

  Professional cool...successfully achieved, Alexei admitted.

  Absent was the vibrant, fun-loving girl who’d once embraced the world and all it had to offer. The sweet curve of her mouth parting in a laughing smile...eyes sparkling with teasing humour. The touch of her mouth on his own, magical, incredibly sensual as passion transcended to intimacy.

  Alexei lifted one dark eyebrow in a gesture of musing cynicism. ‘Nothing to say, Natalya?’

  Where would you like me to begin? presented a tempting start.

  Instead, she cut straight to the point. ‘If this is some kind of sick game,’ she offered with controlled calm, ‘I refuse to be a part of it.’

  He’d expec
ted no less of her, given his deliberate act to conceal the new owner’s identity from the media.

  He inclined his head in silent mockery, enlightening, ‘I prefer...a calculated strategy.’

  Any sense of calm was discarded as anger rose to the surface, almost robbing her of speech as she fought the desire to slap his face hard.

  ‘What else from a man such as you?’

  Dark eyes speared her own. ‘You have no knowledge of the man I’ve become.’

  So very different from the Alexei she’d once known as memories flashed through her mind...hauntingly real for a few heart-stopping seconds as she recalled her body beneath his...supple, avid, in a manner that drove her wild.

  For him, only him.

  Dear God in heaven...stop.

  Reflection in any form was a madness she could ill afford.

  Almost as if he knew the passage of her thoughts he indicated the nest of chairs framing the front of his desk. ‘Take a seat.’

  Natalya spared him a dark glare, which had no effect whatsoever. ‘I prefer to stand.’

  He merely inclined his head...and waited.

  An action which ramped her animosity up a notch, and her eyes speared his as she sought a measure of calm. ‘The employment contract your henchman presented for my signature bears no mention of your name.’

  ‘Henchman, Natalya?’ The query held a vague musing quality. ‘Marc Adamson is ADE’s legal consultant.’ He eased his lengthy frame against the edge of his desk as he spelled it out. ‘Alexei Delandros Electronics.’

  ‘Very cleverly disguised in the contract I signed,’ she accused as she reached into her satchel, removed the folded document, ripped it in half, then tossed the pages onto his desk, quietly pleased when a few of the torn pieces fluttered onto the carpet.

  She wanted to hurt him, as she had been hurt by his abrupt disappearance from her life. Days when she could barely function. Nights where sleep eluded her until the early dawn hours.

  Weeks, dammit, spent examining every possible reason he could have left without a word.


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