Taty slowly reached over and laid her hand on the phone, pausing to make sure David's breathing didn't change. The small noise that the phone made when the metal back scraped the wood bedside table echoed through her mind. She froze, stopped breathing and listened to David's steady inhale-exhale rhythm continue. She slowly retracted her arm with the phone in her hand until it was tucked against her chest. She rested for several minutes. The digital numbers on the bedside clock changed, but thankfully, David's breathing hadn't. Taty pulled the silk sheet up toward her neck.Damn it! She gently tugged the sheets. David was lying on the excess material, restricting her ability to move it up. She waited a few moments and slowly scooted down under the material, stopping beside David's hip. Her senses filled with their combined scent. His muscles twitched as if he were dreaming. She waited long moments, listening to his breathing to ensure he hadn't awoken. Carefully she turned toward him, using his body and hers to shield the light that would activate when she pushed the home button. She faced the phone as far toward the bed as she could and still see the screen to manipulate the lock. She carefully went through the six steps that would grant her access and quickly went to her ghost email via the private browser function. She hit the draft folder and read the messages her handlers had left her. They thought she'd been compromised. No, not good. She silently tapped out a message in response:
>Turtle slowandsteady@rvanft.net
New runner found. Finish line visible. Race organizer within reach.
Taty backed out of the account leaving the message in the draft folder. She hit the home button, locked the phone and planted it face down on the mattress. She was starting to perspire under the sheet especially with David's body heat radiating next to her. A moment to still her racing heart and then she'd return the phone to the bedside table. She'd done it, she'd made contact, and it would be untraceable. She closed her eyes and said a small prayer that this mission would be over soon. The prayer couldn't hurt.
His hand carded through her hair. The movement froze her instantly. The soft touch ran through her curls again. In an instant, Tatyana pushed the phone as far away as she could while at the same time lifting up and over him. She licked his hipbone and was rewarded with a low groan. Under her, his body repositioned, and his legs opened giving her access to his incredible cock. His musk and taste were undeniably more pronounced since they'd made love before he'd fallen asleep. Both hands found purchase in her hair. She made no pretense of subtlety and immediately took his soft cock in her mouth and fondled his heavy balls with her hand.
She listened to him moan her name softly and closed her eyes. The necessity of completing her mission was the impetus of this contact. Shame washed over her. She'd done so many things to bring the Bravata down, but this…
"So good." David flipped the sheet down giving her fresh air and a visual of the man she was with. She hummed and worked his hardened shaft with her hand and mouth. Right now she'd give anything to find a way to vindicate this man of the crime he'd initiated in Switzerland.
He lifted off the bed curling up to grab her under her arms. He pulled her up with him as he lay back down.
"Didn't I wear you out earlier?" His smile was sleepy and unguarded.
"You did." She lowered into a long lingering kiss. Her tongue and his danced in a slow, languid slide. She lifted away and smiled down at him. "You make me feel… generous."
"How so?"
"I want to give you more than I should." She spoke the absolute truth and hoped a miracle could deliver her from the actions she knew she'd have to take. A miracle that would end up with this man being innocent and not charged with human trafficking.
"I must admit I didn't anticipate you, Tatyana." He traced her lips with his finger. David watched as his touch moved over her skin. His eyes slid up. "I fear you, my little enticement, have turned into something… unexpected."
"You don't like unexpected?" She lowered and kissed the tip of his straight nose.
He chuckled and rolled her over. Her calf hit the phone. She lifted her foot and pushed it toward the bottom of the bed while distracting him by pulling him down into a kiss. He broke away and trailed kisses down her neck.
"You didn't answer me." Her hands traveled over his shoulders and back, feeling the muscles move and contract under her fingers.
"My life is solitary, by design. Unanticipated factors are a liability.You are a liability."
Her stomach dropped at his words said between kisses. Tatyana threaded her hands through his hair and gently tugged to get him to lift up. "I am here to do a job. One you contracted." The weight of the truth fell like a one hundred pound lead weight between them.
He lifted up to his elbows so she could see his face. He held her gaze for what felt like an eternity. "Oh, you are doing a job. Make no mistake; I know what you do and why you are here. Our destinies have crossed for a specific reason. But, I will regret when our time together ends. Perhaps in another life, there would be room for more, but neither of us are romantics or idealists. We both know the reality of our actions. You have your path, and I have mine. When the second deal is complete, we will be at our journey's end. I will not alter my destiny, and you can't alter yours."
She more than understood the harsh reality he'd just put into words. Hell, she'd lived it for years. The respite of their time together was just that. A blip on the screen as she sought out her target. Too bad he would be collateral damage. David's expression gave nothing away as he lifted away from her and walked into the bathroom.
Taty waited until the door closed before she scrambled to the bottom of the bed and fished for his phone. The damn sheet tangled around the phone. She lifted and pulled the material. The phone spun free from the twisted silk landing with a distinct 'thunk' on the thick carpeting. She lunged off the side of the bed, stretched out and hung upside down grabbing for the phone. Gravity was her enemy, and David's expensive silk sheets gave no friction to stop the slide. Taty arched her back and stuck out her hand to grab the footboard, but missed, landing face first in a naked heap on the floor beside the bed. The top sheet slithered down the side of the bed and pooled beside her. She groaned at the discomfort of David's phone pressed directly under her.
"What in the hell just happened?" David strode across the room wearing a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt. Taty lifted her head while still lying on the man's phone. "I was going to follow you but got tangled up in the sheets."
A smiled lifted the corner of his mouth before it broke across his face.
Taty grabbed at the top sheet suddenly conscious of her naked sprawl. "What? I've never been accused of being graceful." She draped the material over her and sat up, keeping the phone under the sheet.
David extended a hand to help her up.
There was no way she was lifting off the phone. She shook her head in an obstinate fashion. "No thank you, I'll get up by myself."
"Suit yourself. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." He headed to the door.
"You are always hungry," Taty said the words to herself as she stood up. It took two seconds to replace the phone. She tried to walk while wrapping the sheet around her five or six times. She stumbled out of the bedroom toward the kitchen. David had a platter of meats and cheeses out and was searching through the kitchen cabinets. Taty scooched up onto a bar stool and watched the man. He moved with a fluid grace that someone with his bulk shouldn't be able to do. Looking at him in the dim light of the kitchen, his scars darkened. There were several that appeared to be knife wounds, and one that she could swear was a burn.
"We'll call your employers tomorrow. They will have three hours to arrive at the location I stipulate. I'll sort the details out with you in the morning."
"You are a fool, David. Don't go through with this." Taty watched as he built a sandwich the size of her head.
He glanced over at her and shrugged his shoulder. "I've been accused of worse. My reasons for doing this are not up for discussion." He dropped the sandwich onto a plate and headed out of the kitchen. Over his shoulder, he spoke, "I have work to do in the office. Don't wait up."
Jason stopped at his secretary's call. He glanced over his shoulder at the woman. How she ran in those heels, he'd never understand. "God, please slow down. I can't have you breaking an ankle. I'd be lost without you telling me which way to go."
"Stop laughing at me." Sonya swatted at his arm with a manila folder she was carrying. "I knew you wouldn't be back at the office anytime soon. I tried calling around but I'd either just missed you, or no one had seen you."
She fell into step with him as they approached Jewell's queendom. Jason paused to push in the security code to get them into the outer offices. As soon as he closed the door, Sonya brought him up to speed, "I don't know why, but MI6 has called twice. The agent's name is Spencer Churchill."
"You are shitting me, right?" Jason laughed out loud.
"Nope. Anyway, the man stated he needed to talk to you regarding the current operations against the Bravata."
"Holy fuck, please tell me he was on secure comms." Something as simple as a few unguarded words could cost several teams their lives.
"Yes. He wouldn't say what it was in regard to during our first conversation, but as soon as he made reference to our current operations with his second contact, I told him that I'd have you reach out to him. I also sent a request to Jewell to trace the call to ensure it originated at an MI6 switch. It did."
Jason scratched his jaw before he nodded. "Okay. I'll have Jewell hook me up with secure comms here and reach out to our new friend across the pond. Thanks for running me down."
"I won't make it a habit. Lord knows I abhor cardio workouts." She twirled on her six-inch heels and headed back to his offices.
Jason waited in the soundproof conference room. The light on the phone turned yellow and then green. A short chirp told him his call had been connected and the green light told him both ends were encrypted.
He picked up the handset. "This is Jason King."
"Ahhh… good evening, or rather, good afternoon, Mr. King. Spencer Churchill here. I'm a division chief for MI6. Recently I was made aware of an offensive being coordinated by your organization to take out the legs of the Bravata."
The man would have to be pretty high in MI6 rank structure to have that knowledge. Jason waited because he'd be damned if he were going to acknowledge the fact.
A huff of air came through the line before the man cleared his throat. "I have an operative that has been undercover for the last eight years. Turtle is close to identifying the top players in this game."
"So give me your operative's identity, and we'll work around him." Jason wasn't about to out Chief, but if MI6 would identify an ally, they'd work with the agent.
"I haven't been cleared to identify our asset. It was my hope that you'd be able to give me something to relay to the field to assist us in getting our assets in synch?"
Jason rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head even though the man couldn't see his mannerism.
"I'm not at liberty to disclose any information about operations currently in progress." Jason fell back on the line he'd used countless times with other agencies.
"Bloody Hell."
The clipped exasperation echoed Jason's sentiments. He knew the division chief was in the same position as he was. "Exactly my thoughts."
"Listen, mate, I'm stretching my authorization here. The last contact was today, or rather last night your time. They are close to identifying the head of the organization. I know you can't disclose anything, but for god's sake make sure there is no unnecessary bloodshed."
"We have the same objectives in mind, Agent Churchill. I'll do my best."
"That's all I can ask for."
Jason disconnected the call and mulled over the conversation. The Division Chief had given him more than he'd believed. The MI6's agent's code name was Turtle. He'd get Jewell and her team busy working that tidbit of information before he got ahold of Joseph. He needed advice from someone who'd been in Chief and Turtle's shoes.
Chapter Nineteen
Taty rode in the back of the darkened SUV followed by a large bus. That vehicle's windows were also blacked out. Transportation for the merchandise no doubt. She gazed at the men in the SUV with her. They were armed to the teeth. The weaponry instilled caution. It felt wrong and foreign. In all the transactions she'd supervised in Europe, there were no weapons allowed on the buyer or his party—ever. The men, including David, were dressed in worn blue jeans, polos and leather jackets. There was no way to tell who the buyer was.
"You will do all the talking when we arrive," David spoke to her over his shoulder. He was riding in the front passenger seat, not in the rear of the vehicle. She added another tactical kudo in his favor.
Taty met his eyes wondering what he was planning. She cocked her head questioning him without words. He handed her a phone. "You will inspect all fifteen. Casey and I will accompany you. You will not look at or talk to any of us, just do the inspection. If there are issues, you will use this phone, press and hold the number one. The line will engage. Speak into the phone when the line engages. If I move away from you, drop the deal. If I stay with you, continue on."
"Do you have the account information?" Taty pocketed the phone.
"It will be handed to you after you approve of the merchandise. You will let me know of anything that may be off with the transaction via the phone. Understood?"
The intensity of his stare shot through her. Tatyana nodded again and suppressed a shiver. This was the side of David Xavier she'd suspected when she'd first met the man weeks ago. This… savage, unrestrained, aggression that she'd seen only once before. Adrenaline spiked through her veins. She was hyper aware of all the men in the truck. The man, Casey, was dark skinned and had black hair like David. Both wore aviators and dressed similarly. Even if the Bravata had any idea what David looked like, it would be a gamble as to which man to…
To what? Taty's mind ticked off the possible reasons for the subterfuge. The Bravata wanted the transaction to go through. Jeopardizing the buyer would be asinine. The fifteen women would be the largest order filled to date, as far as she knew. Four was the most she'd ever delivered to one buyer, and the Bravata had been very pleased with that order. After all who wouldn't want a cool twelve million dollars? But David was buying fifteen women at three million each? Forty-five million dollars with a promise of double that in a few months' time. No, the Bravata wouldn't jeopardize the payday coming their way. Unless… Taty glanced around her again as realization dawned like morning rays of golden sunshine. Kidnapping and ransoming David Xavier would give the Bravata access to hundreds of millions of dollars. That was it. That was what the precautions, the look alike guards, the similar dress and the phone were about.
"How do I explain your absence? You had me tell the Bravata you would personally inspect your purchases."
"Unavoidably detained by business. I sent you as my proxy. If they want the next deal, they will proceed."
They slowed and turned into a large compound. The gate stood wide open with no guards who Tatyana could see. Her gaze traveled across the rooftops of the neighboring structures. The afternoon sunset, blocking the winter light which made the lot they bounced over dark and ominous. The SUV ventured around the corner of the cavernous warehouse and pulled into a large bay. Taty took in the scene immediately and noted the two vehicles parked facing them. One was an old bread truck, the other a dark sedan. The SUV she was traveling in came to a stop, and the bus continued around, only stopping after the driver had it facing out of the building. Again, smart on many levels. Taty took a deep breath. She needed to make this deal happen. All her plans hinged on getting to the meeting whe
re the bosses would meet with David. As if coordinated, all four doors of the SUV opened, and the men stepped out. She watched and waited. When David nodded to her, she exited the vehicle. The doors on the sedan opened. Taty stutter-stepped when she recognized the man who exited. Evgeniy Kuznetsov, the sadist, evil,toy trainer smirked at her from a distance. "Where is the buyer Tatyana?" he asked in his native language.
Tatyana shrugged and replied in English, "Unavoidably detained. He sent me to inspect and accept the order."
The man straightened and examined the set of towering armed guards who flanked her on the left and right. She knew instinctively the one on her left was David.
"Exactly who do you work for my little concierge?" Again he asked in Russian.
Taty put her hands on her hips and spat back in Russian, "I work for the same people as you do, and I am following the order the boss has given me. I am doing everything I can to ensure these deals go through. Now if you are done with the stupid questions, Evgeniy, I will inspect the cargo and get the boss his payment."
"Always such an ice-cold bitch, Anya. One day you and I will meet on my terms." The lecherous bastard had the audacity to lick his lips and adjust his cock in his pants. She heard an almost inaudible growl emanate from David.
"The only way you would get me was if you fucked my dead body, you disgusting pig." Taty turned on her heel and headed back to the vehicle hoping that David and Casey would follow her. She heard their footsteps behind her and mentally cheered that they backed her ballsy move.
"Where do you think you are going?" Evgeniy yelled after her.
"Obviously you do not want this deal to go through. She lifted the phone David had given her earlier in the air, still walking away. "I'm calling the boss and telling him you fucked up the deal. Good luck with what little life you have left."
Chief (Kings of Guardian Book 7) (The Kings of Guardian) Page 14