The Lost Queen (Complete Series)

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The Lost Queen (Complete Series) Page 10

by Angel Lawson

  “Meet me at my place first—we’ll get glammed up.”

  “For a shitty bar?”

  Gail, the same waitress we had the last time, approached the table with a coffee pot. As she refilled our cups, I noticed the red-stoned ring on her finger and said, “That’s a beautiful ring.”


  “Let me see,” Grace demanded. I waited for Gail’s reaction—some sort of retort to the rude way she’d been spoken to, but it never came. The waitress gave her a brief, hard look but offered her hand anyway. Grace fingered the silver ring and said, “That is pretty. It would look really nice on you, Nadya.”

  “What?” I frowned.

  “Don’t you think that ring would look amazing on Nadya?” she asked Gail. I watched, mesmerized as the waitress put down the coffee pot and slipped the ring off her finger.

  “She’s right. It would look great on you.”

  “What?” I asked again. “No. I don’t want your ring.”

  “Take it. I don’t even like it.”

  “See? She doesn’t like it. Nadya, you should take it.”

  Gail placed the ring on the table and the red stone glinted in the hazy diner lights. I found myself distracted by the noises of the diner. The way plates clinked together and muffled voices reverberated around the room. With a final shrug she left with the half-filled coffee pot and disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Uh, what the hell was that?” I stared at the ring on the table. “Why did she do that?”

  Grace slid it across the flat surface with a finger until it was right next to my plate, her hazel eyes boring into mine. Her voice sounded far away. “Take it.”

  Ridiculous, I thought. I would give it back. But I watched myself, as though separated from my body, pick up the ring and slide it down my pointer finger. It fit perfectly.

  “So tomorrow night?” she prompted.

  The fog lifted and my eyes snapped up, meeting Grace’s. She smiled eagerly, waiting to hear my reply. I grinned in return and said, “Your house. 7:00.”

  Chapter 19


  “Unannounced visit?” Colin asked, as I arrived at the outskirts of Fiona’s kingdom. He was a Guard, too. We’d even trained together. He’d worked his way up through the royal ranks to serve as head Guard. I was bound to my own path. Just as in our life directions, Colin and I looked as different as night and day. His uniform reflected common Otherworld garb. Made primarily of leather and other animal skins, it served functionally enough. A metal helmet covered his head and a long bronze sword hung from his belt. Guns and other human weapons were forbidden in Otherworld.

  “I doubt this is a surprise,” I said, allowing myself to be checked for weapons. I handed over my daggers and knife. “She’ll see me.”

  Fiona and I have a long history, and she’s never refused my entry. Sure enough, as we entered Solar’s palace, a grand structure made of dark stones bound together with massive amounts of gold and bronze, no one stopped my passage. That visit the other day was just the beginning of a conversation between Fiona and me. I hoped to finish it today.

  I followed the guards down the long hallway toward Fiona’s chambers. We passed the throne room, empty of any of her followers. No chance she’d see me in a public court. I doubted they were aware of all the recent developments. Nadya’s awakening had the potential to change everything for Otherworld. Hence Fiona’s increasing fear.

  We approached the doors of her chamber, large and heavy with rare metals. An escort walked me through the doorway and to the small sitting area adjacent to Fiona’s rooms. I passed double doors, swung open wide to reveal a muscular man asleep in the sheets.

  She lounged on a chaise while a servant ran a wide-toothed, onyx comb through her golden hair. The scene was a picture of opulence. Sheer entitlement, but unlike the human world the Sidhe didn’t evolve very much. Without modern invention the kingdoms were able to keep things at a slow pace. It suited their needs and people were generally happy and fearful of change. None of them understood my ability to move with ease from one world to the other. It didn’t matter how I felt about it. It was my job.

  I stood in front of a velvet covered chair, but she beckoned me to the chaise. I did as she asked—it was her kingdom after all—and waited as the servant placed a sparkling platinum crown on her head. Fiona waved her off and we were alone.

  “Liam,” she said, spreading the folds of her purple gown. The neckline plunged, revealing her voluptuous figure. As the queen of riches from the earth, she existed in a realm of gluttony. Food and wine flourished. Parties and feasts were a common occurrence. She traded in the precious metals other kingdoms needed to make weapons and charms. “How lovely of you to travel to see me, although I can’t say that I’m surprised. I figured you’d find your way here after our last visit.”

  “Thank you for allowing me entry.”

  “You are welcome to come home any time you choose. You know that.”

  The pleasantries were ridiculous. Neither of us were fond of one another, not especially. Fondness wasn’t required though for all relationships. Other aspects came into play. Aspects that were not only common in the Sidhe world but encouraged. As if she read my mind, Fiona ran her sliver flecked fingernails over her collar bone and down the gold edging of her neckline. I set my eyes on her face and not to the creamy skin of her neck and chest. “It’s my turn to ask, why are you here, Liam?” She craned her neck and peered behind me. “Did you bring me a present?”

  “If you’re suggesting I brought Nadya to your doorstep, then you do not know me as well as you think you do.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t. Your loyalty is your finest virtue. Which is why I know that despite our differences you’ll always be steadfast to me and my kingdom.”

  I nodded, unable to argue. I would always be faithful to the kingdom and the Queen of this part of Otherworld. That was what made Fiona so nervous. “I need to know who and how fae are transporting between worlds without approval. There is a defect in the system and I fear I cannot protect either world fully until the portal is secure.”

  “Eleanor pushed her soldiers through without warning or permission, correct?”

  “Yes, but an assault is an entirely different situation. That was a complete breach of our system. We’ve repaired the damage and established new wards. These recent crossings were made by individuals.”

  “Eleanor rules under darkness, Liam. Think outside of your strict Guardian mindset. There are many dark fae that are willing to break rules, especially if the groundwork was already laid.”

  Fiona couldn’t come out and tell me what I needed to know. Where was the fun in that? But I considered the information. The invasion may have been about more than taking over the portal. It may have been a bold attempt to poke holes in our system. Eleanor knew she couldn’t beat the Guard in a battle but she could establish chinks in our armor.

  Lost in thought, I didn’t realize Fiona had moved closer until her hand moved to my thigh and I froze. “I’ve missed you. You’re spending too much time there and not enough in the kingdom.”

  “I’m only doing my job, Your Highness.”

  She leaned back but left her hand on top of my leg. Her fingers stroked the fabric of my pants. “Once upon a time, you considered my pleasure part of your duty and made your visits a priority.”

  “That was many years ago, Fiona, and you’re the one that sent me to my post.”

  “It’s not my fault you’re the best choice to guard the portal.”

  “And Nadya.”

  “Yes, and Nadya.” I said her name with intent, but it didn’t keep Fiona from tracing a finger down the back of my neck. I struggled to keep my eyes level with hers. The minute I entered her quarters I gave up any semblance of an upper hand. With her so close I could easily smell the waft of familiar sweetness that tempted my senses. I took a deep breath. Facing Fiona alone was a struggle for any male. If you’d tasted her, even once, she was hard to resist. Manipulation c
ame in many flavors. Fiona excelled in them all. “Tell me, how powerful will she be?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She applied pressure with her nails, slicing into the skin beneath my collar. “Give me a guess. Just for fun.”

  “Very powerful—her gifts will rival your own.”

  I expected a violent reaction. All Fiona did was lean over and moved to brush her lips against mine. Sweet heat rose between us—compelling, but I turned my head and her lips landed on my cheek. In the past I would have fallen for such tricks. Now, with Nadya’s power mingling with my own, the Queen’s manipulation didn’t go further than the surface. She pulled back and frowned. “You have until Beltane to bring her to me.”

  “That’s two weeks away.”

  “Bring her to me or I will go get her myself,” she said with authority. I knew there would be no further negotiations.

  I stood and said, “Thank you for your insights on the portal. I will look into the matter of darkfFae immediately.”

  Fiona beckoned me and I leaned close. She wrapped her hands around the front of my shirt. “Protect her at all costs,” she said. “Close the gaps in the portal. Take whatever you need. I will not lose her to Eleanor.”

  “Nadya will be safe,” I replied, resisting the urge to strike her down. Fiona was strong but with the bond flowing in my veins it was possible I was stronger. She didn’t need to know that. The timing wasn’t right. Not yet.

  Chapter 20


  The house was small and dark. Halfway covered in vines. The bottom step to the porch sagged and the screen door had a rip down the middle. Not keeping many flies out that way. Grace waited just inside the foyer with a giddy smile. Warm yellow light spilled out behind her.

  “You made it!”

  “You know, I’ve passed this place a thousand times and never noticed it before. Uh, wow.”

  I had stepped through the threshold and stopped short. Everything about the house was perfect. Everything. From the furnishings to the decorations. Even the way it smelled. I felt like I’d stepped into an issue of Martha Stewart Living. Vintage wallpaper hung on the walls and beautiful, shiny, hardwoods lined the floor. I glanced back, out into the overgrown yard.

  “The yard is a mess, right?”

  “Uh yeah, but this?” I spread my arms wide. “This is beautiful. Did you decorate it yourself?”

  “I added some touches but I really lucked out. The former owner was some sort of decorating genius.”

  “For real.”

  She shut the door. “Come on. Let’s get ready. I can’t wait to hit the town.”

  The word town felt like an overstatement for how small Waukegan seemed at times. Maybe it was just how small my world had always been—although I could no longer claim that. Sure, things still appeared small here, but according to Liam and the other Guards there was an entire other universe on the other side of the portal.

  “Oh, I just got the best lotion.” She thrusts a bottle into my hands. The lotion shimmered and smelled almost edible. I spread a little over my arms. Grace took the bottle back and poured out a generous handful. “More than that girl, don’t be shy.”

  I felt her hands on my back, slathering the lotion down the skin exposed by my black dress. I’d pulled my hair up, in a bundle perched like a horse’s tail, long tendrils down by my ears. “Just so you know,” I told her. “I’m not very popular among the men of this town.”

  She gave me skeptical look. “You’ve got the one guy, right?”

  “Yeah, but before him, nothing. They think I’m a freak.”

  “Whatever. They’re probably intimidated.”

  I laughed. “Intimidated. Good one.”

  She stood before me and looked me up and down. I wore no jewelry other than the necklace from my mother and the ring on my finger. The dress was tight but not slutty, I don’t do slutty, but it showed enough to count as “glammed up.”

  “You need better shoes.”

  I glanced down at my comfortable shoes. “I don’t like my feet to hurt.”

  Grace turned and stepped into her closet. I heard the sounds of her rummaging through what sounded like a mountain of clothing, and she reappeared holding up a pair of wicked boots with spiked heels and a long zipper that landed in the inseam of my thigh.

  “No way.”

  “They’re the most comfortable shoes ever. I promise. Try them and see.”

  To prove her wrong I tried them. The leather was soft and supple, the sole cushy like a pillow. I stood, like an amazon, five inches higher and said, “Okay, where did you get these? Because normal shoes do not feel like this.”

  “I keep telling you to trust me. When are you going to believe me?”

  My face heated from the pleasant rebuke. There was truth in her words. I don’t trust anyone, which could be why I was twenty years old and had no friends. I took a bold, balanced step forward and declared, “Starting now.”

  Grace led me through the crowd of people, pushing to the middle of the dance floor. I followed her blonde hair that blazed like a torch.

  “I don’t dance,” I shouted over the thumping music. How had she even found this place? Again, when we arrived at the basement level club, entering past a bouncer, I felt like she knew my city better than I did.

  “Of course you do.” She twirled around and my feet, despite a million reservations, moved to the beat. Grace clapped and laughed. “See?”

  “You’re crazy,” I said, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Her every movement, every look, was filled with fun and energy. She was everything I’d never been. Everything, I considered, that with my new life, I could definitely become.

  “Nadya,” she called, coming closer, so close we were almost touching. So close that hunger I’d been repressing roared in my belly. She smelled delicious, like the strawberry gloss I watched her coat across her lips. She’d given me my own blend, honey, she said. I ran my tongue over my lips to recall the flavor.

  I wondered if I tasted her, would that energy rush through my veins like it did with Liam.


  “Let’s set this place on fire.”

  I had no idea what that meant but the words sounded like music rolling off her tongue. Her fingers ran down my bare arms and the skin ignited with heat. She placed my hands on her shoulders and said, “Feel me.”

  I did what she did, running my hands down her arms, feeling the slick coating of lotion that sparked. An image flashed in my brain, Grace kneeling before a gorgeous black-haired woman. Long, red, aggravated welts traveled the length of Grace’s back.

  “Holy crap,” I muttered, trying to focus. It was futile as in front of me Grace’s skin began to glow, warm and soft. She looked like glitter that had come alive. “You’re shimmering.”

  “You too, sweetie.”

  I spun around and trails of light followed me. I too was aglow. A quick look at the crowd told me they could see it, too. They wanted to touch it. Touch me.

  I wanted to touch them.


  “Take whoever you want,” Grace whispered. She danced in a loop, across the floor from where I stood, but her voice tickled my ear. I looked into the crowd and spotted him. Dark spiky hair. Shadowy eyes. Hot. Very, very hot. He knows it, which makes his essence even more delectable. “He’s perfect.”

  I lifted my finger and beckoned him to me.

  Chapter 21


  The scene in front of me could only be called a massacre. Or at the very least a rave gone terribly, terribly wrong (or would it be right?). I made my way over the discarded bodies, each in a glassy-eyed stupor. Even in their current immobilized state they should be happy enough.

  “Fan out,” I called.

  “Someone had a good time.” Daniel said, picked his way through the carnage.

  Brayden checked the vital signs of each human. “Everyone is alive—just drained.”

  “What kind of Sidhe goes on a feeding frenzy like this?” Da
niel asked. “It looks like the spring feast of 1487. But that was the result of an entire village.” He ran his finger across a man’s neck and held it up. Glitter reflected off the tip. “I get the feeling this was maybe one or two Sidhe; this substance is on every person.”

  Upon my return Daniel had tracked an unusual blip of magic to this section of the city. We combed the streets until Brayden suggested we look in the basement level club. Bingo.

  “I agree.” I stepped over two women huddled together, both with blissed out smiles on their faces. One blinked and I lifted her chin, tilting it toward me. I grinned pleasantly. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” she slurred, eyes attempting to focus. “You’re pretty.”

  “Thank you. Do you remember who did this?”

  “It’s a little blurry.”

  “I’m sure it is.” I stroked her cheek and her eyes perked up a little. “Men or women?”

  “Women, so pretty. Like you.”

  “Anything else?”

  “They tasted so good.” She licked her lips. “Like strawberries and honey.”

  Her eyes lolled to the side and she fell asleep. I stood and met Daniel and Brayden in the middle of the dance floor. “They’ll have a hell of a hangover tomorrow.”

  “Who—these people or the Sidhe?”

  “Both,” I said, grinding my jaw. The scene before us was not how we operated. Not how we fed and lived among the humans. It was risky and dangerous. A betrayal to our kind. “But for the Sidhe it will feel like nothing compared to the justice I will serve.”

  “Should I contact Colleen?” Bradyen asked.

  I nodded. Nerves twisted in my stomach—a type of worry I’d never experienced before. “Update her and make sure Nadya is safe. We’ve got a rogue fae running around here. I can’t assume there isn’t a connection.”

  Chapter 22


  “Nadya, run!” Grace called through the hazy light and I raced toward it. The spiked heel of my boot caught on something and I looked down. I squinted, trying to figure out what it was. A leg? A foot? Who did they belong to? Her voice, urgent, cut through my confusion. “Come on!”


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