The Lost Queen (Complete Series)

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The Lost Queen (Complete Series) Page 22

by Angel Lawson


  “How is he?” I asked the moment dinner was over. My guests had retired to their own quarters. The journey back to their own kingdoms was too far to go at this time of night. They would leave in the morning.

  “No change,” Mrs. Graves said.

  “I have one last idea.” I’d already walked away, headed in the direction of Grace’s room. She sat on her bed reading a book. The security bracelets were visible on her wrists. “Tell me you didn’t poison Liam.”

  “He was poisoned? What happened?” she asked, obviously out of the loop. “And no, Gods, no, I didn’t poison him. The last person I want to think I wanted him dead is Liam Caldwell.”

  She had a point.

  “I scratched him and something in the nail polish must have been charmed or poisoned. He’s unconscious. Do you know how to help him?” I knew she had a gift in this type of spell work.

  “There are several antidotes to this type of infection. Can you direct me to the apothecary? I may be able to work something up.”

  Apothecary? Of course this place had its own pharmacy. I nodded and took her to the hallway where I found a guard. “Escort her to the apothecary and give her anything she needs.”

  “Your Highness, are you sure that’s wise?

  “Did you just question me?” I snapped. I was on the verge of really snapping big time. Exhausted and worn out from the meeting with two conniving queens and poisoning the man I loved—the man who’d possibly betrayed me. “Take her to the apothecary.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  They went the opposite way and I managed to find my way back to Liam’s quarters without any assistance. He was surrounded by a group of people. Healers and guards. Colleen had returned and Brayden stood vigil. Standing over him I said, “Everyone leave. Please.”

  “Are you sure—“ Someone had the gall to ask.

  “Yes!” I shouted. “I’m sure. Positive. Absolutely.” I took a moment to look every person in the eye while inhaling deeply. Several paled in fear. Others returned my look with confidence. “You’ve asked me to stand up for you all and take the title of your Lost Queen. I’ve left my home. I’ve met with the opposition. I’ve possibly lost the very soul that binds me to the universe. I have done everything you’ve asked of me yet when I ask something of you, all I get in return are objections and questions.” I paused and lowered my voice. “From now on you will do as I ask, the first time.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  I addressed the healers. “Go to the apothecary. I sent a girl down there to work on an antidote. Assist her.” The women nodded and scurried out of the room. “Everyone else, leave.”

  Once they were gone, I approached Liam. They’d left him on the bed shirtless and with no bandage covering his wound. Blood wasn’t flowing, but the scratch marks hadn’t scabbed over either. It was obvious that the injury was magical and that only magic would solve it. I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t heal him. I sat down on his mattress, fighting the skirt of the dress to get as close to him as possible.

  “I can’t believe you’re missing me in this dress,” I said. “You’re probably the only one who would truly appreciate it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful, but I’d rather be in a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt.”

  He lay silently, lost somewhere beyond consciousness. Tears sprang to my eyes and I wiped them away. “I’m so sorry. I was mad. So mad. And scared. Really, really scared. The idea of you betraying me—it’s something I’ve carried since we met. It’s a fear I’ve allowed to fester even when you’ve shown me time and time again that you’ve got my back.” I couldn’t hold back the sob anymore and let loose, resting my head on the side of his chest that wasn’t injured. “They want a truce, Liam. For three years. But how can I believe them? Look at what happened to you. I’m sure they’re behind it. And my mother and the attacks back home.”

  I sat and ran my hand down his arm and across his stomach, just in case he could feel me. “But what if I don’t take the offer and they attack? It could be worse for all of us. I don’t know what to do and I need you here to help me.”

  I pressed my lips to his. The normal rush of energy wasn’t there although there was a small thread that still connected us. The part that was missing left a hole in my chest. An ache. I missed him—that thing between us—and I would give anything to get it back. I kissed him again. All over his face and neck. I kissed him near his wound, using the tactics that have always worked in healing. Nothing worked.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said again, curling into his side, eyes closed. I whispered close to his ear, “I love you. I’ll do anything to get you back, I’ll fight for you. Promise.”


  The healers returned just before dawn. Grace followed them into the room, and it was clear from her disheveled hair and wrinkled clothing she hadn’t slept all night. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. “Anything?”

  “We tested the nail polish. It wasn’t poisoned.”

  “What? How can that be?”

  “I don’t know but we created a couple of potions. We’re going to try them, but I’m not optimistic,” Grace said.

  I moved away from the bed and watched as the healers applied various salves to the wound. We waited in the silent room, hoping for a miracle. It never came.

  “What do we do now?” I asked, Grace. “I can’t lose him.”

  “There’s one alternative, but you’re not going to like it.”

  “I’m willing to try anything.”

  She sighed, not hiding the wariness on her face. “Fiona may be able to help him.”

  “Then let’s get her! She’s in the castle.” I moved to the door, ready to wake her. Grace grabbed my arm and held me back.

  “Having Fiona save Liam puts you in a position of debt you may never be able to pay. Consider this carefully.”

  “His life is worth any debt,” I argued. “I can’t let him remain like this or die because of their petty politics.”

  “They aren’t petty. I don’t know what happened in your meeting tonight, but they surely are working out the angles to gain the upper hand. You can’t trust them.”

  “They want a truce! They’re working with us. Maybe they appreciate my power. It’s possible they fear me.” Even as I said the words, I believed them. I was powerful. More and more so every day.

  “Oh they fear you, alright, but not in a way that gives you power in this situation. I can’t predict their next move but you must be careful.” She looked at Liam, pale and lifeless on the bed. “Sacrificing Liam may be the only way to handle this.”

  Did she just suggest I sacrifice Liam for the kingdom? She did, and the result was a burning rage that bubbled hot and swift. It’s the same feeling I had when I confronted everyone the night before. I had no control over it and wasn’t sure I wanted to have any. “How dare you suggest I sacrifice Liam, the one I am bonded to, because of some feud in a land I’ve been in for less than a week. I don’t know any of you, but I do know him. I know his heart. I know that my own fears created this situation in the first place. I’ve betrayed him once. I will not do it again.”

  I rushed past her with a wave of my hand and to both of our surprise she flew backward against the wall, landing hard. She gasped and held her stomach in pain. I spread my hands and felt the tingle of energy.

  “How?” I asked, making no move to help her. “How did I do that?”

  “This place is changing you.” She grimaced and picked herself off the floor. “You know it. You can feel it. I can, too.”

  A guard stood just outside the door and I called him in. “Take her back to her room. Make sure the bracelets are secure.”

  He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in the direction of her room. She looked back and cried, “Nadya! Don’t do this.”

  “I have no choice,” I said, walking toward the guest quarters. The halls were quiet, no servants wandering around. It was still early and as much as I didn’t want to wake Fiona, like I’d ju
st told Grace, there was little choice.

  I entered her rooms and found her aide awake in the parlor. “I need to see Fiona. It’s important.”

  She didn’t argue. She didn’t say anything. Maybe word had gotten around that I had lost all patience. She disappeared to the darkened bedroom and I heard soft talking and finally they both emerged. Fiona wore long, flowing lingerie. The fabric was sheer and thin, revealing much of her body. I tried to keep my eyes level, but she was a beautiful woman. A knowing smirk twisted on her lips.

  “This better be good,” she said, settling into the velvet chaise.

  “I apologize for waking you. This is an emergency.”

  She yawned, clearly only half interested. “What sort of emergency? You didn’t kill my sister did you? I suggested she sleep with a blade.”

  “What? No I didn’t kill Eleanor.” I sighed. “It’s about Liam.”

  “What about him?”

  “I just…I wasn’t completely honest about him last night.”

  His name roused her from her apathy. “How so?”

  “He’s injured. Somehow…I don’t know. I thought he’d been poisoned. But now…I can’t even explain what is going on, but the healers can’t do anything and he’s unconscious. He’s not responding in any way. I fear for his life.”

  “And you came here?”

  “I know you’re powerful with the use of spells and potions. Is there anything you can do to help him?” I swallowed and managed the following words, despite the bitter taste, “I know you’re close to him. I know he cares for you.”

  She stood abruptly and said to her aide, “Get my robe.”

  “You’ll come?”

  “Of course. Take me to him.” She wrapped the belt white velvet robe around her waist and once we left her rooms she said, “Tell me everything that has happened so far.”

  I lied. I told her Liam arrived back from his trip with the scratch on his chest, unable to communicate about what happened or who had hurt him. I didn’t tell her I did this to him—I couldn’t. She didn’t need any more reason not to trust me more than she already did.

  “I tried to heal him,” I said, unsure of how much she knew about the bond Liam and I shared. Could they heal one another, too? Or did they just share energy?

  “But it didn’t work?”

  “No. Nothing. The wound just continued to fester.”

  In his room, Fiona approached the bed, kneeling next to Liam’s head. She touched his red, irritated skin and carefully inspected the wound. Leaning forward she sniffed the injury and frowned. “You said you healed him before?”

  “Yes. Liam and I can, uh, heal one another?”

  “How do you normally perform this?”

  I assessed her face and found her expression sincere. Grace had made me paranoid. Everything about this place made me paranoid. “Usually it involves a level of intimacy.”

  “Of course,” she said, knowingly. Did she know? From personal experience? “And you tried these methods?”

  “Yes; he was unresponsive.”

  She turned back to Liam and investigated the wound further. I watched as she ran her hands down his arms until she reached his hands, studying his fingernails and lifted his eyelids. Fiona bent closer to inspect his pupils. Finally, to my horror she ran a finger over the oozing sore and licked the tip with her tongue.

  “Oh my god,” I said, holding back a gag. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re right, he’s been poisoned. But not by a potion. It’s venom.”

  “What? Like from an animal?” My mind spun, trying to grasp what she said.

  “These marks look like talons or claws. It must have been some kind of predator. The problem is that we don’t know exactly what attacked him and obviously he can’t tell us.”

  I swallowed. Venom. From my nails? I needed to tell her. I couldn’t. But what if it saved him? I struggled with the idea, fighting mentally. She approached me and took my hand roughly. Lifting my fingers under her nose she sniffed. With narrow, amused eyes she said, “You did this.”

  “By accident. I promise.”

  “I’m sure,” she said, looking between us.

  “You should have told me. I have an idea for a cure.”

  “What? What is it?”

  “Your blood.”

  I looked at this woman. This queen in her luxurious white velvet robe with gold embroidered trim. She was gorgeous, like a supermodel or a contestant from the Miss Inner-World Pageant, and she was telling me to use my blood to cure Liam from venom I infected him with. I needed to go home.

  Aware I struggled with the concept, she said, “I suspect the usual way you heal Liam isn’t strong enough to deal with the venom. The venom is in his blood stream, something that even your very powerful healing techniques may not be able to penetrate. I think if you inject him directly with your blood it may help cleanse his system.

  “Holy crap,” I said, shaking my head in wonder. “That almost makes sense.”

  “You’ll do it?”

  “Of course,” I said, turning to the guard and demanding that he get us the medical supplies from the healers. He was only gone for a moment and returned followed by Mrs. Graves, Colleen, Grace and the other healers. The room was suddenly packed with people, but I pushed their presence out, focusing on the antiquated looking syringe.

  “Let me,” Grace said, stepping forward. I exposed my arm and she picked up the syringe. Fiona stepped forward and ran her hand over my arm. The air shimmered over it and I felt a tingling sensation.

  “What did you do?” I asked, but I already knew. My arm felt numb and I closed my eyes when Grace pushed the needle into the soft flesh near the crook of my elbow. Due to whatever spell Fiona conjured, I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and along with the rest of the room, watched quietly as she extracted a full syringe of blood.

  “This should be enough,” Grace said, holding the syringe in the air. “Do you want me to do it?”

  “No. I can do it,” I said, thinking back to the time I had to give my diabetic cat shots. Not that it was the same but…well, I wanted to do this alone with Liam. I needed to be alone with him when he woke up. For my safety and his. “Do you all mind if we have some privacy?”

  Fiona’s eyes narrowed, just barely, but she turned abruptly and left the room first. I guess her work was done. Everyone else followed her lead, although Mrs. Graves lingered with deep lines of concern etched in her forehead. I noticed her tired eyes and said, “It’s going to be okay. I’ll fix this. I have to, you know that, right?”

  “I know,” she said, closing the door behind her.

  With the syringe clutched tight in my hand I approached the bed. Even in pain he was beautiful. Unearthly. I should have known all along he wasn’t human. How could he have ever been?

  “It’s just you and me,” I said, standing above him. “Like the time you almost bled to death in the airport and then healed right before my eyes.” Without another thought I held the syringe over his wound, whispered a quiet prayer and stabbed the needle into his chest. Nothing happened, not even a gasp, until I pushed the end, plunging the vial of blood into his body. The reaction was instant, blood snaking away from the wound. The anti-venom, my blood, boiled under his skin, leaving dark lines as it traveled through his body.

  I watched in silence. Jaw dropped, eyes wide. I didn’t breathe or move. I just watched the wound heal, skin knitting together, until his chest was perfect again.

  “Liam?” I asked. I took his hand and squeezed. His fingers returned the motion and I nearly squealed when his eyes popped open blue and burning. I leaned forward but he sat up, muscles taut, eyes pinned to mine. “I was so scared. I thought I’d lost—“

  Before I finished my thought he was off the bed and kissing me, hands cupped around my face. I plunged into him, his mind and thoughts, seeking his center. His self. I found all of that and more.

  Chapter 36


  The first thing I saw was Nadya. Her dark
hair and the smooth exposed skin of her shoulders. Even before I opened my eyes I felt her near me. I felt her in me, tiny heartbeats rushing through my veins. I had no memory of what happened, how I got here, but I only wanted one thing. Her.

  With a burst of energy I leapt from the bed and kissed her. Gods, she tasted so good. So perfect. I felt like a man taking his first breath—his first drink. Light sprang between us, buzzing with energy. I tugged at the straps of her dress, the beads snapping between my fingers. I glanced down and realized it was styled for the women in my world. “This is a sight to wake up to,” I said against her mouth, taking in the rest of her—the braids and eye decorations. Everything about her had the allure of Otherworld. Something I wasn’t sure I’d ever see her commit to. She looked beautiful. Royal.

  “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m better than okay.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded, pressing her mouth to my neck. A shiver ran down my back and I kissed her again, harder. She sank against the wall, dark hair against white plaster. Never have I wanted a woman so badly. The desire burned in my belly, hardened my body.

  “Everything is heightened,” I said. Her eyelashes looked a mile long. Her scent was overpowering—delicious. I wanted to taste her. “I feel so…”



  “I healed you.”

  I paused. Well, my mouth. My hands continued to roam, my brain was too distracted to recall my last memory. “You did? From what?”

  “A wound. In your chest. It was bad, Liam. I almost killed you.”

  “But you healed me.”

  “I did, but not in our usual way.”

  I didn’t exactly care. Nadya and I had saved one another from a dozen injuries at this point, but to be fair, I’d never felt like this afterward. I never felt like I had more energy than my body could contain. I mean, I’d considered something like this could happen, but only if we—


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