The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles

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The Time Refugee: Book 4 of the Evaran Chronicles Page 30

by Adair Hart

  The other Jane shook her head as she looked at Andrew. “You’re right, this does sound … a little out there.”

  Andrew smirked. “Given what I’ve studied of Evaran, standard operating procedure.”

  Evaran glanced at Jane for a moment, then back at Andrew. “I can take you on that tour now.”

  Andrew jumped out of his chair. “Count me in.”

  Evaran laid a hand on Jane’s shoulder. “You can stay here if you wish.”

  Jane gulped as she looked at Evaran. “Okay.” She wondered if Evaran knew that she wanted to talk to the other Jane in private, like she had before.

  Evaran stood and gestured at the door. “Let us go.”

  Dr. Snowden stood for a moment, looking at both Janes, and after lightly squeezing Jane’s shoulder, he left with Emily, Evaran, V, and Andrew.

  The other Jane took Andrew’s seat. “That’s quite a story.”

  “It’s all true,” said Jane. “It sounds incredible, and I wouldn’t believe any of it except that I just lived through it.” She cleared her throat. “I have to ask … are you with Chris, and do you have two kids? Girls?”

  The other Jane smiled. “You got it. Chris came out here because of the Dyson bubble being built. I had to use all of my political capital, but was able to come out early to be with him. I then got this posting. I’m guessing you met another timeline version of me … well … us, like that.”

  Jane looked down. “Yeah. Girls were Lauren and Meghan. In my timeline, Chris was killed by Billozein. I was a United Planets field agent and was able to get transferred to Da Nesh. Like you, I had to use all of my political capital to come out early. In my personal time, I tried to investigate what happened, and then met Evaran and crew, and they helped me check it out. It seems in any timeline where we’re alive, Chris comes out here, and we follow him, regardless if he’s alive or not, except for the second and third one. We’re all dead in the second one, and the third one we were on the Jupiter station.”

  The other Jane grimaced. “Oh no … I can’t even imagine …” She gazed at Jane. “So … you’re traveling with Evaran then?”

  Jane looked up. “I guess. Where else can I go? Everything I knew is gone. I mean … it’s here, but not the same.”

  The other Jane tapped her fingertips together. “You … could stay here.”

  Jane contemplated the other Jane. There was no indication that she was joking. This was a serious offer. “I’m not sure I could live knowing another version of Chris was around and he wasn’t a part of my life.” She dipped her head.

  The other Jane laughed. “We’re Fredorians. Our group is open.”

  Jane jerked her head back. “I was exclusive with Chris in my timeline. I guess there are some differences.”

  “Well, since this is the finalized timeline, as far as I understand it, I wouldn’t mind if you joined our family group. It would be me, you, and Chris. Anyone asks, you’re my twin sister. I know it sounds weird, but … I feel like I know you.”

  “Well, we’re the same person, just different timeline versions, as far as I understand it,” said Jane. She swallowed hard. “I … I could have nieces and nephews?”

  The other Jane’s eyebrows pulled down in concentration. “And I could too.”

  Jane tapped her fingertips together. “Chris … do you think …”

  The other Jane laughed. “I can barely keep his hands off of me. Imagine him finding out about you. Not sure if your Chris was the same as this one, but two of us …”

  Jane chuckled. “Sounds like the Chris I knew.”

  “Well, I’m an agent as you can see. Chris is working on the space habitats, but comes back for a few days every week. We could always use an experienced agent out here.”

  Jane gulped. “Andrew would be okay with that?”

  “What do you think?”

  They both chuckled.

  Jane smirked. “Yeah, he’d be okay with that. However … are you sure you would be okay with me here?”

  The other Jane eased back in Andrew’s chair. “I know that if I was in your shoes, I would want this. A second chance. I’m betting that you want that to.”

  Jane’s eyes misted. She thought that maybe her presence would have caused issues, but it seemed the other Jane thought otherwise. Given how closely she thought that she and the other Jane must think, staying seemed like the natural choice. She would have a family, possibly have her own kids, have a good job, and, most important of all, have Chris in her life, even if it was a different version.

  The other Jane stood and gestured toward the room exit. “Well, assuming you are staying, I guess we should tell the others.”

  Jane nodded. “As a good friend would say … let’s do this.”

  Dr. Snowden liked Andrew’s infectious enthusiasm. Andrew had seen the holo room, the command area, the living quarters, and now was in the conference room with him, Emily, Evaran, and V, having lunch. The summons was over, Jane was going to travel with them, and the start of a new chapter in his life would be beginning. He had a hard time keeping a persistent smile from dominating his face.

  “So this is a hamburger,” said Andrew, chewing as if he was unsure of how it tasted.

  “It is,” said Evaran.

  Andrew popped a fry into his mouth. “Interesting texture.”

  Dr. Snowden glanced at Evaran. “I bet Andrew would like to see your interactions with his other timeline versions.”

  Andrew’s eyes lit up. “You … have recordings?”

  “I do.”

  Andrew swallowed hard. “This is, like, the best day of my life.”

  Dr. Snowden laughed. His attention focused on Jane and the other Jane entering the room. His heartbeat increased at the thought of what having two Janes would be like. The seriousness on Jane’s face caused a ripple of uncertainty to wash over him. Something had happened.

  The other Jane put her hand out. “Hey, all. I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”

  Andrew shook his head. “Not at all. You gotta try this hamburger thing.”

  “I will, but first … I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Now?” asked Andrew.

  The other Jane raised an eyebrow.

  “Now,” said Andrew. He plunked down his burger and sighed as he stood. “I’ll be back. Business calls.”

  “We will be here,” said Evaran.

  “Good, because I’d like to see those recordings, if you don’t mind, that is …”

  “I do not mind,” said Evaran.

  Andrew exited with the other Jane.

  Dr. Snowden’s mouth went dry.

  Jane took a seat to Evaran’s right. She took a measured breath and looked around the table. “I wanted to say … thank you for taking me in, when you didn’t have to. I’m honored that you allowed me to travel with you. But …” She glanced at Dr. Snowden, whose lips had drawn down. “Jane … I mean … the other Jane … has offered me a second chance.”

  A pit formed in Dr. Snowden’s stomach. He had not anticipated that Jane might not travel with them after she had accepted an invitation to join them. His throat constricted.

  Evaran faced Jane. “This is a good opportunity for you to explore what could have been. While I would have enjoyed having you with us, you should take advantage of this.”

  Jane cocked her head at Evaran. “You knew that the other Jane was going to ask me to stay, didn’t you?”

  Evaran pointed at V.

  V’s lights flickered. “Analysis. I calculated a ninety-eight point seven percent chance she would ask. Your acceptance was at sixty-one point three percent.”

  “Why so low on the acceptance? Or do I want to know?” asked Jane.

  “Analysis. I could not quantify Dr. Snowden’s desire for you.”

  Dr. Snowden’s face turned red as he sighed. “Oh, well thanks, V.”

  “You are welcome.”

  Jane and Emily chuckled.

  Emily’s eyes narrowed. “Will Jane staying here
impact the timeline?”

  “It would, but not in the big picture. Minor changes occur quite often. It is the major ones, like Billozein, that require attention.”

  “I promise not to make any history-altering events,” said Jane.

  Evaran’s eyes sparkled. “Even if you or your descendants do, your presence here is due to a rendering of my judgment and actions. I am okay with that. I would ask that you leave your suit and PSD here, though.”

  Jane frowned. “No problem. I feel bad for leaving after everything that’s been done for me.”

  Dr. Snowden understood why Jane wanted to stay in Da Nesh. Her life had been uprooted, and a second chance, which included another timeline version of her husband in it, was available. He knew that if he did not have Emily but was offered a chance to live in a timeline where his brother, Emily, and maybe even a wife were around, he would take it in a heartbeat. Even so, he was going to miss her, and the nausea bubbling in his stomach was letting him know.

  Evaran glanced at Emily. “Let us head to the command center. We can check on Andrew and the other Jane.”

  Emily squeezed Dr. Snowden’s arm, then stood. “That sounds good.” She wagged a finger at V. “You’re with us, mister.”


  Evaran, Emily, and V exited the room.

  Jane focused on the table for a moment before meeting Dr. Snowden’s pained gaze. “I know it was never said … but I did feel that there could have been something between us.”

  “Yeah,” said Dr. Snowden with lips drawn down. “I felt it too, but second chances like this are rare. I understand why you’re taking it.”

  “You and Emily could always join our family group.”

  Dr. Snowden grimaced. “This is Emily’s home now. I have to stay here.”

  “I understand,” said Jane. She laid both hands out on the table, palms up.

  Dr. Snowden licked his lips and placed his hands in hers.

  “This doesn’t have to be good-bye. You can travel anywhere in space and time and come visit.”

  Dr. Snowden sighed. “I know. And to be fair, if kids were in your future, traveling with Evaran isn’t exactly the safest place.”

  Jane exhaled from her nose. “I’m glad you understand. You’re a great person.”

  Dr. Snowden swallowed hard as he looked away.

  “Well, I guess I better check with Andrew and the other Jane. She’s asking Andrew about my employment as an agent.”

  “Right,” said Dr. Snowden. He cleared his throat and looked Jane in the eyes. “I’m glad it worked out. I really am.”

  Jane’s eyes softened. “If it didn’t, I had a hell of a backup plan.”

  Dr. Snowden chuckled. “That you did.”

  Jane stood and walked over to hug Dr. Snowden.

  Dr. Snowden hugged Jane and whispered in her ear, “You’ll be fine.”

  Jane pulled back and smiled. “You will too. Before you all leave, I’ll make sure to stop in.”

  “Okay,” said Dr. Snowden. His lips quivered as he watched Jane exit the room. He exhaled from his mouth and sat back down in his chair.

  Emily watched the animated discussion between Andrew and the other Jane. Andrew’s eyes lit up when the other Jane mentioned Jane was staying. Her attention focused on Jane as she walked out of the conference room. Emily noticed that Jane’s eyes were red and that her jaw clenched and unclenched. Emily figured that Jane must have had some closure with Dr. Snowden.

  “Is everything okay?” asked Emily.

  Jane looked up at Emily. “I think so.”

  “I’m going to miss you at the morning workout.”

  Jane beamed a smile. “I’m going to continue it in Da Nesh in your honor. May not have a holo room, but I’ll figure something out.” She looked down for a moment, then back up. “Thank you for being a friend. I really appreciate it. I admire your strength.”

  “Always,” said Emily.

  “You’re always welcome to come visit.”

  “You never know. If we do come, I expect a hell of a workout.”

  Jane hugged Emily and sniffled. With one final smile, she headed over to Andrew and the other Jane.

  Emily watched as Jane hugged V, then Evaran. She was going to miss Jane. At least Jane had a second chance. It did not escape Emily that maybe in the future, she could see her dad.

  She entered the conference room and saw Dr. Snowden with a hand massaging his temples. He looked up at her with puffy eyes. Her heart broke. She knew Dr. Snowden meeting someone he was compatible with was rare, and to see it slip away must have crushed him.

  Dr. Snowden wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. “What’s up?”

  Emily sat next to Dr. Snowden and placed a hand on his arm. “How are you holding up?”

  Dr. Snowden adjusted his glasses and looked down. “I’ll be fine. Jane’s happy, and that’s what’s important.”

  “Your happiness is important too.”

  Dr. Snowden sighed. “It wasn’t meant to be, and that’s that.”

  Emily frowned. She could see he was hurting and there was nothing she could do or say that would change it. His rationalization was his defense mechanism.

  “I … I need some alone time to regroup.”

  “I understand,” said Emily. “If you want to talk, I’m here.”

  Dr. Snowden looked up at Emily and smiled. “I know. I’m just glad you’re here with me.”

  Emily hugged Dr. Snowden, then watched as he exited the room. She knew it was going to take a while for him to get over Jane. It had taken her a while to get over leaving Andia from a previous adventure. Although that relationship was not as deep as what she thought Dr. Snowden and Jane’s was, it still hurt a bit. She exited the room and saw that the main area was empty. Looking around, she saw V at the front console. She walked up to him. “Where is everyone?”

  V’s lights flickered. “Andrew, Jane, and the other Jane have left the Torvatta. They are coming back to watch recordings with Evaran in a few hours. Dr. Snowden is headed to his living quarters. The Torvatta registered unusual readings on him. He may be sick.”

  Emily chuckled. “No … well … lovesick maybe.”

  V tilted his head at Emily.

  “I’ll explain it later. Where’s Evaran?”

  “On the roof.”

  “What’s he doing up there?” asked Emily.

  “I do not know. There is no stellar phenomena to observe.”

  Emily chuckled as she shook her head. “Well, I’ll head up there.”


  Emily headed to the roof, and when she got there, joined Evaran by the light-blue semitransparent guardrail. “Well, that was an interesting turn of events.”

  Evaran turned his head toward Emily. “I concur. How is your uncle?”

  “He’s hurting … badly,” said Emily. “I guess that’s to be expected. He really liked Jane.”

  “I am sure there will be another,” said Evaran.

  “You think so?”

  Evaran cleared his throat. “He has the persona of a great being. The nanobots inside you both give an enhanced appearance to other humanoids. That is considered attractive to others.”

  Emily shrugged. “I’ve heard others say me and Uncle Albert glowed.”

  “They could probably not describe why, though,” said Evaran.

  “I guess. I’ll try to be there for him when he needs me.”

  “That is a wise decision.”

  Emily harrumphed. “Regarding Jane, I’m not too surprised she decided to stay. I mean … she gets to hang with herself basically, maybe have a family, a new husband, and be in an environment with a job she’s familiar with.”

  “All good reasons,” said Evaran.

  “I liked her, and I’m gonna miss her joining me in the morning.”

  “We can always visit.”

  Emily nodded.

  Evaran eyed Emily. “How have you been?”

  “Me? I’m fine.”

p; “You seem more comfortable with who you are.”

  “I am, actually,” said Emily. “I have to admit, I love who I am now. Being around Jane showed me that you can still smile while being prepared. I feel more … in control.”

  “That you are,” said Evaran. “Your combat skills have greatly improved, and it is good to see you smile more often.”

  “You’re always welcome to join me and V in the morning,” said Emily as she swatted Evaran’s arm.

  “Perhaps I shall,” said Evaran.

  Emily glanced at Evaran with furrowed eyebrows. “You know … Billozein … I don’t think I remember ever hearing what species he was.”

  Evaran stared out across the guardrail for a moment. “From the data we got from Billozein’s ship, he called his species Dochillan.”

  Emily perked up. “Huh. Never heard of them.”

  Evaran gestured outward. “According to the logs from Billozein’s ship, he stole the ship after killing the pilot, who was a Krokar. Apparently the Krokar are an advanced civilization from the future that travel through rifts. They have the ability to bind to the last exit point. I suspect we may see them at some point. The Krokar who ran into Billozein met an unfortunate fate.”

  Emily shook her head. “Billozein is horrible.”

  “The Dochillan ability to mimic a species form would have been very useful for a time traveler. It is sad that that Billozein’s goal was power, but this set of events has shown what that desire along with the ability to travel through time and space can do. I am surprised he was able to stop a Time Warden attempt on him. That indicates he was much more dangerous than he appeared to be.”

  Emily snorted. “Doesn’t surprise me at all with his ego. At least he’s gone now. Think we’ll run into these Time Wardens too?”

  “It would be best to avoid them, and they do not travel alone.”

  Emily glanced at Evaran for a moment. Whoever these Time Wardens were, to earn Evaran’s dislike probably meant they deserved it. “Well, where do we go from here?”

  “I think perhaps we should head back to Kamala. A break is in order.”

  “That sounds good to me. It might take Uncle Albert’s mind off of Jane there.”


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