Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book

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Vampire Mage: A Clutch Mistress Book Page 15

by Janelle Peel

  Abruptly the light show cut off.

  “You tried to attack me,” she whispered softly, not meeting my eyes. “Blaze restrained you and Jackson lost it. I have this weird ability, I can place lasting compulsions on Vampires.” Finally, she met my eyes, sorrow reflected in hers, “I’m sorry. I compelled you to not feed from anyone who wasn’t willing, including me.”

  A beat later I slapped her upside the head. Her eyes widened in shock.

  “You’re sorry?” I screeched, “What the hell is wrong with you? You did me a favor, idiot. Christ woman, that's probably why I’m doing so well.” I cocked my head to the side and smiled, “So, thank you.”

  She hesitated. “You’re not upset?”

  I smacked her again for her stupidity and elicited a full smile in return.

  Her brows furrowed, “It needs to stay a secret that I can do that though, okay?”

  “Why?” I asked, confused.

  Sora shrugged. “Only Masters are supposed to have that ability. Now that Blaze and I are Mated, it shouldn’t be a big deal, but who knows.”

  “Ah.” A question formed in my mind, “What else can you do?” I waved at the ceiling.

  “Weather, water, fire, healing,” she paused. “I can make wards that won’t allow anyone who isn’t invited to cross them.”

  “That’s pretty badass.”

  She smirked, “Thanks.” Sitting up, she hopped off the bed. “I need some rest before this evening, and so do you.” Her brows raised hopefully, “Sasha and Allie are coming by at 6, to make me over, if you want to come too?”

  “Sure,” I nodded with a smile. “I’ll see ya later.”


  “How’d it go?” Blaze asked from his prone position on the bed when I closed the door to our room.

  “Really well,” I sang.

  He chuckled at my off-key notes.

  “Hey, do you know if Jackson took care of getting clothes and stuff for Viv?”

  “I reminded him earlier, he said he had it handled.”

  “Good,” I replied, removing my clothes while his gaze tracked my movements.

  Patting the bed, he rumbled, “Come here.”

  Once I was settled on his chest, he kissed my brow before flicking off the light on the nightstand.

  A few minutes passed before I whispered, “Blaze?”

  “Yes,” he answered, groggily.

  “Is the ward doing okay?”

  He rumbled his reply, “Yes Love, it’s perfect. I would tell you otherwise. Now rest.”

  Taking his advice, I closed my eyes and snuggled closer against him.


  He closed the door softly, trying not to disturb her curled form on the bed. She looked so peaceful while asleep, the absolute opposite of her waking personality.

  He quietly walked over to the wingback and leaned against it to remove his boots and jeans. In his standard black tee and grey boxer briefs, he silently made his way to the other side of the bed and settled himself atop the covers.

  “Jackson?” Viv queried in a drowsy voice.

  “I’m here,” he whispered.

  With a sigh, she rolled over and faced him. His enhanced sight roved her pale face, drinking in her high cheekbones, flawless skin, and pink supple lips. Beautiful, he thought, as she opened her eyes. Sky blue, the green flecks seemed to glow in the darkness. Her pink hair stuck out in wild tufts, making her look even more pixie-like.

  She lifted a hand from below the blankets and reached hesitantly toward him with a vulnerable expression on her face. He caught her seeking fingers with his own, and ran his thumb over her open palm. With a satisfied sigh, her lids lowered again.

  He watched her sleep for a long while, elated at the sensation of their joined hands.


  The nightmare struck again. I knew I was dreaming, but I could not wake, nor change the events as they played out in terrifying detail.

  A loud bang and the sounds of breaking glass woke me from a deep sleep. I sat up and listened. What the hell? The screech of metal met my ears and my pulse skyrocketed.

  Someone was downstairs, in my shop. I grabbed my phone off my tiny, crooked nightstand. Gently, I hopped off the bed, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Prying open the small wooden drawer, I grabbed my Ruger LC9 and flicked the safety off with my thumb.

  Tiptoeing across the old wooden floors, I tried to place my weight where the boards wouldn’t creak. My eyes scanned the open hallway, looking for any movement. Another scream of metal, bending to its limit. Oh God, not the machines! Those things were expensive! Fuck!

  My bare feet pounded down the hall toward the stairs that led down to my shop. A click clack met my ears as I hit the first step. Someone was coming up. I hesitated, moving back the way I’d come, my eyes trained on the stairs while I lifted my gun.

  Click, scrape, click, scrape, like a dog that wants outside. An animal, my mind stuttered?

  Something was tearing, the sound hollow like cloth being torn. A low growl rumbled.

  Shifting my gun, I wiped my damp palm on my cotton tank. Everything fell silent. The frantic pulse of my heart was the only thing I could hear.

  ‘Turn around!’ I screamed at my dream self. ‘Move!’

  I backed up another step when another growl came, only it was behind me. Coming from my small bedroom. Slowly, I turned. Amber eyes reflected at me from three feet above my bed, caught in the glow from my alarm clock. The second story window, my mind supplied unhelpfully, I’d left it open.

  Another rumble sounded as I backed against the wall of the hall, trying to keep both points of entry in view.

  Click, click. A dark shape moved from the stairwell. My gun trembled as I swung it from one target to the other.

  My indecision cost me.

  The amber eyed thing sprang from the bed in a leap that was impossible, tackling me to the floor before I’d even processed the squeak of the metal spring mattress. My gun flew from my hand, clattering down the hall as warm saliva dripped down my face.

  A yip sounded from the direction of the stairwell, causing the huge beast to back away from my sprawled form.

  Click, clack, click, clack. The sounds echoed in my skull as I could do nothing but watch, frozen in terror, as the thing made its way toward me. Huge white teeth in an enormous mouth flashed into view as it towered over me. I lifted a hand, in mercy or to ward it away, I still didn’t know. Quicker than I could track, it’s mouth opened and pierced my hand to the bone with its large teeth. I cried out once in surprise, then again in pain as my severed nerve endings registered the damage.

  The pain shocked through me, centering my mind. I flicked my phone on with my other hand. The screen lit, revealing a massive brown Wolf. Amber colored eyes glared into mine as it dropped my hand from its enormous maw. It snorted once before turning away, flashing a pink spot on its paw as it disappeared back down the hall without a sound.

  Thrashing came from my room as I cradled my injured hand to my chest.

  Christ, it burned.

  Wasting no time, I crawled on my hands and knees to my tiny bathroom. Closing the door, I slid down the base. Flicking my phone back to life, I hit the emergency button on the screen. A thump rattled the door as the call connected.

  “911, what is your emergency?”

  A sob escaped my body and I started to shake…

  “Shh, it’s okay. Viv, Viv! Wake up!”

  I was being physically shaken. Thank God.

  “I’m h-here,” I whispered, my words catching as another sob wracked my chest.

  Corded arms gathered me to a firm chest and I inhaled a comforting salty scent. Jackson.

  “I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” he whispered in my ear over and over until my shudders subsided.

  Peace came and I slowly drifted back to sleep in his embrace.


  He felt every sob, every tear as she clung to him like an anchor in a storm. When she finally calmed, he replayed her cries of fe
ar and pain that had awoken him.

  Mine… he swore.

  As he held her smaller form, he decided he would train her, teach her to properly defend herself.

  Then together, they would end the Pack.

  He… the Clutch... and his Mate.

  Chapter 10


  Stepping out from the warm shower, I quickly wrapped myself in a plush navy towel. My feet chilled on the travertine floor as I dripped, debating on wearing my hair up or down. It probably wouldn’t matter, I mused. Allie and Sasha would be here soon to glam me up. Snatching another towel from the shelf, I bent and twisted my locks into a turban atop my head.

  Turning, I watched Blaze continue his shower, his eyes closed to the spray of mist. Individual drops gathered on his thick lashes, dripping down his cheeks to his sculpted jaw. Licking my lips, my eyes continued their descent, tracing every glorious muscle down to his narrow waist. His member hardened while I watched.

  “Sora,” he rumbled in a deep bass, his sapphire eyes open and watching me. “If you keep it up, we won’t be going anywhere tonight.”

  Caught, my cheeks pinked. “Well maybe you should bathe alone or fully clothed from now on.” Pivoting on my heel, I hit the switch to cut the waterfall and grabbed another towel. Shaking out the folds, I tossed it over the shower door, covering him from view.

  Chuckling, he reached over and plucked it from the glass. He slowly worked it over the plains of his naked chest while he watched my cheeks redden further.

  With a huff, I zipped to the walk-in closet before I could see his cocky smirk.

  Opening the massive mahogany doors, I pushed everything on the rack over and centered the teal dress in the open space.

  Well, it was backless, so a bra was out. Good thing the girls were much perkier than before. I debated and concluded I probably wouldn’t have to wear panties either. A naughty grin curled my lips.

  As I fingered the shimmering fabric, Blaze came up behind me. Trailing kisses from my shoulder to the shell of my ear, he whispered, “Do you like it?”

  His breath raised goosebumps on my skin as I leaned back against him. “It’s lovely. I’ve never owned anything so amazing. Julian did well.”

  He nipped my lobe playfully, “Guess again.”

  Dropping the fabric, I turned and laced my fingers behind his neck, “You?”

  Tipping his head, he nodded, brushing his nose against mine. “I hoped you’d wear it tonight.”

  Relaxing my hands, I traced the muscles from his neck to his chest with the tips of my fingers. Quickly, I undid my towel and pressed my bared form against him.

  He groaned and gripped my hips, pulling me closer. I slid up his naked chest, brushing my breasts against his pecs as I stood on the tips of my toes. Running my hands through his hair, I tipped my head and whispered against his lips, “Thank you.”

  Then I wriggled out of his grasp and flashed to the bathroom. Giggling like a schoolgirl, I grabbed a robe from the hook in passing and entered the bedroom.

  “Cheater!” He called after me.

  Grinning to myself as his chuckles echoed from the wardrobe, I slid the silver silk robe on just as a knock sounded at the door.

  “Just a sec!” I called, cinching the belt closed.

  The air whispered as Blaze zipped between the door and I…

  My thoughts scattered…


  In a tux.

  All Mother, he looked good enough to eat. His black pressed pants accentuated his perfect rear. He wore a teal button down shirt tucked in at his waist, it molded perfectly over his thick biceps. My mouth ran dry as I watched the corded muscles flex, nearly ripping the seam as he tossed a black dress jacket over one shoulder with a bowtie dangling from his pinkie.

  He turned to look at my stunned face. Throwing me a wink, he opened the door. “Hey there, how are you feeling?”

  Viv strode into the room in an emerald robe almost identical to my own with a plastic sheet covering one arm. She padded toward me and stopped. Extending her arm, her slender fingers tapped my chin twice to shut my gaping mouth.

  “Alright, Fang Boy,” she faced him sassily. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  He winked again and exited through the open door, swiftly pulling it closed behind him.

  Viv fanned my face. When that didn’t elicit a response, she pinched my hip.

  “Ow, Viv,” I grimaced. “What the hell?”

  “Hey,” she waved. “Where the fuck were you?”

  I brought my own hand up and fanned my blushing cheeks, a silly smile on my face. “I’ve never seen him in a tux before.”

  “Oh,” she cocked her head toward the closed door. “Ohhhh, did I interrupt something?” Her brows wagged as she pumped her hips to her own 80s porn music, “Bow chicka bow wow.”

  I giggled, “No. Sasha and Allie will be here any minute.” I gestured to her arm, “Did Jackson come through?”

  A huge grin lit her face and the green flecks in her eyes sparkled in excitement. “Hell yeah he did!” Turning on her bare foot, she strode to the bed and laid out the plastic bag.

  “Well?” I joined her, motioning my hand in a ‘get to it’ gesture.

  She bent and slowly opened the covers’ zipper, revealing a shimmering turquoise dress.

  I gasped and reached out to touch the plunging neckline.

  Smack! She slapped my hand, a playful smile on her face. “Nope, not until I see yours.”

  Massaging the top of my reddened hand, I muttered, “Dammit Viv.”

  Her lips tipped up, enjoying my pain. The door opened again, interrupting our dramatics.

  Sasha’s long mocha legs ate up the short distance as she walked toward the bed, two identical plastic covers draped over one lithe arm. Allie shut the door and came out from behind her towering frame.

  “Hey, Sora,” Allie called, while Sasha wiggled her long fingers in greeting.

  “Hey girls,” I thumbed a finger at Viv. “Meet my best friend, Viv.”

  Sasha nodded, “So, you’re the lovely thing that has Jackson MIA.”

  Viv blushed as Allie shushed the Amazonian beauty. “Hi Viv, I’m Allie. Sasha is the loud mouth.”

  Sasha turned to Allie in mock outrage, “Me? Really?” Rolling her sky colored orbs, she continued, “I don’t think so.” She hooked a thumb back at Allie, “No. This one has no filter.”

  Allie guffawed, placing a hand over her ample chest and tried to look abashed. “Truth.”

  Viv’s eyes bounced back and forth between the bickering pair, a smile forming on her pixie like face. “Well, it looks like I’m in good company then.”

  I laughed and mirrored Allie. “Truth.”

  Everyone giggled before Sasha broke up the party. “Well girls, let’s get to work. We only have about 3 hours to get us all dolled up.”

  Sobering, we got to work.

  I hovered nervously by the entryway to the large staircase in the west wing while Allie patted my bare shoulder. “You look great, Babe. I know it’s kind of intimidating,” she waved her hand toward the large gathering of people below us, “but you’ll be fine. Trust me.”

  Viv stepped beside me with a grin on her face, “Ready, Bitch?”

  Just breathe, I reminded myself. In and out.

  Evidently, I was stalling for too long, so Viv slapped my butt.

  Sasha giggled, “Alright. Allie and I will go first. You two just follow after we hit the bottom step, okay?”

  I nodded, grabbing Viv’s hand and gripping her small fingers tightly.

  We watched, out of view from the crowd below as they hit the first black carpeted step with their hands joined like ours.

  Allie wore a pale green mermaid style dress that trailed behind her in shimmering waves. Her cleavage was expertly exposed. That had been hard, I thought we’d never get her girls into the unforgiving fabric. Her riot of red hair was half up, half down, the curls hid the strap of the halter style dress. The cut was similar to mine, bar
ing the creamy white skin of her back and ending just above her rear.

  Sasha towered over Allie and wore the same dress, only hers was a pastel blue that highlighted her kohl rimmed, sky colored eyes. Not much could be done with her short black hair; so she wore diamond earrings that seemed to float just below her lobes, drawing the eye to her graceful neck. She was slightly more fit than Allie, showcasing the play of muscles beneath the chocolate skin of her back as she glided down the stairs.

  Both ladies had gone barefoot, as would Viv and I, after they repeatedly assured me the floor was carpeted throughout the ballroom. I didn’t want to freeze my freshly painted tootsies off. The cold didn’t bother them though, being fully into their second lives.

  As they neared the last step, I looked at Viv’s pixie face. The flecks of green shimmered in her eyes, matching the turquoise of her dress. We’d managed to curl her short hot pink hair into soft waves atop her head; the effect created a softer pink than her normal spikes and contrasted brilliantly with the fabric of her dress. She chose Sasha’s tiny diamond stud earrings because she didn’t want to draw attention away from her small breasts. The dress fit like it was made for her, it’s perfectly boned cups held her girls up and plunged to her waist, baring her back and navel.

  “Ready?” she whispered excitedly.

  I took another deep breath, checked that the trains of our dresses wouldn’t trip us, and padded toward the staircase holding her smaller hand.

  Just breathe...


  He looked around as the members of his Clutch quieted. Allie and Sasha has just met Von and Jake at the bottom of the wide staircase.

  Jackson stood beside him, clenching and unclenching his fists, anxiously waiting for Viv to appear.

  Blaze uttered quietly, so no one else would hear his words. “Calm, Brother. This will be difficult, but you need to control yourself.”

  He’d informed the Clutch that Viv was Jackson’s Mate, but they had yet to bond. He hoped they’d heed his words and not let their emotions get the best of them with a new female in the mix.


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