The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles

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The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles Page 8

by Adair Hart

  “It sounds like a challenge to me. I’m in,” said Emily with a raised chin.

  Dr. Snowden smiled. “Well, we found danger, so sounds like we’re in the right place.”

  V swatted Dr. Snowden’s arm. “Let us do it!”

  Dr. Snowden rubbed his arm. “I think I like it better when Emily does that.”

  Emily shook her head as Jane chuckled.

  “Warlord Okon may not want to talk to us, but I think I can arrange it,” said Jane. She bobbed her head. “Maybe. I’d need to go to Da Nesh.”

  “Excellent,” said Evaran. “Give V the coordinates, and we can be off.”

  Jane looked around. “I’m not sure how to show you.”

  Evaran stood. “Come to the command center.”

  After everyone assembled in the command area, Evaran tapped at his chair console, causing the right screen to show an overhead map of Da Nesh. “The Torvatta took these on its way in.” He circled a finger clockwise. “Do that to zoom in.” He circled his finger counterclockwise. “Circle the other way to zoom out. To move the map, flatten your hand and move it in the direction you want.”

  “That sounds easy enough,” said Jane as she walked up to the screen. After a few moments of dragging and zooming, she located the alleyway in Hillti and pointed at it. “It’s there.”

  “V, take us there,” said Evaran.


  Jane let out a sigh of relief as she sat next to Dr. Snowden. Evaran was going to help, both personally and professionally. Maybe all the things she had read about him were true. The thought that she would be traveling with someone so legendary, where traveling through space and time was just another adventure, was an exciting proposition. If they were going to help, a lot would need to be done. The thought that she would have to contact Andrew crossed her mind. She would deal with that later. For now, the focus was on setting up a meeting with Warlord Okon, and she knew the person to do it.

  Dr. Snowden focused on the front left screen. It showed a view from V in stealthed orb mode as he followed Jane to a remote alley. Dr. Snowden wondered if Karus, the informant Jane was meeting, would be able to get them a meeting with Warlord Okon. He was not sure if it was a great idea to meet a warlord, but Evaran seemed to think it was. If anything, at least he would get to see another slice of Kalesh culture.

  His thoughts turned to Jane. He enjoyed seeing Jane’s reaction when the Torvatta did the Follisat-to-Da Nesh journey, then to Hillti, a suburb on the outskirts of town. She had said that it was a seven-hour flight usually, maybe two with a United Planets craft. The Torvatta did it in thirty minutes with a few twists and turns. It intrigued him to see her reaction to Evaran’s technology. His thoughts frazzled for a moment as he watched Jane walk.

  “Do you see something interesting?” said Emily, glancing at Dr. Snowden.

  “Yeah … me too,” said Dr. Snowden with a sigh. His eyes widened as he looked at Emily. “I mean … yeah … no …”

  Emily raised an eyebrow.

  Dr. Snowden shook his head.

  Jane walked into an alley between two metal buildings. After a few minutes, Karus shuffled by in a disguise. Jane ventured a bit out into the forest where Karus joined her shortly thereafter.

  Dr. Snowden examined Karus. He was smaller than the average Kalesh that he had seen before. Something about the way Karus looked around made Dr. Snowden uneasy, like Karus was expecting trouble. He focused on the screen.

  “Back so soon?” asked Karus.

  Jane nodded. “I have a new request. I need you to set up a meeting with Warlord Okon for me.”

  Karus stepped back and hunched over. “Are you insane? He’d more likely kill you before talking to you.”

  “I’m aware of that,” said Jane. “However … I’m setting up this meeting for a friend.”

  “Then your friends are insane too!”

  “These friends are what caused the communication spike. I suspect that Warlord Okon would like to know more about that, don’t you?”

  Karus sighed. “Maybe. So you want me to risk my life to set this up. What do I get out of it?”

  “What do you want?”

  Karus paused for a moment as he looked at the ground, then back up. “I want an unregulated Kalesh IL-06 augment.”

  “And you haven’t been waiting for a moment to say that. You know those are hard to come by, and unregulated … that’s illegal.”

  “So is meeting with a warlord outside proper United Planets channels.”

  Jane sighed. “Fair enough. It might take a while to get something like that.”

  “Take your time, you know how to reach me. You get me that augment, you got your meeting,” said Karus. “So you know, I will only put you in contact with the person who can set it up. I’m not traveling out there because … I value my life.”

  Jane narrowed her eyes. “Fine … but I don’t think Warlord Okon would attack another Kalesh. He’s just anti-alien.”

  Karus chuckled. “Despite his reputation, he’s against any who profit off the backs of the disenfranchised. He is also against those who … are involved in crimes against the Kalesh in general.”

  “Okay … so why would you be a problem? You’re not a dangerous criminal and not profiting off the disenfranchised,” said Jane.

  Karus licked his lips and looked down.

  “I see … well … won’t he know you’re involved once you set this up?”

  Karus peeled his lips back and snorted. “Do you take me for a fool? I’ll do this through proxies.”

  “All right, all right. I’ll get you the augment, and you get the meeting with that person. Deal?”

  “Done,” said Karus. “I’ll check this spot at our usual time daily.” He looked around, dipped his head, then scampered out of the forest.

  Jane wiggled her jaw for a moment, then headed back to the Torvatta.

  Dr. Snowden glanced at Evaran when the screen went blank. “So I guess we’re getting an augment then.”

  “It would appear so,” said Evaran. “I will look to Jane on how to procure it.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t involve finding lost pieces of it,” said Dr. Snowden.

  After ten minutes, Jane rejoined them in the assembly area. V had changed back into body mode and took his spot at the front console.

  Jane took her seat and glanced at Evaran. “Did you catch all that?”

  “We did. What is the augment that Karus requested?”

  “It’s a rapid-learning augment,” said Jane. “It goes near the brain stem and enhances memory and recall while boosting focus. It also enhances problem solving and cognitive ability in general.”

  Dr. Snowden smirked. “It makes you smarter.”

  “Right. Almost all humans have that augment by the age of ten. The United Planets have a modified version for the Kalesh, but as part of the integration program, they have to go through a process to get one.”

  “Let me guess … Karus would never qualify,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Jane nodded. “He would not fit the psychological profile, and with his background, there is the possibility he might use it for nefarious purposes.”

  Dr. Snowden looked at Evaran. “So we need to replicate it and we’re good to go, right?”

  “Not quite. This augment involves the brain. I suspect the augment is customized, and without the knowledge of the safety and testing process, it could be dangerous.”

  Jane nodded. “The illegal augment trade has one that is almost a duplicate of what the United Planets has, but it has issues. I have read reports of Kalesh going crazy, some mutating, and some even dying. When the United Planets installs one, there are regular checkups and tweaking that is done post install to ensure it is working as intended. We have a brain scan of Karus from his brief incarceration that’s needed to customize it, and he knows that.”

  “I see,” said Evaran. “Are you able to obtain one then?”

  “Maybe. I could ask Andrew. They have a secured augment lab
in his building. We would need to apply Karus’s brain scan onto it. I doubt Andrew would give me one unless …”

  “Unless I come with you,” said Evaran. He interacted with his chair console, causing the right screen to show a map of Da Nesh. “Very well. What are the coordinates?”

  Jane walked up to the map and found Andrew’s building. She pointed at it. “There.”

  Evaran examined the map. “There does not appear to be a place to land.”

  “It’s meant to be traveled to using the city transportation system.”

  Evaran narrowed his eyes. “The roof appears to have an access point. V, take us to the roof, then keep the Torvatta nearby.”


  “If they see your ship hovering around the building, there could be some problems,” said Jane.

  “V, engage stealth mode,” said Evaran.


  The Torvatta took off and headed toward Andrew’s building.

  “Torvatta stealth mode engaged,” said V.

  Jane raised her eyebrows. “That’ll work. Your ship is quite impressive.”

  “It makes for a nice place to live too,” said Emily. “It also has a great training room.”

  Jane eyed Emily. “What type of training room?”

  “It is a holo room that can convert energy into matter. It can make any training scenario you can imagine.”

  “I think I’d like to see that before I leave, if that’s okay.”

  Emily glanced at Evaran, who nodded. “Sure. I’m there most mornings, so stop on in whenever.”

  Dr. Snowden observed Jane and Emily’s interaction. He was glad that Emily was opening up more. Maybe Jane would rub off on her some.

  After several minutes, the Torvatta hovered just over the roof.

  “We have arrived,” said V.

  “Excellent,” said Evaran. He stood and waved toward the entrance. “Let us go.”

  Everyone except V exited the Torvatta.

  Dr. Snowden scanned the surroundings. The contrast between United Planets and Kalesh architecture was more apparent at this height. He could see several other metallic United Planets structures far off in the distance. They were taller than most of the Kalesh ones. He imagined it as a modern-day suburb with mini skyscrapers in their midst.

  Emily squeezed his shoulder.

  Dr. Snowden jumped. Looking around, he saw that Evaran and Jane were waiting for him at the roof door. He hustled up to them. “Sorry, I was … sightseeing.”

  “It’s a great view up here. I come up here sometimes to clear my head,” said Jane.

  Dr. Snowden watched the light fluctuations from the Torvatta taking off. “I can see why.” With a final look around, he entered the building after the others.

  After ten minutes of navigating through the building, they reached Andrew’s office. Dr. Snowden had scrutinized the building interior on their way in. The transportation pod system intrigued him. It could go horizontal as well as vertical. He wondered how much additional space that must have added. It was convenient, though.

  The solid wall they stood in front of seemed impenetrable to Dr. Snowden. He watched as Jane interacted with her ARI, just like Evaran did, and a section of the wall in the shape of a door faded away. Although he had seen shielded doors before, seeing them with solid matter surprised him. Maybe it was a dark-colored shield with a hologram. He ran his hand along the door’s edge as he entered the room. It reminded him of rubber.

  Everyone else entered Andrew’s office.

  The first thing Dr. Snowden noticed was that it was an empty dome-shaped room. In the middle sat a man facing away from the door.

  “Andrew … I hope I’m not bothering,” said Jane as she walked up to Andrew.

  “Not at all,” said Andrew as he spun around. His lips parted and his eyes widened when he saw Evaran, Dr. Snowden, and Emily. “Evaran?”

  Evaran bowed. “You are correct.”

  Andrew stood and walked over to Evaran and looked him over. “It really is you.” He tapped at his ARI, causing the room to dim a bit, and then he shook Evaran’s hand. “I have so many questions to ask you …”

  Evaran waved a finger between Dr. Snowden and Emily. “Before we get to that, let me introduce Dr. Albert Snowden and his niece, Emily. We have come to ask for your help.”

  Andrew shook their hands and then sat back on his chair. “Of course. Sorry … not everyday someone you read about appears in your office. How can I help?”

  Evaran gestured at Jane.

  Jane cleared her throat. “I know you aren’t going to like this, but … we need an unregulated IL-06 for Karus.”

  Andrew snorted. “What?”

  “It’s for a trade. I know … I know … it isn’t legal, but we need it in order to talk with Warlord Okon.”

  “Why do you want to talk to him?”

  Evaran stepped forward. “We are going to the space habitats to investigate the illegal augment trade, but wanted to check first with Warlord Okon. He may be able to provide useful information that might help us.”

  “Oh … ,” said Andrew with a grin. “So that’s why you’re here. Jane can be quite persuasive, can’t she?”

  Jane cleared her throat while shooting a look at Andrew. “You remember that communication spike when Evaran arrived? I’m betting that Warlord Okon has a pulse on what that’s about. If we’re going to the space habitat, it would be helpful to know what we’re walking into.”

  “Warlord Okon might know about the communication spike, but do you think he would know anything about the habitats?”

  Jane shrugged. “He would know who is supplying the illegal augments.”

  “You still think they’re coming from the habitats …”

  “All my research points to it,” said Jane. “Warlord Okon would know for sure.”

  “And if the habitat isn’t where they’re coming from?”

  Jane lowered her head.

  “You want to see where Chris died,” said Andrew. He contemplated Jane for a moment, then stood up. “I’ll get one configured for Karus, but don’t tell him I helped.” He exited the room.

  Jane’s eyes lit up. “He’s going to help us!”

  “Excellent,” said Evaran.

  After several minutes of light talk, Andrew returned with a box. He handed it to Jane. “Here you go. Don’t lose it.”

  Jane smiled. “Thank you. I know you could get in trouble for this, and … I really appreciate it.”

  “I hope it’s worth whatever mess I’ll have to deal with,” said Andrew. “However, if it gives you closure, and there is progress on the illegal augment trade, then it’s worth it. Besides, I can say Evaran requested it.” He shot a smile at Evaran.

  Evaran dipped his head. “Hopefully that will help.”

  “Oh … it would. There would be no questions,” said Andrew. “Obviously, I would love to travel with you, but this is Jane’s case. I do have a request, though. Once this is all over, I’d like to see your ship and spend a day touring it if possible. There is so much I want to discuss.”

  “We will make time for it when this is over. You have my word.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Jane hugged Andrew. “Thank you so much.”

  “Watch her,” said Andrew, pointing at Evaran.

  Evaran bowed. “Of course.”

  After everyone shook hands with Andrew, they exited the building and assembled in the Torvatta.

  The interaction between Evaran and Andrew intrigued Dr. Snowden. He could only imagine reading about someone as epic as Evaran, then having them appear on your doorstep. Still, Andrew was able to wrestle out a visit to the Torvatta. Probably something he would treasure for the rest of his life. It surprised Dr. Snowden that Evaran did not invite Andrew to come along. Maybe after the last several adventures, one extra person was enough. Dr. Snowden shook his head. It was a reminder for him to not take for granted where he was.

  After flying to Hillti, Jane went b
ack to the remote alley. V, in stealthed orb mode, hovered over her and relayed an overview to the Torvatta’s main screen. A few minutes after her arrival, Karus appeared at the meeting spot right inside the forest.

  “I didn’t think you would actually do it … ,” said Karus.

  Jane bobbed her head. “Well, now you know how important this is.” She handed the small box over to Karus.

  Karus studied the box and then opened it. His eyes widened slightly. “Where’d you get it?”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  Karus peeled his lips back and snorted. “Fine … fine.” He ran a hand over his mouth. “Be back here in four days, same time. Make sure to bring whoever your friends are for that one. The person meeting them will want to know who is coming and what to expect. I won’t be around for that, obviously.”

  “Thanks for setting it up.”

  Karus nodded and tucked the box into a bag he carried off to his side. He spun around and headed toward the alley exit. As he approached it, he pivoted. “Be careful.” He wheeled back around and left the alleyway.

  Jane returned to the Torvatta and took her seat in the command area. “Looks like we come back in four days around the same time. Not sure what we can do until then.”

  Dr. Snowden chuckled.

  Jane wrinkled her eyebrows as she glanced at Dr. Snowden. “What?”

  “You’re on a ship that can travel through time.”

  Jane pursed her lips as her eyes darted back and forth. “So … you’re saying we could go four days into the future?”

  “Yep. Unless, of course, Evaran sees an issue. It takes a while to adjust to having time travel as an option.”

  Jane harrumphed as she shot a look at Evaran. “Any concerns?”

  “None that I can foresee. V, take us four days into the future. Bring us a bit before we are to meet, and keep us in stealth mode.”


  Dr. Snowden smiled as he glanced at Evaran. “Can we go to the roof for this?”

  “Of course,” said Evaran. He headed to roof, with V following behind him.


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