Along Came a Spider

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Along Came a Spider Page 4

by K. M. Robinson

  A grin spread across her face.

  “Our double agent.” She nodded, letting her coolness slip away for a moment.

  He pushed his glasses up on his nose, making him look even older than the decade he had on Fet.

  “We’ve been watching each other a long time, haven’t we?”

  “We have.” Fet glanced down the hall, making sure none of the other Coats were about to intrude. “Thanks for last month, by the way.”

  “I couldn’t let my team walk into an ambush, now could I?” He nodded that they should start down the corridor, whispering directions before peeling off down a side hall to avoid being caught with the group.

  He shifted his gait as he walked away, making him nearly unrecognizable from the man who had just left them. The limp would easily throw any of the Coats who might identify him later. He was a man of many faces, as any good hacker would be.

  Fet led the way up to the Irex, Peep attaching herself to Fet’s side.

  “Nim knows them.” Peep hissed in her ear.


  “Arach and Spider,” she replied. “He’s been watching them for a few months since the rest of their group was taken out.”

  “What happened?” Fet leaned in as quickly as Nim had just walked away.

  “Nim’s been covering for us here with the Coats. He only let them get so close to us before he’d block them. He saw them get close to their group too, but since we have no connection to them, he didn’t interfere. Obviously he regrets that now since only a few of them weren’t caught or killed in the raid.”

  Peep’s fingers tightened around Fet’s arm, digging into her skin.

  “He started watching them and says they are clear. We can trust them.”

  The conversation stopped short as they reached the room containing the Irex. All four hackers paused to look around before slipping into the room.

  Fet and Peep attached the machine’s cords back in place as Spider and Arach stood back, watching their hands work quickly over the wires.

  “What did you use?” she asked.

  “The Way,” Fet answered, stepping back.

  “Seriously? Your big plan was to unplug the cords and use the Way?”

  “Just stop talking and take back the system,” Fet snipped, waving her hand at her boss.

  Peep rolled her eyes and set to work. Leaning against the wall with Spider and Arach, she waited for Peep to need her help. She watched as her friend strained over the console, fighting to gain control, taking long enough to make Fet nervous.

  “Ready,” Peep said loudly, forcing Fet to push away from the wall and join her.

  Together they fought the system, adding new codes and changing the existing ones to destroy Piper’s control.

  “Spider!” Fet demanded and he raced across the room.

  His eyes flitted over the screen, bouncing across the numbers. Sliding in next to her, he started to work his magic on the system.

  The room became stifling as they worked, their eyes growing heavy from prolonged time looking at the screen. Arach watched quietly as his brother attempted to shatter the system.

  “Almost there,” Peep said.

  “Don’t even think about it.” The voice made them jump.

  Piper stood in the entranceway, his hand outside the door holding something. Men flanked him, waiting for their orders.

  “I knew you couldn’t resist doing something like this.” He grinned. “So Peep, you’re the real leader. I should have guessed. Your stupid act had me fooled. Bravo. But I’m still in control and you’re going to step away.”

  His voice was gentle and easy; a terrifying combination when mixed with his harsh face.

  “Not a chance,” she growled.

  A muffled cry from outside the door made Peep gasp.

  Piper dragged BB in by the collar. His hands were bound in front of him, a gag in his mouth. He shook his head violently at Peep, warning her off.

  “Oh, I don’t think so,” Spider snarled, launching himself at the man.

  The guards attacked as Arach, Fet, and Peep joined the fight.

  “Take out the machine!” Piper ordered.

  Spider stopped the first guard with a well-placed fist to the throat. He recoiled, shaking his leather-covered hand. Arach managed to take out a second guard, a chair to the back of his head stopping him in his tracks.

  Peep struggled to free BB as he pushed her back to the console. He worked, wrist still bound, alongside his girlfriend as the others fought to keep the men back.

  A guard pulled on Fet’s pigtail, jerking her head violently to the side.

  “Fet!” Spider shouted, attacking the man who had her. Fet was thrown against the wall as Spider slammed into the man. Pushing back her long hair, no longer restrained on one side, she kicked out at the man nearest to her, stopping him from taking a piece out of Arach.

  “Almost there. Fet!” Peep yelled.

  “Go!” both brothers yelled at the same time.

  Fet ran to Peep’s side, moving BB out of the way. He was no match for them when they paired up, even unbound.

  “Ready?” Fet asked.

  “Now!” Peep commanded. The system destroyed all ties to Piper’s control. They had freed the system and destroyed the Irex, ensuring no one could control the Barrier program again.

  Rage washed over Piper, causing his entire body to shake.

  “You did this!” he shouted at Fet.

  Running toward her, he flew through the air, suddenly landing on the ground. Spider pulled his leg back under him, not even shuddering as the man tripped over him. He rushed to Fet’s side.

  “Go!” he said, grabbing her shoulder. “Run!”

  “But…” she protested, wanting to stop Piper once and for all.

  “Go. Now,” he commanded. “Arach…”

  Arach latched on to Peep and BB, spinning them to the door. Pushing them, he forced the couple to run toward it.

  “Fet, go. I will take care of him, but he can’t catch you. Now move.”

  “No!” she said, irritated. She did not need protecting.

  “Get out, now!” he yelled as one of the men started to stir.

  He looked around, preparing for the fight.

  “Arach, get her out of here.”

  “On it.” His brother reached for Fet. She beat him away.

  “Fet,” Spider grabbed her shoulders. “You need to go now. I can take care of this. I’ll find you when it is safe, but he can’t catch you. He will kill you, or use you to do his bidding, and I don’t know which is worse. Just go. Go!”

  Terror raced through her as he screamed at her, the wildness in his eyes prompting her to listen. She ran.

  Arach followed behind her. She couldn’t remember running down the stairs, but she found herself on the ground floor, running through the door.

  BB was free from his binds by the time she reached them. He held Peep close as they waited for Arach and Fet to catch up. Peep shot them a look.

  The watchmen swarmed the building, the Coats demanding they protect the technology and end the intruders.

  “He stayed behind. We have to go.” Arach supplied before she could ask. The chaos in the building they had run from increased, terrifying Fet to her core. Who would survive?

  BB LED THE WAY AS THEY RAN TO THE Legends building, ducking within its walls. Everyone was relieved to see Peep back. She explained what had happened, introducing Arach as a new member of the group. Everyone listened intently as they manned their stations, looking for fallout from Piper.

  Fet wandered to the edge of the building. She slipped past the recruits’ room into an isolated area near the door. Oppressive silence followed in her footsteps, making her thoughts that much louder as they ricocheted around in her brain.

  It was her fault. He never should have stayed behind for her. If he died, that would be on her hands.

  She paced, each step making her combat boots feel heavier. Her hand found it’s way to her pigtail, coiling it ar
ound her fingers as she tried to steady herself, convincing her overactive mind that it would all work out.

  “He’ll be all right.” Arach’s soft voice sounded eerily like Spider’s as he slipped into the stuffy room.

  “You’re sure?” she asked, letting down her tough façade.

  “He hasn’t failed me yet. I know he doesn’t look as buff as me,” he paused to grin, “but trust me, he’s been trained well. Besides, if he could defeat you, don’t you think he could defeat Piper?”

  “Hey!” she gasped as he threw the Wall job in her face. What was with these brothers?

  “He’ll be fine. And even if he’s not, it’s not your fault. He knew what he was getting into when he started obsessing over you.”

  “He obsessed over me?” she shot him a smug look.

  “Long pigtails, pink skirts, shoes as tall as his, and a top hacker to boot? Yeah. He was obsessed.” Arach grinned. “Anyway, let me know when he gets back.”

  He sauntered away, hands in his pocket, apparently unconcerned that his brother had just taken on a villain and his goons alone. Watching him, she realized how much they looked alike, even though Arach was more muscular and his hair was short cropped. She was amazed at what a good team they had been.

  Silence overtook the room again, the life leaving with Arach. Her fingers ached to find a screen with code so she could stop thinking and focus on something else. Only her breathing filled the silence.

  “You don’t have to worry about him. The authorities have him.”

  Everything stopped.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to face him.

  “You scared me back there,” she finally announced.

  “I know.” Spider took a step closer.

  Giving in, she pushed away from the table she was perched on and turned to him.

  “Your arm…” she began as she caught sight of him.

  “I’m fine,” he stopped her, shifting to take the focus off the blood that mirrored her own. Matching scars from their first mission as a team would be a lasting reminder.

  “How did…?”

  “I stopped him and handed him over. That’s all you need to know.”

  “I need to know what you said to that guard at the Lab…” She crossed her arms, wincing as she felt the pain from her injury she had yet to tend to.

  “You should get that looked at,” Spider grinned, taunting her.

  “You should too, pest.”

  “You want to look at it for me?” he challenged.

  “Ha. You wish, Spider,” she said sarcastically, as he stepped toward her, closing the distance.

  “Yeah, I do.” His voice was hard, as if the words physically hurt to say them. Ice dripped like sharp knives falling from his lips as he admitted he didn’t despise her. The dark-haired boy waited for her ridicule. Giving in before she could end her silence, he raised his good hand and tangled it in her free falling hair.

  “I heard you’re obsessed with me,” she mocked him, his lips turning down as his eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll squash him like a bug.” Spider sneered, knowing it was his brother who had sold him out. She smiled as he leaned closer.

  “You’re a real jerk, you know that?” Fet said, refusing to lean any closer.

  “You have no idea,” he replied, wrapping his injured arm around her. “You can find out though. But no more running away, okay? And I know, I told you to…”

  He rolled his eyes, knowing she would call him out for sending her away. She cut him off.

  “Hmm… Didn’t like that part?” she taunted quietly, smirking. He shook his head as he moved so close his lips were nearly brushing hers. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty much caught in whatever web you’ve spun, Spider.”

  “Good, because we’re nowhere near done with this thing yet. Piper may be arrested, but the fallout from this has only just begun.”


  I sincerely hope you all enjoyed meeting Fet and Spider. I had a ball writing these two. Their fashion sense is probably my favorite thing about them, but let’s be real, I love a good hacker story, too!

  You’re probably itching to ask if there will be more of these characters in the future. The simple answer is, yes, there will be more from Spider and Fet. The long answer, however, involves a bit of a wait. I’m currently working on several projects coming out in the next year, and I haven’t made any specific plans for more Spider books. If, however, I get a lot of good fan feedback…well, maybe I can push it up on my list.

  I want to hear from you! If you love Spider and Fet, if you’re a fan of Auluria and Dov from The Golden Trilogy, if you love Jade and Roan from The Jaded Duology, or if you’re a fan of my other writing, reach out to me! The more I hear from you, the more I know what to focus on next. I have multiple projects in the works, but the more I know you, the more I know which ones to spend the most time on!

  In case you didn’t know, this was a bit of a surprise. No one knew I was dropping this short story until it released. I can’t even tell you how fun keeping this a secret has been! Let me know if you’d like to see more of this in the future!

  Special thanks to Alexis for being the first to read Muffet and Spider’s story and loving it. The fan art before the book was even known to anyone was awesome!

  Thank you to Awnna Marie Evans, my lovely editor, for ensuring none of my characters were turned into a Cyclops because I brilliantly missed a letter at the end of a word. You rock!

  To the lovely Sissy Lu for all your help with my little secret. You’re amazing, as always!

  Special shout out to my Elite Street Team. Thank you for putting up with me taunting you over this little secret for an entire month before I started dropping hints to the public about my announcement. I’m not going to lie, it was really fun!

  To you, oh wonderful reader, thank you for jumping into this journey with me. I can’t wait to see where it takes us! Until then, I hope you come hang out with me on social media. I have a gift for you over on my newsletter if you enjoy excerpts from my other books, as well as other freebie gifts. Come join me at I can’t wait to hang out with you!

  A Deeper Look At The Legends

  A Deeper Look At The Legends

  * * *

  Are you ready to learn more about the Legends? Now you can in these special bonuses:


  * * *

  Little Hacker Peep

  was taken from her sheep

  and they don’t know where to find her.

  They won’t leave it alone,

  they’ll bring her home

  and they’ll drag the Piper behind them.

  * * *

  When Peep, the leader of hacker group, the Legends, is abducted and held for ransom, she must try to help her best friend, Muffet, to find where she is being held at the Wall and save her people without giving away her true role in the group.

  * * *

  When Arach is separated from his brother, Spider, he must continue to play the Piper’s game, convincing him that what remains of his family is working for the villain they are trying to destroy, all while convincing his former rival, Peep, to trust them as he tries to untangles their web of lies.


  The story told from Peep’s point of view

  * * *

  Join me on Wattpad for BEHIND THE LEGENDS: weekly installments of scenes and short stories from the Legends where we’ll be getting to know some of the other nursery rhyme hackers involved with Fet and Peep’s group before the big reveal. Big reveal of what, you ask? You’ll just have to wait and see!

  Join me for more Legend Chronicles stories at:

  Think you have what it takes to join Fet and Peep in the Legends? Fet will put you to the test in this choose-your-own-adventure game through Facebook messenger to see if you have the skills to talk your way into the group.

  Play now at jointhelegends.kmrobin

  and see if you can hack it.

  Bonus Facebook Filters

  Want to get your hands on some incredible Facebook filters for Along Came A Spider? Now you have the ability to get filters for the story, characters, etc right inside your phone.

  You can use these on your photos, profile pictures, videos, and live broadcasts. All you have to do is like my author page and they will automatically show up in your filters!

  I’ve even taken these clips and put them on Instagram Stories by saving them to my phone and uploading them to Instagram.

  Visit to grab these filters for your photos, videos, and broadcasts! Bonus points for tagging me @kmrobinsonbooks so I can see how you’re supporting The Legends Chronicles.

  About the Author

  K.M. Robinson is a storyteller who creates new worlds both in her writing and in her fine arts conceptual photography. She is a marketing, branding and social media strategy educator who is recognized at first sight by her very long hair. She is a creative who focuses on photography, videography, couture dress making, and writing to express the stories she needs to tell. She almost always has a camera within reach.

  Connect With K.M. Robinson





  Also By K.M. Robinson

  The Golden Trilogy

  Book One: Golden

  Book Two: Locked

  Book Three: Edge (coming Early 2018)


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