A Rose for Max

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A Rose for Max Page 7

by ChaShiree M.

  Whatever that means.

  While taking in my surroundings, I notice a man sitting at a table. He is dressed in black from head to toe, and if I am being honest he is sexy as hell. The problem is he looks like he doesn’t belong here. The man seems of out of place, which does concern me, but since I try not to over react I will give him the benefit of the doubt. The way I look at it, it’s not a matter of if, but when my father will come for us. And there is nothing I can do to stop it because he is and out of our reach for now. Though, I am sure he will come at a time when we are our happiest, because he is ultimately evil.

  So, this man with his buzz cut hairstyle, a goatee, and features that are exotically dark should get my attention. But, taking stock of myself to see if he might do anything for me at all, the answer is a resounding, “NO!” On the plus side, he doesn’t actually look abnormal so maybe he is not here to kill us. Ha. What is normal anyway? I mean seriously, have I told you about my family. Crap, this night is assuredly not looking up to what I was hoping it might be.

  Fuck it. Moving on.

  Looking around I see my sister walking into the bar, and to my utter surprise and panic she is talking to a man. I mean a real life man. My ‘baby’ sister, the one who is so cautious she wants one of us on speaker phone when taking a bath, so we can hear if she cries out for help. Yah it’s that serious. See my shock. From where I am standing, this guy looks dangerous. Maybe not in the kidnap, kill, or return to psycho dad type of way, but definitely in a way that says he could eat her up and then spit her out and break her heart.

  Phe is naïve and still a virgin. A man that looks like this could only spell trouble for my baby sisters’ heart and I don’t want that. Making my way over to her, I notice and am a bit envious how this guy is looking at her. It is like she is the butter on his biscuit or the syrup dripping over his pancakes. The closer I get I realize she is also looking at him, not only with innocent amazement, but also like he is the sugar to her coffee without even realizing she is doing it. I mean the girl is addicted to the stuff.

  My little sister looks like an innocent Lolita right now and I can’t help but be happy for her. This is the first time I have seen her guard down and I can’t bring myself to interrupt this moment for her. Deciding to sit far enough away to give her privacy but hear enough to be within reach in case she needs me I take a seat at the bar.

  As the bartender pours my drink, I remember when someone used to look at me like that;

  I had no idea what I was thinking when I ran away from my father’s compound, except that I needed to find my brothers to see if they could rescue us. There was no way to do that without leaving. My father had them exiled from the compound when he realized they had become stronger than him. That is something he could not have. He was so much worse before they got kicked out. Before he was just controlling and exacting, but eventually he added a level of cruelty to his craziness. It made me shiver thinking about what he might have done to my moms and sisters once he discovered my defection.

  As I got off the bus, I swore I felt like Alice did when she fell down the rabbit hole and found Wonderland.

  It was like nothing I had ever seen before. The buildings were tall and massive causing my neck to strain from leaning back far enough to be able to see them reach high up into the sky.

  Everything was bright with a shine that was blinding. The reflection of the sun, showing on almost all the glass, created a beautiful picture. If I only had a camera. It reminded me of looking through a kaleidoscope or going to a fun house with reflective mirrors.

  Then there were the people.

  They were colorful, exuberant and …. Oomph. I found myself faltering as something or someone hit my shoulder.

  ”Hey,” I called out to the person who bumped into me and kept walking without apologizing. Okay I decided, maybe they’re rude too. Even with all the excitement, I couldn’t help but feel out of place there. These people were extremely sophisticated. Up until that very moment, I had never stepped foot off the compound. We had a television with basic stations only because father wanted us to get a look at what the world looked like. He wanted to show us how bad it is out there so we would appreciate what we had and what he does for us.

  As much as I would have liked to stand there and continue enjoying all I was seeing, I was there for a reason. The sooner I accomplished that goal, the faster I could get back to my sisters. The last address I had was from a letter they sent to my mom over a year ago. I am praying that they still live at the address listed. My dad is getting so much worse now.

  Hmmm… returning to my task I wondered how do I go about finding them? “Excuse me ma’am, do you know how to get to Mulberry Street?” I asked a lady I passed on the street because she was the only one not walking 60mph.

  “Mulberry Street is about 5 blocks east.”

  The information came from behind me and a voice that sounded as calming as the waves in a shell from the ocean as it is held to my ear. My neck started to prickle with this awareness. It was such a new sensation that I didn’t know what to do. Maybe, I’m imagining it? I was so scared to turn around that I just stood there with my back to a stranger who has a voice as smooth as velvet I wanted to roll around in. But really, is that me?

  What is happening?

  “Well, aren’t you going to turn around and thank me? I did just answer your question, which is more than she was going to do or even capable of doing given her state.” Though I am not sure what he means, I swallow the watermelon size lump in my throat, take a deep breath and prepare myself. For what, I am not sure, but somehow I felt if I turn around my life would change forever. As I turn to face the voice, I heard myself say “oh, all that is holy….” I was face to face with the most beautiful image I had ever seen. He was handsome in a classic way, but with a bad boy look about him saying, ‘I am going to make you scream: Like in the books my sister and I use to sneak and read. I could see tattoos going up his entire arm to his neck. I wanted to see if he had any on his chest. More than that I wanted to trace them with my tongue and see how far they went.

  He was dark, brooding and holy crapballs he was built like one of those marine fighters my brothers used to watch on TV. He had muscles bulging out of his neck for, crying out loud. Out of his freaking neck. He looked to be about 2-3 years older than me, but his features were hard, showing he had seen a lot. For that reason alone I felt like we were kindred spirits of sorts.


  I have got to stop punishing myself like this. Getting lost in memories isn’t’ going to help me pretend everything is ok. I try to shake it off.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Snapping out of my reverie I turn slightly towards the gentleman staring at me and answer ‘no’.

  “Well then it must truly be my lucky day then, huh gorgeous? It’s been a rough day, but seeing your beautiful face has made it all better”.

  Seriously is that the best line he’s got? Well shit. But, I guess all I need him for is sex. Engaging in asinine conversation is not imperative. Or is that rude? Hell, I don’t even know. At least he has his looks going for him. I wouldn’t have to put a paper bag over his face. It makes me giggle just thinking about it.

  Back to my mystery one-night stand. He has three-day-old stubble on his chin, a tanned, and rugged frame. His hair is mussed like he has been running his fingers through it. No obvious tattoos. He is at least a foot shorter than him. But then again, no one is him. He is in an expensive suit, but it seems to not fit him right, like he didn’t bother to have it tailored. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this particular detail is bothering me so much. I find it incredibly annoying.

  However, he is ok enough. I think I could sleep with him for one night. He could break up the drought that has become of my lady parts, and add some sunshine them it again. I also want to feel something again even if it is just for a few minutes. Nothing will ever satisfy me like Ren could, I knew that the minute I looked into his eyes. Those beau
tiful orbs of blue that made me feel like I was lost at sea and only he could save me. His life jacket is the only one able to bring me back to the land of the living. Without him I feel as if I’m doomed to drown in my own manmade lake. He was a part of a different time, a different life, a different me.

  “You here beauty?” Mystery man says.

  “Yes. Sorry, I was just thinking what is a man like you doing in a place like this talking to little old me?’

  “Are you serious? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Plus you look like you could use a distraction”.

  “I could,” I find myself saying to him. “I need to wait for a while, until I am sure my sisters are here. Then I’m all yours…for a bit.”

  “All yours for a bit”…. the 5 words that changed my life forever.

  “Breath, just remember to breathe, Fae”. That is what I was saying in my head as I looked at the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. He couldn’t have been much older than me. The way he was built I could only think to describe him as a man. His body was sculpted like one of those guys who spent a lot of time at the gym or working a job using his muscles. He was at least a foot taller than me. His olive skin was enhanced by the bluest eyes I had ever seen. It made me feel like I was drowning in the warmest deepest sea.

  As I stared at him I realized I was panting and starting to squirm in a way I had never done before. I mean “seriously”, I didn’t know those type of feelings existed or that I could have them. There was a wetness between my legs making my face heat up betraying my embarrassment. For the life of me I couldn’t contain myself in front of him. It was so darn frustrating. Fiddle sticks, I’m supposed to pretend to have sophistication but doing a little flirting made me come undone. I didn’t know what to do about it.

  “Hello” I heard and realized he must have had been saying something to me and I felt even more embarrassed because I had been ignoring him while ogling him.

  ‘I’m sorry. Were you saying something?”

  “Yea, I was asking if you wanted an escort to your destination. You looked a little out of your comfort zone. Someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t be allowed to walk around here alone.” As I stared into his eyes, I knew I should try to sound more grown up and protest that I didn’t need him, but something about the way he looked at me along with the beating of my heart wouldn’t let me walk away from him.

  His eyes began to dilate the longer he looked at me and his breathing was becoming more rapid, (like a dragon preparing to breath fire). It’s almost like he was tuning into me already. The longer I hesitated, the bigger the challenge I became to him. The message in his eyes was that of a gauntlet being thrown down. He was telling me that either I could challenge him, which he would welcome, or I could accept my fate. I recognized the look in his eyes as the same look my father gave our mothers when he wanted one of them to ‘give’ herself to him. I knew I should be abhorred by this coming from a man I just met. I felt nothing but warmth and elation that someone this beautiful would want me this way.

  Alto gave me a similar look when we were alone together. Knowing my father had promised me to him, I always tried to avoid him. I always felt creeped out around him. It made me dread the day I had to become his wife.

  However, coming from this big handsome stranger I wondered if it was what our mothers felt every time father turned his attention toward them. I now kind of understand why they couldn’t find the strength to leave. The headiness was consuming. It made the receiver feel powerful even though you were also aware that the power was not yours.

  It’s the captivators.

  “I don’t want to take up your time or hold you back from anything” I whispered to him. He held out his hand to me and said “I’m all yours for a bit”. I looked at his hand and I felt like if I didn’t take it I would be missing out on the chance of a lifetime and this would be the only chance I got for the rest of my life. I take the proffered hand and feel my life taking shape instantly. He looks into my eyes and says, “Hi my name is Antonio Renaldo Castro but my friends call me Ren.

  With a name like that, if I were a little worldlier, I would have recognized his name alone held power. But since I didn’t have experience outside of the hell my father had created, I very naively replied, “Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is FaeWren Delilah Ryan.” That introduction would be the day I secured my fate.

  I knew my time was limited to find my brothers. Therefore I should rebuff him. But then all I had to do was think of Alto and how his eyes undressed me as he licked his lips like we were alone. Engulfed by a feeling of safety from this man that I didn’t know at all, made me feel like I wanted to confess all and beg for his help. But I didn’t. I simply followed him like a tiny puppy.

  Maybe if I knew then what I do now, I would have walked away that day. Then I wouldn’t be sitting here in a bar with a whole big enough to fit a small country in my heart.


  Setting my drink down and glancing across the bar, I realize that all of my sisters have arrived. For all of my bravado about not worrying about my dad, I physically feel my tightly coiled body give a little in relief that they are here safe and sound. Kea is over towards the tables, talking to the guy I first saw as I came in. Starting to get up to go stand next to her I notice she is blushing with a look of hunger on her face. That alone wouldn’t stop me normally from continuing, but the look of familiarity between the two of them does. I get the sense that there is a story there. One I will be sure to get from her in the morning. I do not allow my sisters to keep things from me, especially not knowing how it could affect us all.

  I know, I know. I never said I’m perfect. But as the oldest, it’s my job to know what’s going on. Imagine me, not liking secrets. Ha.

  To the left of Kea I see Quetzal pretending not to be watching a shady looking guy in the pool hall, which I don’t think is working out for her. Clearly he is staring at her too, like she is his last meal and it’s his right. Looking again at the two, I am now convinced she is giving him the same look.

  The hairs on the back of my neck start to stand up and I can feel myself getting ready to spring into action. Standing up to go to her, two different things happen. First, she jumps up and darts for the door like her ass is on fire with him following behind her.

  Second, the guy I was contemplating breaking my dry spell with grabs my arm and says; “whoa, where you going baby? I thought we were going to have some fun tonight.”

  I look at him and know I don’t want to sleep with him. Instead I want to knee him in the balls. I mean who the hell does he think he is to grab me like I belong to him or something? “Let me go. Please,” I add with my teeth gnashed together, not that he notices. ‘”I have to go check on my sister.”

  Still holding onto my arm he says; “I’m sure she can take care of herself and you need to take care of me.”

  Is this guy fucking serious? What the hell did I see in him in the first place? I seriously look at him and he has a narcissistic grin on his face that I want to slap right off. Instead I pick up my drink to throw it in his smug face when a shadow suddenly looms over us.

  “Get your fucking hands off my woman, before I beat in your fucking face.”

  After getting over the shock of hearing the voice that has haunted my nightmares and my naughtiest fantasies, I feel a mixture of excitement, dread, reservation and lust flow through my body racing to see which one will win out in the end. I am afraid to turn around and face the man who belongs to that voice, because I know I won’t be able to gather the strength to walk away a second time.

  “Did you hear me asshole? What makes you think you have the right to put your hands on what belongs to me?”

  I can feel my panties starting to get soaked at the last 4 words he said. Those four words that he often said during sex or if he felt someone was getting to close to me. I always got a warm feeling at his possessiveness. Like I was the center of his world. Its then I remember that we are in a bar. My sisters are here prob
ably watching, and someone working for my dad could be in the bar as well.

  “Ren, you have no… ”

  “Shut the fuck up, Fae. I will deal with your ass in a minute.”

  The twinkle in his eye says that he means my literal ass. Shit, that makes me whimper with need to rub myself all over him. I want to strip off my clothes and let him devour me. If I thought I was horny earlier, this just ramped my neediness up100 decibels higher. Stupid.

  Telling myself I need to leave now, I try to take advantage of his focus on the man sitting next to me to sneak away. Before I even make it to the door, a hand circles the back of my neck and a warm breathe whispers in my ear “Where do you think you’re going fata?” I felt my body crumbling, hearing the old endearment he always called me. I wish my heart would stop beating so I can perish with this last memory instead of living through the pain of leaving him again.

  “Ren, I have to go find my sister. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I really can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

  “Fae, your sister is fine. My man is taking care of her,” he says with a smirk. “But you are going with me, for being a naughty little fata. I think you need to be reminded that my fairy belongs with me. Is it you have forgotten so easy my love, or have you pushed what you felt, behind a veil of fog to make it like it no longer exist for you?”

  I know I should say YES, but I am so tired. Tired of running and hiding, being sad, alone and cold. I want the heat back in my life with the fire of passion and the joy of being cherished, even for one night. So I say, “No Ren. I haven’t forgotten about any of it. But…”

  “Nah, ah my love, we will talk about this at home. There is someone dying to see you. Then I am going to tie you to the bed, spank your fucking ass and fuck you until you beg me to stop. Only then will I turn you over and fuck you so deep, you’re going to be coughing up my seed for weeks. I plan to rut in you until you pass out Il Mia Amore. I will shoot my love potion in that beautiful fucking pussy making you so slick that my juices run out of you like a waterfall. Everyone will know for sure who you belong to. I will put my mark on you. Then and only then will I make love to you so that you remember who you are.”


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