Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3)

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Forged (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 3) Page 9

by Piper Stone

  “You need to ask me something. Anything you need.” Garcia couldn’t take his mind off her. She was so beautiful with lavender eyes. He’d never seen lavender eyes before. Her long hair was just the right shade of light brown, the highlights perfect for her face.

  “I need you to help me kill someone.”

  Her smile was perfect, her nose tipping up and even the way she was embarrassed was adorable. “Sure thing. Whatever you need.”

  “A big bloody scene using chainsaws. You up for it, buddy?”

  Garcia nodded. “Absolutely.” And the way her long legs eased out from the clingy dress was ungodly. “What?”

  “Uh-huh. I thought as much. I want you to be happy, but this is important to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Stoker. I really am. I’m all ears.” He took a sip of his beer.

  “I’d like you to be my best man.”

  Choking, a string of froth flew out of his mouth, landing on Stoker. “What did you ask me?”

  “You are damn hard of hearing tonight.” Stoker wiped the liquid off his jeans. “I asked if you’d be my best man at my wedding, you know to Jessica, the love of my life?”

  Taken aback, he had no idea why he was shaking. “But Cooper. I mean, he’ll be crushed. I’m honored. Don’t get me wrong. I can’t believe you’d ask me.” With every word, he could tell his voice was rising.

  “Calm down. I’m not asking you to commit that actual murder or anything. Okay?” Stoker beamed. “Besides, I have an important question to ask Cooper as well.”

  Garcia stuck out his hand. “I am honored, floored but honored. When’s the wedding?”

  “Soon. Thinking before Valentine’s Day.” He grabbed Garcia’s hand. “Whatever the luscious lady wants.”

  “Luscious lady. Now, who’s gushing? Why the rush? It’s cold. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Extended honeymoon. What about that record that’s being released, what in a few days?”

  Stoker exhaled. “Releasing next week and no, this isn’t about the honeymoon. Trying to save our money.”

  He took another gulp of his beer. “Okay, just in love. I get it.”

  “I guess you do.” Patting him on the back, he picked up his beer. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “I’m excited for both of you. I really am. You’re a great couple together. Damn glad to see you happy.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “So, if you don’t mind me being nosy. What are you asking Cooper to do? I mean, geez, I don’t want to come between your friendship. That’s not cool in about a million ways.” Garcia remembered when the two were fighting, refusing to talk to each other. Afghanistan had taken such a horrific toll on both men.

  Stoker fiddled with his beer bottle, a pensive look on his face.

  “This must be bad.”

  He opened his mouth then laughed and continued to fiddle with his beer.

  “What? You’re scaring me here, buddy. Come on. Spill it.”

  Tipping his head, his eyes were misted. “I’m going to ask him to be Godfather of our baby.”

  The words echoed. “What? What did you say? A baby? You and Jessica are having a baby?”

  Stoker nodded, breaking into a grin as a single tear slipped down his cheek.

  “Oh my God. You’re having a baby! Congratulations!” Garcia hadn’t realized just how loud he’d exclaimed until the clapping and congratulations began. “Uh-oh. I think I’m in deep shit.”

  Chapter 5

  Stoker dropped his head all the way to the table.

  Garcia noticed Landen and Riker as well as the expressions on their faces. He hid behind the beer, laughing as the cheering continued.

  “You and Jessica? A baby?” Riker slapped Stoker on the back, his voice bellowing.

  “I am so dead. So very dead,” Stoker mumbled.

  “This is fantastic news. Shannon!” Landen called.

  Stoker reached out to grab him. “Don’t. I’m not entirely certain Jessica has told her yet. Jess is going to kick my ass.”

  “As well she should!” Riker confirmed.

  “We need drinks!” Landen called.

  Garcia rose to his feet as several of the bar patrons crowded around the table. He felt elated and honored to have been asked to share in such an amazing moment. As he shoved his hands into his pockets, he had a bird’s eye view of Laney and the man she was with. The same guy from this morning, which meant he had at least one kid. Built in family. He sighed as Shannon sauntered toward the table. “You have a wild bunch on your hands.”

  She winked as she passed. “Don’t I always? What’s the commotion, boys?”

  “Jess and Stoker are having a baby,” Riker stated as he pumped his fist then groaned as he watched her face. “She didn’t tell you. Uh-oh.”

  “She didn’t have to, darlin’. Women always have a way of knowing, but I think Jessica probably wanted to keep this quiet for just a little while. You, my friend, are in the doghouse.”

  Stoker lowered his head. “As always.”

  “Keep what quiet?” The lilting voice was followed by a sly smile.

  Noticing Jessica’s approach, Garcia took a huge step back and pulled Landen with him. “Oh boy, the big guns are here.”

  Jessica eased through the crowd. “What am I missing?”

  “Congratulations, Miss Dunn. You’re expecting!” the young man uttered the words as if she didn’t know.

  “Ooh…” Several of the men backed away from the table, leaving Stoker to himself.

  Her face pinched, she strutted toward Stoker. “You dirty rat.” She held the stance for a few seconds then threw her arms around his neck, nuzzling into his neck.

  Garcia stole another look at the girl then had an idea. Pulling out his phone, he typed in a text and hit send. He could tell the moment she got the message.

  What’s your name? Your real name?

  As congratulations continued, he remained on the outskirts, watching her reaction as she nonchalantly pulled out the phone. He could see the chuckle, the way she did her best to text as if this was nothing but a friend. Hearing the message sound seconds later, he looked down.

  Laney Cavanaugh although you might just call me crazy woman.

  Garcia laughed, his fingers moving across the keys.


  “I think we need more drinks all the way around,” Riker offered. “Shannon?”

  She tsked her finger, her look sassy. “One round on the house. Now, pregnant or not pregnant, are you going to grace us with a song, Miss Country Music Star?”


  “Please do!”

  Jessica blushed and walked toward Garcia. “I think you can twist my arm.” She lifted her head, kissing Garcia’s cheek and whispered, “I’m so glad you’re going to be a part of our ceremony.”

  He gripped her hand. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” As he watched her walk away, he realized just how damn lonely he truly was. No dog. No family. No kids. No love of his life. He couldn’t help but look at Laney again. The name suited her. Beautiful.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Laney heard the question, even registered the words but she found it difficult to take her eyes off the sexy smokejumper. He was just as animated as he’d been replacing her tire. She found herself envisioning what he would be like if all alone, holding her in his arms. She could feel a moment of heat creeping up from the swell of her breasts, leaving her uncomfortable. When she felt her hand being grasped, fingers intertwined, she finally turned her attention back to Troy. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  Troy glanced over her shoulder, his expression blank. “I guess I answered my question. He was the guy at the school. Right?”

  She absently took another quick look, fighting a smile. “Yeah. He’s a smokejumper. The kids loved him.”

  “Jamie mentioned the guy performed well.” His words were clipped.

  “He didn’t just perform. He spent a lot of time helping the children understand about fire safety. Yo
u should be grateful the school system has determined programs such as these are within the county’s budget.”

  “Said like a true administrator.” He settled back into his seat, grabbing his drink and taking a gulp.

  “I’m thrilled the school is taking such a proactive stance. I’ve worked in several locations where the teachers were forced to purchase everything for their class.”

  He eased his drink to the table. “Where are you from, originally I mean?”

  The questions always circled around to the basics. She’d practiced her basic statement until the words seemed genuine enough. “A little town in Maine but my parents moved a lot.”

  “Brothers? Sisters?”

  “Only child.”

  “Then how did you end up here? I mean, Missoula is a great town but a far cry from Maine.”

  Laney shifted in her seat. “A job offer. Nothing too glamorous.”

  “I would have thought you more the Florida sunshine kind of girl.” Troy’s eyes penetrated hers.

  Florida. A bead of perspiration trickled down the back of her neck. She brushed her hand through her hair. “Never been there.”

  “Oh. Okay.” He turned toward the stage. “I love Florida. The beaches. The bars. The people. Especially Miami.”

  She froze and swallowed hard. “Did you live there?”

  He nodded, absently, his eyes remaining on the singer as she walked up the short flight of stairs. “Almost a year. That was just before Jamie’s mother died. Came here for a fresh start.”

  “I’m sorry. A change of scenery is a good idea, especially for a child.” Act normal. This is nothing more than a coincidence.

  “Yes. Jamie doesn’t remember his previous life and for that, I’m very glad.” After a few seconds, he leaned over, his face within a few inches of hers. “Jaime is a special little boy and I’m so glad I can take care of him.”

  “I know he is. I love teaching him.” The conversation had turned stilted. “Do you like what you do?”

  Troy hesitated before answering. “Certainly has a number of perks. I left a very influential firm to come here, but whatever was in the best interest for Jaime. You know?”

  “That makes you a wonderful father.”

  Smirking, he ran the tip of his finger around his drink. “I value his love and adore him.”

  The words weren’t sitting well with her. She’d spoken to hundreds of parents over the years and Troy had a stilted view. Granted, grief certainly had a way of altering a man’s personality, but her nerves remained on edge. “What about the puppy?”

  “Do you hate living alone? Wouldn’t you prefer to have a family?”

  Laney grew more and more uncomfortable. “Honestly, I love taking care of children but never wanted any of my own.”

  He tapped his fingers on top of the table. “And a man in your life?”

  Before she could come up with a decent answer, his cell phone rang. Relieved, she offered a huge smile. “Go ahead.”

  “I’ll just be a minute,” Troy said as he rose to his feet. He gripped her shoulder, his fingers digging in. “Don’t go anywhere. I’d like to finish our conversation.”

  A cold chill swept down her arms, creating a series of goose bumps. She realized she was holding her breath. The questions were far too pointed, as if he was searching for a particular answer. She bit her lip and watched him walk toward the front door. What if he was simply trying to get to know her? She certainly was no judge on dating. The thought giving her a chuckle, she tried to push the uncertainties to the back of her mind as the singer approached the microphone.

  “Good evening!” The blonde waved to the crowd as she wrapped a guitar strap around her neck. “I’m Jessica Dunn and my very good friend asked if I’d consider singing a song tonight, just to get the evening kicked off.”

  Jessica Dunn. Laney had heard of the singer before.

  The audience erupted in applause.

  “Thank you, everyone. This is from my upcoming new CD, hitting the shelves in the next week or so.” Jessica adjusted the microphone and the lights dimmed.

  Laney inched forward on her seat as the song began. She tried to concentrate on the amazing words, the incredible music, but her mind continued to drift to the questions Troy had asked. Miami. Troy and Jamie had been here as long as she had. Or had he? In truth, she could no longer remember. She made a mental note to check the records if for no other reason than to eliminate any level of concern. She took a sip of wine and realized her hand was shaking.

  There was no reason for her to worry about Troy. He was used to grilling clients. She wiped the back of her neck and attempted to settle her nerves. At some point, she was going to have to get used to the fact that she had a new life, a wonderful life. Yes, she’d let go of the past once and for all.

  Just as the song ended, she felt a grip on the back of her neck, the hold controlling. She whimpered as a flash of the past raised its ugly head. Jerking free, she almost knocked the chair over.

  “Whoa. It’s me. I didn’t want to scare you.” Troy held a genuine look of concern.

  The crowd went wild, stomping and cheering.

  She sucked in her breath as he sat down, his fingers brushing down her arm. “You just startled me.”

  Leaning in, he took her hand. “I hate to do this, but I have a client who ended up getting himself arrested.” He groaned and rolled his eyes.

  “You have to go?” There was a swift moment of peace washing through her.

  “Unfortunately, I do. Would you like me to follow you home?” His question was laced with eagerness.

  “No. Of course not. I’ll be just fine. In fact, I’d like to stay and listen to the singer. She’s very good.”

  Troy slowly turned his head then scanned the entire bar before nodding. “I’m glad I won’t be spoiling your entire evening.”

  “Not at all. Go do what you need to do.”

  He eased to his feet and pulled out his wallet.

  She could swear he was looking right through her, studying her reaction, memorizing her face. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Nonsense. I asked you here.” He dropped two twenties onto the table. “Have another drink on me. Least I can do.”

  “Thank you. I had a good time.”

  He pulled his coat from the chair and stared down. “Then we’ll do this another time. Perhaps dinner one night?”

  “I’d like that.” She gave him a full smile, yet her chest remained tight.

  “Good. You’re a very enticing woman.” Troy started to walk past her then patted her on the shoulder. “Very enticing indeed.”

  Laney tilted her head. Given the dim lighting, she couldn’t read his eyes, but she could swear he seemed angry. “Good night.” When he walked away, she twisted in order to watch his slow gait. The second he stopped and turned, she shifted again, concentrating on the stage. What in the hell was she doing? Alienating him. She knew her actions, even her words were cold, as if she couldn’t stand him. Counting to five, she looked again. He was nowhere to be seen.

  Relaxing, she wiped the new bead of sweat from her hairline and sat back in her chair. She could certainly look on the internet, see if Troy was the man he purported himself to be. That would dispel her insidious imagination.

  “One more song!” a man from the crowd roared.

  “Yes!” others said in unison.

  “How can I walk away now?” Grinning, Jessica stepped back toward the microphone. “This one is very special. To my fiancé, Stoker. He’s the reason I’m here.”

  Smiling, Laney wanted nothing more than to have a special someone in her life. The holidays had been so difficult, sharing the day with Topper and no one else. There’d been no Christmas tree and only a stocking for her beloved pup. A tear managed to slip past her lashes. She hated feeling sorry for herself.

  “Abandoned by your date?”

  Even through the music and the roar of the crowd, she heard the question, the husky words said with such gentle sen
suality that she immediately tingled.

  Garcia grabbed a chair, twisting it around and straddling the seat. He leaned over the back, his arms on the wood, a wide grin on his face. “No man should ever leave a lady alone, especially in a rowdy bar.”

  “He had to bail a client out of jail and he wasn’t my date.” Inhaling, even the scent of the man seemed different tonight, intoxicating, leaving her nipples aching. His eyes were intense, yet filled with kindness. He had a much more rugged appearance in his jeans and cowboy boots.

  “Ouch. Well, his loss is my gain then.” Garcia swept his gaze down to the floor then back up, leaning his head on his hands. “Perhaps we should get better acquainted. I’m Garcia Puevos, local hero smokejumper.” His eyes twinkled.

  “Are you trying to impress me, smokejumper Puevos?”

  “Absolutely. Is it working? If not, I could tell you that I’m a champion horseman, a cowboy if you will.”

  “I think you had me at smokejumper.” Everything about the man was infectious, open and honest. “Laney Cavanaugh, the world’s best teacher, dog trainer and wine drinker. Top that.”

  Garcia slapped his hand against his chest. “Good lord. In the world? Then I’m honored to be in your presence.” Winking, he held out his hand. “A pleasure to be in your company.”

  Laney laughed and accepted his hand. The instant they touched, she bit back a moan, the electricity soaring throughout her body. Blinking several times, the perspiration had returned, only this time from intense excitement.

  He rubbed his thumb across her hand as he inhaled sharply.

  Even the way his calloused hands caressed her skin was enticing, driving her into a heightened level of arousal. She found herself leaning forward.

  His hand never leaving hers, he rose to his feet. “Would you like to dance, Miss Laney Cavanaugh?”

  “I would love to.” The moment he pulled her to her feet, his fingers wrapping around hers, she relaxed, allowing him to take the lead.

  He eased her onto the dancefloor and slid his arm around her waist, yanking her into the heat of his body. There was no stiffness, no concern that they didn’t know each other. He simply moved to the music, his eyes never blinking or moving. Despite the hundreds of people in the room, she was the only one who mattered.


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