The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles

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The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles Page 14

by Adair Hart

  Emily fired her repulsion blast, sweeping the robots off their feet. She switched to her stun blast and hit both of them. Using her shield, she smashed one of the drones that came too close. With a rapid succession of stun blasts, she took down the others. She glanced at Evaran and noticed he had handled the guards and drones on his side using only his staff and shield. Her training would need to move up a notch to get to that level. “This isn’t a good spot.”

  “I concur,” said Evaran. He gestured forward.

  For the next twenty-five minutes, they navigated the hallways while dodging roving bands of robot guards, drones, and the occasional android. When they came upon a side room with a lockable door, they dipped in.

  Evaran placed his UIC on the door console. After the UIC stabilized, he locked the door. He interacted with his ARI. “Transferring visual to your helmet.”

  Emily could see a screen appear inside her helmet. She had Evaran give her suit a HUD that he or V could direct information to. On the screen was a static image of Dr. Snowden and Jane. After a moment, it connected, showing a live feed of Dr. Snowden, Jane, and an unknown woman.

  Dr. Snowden raised his head a bit. “Evaran! I was about to contact you.”

  “We have met Billozein, and he has mentioned that you are in a testing level for those with failed augment integrations.”

  Dr. Snowden sighed. “It’s been a bit crazy over here. We were headed back to the ship. We met Chris but … it wasn’t him. It was some creature thing using his body. Billozein is apparently making them through accidents, and that’s why the quarantine is in place. It’s like … he’s building an army or something.”

  “I see,” said Evaran. “I have downloaded as much information as I could. Perhaps we will find more on that when I go through it. “

  “That sounds good to me,” said Dr. Snowden. He pointed at the unknown woman. “We also met Naomi, and she’s the only human in a department of forty. The others were converted into these things, and now, we’re stuck down here. The elevator shaft has been bricked, as far as I can tell. How do we get out of here?”

  “Bricked as in how?” asked Evaran.

  Naomi showed her face and did a slight wave. “Hi, Naomi here. When the elevator is shut down, the shaft is plugged up. This shaft only went up to level forty, but it’s unusable now.”

  “I see,” said Evaran as he tapped at his ARI. “One moment.”

  Emily could see maps fly by in a second screen in her HUD. A layout of level seven with a green line to an exit appeared.

  “I have transferred the location of the nearest ramp exit. Each level has a series of ramps that connect it. The one you need to go to is about three miles away. Emily and I will meet you there.”

  “It should be a straight shot then. How’s Emily?”

  “I’m fine,” said Emily. Although she knew she did not need to worry about Dr. Snowden, she did.

  “You sure you two are okay?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “We had to fight a bit,” said Emily. “Oh, and Billozein tried to kill us with poisonous gas.”

  Dr. Snowden’s eyebrows raised.

  “We’re fine. We’ll meet up soon. Stay safe.”

  Dr. Snowden focused on Emily for a moment, then said, “I always try to. We have a lot to catch up on when we meet. I’ll see you then.”

  The screens faded.

  Evaran waved forward as they moved down the hallway. “The ramps are nearby.”

  After some light opposition, they reached the corner leading into the ramp area.

  As they went around, Emily saw several androids and robot guards. Her attention was drawn to the large metallic robot with two legs and a pod on top of it that stood in the middle. It bristled with weapons and had several drones flying above it.

  “Target acquired,” said the large robot.

  The androids and other robots opened fire.

  Evaran pulled Emily back around the corner.

  “Okay … how are we handling this?” asked Emily, catching her breath.

  Evaran paused for a moment as he extended his utility handle into a baton with a glowing yellow end, then glanced at Emily. “Use your shield to protect me when I go out. I am going to grapple swing them.”

  Emily’s eyes widened. “Okay …”

  “Now!” said Evaran.

  Emily extended her shield to cover an area the size of two humans standing side by side. She then ran out with her shield reflecting fire while Evaran stayed close behind her.

  Evaran leaned out from behind her and aimed at the large middle robot. The yellow beam from his baton stuck to the robot. With a hard yank, the robot stumbled.

  The robot shot around randomly as it moved forward, hitting several of the robot guards.

  Evaran swung to the left with the capsized robot still at the end of the beam. After clearing that side, he swung right.

  As the robot struggled to get up, Emily and Evaran charged it.

  When Evaran reached it, he touched it with his baton, with a blue end now, and shocked it.

  After a moment, the robot stopped moving. They stunned the remaining androids and robots that had survived the initial clearing and were trying to get back up.

  Emily shook her head. “And we’re going down to level seven?”

  “Yes. Forty-seven levels to go. However, there is a break at level twenty. I do not believe there will be resistance on every level, but if there is, we will have to deal with it. Are you ready for this?”

  Emily cracked her neck as she leaned her head from side to side. “Let’s do this.”

  “Very well. We shall do it,” said Evaran.

  Emily snorted. “You and V.” She swatted Evaran’s arm and headed down the first ramp.

  Dr. Snowden looked around after talking with Evaran. The elevator had begun flashing lights, and as soon as they exited it, the doors slid shut. A loud clanking sound rang out. He figured that was the elevator shaft being plugged up. Now all they had to do was head to the nearest exit, three miles away. He focused on Jane and Naomi. “This Billozein guy is a control freak.”

  “Yeah, and with control of the Dyson bubble, he would own this solar system, and possibly more,” said Jane.

  Dr. Snowden smirked.

  “What?” asked Jane.

  “I just realized that we arrived before Billozein really got off the ground.”

  Jane narrowed her eyes. “I guess you did. Fortunate for us.”

  “If we had come later, the United Planets may not be as big as it is, or even exist,” said Dr. Snowden. He motioned at V. “Well, let’s focus on getting out of here. V, can you go into mapping mode?”

  “Acknowledged. Mapping mode engaged,” said V. “For future reference, you can tell me.”

  “Got it.”

  V took off with a two-dimensional circle of red beams emanating from him.

  Dr. Snowden harrumphed. He kept his helmet down so he could smell, since Naomi had no suit other than her uniform. Not only did he think it would make her more comfortable, but it would also alert him to unusual smells, which might be important down here.

  With his PSD out, he scanned around in augmented reality mode. Scanning up showed the level to be around three hundred feet tall. Looking left and right gave a width of about a mile. It was like the downtown portion of a small city had been dropped onto the level. He could see large buildings in the distance, and on his right and left was what appeared to be a neighborhood of metallic-looking housing structures. Running his hand across the ground confirmed that it was made of some type of dirt. The smell of rotting garbage punctuated the somewhat humid air.

  “The testing level … ,” said Naomi. “And now we’re stuck here. I’ve heard stories about this place. I thought it was a myth.”

  “What do you know of it?” asked Dr. Snowden.

  “Not much other than this is where rogue AIs, failed experiments, and sometimes, from what I heard, trouble personnel go.”

  “Why doesn’t Billozein kill them?
Seems kinda cruel to put them here,” said Jane.

  “The rumor is that sometimes something arises out of the chaos that he’s interested in, like a mutation that is beneficial,” said Naomi. “That’s all I know. It isn’t spoken of often, for obvious reasons.”

  Dr. Snowden sighed. “Well … Evaran said where we need to go is three miles away.” He pointed off in the distance. “Over there along the wall. An exit ramp.”

  “This is not quite how I expected things to go,” said Naomi, gulping.

  “Stick with us, and you’ll be okay,” said Dr. Snowden. “I promise.” He squeezed Naomi’s arm.

  Naomi forced a smile.

  “Do you have a weapon?” asked Jane.

  Naomi shook her head. “I’m an engineer, not security.”

  Jane pulled off a small device from her belt. After a few clicks and turns, the device extended into a small weapon. She glanced at Naomi. “Extend your hand.”

  Naomi complied.

  Jane scanned Naomi’s hand with the device, then handed it to her. “Here. It’s my backup weapon, and now it’s encoded to you. It’s a simple phaser, but it packs a punch. Make sure that when you shoot it, you aim away from us.”

  Naomi flipped the weapon around in her hand for a moment. She looked at Jane. “Thanks. Hopefully I won’t need to use it.” She placed the device in her pocket.

  “We should stick close to one of the walls,” said Jane, pointing off to the right.

  Dr. Snowden shook his head. “Maybe a bit further in. I hear something moving over there.”

  Jane shot Dr. Snowden a quizzical look. “I don’t hear anything, and nothing is showing up on my visual.”

  Dr. Snowden tapped his ear. “Nanobot-enhanced hearing. Whatever it is, it seems to be small, but there are quite a few of them.”

  V returned and shot down a projection of the level.

  Dr. Snowden scrutinized it. The red dots off to the right confirmed that there was a group over there. “It looks like V confirms what I sensed.”

  Jane pulled out her sidearm and, after setting a few options, aimed at the ground and motioned with her head forward. “All right. Let’s go through this park area then. Let’s move.”

  They headed down the slightly angled mixed patch of dirt and grass.

  Dr. Snowden noted that the trees were a mix of technology and nature. It was the decomposing nature of them that startled him. The technological framework looked like a skeleton, with the tree draped over it as some sort of loose skin. Metallic arms reached out as if trying to scare someone. He rubbed his goose bumps through his suit. A half mile in to their trip, he raised his hand.

  Jane looked around. “I’m not seeing or hearing anything.”

  Dr. Snowden turned around and pointed slightly to the left of the elevator entrance. “There. They’re coming.”

  “Analysis. It is the creatures from my initial scan.”

  “Can you show them?”

  “Acknowledged,” said V. He shot down a projection of the creatures. They had two legs that sat on the side of a scaled wormlike body tilted at a forty-five degree angle. The head was short and had a long beak. Their movement was jerky, like they had to pause every few seconds to orient themselves.

  “What do we do?” asked Naomi with widened eyes.

  Dr. Snowden took a measured breath, then pointed off to the housing structures on the right. “Let’s head over there. And quick.”

  They headed out of the park and hesitated before crossing the street.

  “They’re much closer now,” said Dr. Snowden. “Hurry!” He pushed forward across the street.

  Naomi peered behind her while moving forward. “I don’t see anything.”

  Jane walked backward while studying where they had come from. “Okay … I see them now.”

  Dr. Snowden waited on the other side of the street as Naomi burst past him. Jane was still a bit away. He looked out and saw what Jane was referring to. “Jane, c’mon!”

  Jane turned and ran toward Dr. Snowden.

  “V, distraction hologram!”


  V flew out and projected a hologram of a large grizzly bear.

  Dr. Snowden noticed that the creatures had paused at the projection, then pivoted and begun to run toward them. “They’re on to us. Let’s go!”

  Dr. Snowden, Jane, and Naomi ran along the housing structures, looking for a place to hole up.

  After going past six structures that were sealed up, Dr. Snowden looked up and around. He saw one of the housing buildings a bit farther away had a height of around fifteen feet. His tingling nanobots swept through him. He gestured at the roof. “We’re going up!”

  “How are we going to get up there?” asked Naomi.

  “I could climb up and shoot down something that can be used to climb up,” said Jane.

  “There’s no time. I have another idea,” said Dr. Snowden. “Follow me.”

  Jane and Naomi followed Dr. Snowden to the housing structure.

  Once there, Dr. Snowden got behind Naomi. “I’m gonna toss you up. You ready?”

  “What?” said Naomi.

  Dr. Snowden grabbed Naomi’s hips. “There’s no time to discuss. On three. One … two … three!” With an upward lift, he sent Naomi soaring over the roof, where she then crash landed. He looked at Jane. “You’re next.”

  Jane moved by Dr. Snowden.

  Dr. Snowden grabbed her hips. With another upward motion, he sent her up. He made sure to not to use as much lift as he did with Naomi. With the tingling sensations rollicking through him, he could feel his strength. Part of him wanted to take on the creatures, but he did not know what abilities they possessed. He gauged the roof edge and, after assuming a springing position, jumped up.

  Naomi was sitting and trying to catch her breath, while Jane looked out over the roof.

  Dr. Snowden peered over the edge and saw the creatures milling about. Some tried to scale the wall but fell down. A roar in the distance made him flinch, but also caused the creatures to scramble. He walked over to Naomi and Jane and squatted. “I think they’re gone.”

  “I didn’t know you were that strong,” said Naomi.

  “Nanobot-enhanced strength.”

  Jane raised an eyebrow. “You sure took your time with your hands on my hips.”

  Dr. Snowden’s eyes widened. “What? I …”

  Jane and Naomi chuckled.

  “Oh,” said Dr. Snowden as his face turned red.

  Jane slapped Dr. Snowden on the arm. “You reacted quickly and took charge. Admirable.”

  “It’s nothing … you know,” said Dr. Snowden, rubbing the back of his neck. “Did you two hear that roar?”

  “It was hard not to,” said Naomi. “It sounded far away.”

  V flew back to them. “The roar was my doing.”

  “Whew … thanks, V,” said Dr. Snowden. He was glad it was not a new threat they would have to deal with.

  V’s lights glowed a bit brighter.

  “We should take a moment to rest. I’m going to see what I can scan from up here.”

  “That sounds good to me,” said Naomi. “We never covered any of this in engineering school.”

  Dr. Snowden grinned. It occurred to him that he was in her shoes when he first met Evaran. He set his PSD into augmented reality mode and scanned toward the exit. Sweeping it around revealed that the structure they were on was part of a grid-like unit. Beyond that were several tall buildings. There was no visible way past it as far as he could see. He sighed as he put away his PSD. “It looks like we have to go through one of the buildings ahead.”

  Jane looked out. “Cramped environment. I don’t like it.”

  “Me either, but it’s that or stay up here,” said Dr. Snowden.

  Naomi put her hand on her chest. “Hey, I’m not that bad to be around.”

  Dr. Snowden helped Naomi up. “No, you’re not. I wish it could’ve been an easy shot to the ship. However, as it is every time we go somewhere,
there are complications. I’m beginning to get a complex about it. Anyways, those creatures seem to have gone, and although we need to go to ground again, we should stick as far right as we can.”

  “That’s a good plan,” said Jane. “If it came down to it, I think we could take them.”

  “I do too, especially when my nanobots are pulsing.”

  Jane tapped her lips with a finger. “Is that why you got super strength all of a sudden?”

  “Yeah. It’s kinda unusual. They start tingling like crazy, and everything slows down, I’m stronger, and … my emotional state changes. I feel like a robot sorta.”

  Naomi furrowed her eyebrows. “I’ve researched the old nanobot studies. For the ones that could handle it for long periods of time, they reported that same feeling.”

  “Really?” said Dr. Snowden. “What happened to them?”

  “They died gruesome deaths.”

  Dr. Snowden gulped. “Oh.”

  “You better not die on me,” said Jane with one raised eyebrow. She walked over to the edge, then slipped down after hanging off the side.

  Naomi smiled at Dr. Snowden and followed Jane.

  Dr. Snowden could still feel his nanobots pumping around in him. Jane’s and Naomi’s ribbing endeared them to him. Although he could handle himself around women, they were both easy on the eyes, something that always seemed to invoke his awkwardness. It was something he would need to work on. He took a short run before jumping off.

  Naomi jumped a bit upon Dr. Snowden’s landing. “Impressive. I wish I had time to study you.”

  “Let’s get out of here first,” said Dr. Snowden with smile.

  They crept along the edges of the housing grid, pausing a few times upon hearing sounds in the distance.

  Dr. Snowden figured the housing was helping to dampen their movement. He understood now that the creatures responded to vibrations and sound. It was not obvious at first, but when he was at full tilt with his nanobots, he thought he could see concentric waves upon each step that he, Jane, or Naomi took. The creatures would have easily been in range to hear them, but they did not respond as quickly as when movement was detected. They also fled when V emitted a roaring sound.

  His nanobots also seemed to be improving his ability to notice things. They even gave him an edge over the augments Jane had. The situation of escorting Naomi through a dangerous environment was not lost on him. He wondered if this was how Evaran felt rescuing him and Emily. A chuckle escaped him.


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