Moonlight Madness Part 1

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Moonlight Madness Part 1 Page 6

by Marilyn Lee

  He slowed the SUV and pulled it over to the side of the road. Moments later, another SUV stopped behind his. He and Vlad got out and waited. A tall male with heavily creamed skin with a hint of bronze and blue eyes alighted on the driver’s side. A tall, shapely female with skin the color of warm cocoa slid out on the passenger side, a welcoming smile on her pretty face.

  Aleksei stepped aside. The two newcomers rushed at Vlad. Aleksei watched as his three siblings clung to each other, kissing and hugging.

  Finally, Tatiana stood back, her head tilted to one side. “Vladimir, it’s been a long time. It’s so good to see you.”

  “Lord, Vlad, you get uglier every time I lay eyes on you,” Andrei said.

  Vlad laughed, his blue eyes alight with joy. “Drei, you ugly sucker!” His voice softened. “And Tat… you are more beautiful every time I see you.”

  She smiled and hugged him again. “It’s been too long since we were all together.”

  Aleksei joined them, throwing an arm around Tat and Drei’s shoulders.

  Tat’s gaze went to his right shoulder where Drei still perched. “And who is the handsome creature on your shoulder, Sei?”

  “He’s a Keddi, which is a living, sentient shifter.” He smiled, looking at Andrei. “His name is Drei.”

  Andrei laughed. “No wonder the little sucker is so handsome.”

  “Drei, this is Tatiana and Andrei, our brother and sister,” he told the Keddi.

  Drei flew through the air to hover in front of Tat. Pretty.

  She smiled, stroking a finger along his flank. “Hi, Drei.”

  Drei turned his attention to Andrei. Drei let use name also.

  Andrei grinned. “That’s mighty generous of you, Drei. I appreciate it.”

  Drei returned to Aleksei’s shoulder. “So. What brings you two out tonight?”

  “It’s been a long time since we were together.” Tat glanced at Vlad, who stood smiling at her. “We missed you both and decided it’s time we reevaluated our situation. There’s no purpose served in remaining separate from you two. If you can forgive us, we’re back,” she said.

  “You’re just in time,” Vlad said. “We are going to talk to the Brotherhood.”

  “The Brotherhood?” Tat raked a hand through her short hair. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “We… Vlad and I each have a son… they’re twins and having problems with the Brotherhood.”

  Aleksei watched Tat and Drei exchange looks. “How can you each have a son who is a twin?”

  “We don’t understand it, but it’s true.”

  Tat clasped her hands, her eyes shining. “Twins! I’m an aunt.”

  “Again,” Aleksei remained her. “Remember Mikhel’s son, Dimitri.”

  Tat nodded. “Yes, I know, but I have not yet got to know him or Serge… or Katie. How old are your boys?”


  “I can hardly wait to meet them. Are they vamps, human, or a combo?”

  “They are part vampire, part shifter.”

  She sighed, then her eyes blazed. “But you said they had trouble with the Brotherhood.”


  She looked at her twin before speaking. “Drei and I will follow.”

  Aleksei shook his head. The last time he had faced a powerful foe and allowed his younger siblings to accompany him, one of his younger brothers, Mikhel, had nearly paid with his life. “You know we appreciate you and Andrei coming, but Vlad and I can handle this.”

  “Undoubtedly, but Drei and I will come as well.”

  Vlad shook his head. “No, Tat. Really. The Brotherhood is no place for vampires who are not… hardened.”

  She tossed her head. “Don’t let the years Drei and I spent in the human world mislead you. We are still full-bloods able to do our part in protecting family interests. As Father used to say, we are family, no matter what. If someone threatens your sons, it’s the same as threatening us personally. With or without your approval, Drei and I are coming.”

  Aleksei looked at Andrei. His younger brother shrugged and smiled. “Her mind is made up… and so is mine, Sei.”

  Tat looked at him. “We’re wasting time, Sei.”

  He looked at Vlad. We can’t allow them to be hurt.

  We’ll protect them, Sei… even if we have to die doing it.

  He sighed. “Okay. So let’s do this.”

  Drei pressed close to his neck. Will help protect.

  Chapter Four

  Forty-five minutes later, they stopped outside a large gated mainline Philadelphia estate. Vlad, now in the driver seat, leaned out the open window and spoke into a microphone. “It’s Vladimir. Open the gates.”

  “Who is that with you?” a cool voice demanded.

  “My siblings. We’re here to see Vitali.”

  The gate slid open and they drove down a long, winding drive. Five minutes later, Vlad stopped in front of a huge three-story mansion. As the four of them mounted the wide steps, a tall vampire with bronze skin, salt and pepper hair, and dark eyes appeared at the top of the steps. Flanking him were several large vampires.

  “Vladimir, what brings you here?”

  “We need to talk, Vitali.”

  Vitali eyed him in silence for several moments. “I see you’ve brought your big brother.” He thrust his hand out to Aleksei. “For such a young vampire, you’ve managed to make quite a name for yourself, Madison. But then you have a powerful mentor.”

  Aleksei inclined his head slightly, but ignored Vitali’s hand. “Bourcaro.”

  After a moment, Vitali allowed his hand to drop to his side. He arched a brow at Vladimir. “And your other companions?”

  “This is Tatiana and Andrei Forester.”

  Vitali nodded briefly in Andrei’s direction before turning to look at Tat. Their gazes locked, he smiled, and extended his hand.

  After a brief hesitation, Aleksei watched Tat place her hand in his.

  “Tatiana, a lovely name and a lovelier woman. You take my breath away.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  Aleksei heard her catch a quick breath before she tugged at her hand and stepped away from him, her dark lashes sweeping down to hide the expression in her blue eyes.

  Andrei’s gaze narrowed. Aleksei, watching his younger brother, gave a small shake of his head. Bourcaro was not the vampire for Andrei to piss off… at least not yet.

  Vlad moved to stand in front of Tat. “This is my baby sister, Vitali. We came here to discuss Falcone and Diniti!”

  Vitali shrugged, his gaze still on Tat’s face, over Vlad’s shoulder. “You know that I don’t discuss Brotherhood business with outsiders, Vladimir.”

  Aleksei’s patience evaporated. “Then let’s speak frankly. Call Falcone off my son’s back or you can pick up his remains in the nearest dump!”

  Vitali turned to look at him, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t allow your rep to go to your head, Madison. No one comes into my home and threatens members of the Brotherhood. If you have a death wish, I will be more than happy to help you fulfill it.”

  Drei stiffened on his shoulder.

  It’s all right, Drei. Do not interfere.

  Won’t let hurt. Will protect father.

  Father can protect himself. Do not interfere. Understood?

  Yes… but if father hurt… will tear to pieces.

  Vlad flashed forward, staring into Vitali’s eyes. “Do not threaten him, Vitali. Call off Falcone and tell Diniti to stay the fuck away from my son and nephew or you’ll get more than you and the Brotherhood bargain for!”

  Vitali’s eyes glowed and he bared his incisors. “You want your ass whipped, you’ve come to the right place!”

  “Vitali! Vladimir has been our companion for some twenty years. Why not hear them out?”

  The speaker, a tall vampire with short, dark brown hair, dark eyes, and rather pale skin appeared at their side. He nodded at Aleksei. “I am Jacoby.”

  Aleksei sensed a well of immense power in the newcome
r. He suspected he looked upon a vampire powerful enough to do what rogue vampire Wilfredo Miguel Santiago had not been able to do… kill him. And yet he didn’t fear death. He didn’t embrace it, but he couldn’t imagine a more noble way to die than to do so protecting Acier’s interests. He thought of Dani and closed his eyes briefly, praying that Luc would look after her for the sake of the child she carried, which Luc considered his grandchild.

  Once again, he regretted allowing his siblings to accompany him into a situation from which none of them might emerge alive. As far as he knew, neither Tat nor Drei had ever bloodlusted. They were too young and too precious to die. For their sake, he decided now was not the time for this confrontation. If the situation allowed, he would walk away. If not… no one could expect to live forever -- not even a vampire.

  “I am Aleksei Madison,” he said coolly.

  Jacoby nodded. “You’re Luc’s boy.”

  “You know him?”

  Jacoby frowned. “We’ve never met… at least I don’t think we have and yet…” He broke off and turned to look at Vitali. “Diniti has been with us for a short time while Vladimir has been among us for some twenty years.”

  “But Vlad has never joined us, and Diniti has. And Falcone is one of us and has been far longer than Vlad has been amongst us.” Vitali’s nostrils flared. “And the last time I checked, Jacoby, I ran the Brotherhood. Don’t you have some pressing business with Sean and Lover you need to attend to?”

  Aleksei and his siblings remained silent, aware that they were watching a power play. Everyone who knew of the Brotherhood knew Vitali Bourcaro was in charge, while Jacoby was but one member. And yet…

  Jacoby looked at Vitali, his lips tightening. “I do have pressing business elsewhere, Vitali, but do not make the mistake of underestimating me. I am far older and far more powerful than you can imagine. It would be unfortunate for you if I had to prove the point. Rein in Diniti and call off Falcone.”


  “Or I will.”

  “You think you’re strong enough to wrest control of the Brotherhood from me, Jacoby?”

  “I have no desire to lead the Brotherhood, but do not make the mistake of thinking I will allow you to lead us into an unnecessary and bloody conflict.”

  “Bloody conflict? You begin to sound like a squeamish old maid with no stomach for doing what is necessary, Jacoby!”

  Jacoby leveled a finger at him. “Hear me and hear me well, Vitali. We have no quarrel with Aime Gautier’s Pack.”

  Vitali peeled his lips back over his teeth. “I run the Brotherhood, Jacoby. I decide who we have a quarrel with.”

  Jacoby shook his head, baring his incisors. “I warn you, Vitali, tread lightly and carefully. You fuck with Madison and you risk bringing the wrath of Luc down on our heads.”

  “You can cower at his name in fear if you like, but I’m not afraid of any living creature… no matter what they are!”

  “You’re a fool if you don’t fear Luc, but I don’t have time for this shit right now. I have to find Sean and Lover.” He swirled around and disappeared into the night.

  Vitali watched him go before turning to face Aleksei. “Get out now while I’m inclined to allow you to leave with your dignity intact.”

  Aleksei thrust out his clenched right fist. When he opened his palm and exhaled, he pushed outward with his hand and his mind. He grinned at the startled look on Vitali’s face as he quickly picked himself up off his ass, several feet away. “You were saying?”

  The other vampires converged on them. Vlad, Drei, and Tat flashed forward to meet them and exchange blows. One vampire grabbed Tat and prepared to backhand her. Drei snarled with fury, tossed the vampire he held aside like a rag doll and charged to Tat’s rescue.

  Before he could reach her, she swung up her left forearm to block the fist of the attacking vampire and delivered a rapid series of vicious right jabs to what appeared to be a glass jaw. She stepped back as he dropped to his knees before slamming onto his face.

  Another vampire rushed at her.

  “Touch her and you die, Siti!” Vitali thundered.

  The vampire rushing at Tat as well as the ones engaging Vlad and Drei stopped and looked at Vitali. “What the fuck? We’re supposed to let her kick our asses?”

  Vitali looked at Aleksei, his eyes still glowing. “For the sake of your lovely sister, go now, Madison, but know that you have made a powerful enemy here today. We will meet again.”

  Tat tossed her head angrily. “Do not make any concession on my behalf, Bourcaro. I am Tatiana Madison-Forester, full-blood vampire. Anyone who would threaten my brothers is my enemy. Come after my brothers and you come after me.”

  Vitali looked at her, breathing deeply. “We will meet again, Tatiana… under more pleasant circumstances.”

  “As long as you threaten my brothers, consider me your number one enemy.” She stalked over to him and stared up into his eyes. “And trust me, Bourcaro, I may not be as old as you and I have not always embraced my vampire heritage, but I have learned the ways of dark magic. Trust me, I am one sister you do not want to fuck with!”

  Vitali’s teeth flashed in a smile, his eyes softening. “You are one of the loveliest women I’ve ever seen. There is a magical quality about you I find… breathtaking. I definitely want to fuck with you. We will meet again.” He cast a cool look at Aleksei. “You and I will also meet again as well, Madison.”

  Aleksei shrugged. “Anytime you want to be knocked on your ass, Bourcaro, you come see me. Bring your shifter with you and I’ll --”

  “We’ll kill you both,” Vlad stated in a cool, emotionless voice.

  “Fuck you and your arrogant brothers, Vladimir.” With a last look of longing at Tat, Bourcaro flashed away into the night. The other vampires, keeping their gazes locked on Vlad, quickly melted away, until Aleksei and his siblings stood alone on the steps.

  Aleksei sighed. “Well, that didn’t accomplish much.” He turned and flashed into the night with the others beside him. At their SUV’s, he paused. He looked at Vlad. “It’s time I had a talk with Mother. She is powerful and will be able to help us protect the boys.”

  Vlad shuddered and shook his head. “I’m dealing with too much now, Sei. I can’t face her yet.”

  Tat sucked in a breath. “Neither can I.”

  Andrei shrugged. “Hey, the time when I needed or wanted her in my life is long past.”

  Aleksei shook his head. “I know you all have issues with her. Hell, I still have issues with her, but she is not what we thought she was. And she wants and needs to reconcile with all of you. If you just give her a chance… get to know her…”

  Tat shook her head. “In our own time, Sei.”

  “None of you have to meet her until you’re ready. I’ll talk to her and the others. I think it’s time Katie and Etienne met. Together, they may be able to tell us what lies ahead.”

  Vlad shook his head. “I don’t want to meet her yet, Sei.”

  “You don’t have to… at least not yet. I don’t like the idea of bringing Katie, Mik, or Serge into danger, but they are our siblings. If the Brotherhood doesn’t back down, we’re going to need all the help we can get.”

  * * *

  “We need to move quickly and finish what we started.” Deoctra paced the length of the luxurious living room of the house in suburban Bucks County Leon had rented for the short time it would take to get rid of Acier Gautier. Two males sprawled on the sofas -- Leon, and a tall, heavily built shifter with long, wavy hair, chiseled features, and green eyes.

  Although handsome, virile, and powerful, the shifter, Tucker Falcone, left her sexually cold. She turned her gaze to Leon, who had been lighting up her nights with an exquisite delight that still amazed her.

  Tucker spoke. “Next time I’ll kill him, his brother, and his infernal Keddi!”

  Deoctra compressed her lips into a tight line. The hatred in Tucker’s voice annoyed her. “This is business, Falcone. Not personal. Etienne Gautier has not
hing to do with this.”

  Tucker touched his neck. Although there were no visible remaining wounds or scars, she had seen him after both Acier and his Keddi had torn into his neck. “It’s very personal for me! His brother and his blasted Keddi forced me to do something I’ve never had to do in a fight -- retreat. For that I will not only kill him and his Keddi, but his brother as well.”

  She turned away, lest he or Leon note her alarm at the thought of Etienne Gautier being dispatched. During the few hours they had spent together, he had been passionate, yet tender, showing her a consideration she had rarely received from a lover. He’d made her feel almost cherished.

  Despite her increasingly powerful feelings for Leon, there was a small, annoying part of her that did not want Etienne Gautier hurt in any way. It was for his sake that she’d insisted Leon warn Acier that he’d enlisted the aid of a powerful Heoptin shifter in his conquest to remove Acier as Alpha-in-waiting of Pack Gautier.

  She turned to face Tucker, aware that Leon’s eyes were on her as well. Did he suspect her lingering feelings for Etienne? “Etienne is embraced by the vampire community. If you attack him, you risk running afoul of his friends and their friends.”

  Tucker rose and stalked across the room to stare down at her. “And you think I, a Heoptin shifter, fear him or his vampire friends?”

  She didn’t like the tone of his voice. Hell, she didn’t like him or his superior attitude. She lifted her chin, her eyes glowing. “Heoptin you may be, but that means nothing to a full-blood vampire.”

  “That’s only because some creatures are too dense to know the power vested in a Heoptin shifter. We are not like the shifters in Packs Gautier or LeMay. As descendants of those who served the original vampire father, Heoptin, we have power far beyond what you may imagine, fem.”

  Smug bastard. She smiled up at him, then moving with her full speed, she flashed up her clenched right hand and swung it at his jaw. She made no effort to pull the blow. Knocked off his feet, he landed in a heap against a far wall.

  For a moment, he stared at her, a look of dismay on his face. Then rage took over. Eyes glowing, he bared his fangs and sprang to his feet. She stood still, hands clenched at her sides, waiting for his attack. She’d show the supercilious bastard why full-blood vampires were the kings and queens of the universe.


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