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Kratos Page 2

by T. L Smith

  I dabbled in underground fighting when I first started working for Kontos, though I soon found it wasn’t my thing. Not that I ever lost. No, I won every fight I was in. It was just that, fighting didn’t give me the same satisfaction I got from working for Kontos. You see, I may look like an angel on the outside, but on the inside I am your fucking worst nightmare, especially when you fuck with me. I won’t just punch you or hurt you; I will make you scream ‘till you can’t scream anymore. Then when you think you’ve had enough, I will do it all over again, just to satisfy my needs. Though the bastards, I do torture usually fucking deserve it.

  I caught his fist mid air and squeezed ‘till I heard him whimper from the pain. He looked up at me and into my eyes and then bowed his head. I released his hand and stepped closer, so only he could hear.

  “If you wanna keep your life and that of your families, I suggest I never see your face again. And if I do, I will kill all those dear to you, while you are tied to your chair, so you can watch, and then finally I will finish with you.” I stood and straighten my shirt and then turned my attention back to Roberto and Kontos. Kontos smiled at me, and Roberto shook his head smiling.

  “I don’t know where you found him, but I seriously need, one just like him,” I heard Roberto say. I ignored them and went to find myself a fuck to tie me over.

  I had her bent over the toilet, with her dress over her head and her ass in the air. She was screaming for me to give her, her climax. I considered it, but then thought I was not there to please her. I went there to get myself off only. I removed my hand from her clit and placed both hands on her hips. I slammed into her again and again finding my release. Once I pulled out of her and discarded the condom, she stood up and pulled her dress down.

  She turned around to face me, and smiled. “Can we do this again?” she asked, as she stepped into my personal space. They always want more, either their husbands or their boyfriends haven’t been doing it right and once they get someone that can bring them to that brink, they don’t want to let it go.

  “Don’t think so,” I answered while I tucked myself back in. I walked out of the ladies room and I noticed a few of the ladies' eyes on me as I left. I just smirked at them and kept walking. You see, I have never fucked someone more than once, I don’t need their pussy again when there are so many more out there to try. Plus, they’re all clingy bitches wanting more. I tried it once, and the only way I got her to leave me the fuck alone was to fuck her sister in front of her. Yep, you can say it - I am a fucking bastard. But hey, let's be honest, they only wanted one thing from me, so why expect anything more.

  The Day I Met Krinos

  The fucking boss wanted me to babysit his daughter! He must have been out of his ever loving mind if he thought that was what I was going to do. I planned on telling his little girl, to go back to her fucking hotel and sit and wait like a good little bitch should. I slammed the phone down on the receiver, once I had agreed to keep his girl protected, at all costs. If I didn’t have the respect I do for the boss, I would have told him where the fuck to go, but as I said, my fucking respect was my undoing.

  She flies in today and I have to find a way to get her out of my business side of the deal, so she doesn’t fuck anything up for me. I have no problems with the fact that she is a girl. Fuck, none at all. In fact, some girls that I know are fucking ruthless. But the fact that she is the boss’s little girl, and the fact that she thinks she can take on something so big, something as big as running one of the largest shipments and thinking she can do it without no problems, that just doesn’t sit right with me. That phone call was not the way I wanted to be woken that morning. I would’ve preferred to be woken by a chick giving me head, but that wasn’t going to happen because I didn’t spend any more time with a woman than I had to. I am a wham bam, thank you, ma’am kind of fellow.

  Once I pulled up to the office, I saw Kathy was there waiting for me. She’s a tall leggy blonde, who I liked to keep around for a good head job. She always tried for more, I have to give her points in that department, but she knew if she wanted to continue seeing me, she wouldn’t try with the heavy shit. She knew I only used her for one thing and one thing only, she was my stress reliever and right then I had a shit load of stress.

  She followed close behind me when we stepped into the elevator and I took in the outfit she had on that day. They all dressed up to see me, hoping to get something more. She had on a short red dress that had perfect access and I was sure she didn’t have on any panties or a bra. She didn’t step into my personal space she just stood back and watched me. She placed her middle finger in between her lips and then sucked on it. My cock instantly stirred to life knowing full well what those lips and mouth could do to me. Once we reached the office, I shut the door and watched as she dropped her dress and like I said no panties or bra. I didn’t bother to remove my clothes I simply pulled my cock out and walked over to her while she got down on her hands and knees.

  She took me full into her mouth as I collapsed onto the sofa in my office and let her do her thing. She climbed up onto the sofa, so I could access her wet pussy, while she sucked and licked my cock. I entered a finger into her needy pussy. One wouldn’t do though, because she was ready and waiting, so I entered two and positioned my thumb over her clit and sat back as she rode my hand like it was my cock.

  We both climaxed at the same time. I stood up and tucked myself back in, then opened the door and walked back to my desk. I didn’t hear her leave and it didn’t bother me, she left without a word, which was actually the way I preferred.

  Just as the day was coming to an end, Abby called through to tell me my guest of honor, Eliza, had arrived. I tried not to let it bother me and told her I’d be right out. As soon as I opened the doors I saw her. She was a sight, gorgeous, but nowhere near what I usually went for. I like my women blonde and easy, and she did not match either of those categories. But when I looked at her and her mouth was hanging open and straight away my cock stirred. I couldn’t help it, I had to touch her. I walked closer and got so close I could smell her, she smelled fucking edible. I thought to myself that I would enjoy this one. I told her to keep her mouth shut and I went to close her mouth by putting my hand under her chin, but she snapped out of her daze and flung my hand away. I saw the fire in her eyes and realized she was like no woman I had met before. She fired back at me with her smart ass mouth and it shocked me to the point that I didn’t have any words. Which, never... ever... happened.

  She pushed passed me and told me to get on with business as I watched her walk into the room, in her tiny little shorts and a shirt that was cut open. I noticed her tattoos and my cock grew even thicker while I took her in. She was, by far, something completely different.

  We got down to business and I couldn’t help but stare at her. She noticed a few times and I watched as she blushed at me, but covered it with business straight away. Just as I was about to finish up and ask her to come play with me, Bree walked in. Bree was another one of the flings I liked to keep around. She was also blonde and easy. I watched as she looked to Eliza and dismissed her because she knew she was not my type. She walked over to me and planted herself on my lap, and my already hard cock. She assumed it was for her, but I assure you it was not for her.

  I looked over to Eliza and saw the disgust etched on her face and I watched as she left making a snarky remark on her way out. Fuck, I had to stop her. I had to do something. I needed my fill of that woman otherwise she would haunt my dreams. I grabbed her by the arm and told her not to leave without another guard, even though I knew Matt would protect her with his life. She didn’t look at me at first, but when she did, I was a fucking goner.

  I watched while she left and knew I would have her. I fucking wanted her more than I wanted my next breath. I had no idea, how or why I felt that way toward her, but she had crawled under my skin. I thought the only way to get her out, was to fuck her. So, that was my plan. I didn’t tell Bree I was leaving, but she followed me anyway.<
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  “Stefanos, baby, I thought we could play,” she told me, touching my arm.

  I shook my head, pulled my jacket on and took off after Eliza. I heard Bree say something, but I didn’t take any notice. I needed to get me some of my Princess.

  Fuck, I was, so done for.

  Present Day

  As I walk into Naoko’s house, I can’t help, but feel as though I don’t belong here at this very moment. I walk further in and spot her leaning casually against the bar sipping on a glass of vodka. She sees me and looks behind me, to make sure I don’t have Eliza with me. She relaxes her stance once she realizes I’m alone and the side of her mouth quirks up into a grin while she takes me in. I was once attracted to this beautiful Japanese woman standing before me, though now all I want to do is leave and go to the place where I belong the most. Naoko and I had a sexual relationship as well business, nothing serious as that was not my thing before Eliza. She was good with her mouth and was a good fuck, nothing more.

  “Stefanos, I am so glad you could make it alone,” she says strutting toward me in a barely there playsuit, which displays her small breasts and her ass. When she reaches me her hands come up to touch my chest, like we are lovers. I push her hands away, just as she goes to make contact and I see the shock register on her face. She obviously thought me not coming with Eliza meant she could have some fun.

  “You called this meeting Naoko, I am not here to discuss pleasantries. And I’m only here for business,” I tell her and take a step back.

  She looks up at me smiling. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I knew a man once that only fucked the same girl once, maybe twice if she was lucky. Now I see you only have eyes for one little Greek girl,” she sneers the last part.

  “Naoko, I don’t have time for your fucking petty games, let's discuss business or I am fucking leaving, and next time it won’t be me coming alone, it will be Krinos, and I’m sure you don’t want that?” I ask and raise my eyebrows at her. I don’t usually call Eliza, Krinos, only to business associates. To me she is Princess or Eliza.

  Looking at my girl, you would not believe she is someone to be scared of. I think that’s what gives her such a rep, because she can truly fuck you up, if you fuck with her.

  Naoko shakes her head no and backs away from me. She tells me she needs a larger shipment than the last deal we made, as she has new clients. I agree and leave. I’m relieved when she doesn’t try anything with me again. I walk out with a smirk on my face and head over to the Boss’s house to let him know.

  “Where’s my girl,” Kontos says, as soon as I enter his house. I walk to the sofa where he is sitting with Eliza’s mum.

  “At home. Look, I’ve been to see Naoko and she’s after a bigger shipment. I said yes, but I think you might want to look into why she wants it.”

  “Son, this is your job! You handle it,” Kontos tells me, pulling his estranged wife back to his side.

  “No can do, have to go home and make my girl happy,” I reply and then start walking out the same way I came in.

  Just as I get to the door, I hear him yell out to me. “If she isn’t happy, Son, I will hurt you.”

  I chuckle on my way out. I don’t think he will ever let go of her being his little girl. As I pull up to the house I reach into the back seat and grab the body chocolate I bought earlier. I plan to do naughty things to my gorgeous vixen and then deny her of her orgasm ‘till she agrees to marry me. Yep, sounds like a plan to me. She may clock me one on my jaw, but it’s worth a shot.

  As I get to the front door, I realize it’s half open. I look around the front to see if Eliza is outside, but I don’t see her anywhere. I walk into the house calling her name, but no answer. I feel the hairs stand up on my arms as I run upstairs searching for her. I take three steps at a time ‘till I reach the top, and when I do, I can tell something is wrong... something is terribly wrong. I look to the floor and see traces of blood and a hole in the wall. My mind is racing with the possibilities of what could’ve happened and hoping for the best. But nothing is right and I know it, something is definitely wrong.

  As I walk further down the hall, I stop at the baby’s room. I see that the door is open as well, and in particular the drawer I keep her ring in. I punch the closest thing to me and place another hole in our home. To say I’m pissed and angry would be an understatement. I am fucking furious. As I walk back out, I see a card lying on the floor. I pick it up and examine it. There’s nothing on the front, but when I turn the card over I’m trembling from both anger and loss.

  Come looking, and I will kill her.

  Simple words and straight to the point. My body starts to shake as my heart races faster than I thought was humanly possible. Sweat beads on my brow and I get a chill that runs through my entire body.

  They obviously have no idea who I am or what the fuck I will do to these people, once I find her. And, so help me God, if they’ve hurt her, or my unborn child, I will kill them nice and slow, while watching the life drain from their eyes. I start to panic and I can’t focus on a single thought, because I don’t know where to start looking for her. I will tear the city apart and kill anyone in my way ‘till I find her. That is my mother fucking promise.

  I speed all the way back to Eliza’s father’s house like a mad man. As soon as I pull up I don’t even turn my car off or shut the door because I am out of that car like someone hunting its prey. I smash the door open more forcefully than necessary and walk straight to the weapon’s room. I feel a presence behind me and I know I have to come face to face with her father. I just hope he will let me live long enough to find her once I tell him what’s going on.

  “Tell me, Son, why are you here and not with my girl?” He knows something’s wrong and is just waiting for confirmation. I turn to him slowly and see Matt is behind him too. I was obviously a lot noisier than I thought.

  I don’t say anything, just hand him the card and turn back around stocking up with as many guns and knives as possible. Just as I pick up my last knife, I’m shoved forward and turned around forcefully. Kontos has his hand on my neck, squeezing, looking like he will kill me if I move a muscle.

  “This better be a joke, because so help me God, I will kill you.” He loosens his grip just enough for me to speak. I know I could deflect him easily because he’s getting older. Though, I still know not to mess with this man, who has fire glowing in his eyes as he looks at me.

  “It’s not a joke, now let me the fuck go, so I can find her.”

  He loosens his grip on me and stands back. I turn my back to him and grab the goods I came to get and walk out the door. No one will stop me from finding her, not her father, not Matt and not the dumb motherfucker who thought they could take her from me.

  I have no idea who took her or why they would have taken her. I know she pisses quite a few people off, but no-one is stupid enough to cross her, and the ones that do wind up dead. I drive to Alberto’s old building and walk in with guns raised.

  Alberto was a sadistic bastard that wanted Eliza dead. We almost had him once, ‘till Eliza’s sister, Carmen, got in the way. She wanted to play big, trying to act tough just like her sister. That fucked us over, until we finally had our lead, and Eliza was able to have a ‘play’. However, she never got to ‘play’ for long, because I shot the bastard dead for fucking with my princess in the first place.

  I don’t know why I came here first, but it was my first thought. I see a few men sitting down with women straddling their laps and I fire a shot through the roof. Most of the women jump up and scream while trying to find their clothes.

  I walk to the man standing nearest me and point the gun at his head. “Who’s in charge?” I say, a little too calmly considering my pissed off mood.

  “Go fuck yourself,” he replies.

  I then put a bullet straight in his head and walk to the next man sitting down on the sofa. He looks up at me and smiles.

  “Who is in charge?” I repeat the question. He looks at me sideways and doesn’t sa
y a word. I fire one straight into his leg for not answering me. He howls out and goes to grab his leg. I stop him and place the butt of my gun over his wound. I look at him and smile before I push it further down.

  “Tell me, now.” I grind the gun, not easing up on the pressure. I see his jaw clench, but he doesn’t say a word. I notice him look over my shoulder and I know someone is coming up behind me. I don’t release his leg, I just grab the other gun I have in my trousers and pull it up and fire behind me. I hear him drop to the ground.

  Do they honestly think they can outsmart me? Do they have any idea, who the fuck I am?

  Clearly they don’t value their lives. My jaw clenches in an all consuming fury as an unbearable heat floods my veins. My temper is well and truly lost. I’m in full blown rage territory now. I clench my teeth as I place the barrel of my gun between his eyes; I will only ask one more time.

  “Who’s. In. Charge?” I demand through gritted teeth.

  I watch him swallow hard, his eyes flash with fear, but he refuses to answer.

  “Fuck you,” I say, while I pull the trigger. Standing, I turn around slowly catching the eye of each and every asshole in the room. They all tense up. My breathing is hard while rage rips right through me. Someone here knows something and I intend to find out, even if I have to kill every last motherfucker in this place. “Someone best be talking soon,” I warn, as I change guns. I look up to meet the eyes of a young guy, not much older than Carmen. He looks like he’s shaking and I instantly know he’ll talk. I walk over to him and keep my guns in my hands, by my sides. He looks at me with an uneasy gaze and trembling body and I step so close to him that I am in his face. “Who’s. In. Charge.”

  He fidgets and looks down at the floor and I bring the gun up to his chin and use it to bring his eyes back to mine.


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