The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy

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The Glittering World Anthology: Native American Romance Paranormal Fantasy Page 12

by Trinity Blacio

  “Then you shall have it.”

  Ahiga closed threw back his head and growled as Monster Slayer’s thick fingers pressed against his hole. He shuddered as those thick digits circled the tight muscle, oiling him and warning him what was about to come.

  The feelings that that action alone drew from his body had Ahiga gasping and gripping the blanket beneath him. He wanted to be taken, to be filled and fucked like he had never wanted it before. His nerves were on fire and he felt empty and needy. He wanted Monster Slayer’s cock and he wanted it now.

  But Monster Slayer was taking his time, preparing him as carefully as Ahiga writhed on the blanket beneath them, his toes curling as his body shuddered uncontrollably. One finger slipped inside, just grazing his prostate before Monster Slayer began a gentle motion, slowly stretching him in preparation for what was about to come.

  Ahiga found himself pressing down, riding that finger as he felt his body opening up. It was so… delicious. Yes, teasing and delicious were the only words good enough to describe the senator’s that were swamping his body. He felt himself loosen and as one finger became two and he was prepared for his taking.

  Ahiga didn’t know how much time had passed but by the time three thick fingers were sunk deep within his ass without pain or discomfort, he was whining low in his throat, pumping his cock like a mad man and spreading his legs like an eager little slut.

  He had never wanted to be fucked so badly in his life and he told Monster Slayer so.

  “You are ready,” his lover of the nigh finally intoned, his own voice sounding breathless as Ahiga opened his eyes to see him coating his own thick cock with the slick oil.

  “So ready,” Ahiga agreed and yelped as Monster Slayer easily lifted him up and reversed their positions on the blanket.

  “Take what you want,” Monster Slayer intoned as without thinking too hard about it, Ahiga found himself shifting to his knees above the god, one hand reaching back to position him at his opening, before he began to slide down.

  “Fuck,” Ahiga hissed at the initial penetration as his guardian muscles fought against the thick intrusion of Monster Slayer’s fat cock’s head but only for a moment. He had been so well prepare that sooner than he thought possible, Ahiga was sliding down his god’s thick cock, sucking him deep within his body.

  Monster Slayer was sliding in slowly, inches at a time and Ahiga wanted to cry out in detail as his god’s large hands gripped his hips to slow his downward slide.

  “Easy,” Monster Slayer cautioned. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’ll only hurt me if you stop.”

  Monster Slayer’s laugh was a balm to his soul as the jerking motions of his body helped ease Ahiga down the last few inches. Now he was fully seated on his god, Monster Slayer’s cock so deep within him it felt like he was touching his soul.

  “Move when you are ready,” Monster Slayer urged. “The night is still young, for all we have is just this night. Make the most of it.”

  “Damn straight, I will,” Ahiga promised before slowly rising up until only the head of Monster Slayer’s cock remained within him before he dropped down slowly, lights exploding behind his eyes as the sensation of being taken filled him, as his nerves screamed in pleasure and as fire exploded in his brain.

  Sex had never felt so good and Ahiga found himself pulling upwards to slam himself back down, shifting his hips until—

  “Yes!” he shouted as his next thrust town slammed the head of Monster Slayer’s cock right into his prostate. “Right there.”

  And that is where Monster Slayer took over. This large hands clammed down on his hips again, preventing him from moving as his god raised his knees, anchored his heels into the blanket, and thrust up hard.

  The scream that left Ahiga’s throat was lusty and full of hungry need as his god began to fuck him hard. Monster Slayer angled each thrust so that his prostate received maximum stimulation from his cock and he fucked Ahiga perfectly.

  Ahiga threw back his head, his eyes closed, as the world began to spin around him. He leaned forward, slamming his mouth down over Monster Slayer’s, facing his tongue deep into his mouth, tasting his pleasure and his desperation. He moaned into that kiss, stealing the flavor of his god as he was given pleasure that he had only dreamed of before.

  He could feel it filling him up, the need to climax as ecstasy washed over him in waves. Monster Slayer’s hips were moving faster now, feeding the hunger in him even as it began to sate the fire that was brewing inside of him.

  Faster and faster his god moved, the heavy wet sounds of their bodies colliding filling the night air. Ahiga found himself tearing his mouth away and biting at his god’s neck, his hands tangled in his hair as he fought Monster Slayer grip, trying to move faster.

  He was so close… he was mumbling, begging, calling out his need as his god let go of his hip and instead gripped his cock that was slamming against Monster Slayer’s wash board abs with each thrust.

  Monster Slayer began to jack him off, moving his fist in time with the thrusting of his hips in a steady rhythm that had Ahiga screaming and crying.

  “Yes,” Monster Slayer urged. “Come for me… now!” and finally that the sound of his deep rumbling voice was enough to send screaming Ahiga over into ecstasy.

  The orgasm that overtook Ahiga could only be described as mind-blowing. Ahiga bellowed his pleasure as he felt his balls rise up against the base of his cock as his ass clenched around his god’s thrusting cock. He wailed as his cock began to shoot ropes of his sticky seamen over Monster Slayer’s fist, his god milking him for every drop. The stars overhead seemed to explode and rain down over them as his world tilted on its axis.

  Monster Slayer himself was shouting out, screaming his name as fire danced up his spine and a liquid heat filled him as his god found his own release deep within in body.

  Ahiga collapse on Monster Slayer’s chest, his breathing wrecked as the world spun softly around him. He felt Monster Slayer’s arms surround him, gentling him, petting his shuddering body into stillness and he dove down into the first comfortable sleep he had since his grandmother had taken ill.

  Everything was silent, peaceful as the night enveloped them both, the god and the hurting human who was slowly healing and more assured of his purpose than ever before.

  Ahiga closed his eyes and gave into the darkness, knowing that he was safe, protected, and cherished.


  Ahiga woke with a jerk, his hair a wild tangle around his head, his heart racing before he took a good look around him and recognized where he was.

  His bedroom was the same, his air conditioner humming away, his clothing neatly put away, his rainbow flag hanging in a place of prominence above his television, his grandmother’s blanket folded neatly at the foot of his bed.

  “Fucking dreams,” he muttered to himself before a smile pulled at his lips. Yes, his dream had been a wild one but never had he ever felt so complete.

  Ahiga shifted in his bed in order to prepare to leave its cool comfort to start his day when the soreness in his rectal region made itself known. It wasn’t a bad soreness, just the slight burn of muscles that had been stretched beyond…

  “The fuck?” he whispered as he tossed back the light sheet that was covering him.

  He was naked. Okay, but why? He was the type to never sleep without clothing, even if it was just a loose fitting pair of basketball shorts… unless he was with a lover and he hadn’t had a relationship in at least a year.

  That dream…

  He dropped back into his pillows as he ran his hands over his hair, tugging at it while he struggled to remember everything that had happened the night before.

  It was a dream, right? Maybe he was going Covid Crazy, dreaming weird things cause he had been looked up in his grandmothers… in his house for so long. But that dream had felt so real, the conversation was so self-affirming and beautiful… the stars were so amazing, and Monster Slayer was�

  It had to be a dream. Godlike beings just didn’t pop into normal people’s lives and screw them through the blankets. It was a dream, his self-conscious telling him that he was on the right path and urging him to continue to help as many as he could. Maybe he would set of a video meeting with some kids from the Din’e pride group he belonged to and give them some extra encouragement…

  Ahiga’s thoughts froze as his fingers bumped into something hard resting beside him.

  Sitting up and winching at the act in his groin, turned to look at whatever he feel asleep with and…

  Ahiga’s eyes went wide as he drew that hard thing up from beside his hip and into his field of vision.

  Hanging from his hand was at least four feet long was the most beautiful hair plate he had ever seen. It was made of ancient concha shells, each hard bone-white round disk about the size of his palm and carefully carved so show a corn flower with a turquoise bead set in the pat’s heart.

  His breath caught as he examined it closer, noting that each shell was set in place with a long braid of hair, the same inky-black silky hair that had adorned the head of Monster Slayer.

  He— it— was—

  Tears felled Ahiga’s eyes as he realized that maybe, just maybe it wasn’t a dream after all. Maybe Monster Slayer had visited him in the night.

  He let out a sob as he held the long belt to his chest, allowing his tears to spill down as he cradled this personal gift to his chest.

  Did he pray? Did he thank the ancestors for allowing this to happen? Did he…

  He opened his eyes as his tears flowed down, to examine this wondrous keepsake and his gaze was again drawn to the scars on his wrist.

  Swiping away the tears with his free hand, he sat up with pride, one hand still gripping his belt to his heart as he nodded softly to himself.

  He was worthy.

  It was time to change the world.

  I did my best to represent the LGBTQA+ in the Din’e community and the Din’e culture in this story. I humbly apologize for any mistakes made and I accept responsibility for each one.

  According to the Navajo Nation’s Din’e Policy Institute, suicide amongst LGBTQA+ youth is three times as high when compared to LGBTQA+ white youth.

  Here are some resources and articles I used as research and to understand more.

  About the Author

  Stephanie is a USA Today Best Selling multi-published, multi-award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife, and mother of two.

  From sex shifting shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, up to sexually confused elemental fey and homoerotic mysteries, all the way to pastel challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all and hopes to do more.

  Stephanie's Book Shelf can be found here

  Pack Lands


  Barb Shuler

  Chapter One


  I walked up the trail leading to the lands my pack now called home. We’d spent many nights under the moon and stars as we traveled to this new place. Leaving the lands of Tennessee had been hard, but much needed after the almost-war when the vampires had shown up on our doorstep. We, the pack, were now tucked away in the mountains of Montana, out of the way of most humans, ones that didn’t know what we were. Humans that wouldn’t understand what we were and the possible trouble they might have brought to us. We had to deal with the occasional hunter, but we were incredibly careful when out on a pack run. Everyone kept an eye on all those around them. And not to mention the supernaturals that could potentially cause issues. Though, I was assured this area was safe for us. It had been so far. We’d been here for two moons now. My son was born just days after we’d arrived. His birth christened the land.

  The smell of fresh-cooked fish and the wood smoke coming from the burning logs told me I was almost there. The bundle of wood I carried on my shoulder was pinching the skin, but that didn’t matter. My mate's scent was drawing me into the camp now. My feet moved faster as my wolf surged forward. He wanted to see his mate and his pup. I did as well.

  I scanned the village of manmade huts, the buck skins and buffalo hides pulled taut over the logs, cut from the woods around us to make them stand tall. Making this place our home. Children, both human and wolf, ran around playing in the open, laughing and having fun. Grass and dirt under their feet and paws. A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth. This was how it was supposed to be. It felt good to be back in the thick of the woods.

  “I wondered if you’d been lost in the mountains.” I turned to see my mate, Sheri, standing by a hut, her hands full of bound herbs. The small, newborn bundle tucked in against her back, wrapped in his cradleboard had my brow lifting. My wood bundle hit the ground, my shoulder and arm happy the skin was no longer pinched. I shook it off.

  “Were you on the way to search for me, love?” I moved toward Sheri and leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips. “You should still be resting.”

  “I’m fine. I knew you would find your way back soon enough. That old wolf of yours is a hunter—he likes to travel far sometimes.” Her smile made my heart thunder in my chest. “We were going to talk to the spirits on the ridge. Join us?”

  My eyes roamed her beautiful face before I met her gaze. She had done so well, adapting to the sudden changes in our packs’ life. “I will be up soon,” I said, reaching down and brushing stray hairs to the side. Her dark hair shone in the days light. “I need to see to the perimeter and allow some of the wolves to shift and take a much-needed nap. Also, the men sent out to gather the wood for the cabins, they must be seen to. We only have a few more days until the big rains come in.”

  “You worry for our pack is squeezing my heart. Do not forget you need to take care of yourself, Alpha.” She leveled me with such an expression, it had my wolf pushing forward. Her gold-rimmed eyes met mine. “You are not above tiredness and starvation.”

  “Yes, my love. I shall partake in the food and rest as soon as I make sure our pack is settled, and the two of you,” I said, looking back at our baby boy. He was so small and precious. “Back in the camp. Please be safe.”

  “Very well. There is rabbit stew in the pot. The coals are keeping it warm if you change your mind. If it is too filling, and you must sleep, don’t forget to check your bedding for… critters.” She pulled away, giggling. I narrowed my eyes, and she turned to face me. “It was not my doing but I did enjoy the reaction. It’s the little things.”

  I chuckled. “Very well. Go speak to the spirits and I will follow.” She turned, and without another word, headed off into the
woods. Two of my wolves followed behind her. She would pretend they were not there. She didn’t think she needed the protection, but with our pup in tow, I’d not take any chances.

  When she was out of sight, I sighed, brushed a hand along the back of my neck, and glanced around. A sharp whistle caught my attention, and I turned. Marcus, one of my oldest friends, and Beta, came toward me, a bundle of sticks in his arms. He dropped it by mine and stopped before me.

  “Ramport.” He looked at me but didn’t meet my gaze. “The perimeter is secure. I’ve set the second team out, and the others are by the river washing up. We’ve made a smaller encampment there for the ones on patrol so as to not disturb the others late in the night.”

  “Thank you. I’ve searched the south ridge. There is no sign of enemies. I believe we are secure, but—”

  “We take no chances.” He nodded.

  “Trenton has sent word that he has also made sure no one knew of our move. He will be up here soon, once he confirms his efforts. He has as much on the line being here as we do, after all.”

  “True. Has he secured the living space needed by the valley floor?”

  “Yes. The cabin is secure. Natlaie will be safe when he is not there. We have to be ready for anything. The throne is still in upheaval and out for blood. Being this far away, we should be safe. We just need to keep up the patrols.”

  “Very well, Alpha.” He stood there, staring off into the tree line.

  “What is it?” I asked, clamping my hand down on his shoulder.

  “I hope we are safe this time. No more raids. No more of our brothers falling at the hands of humans or supernaturals.”

  “There will always be trouble knocking on our doors. Do you not remember the old days? We did nothing but hide.”

  “And it shouldn’t be that way!” His voice rose, a growl pulling through him.


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