DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13)

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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) Page 25

by Samantha Leal

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Your room is this way,” Clayton’s wife Krista said. There was something that Kala had immediately loved about Krista, but she couldn’t place what it was. She seemed familiar somehow. Beautiful and kind, as if she couldn’t hide all the love in her heart and had no intention to. There was something peaceful about that.

  Krista led her into a small room, furnished with a bed and an oak nightstand. There was a small shelf with some books leaning on it, and a notebook resting on a tiny table beside it.

  “When you want to sleep, you can just clap your hands and the lights will dim. We don’t want them to go out though, or the room will seem too dark. We are underground, and it can take some time to get used to.”

  “Thank you,” Kala said, sitting slowly on the edge of the bed.

  “I’ll bring you some night clothes,” Krista said with a gentle smile as if reading her mind. “I know it’s all a bit disorienting at first. When I came here the first time it was very difficult to adjust. But don’t worry, you’ll feel at home before you know it.”

  Krista left briefly and returned with a soft lilac colored nightgown.

  “That should bring out your eyes,” she said with a wink before disappearing into the darkness of the labyrinth. The curtain covering the doorway swished behind her, and Kala slowly changed. The room was uncomfortably small, but it would do until she was able to find out more about where she had come from.

  It didn’t take long before she fell into a fitful sleep. She had expected to sleep soundly after having such a wonderful meal, but instead, she was haunted by voices of people she knew but she couldn’t remember and the terrifying images of creatures that seemed impossible. More impossible even than the floppy eared rabbit that Zaden had caught for them to eat.

  Her fear came to a head when the man who had tried to capture her in the forest reached out to snatch her up and take her away. The terror woke her right from a dead sleep and her wide, frightened eyes searched the room for the one familiar thing that she had found. The one person who had helped her feel safe in the dangerous and unknown world.


  The blackened room suddenly seemed to be closing in on her, and she took off in the dark

  k tunnels, running as fast as her feet could carry her. It was late and most of the people of the clan had settled in to sleep for the night. It gave the burrows a hollow, creepy feeling. Her lungs were burning by the time she reached the doorway that she knew was Zaden’s. She wasn’t sure how she knew it was his, but it was certain in her heart.

  With a trembling hand, she pulled the curtain back and walked into the room. It was much larger than the one where she had been sleeping, and the lights were still bright enough to see. She looked down at Zaden on the bed, snoring heavily as he navigated what seemed to be a very action-packed dream. Just seeing him helped to reassure her, but she was desperate to interact with him.

  “Zaden,” she whispered, touching his shoulder. He had showered and dressed in a comfortable black ensemble before dinner with Clayton, at the same time she’d showered and changed into a fresh gown similar to the one she’d been wearing. She hadn’t been able to take her eyes off him throughout dinner, though she didn’t like to admit that, even to herself. He mumbled incoherently before looking at her through small slits in his tired eyes.

  “Kala, what’s wrong?”

  She climbed into the bed with him, needing to be close to the man who had saved her life, who could help to save her still.

  “I had a bad dream,” she said quietly, trying to avoid his gaze. She rolled over so she didn’t have to face him. He wrapped his strong arms around her, no questions asked, and held her close against his body. She gasped softly at the warmth of it pressed against her. It was unfamiliar, and it startled her to realize that the sensuality of the act was exactly what she had been hoping for.

  “You’re safe here,” Zaden whispered in her ear. The rumble of his voice caused her to close her eyes in bliss. She hadn’t expected to be taken in by the comforting, spicy scent of his bed. His strong hands caressed her body soothingly, and she pressed herself against him, her backside pressed firmly into his groin and his broad chest hard and comforting against her back.

  She knew she was safe with him. She had never felt safer than she did with him holding her. Still, somehow she wanted more, and she found herself pressing more firmly against him. The friction of their bodies made Zaden groan softly, and she felt the length of him grow hard against her buttocks. A surge of intense longing coursed through Kala’s body, and she turned to Zaden.

  “Kiss me,” she said quietly.

  Zaden was quiet for a moment, contemplative. She almost thought he wouldn’t, but he surprised her by obliging. His lips engulfed hers and she gasped as their warmth seemed to surge through her body, awakening desire she had never known possible. Soon, he had climbed on top of her and was showering her body with hot, fervent kisses. She closed her eyes to take in the sensation, overwhelmed by how good it felt to finally succumb to her desires. He seemed to know exactly what to do, and only paused once.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. “If I start I don’t think I would be able to stop.”

  “I’m sure,” she said with a soft laugh. He grinned at her, his sea-green eyes dancing in the strange lighting of his room. She pushed his shirt off and let her hands roam his impressive muscles, sighing as he lifted the lilac-colored gown over her head. Her eyes had grown dark with desire, and he growled softly in her ear as he pushed himself out of his pants. She moaned when she felt his bare flesh against her.

  He dragged his shaft up and down her middle slowly, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body as the sensitive nerve endings were stimulated by his body. Suddenly, her nipple was covered by the heat of his mouth, and she moaned quietly as a wave of heat ignited in her loins. The stubble on his cheeks felt surprisingly good against her sensitive flesh, and before she knew what was happening, he plunged himself wholly inside of her, testing the limits of her body and submerging her in an ocean of pleasure she wasn’t ready for.

  “Shh,” he laughed into her ear. She put her hand over her mouth, and he gently removed it, placing his thumb there instead. She clamped down as she was taken up and down a rollercoaster of unimaginable pleasure.

  He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the feeling of being enveloped in the heat of her body. He hadn’t realized how much he’d wanted her until he knew it was possible, and unleashed the full power of his body on her. She moaned into his hand as he carried her high into the realms of ecstasy.

  Kala was surprised when her body began to quake, and she gripped his shoulders as she contracted tightly around Zaden’s member. He moaned deeply as the beginnings of her orgasm began to squeeze him, massaging him intimately with her body and stirring the beginnings of his own powerful climax. He held out as long as he could, but soon was unable to keep himself from the earth-shattering eruption. He pulled out of her quickly, hoping that he had been able to stop himself in time. She seemed disappointed that he had left her body, and he collapsed beside her, panting.

  “You can sleep here tonight,” he said softly. And then he was asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  When Zaden awoke, Kala was already gone. He sat up quickly and fell back on his pillows with a heavy sigh. What on Earth had he done? He had taken advantage of a woman who didn’t even know who she was. She had come to him, frightened, and somehow he had managed to do the one thing that might make her think that he was dishonorable – it was the one thing he couldn’t stand to do. How was he going to live with himself?

  He leapt from his bed and began to pace around the room, tapping his chin thoughtfully. He had disgraced everything that might have been her life before. How could he have been so careless? There was no way that they would be able to end up together, especially not after he had done something so disgraceful. What would Clayton say to him about this? And he couldn’t expect her to change her wh
ole life once she had her memories back. If she had a husband or boyfriend before she met him, she should be with him. He would have to remove himself entirely. And even if she didn’t, how could they love each other when she didn’t even know who she was?

  It was all a conundrum that left him feeling miserable. He hated himself for taking advantage of her. She had been feeling vulnerable and weak, and he had let it come to something that it shouldn’t have. How could he possibly face her again? There was no way she would be able to look him in the eye after the night they had shared in his bed. It was all such a mess. Maybe everybody was right about him. He would never be able to grow up, and it was his own fault that he got himself into such stupid situations.

  Zaden dressed quickly, his mind spinning. If he had gotten her pregnant, that would be even worse. But how could he, unless…

  A painful jolt pierced his heart. What if she was a Loni woman, lost and wandering throughout the forest after having liberated herself somehow from the Guardian’s lair? They would know who she was. They were the only people who seemed to have a clue. His future with Kala depended on her past, and the only way he could find any peace of mind about his feelings for her would be to help her discover her own identity. That way, the next time they met, she would know exactly who she was and what she had left behind. It was the only way.

  He had to go face the Guardians.


  When Kala woke up, her body was sore and she suddenly remembered sneaking out of Zaden’s quarters to fall asleep in her own oppressive little room. She would have to talk to him as soon as possible, she decided, so that they could sort out whatever their relationship was. She couldn’t commit to him without knowing who she was, and she hoped that he would be able to understand. As much as she had grown to like him and depend upon him over the days they’d known each other, the fact was that her life had to stay focused on learning her past so that she could move forward. Hopefully the clan would be able to help her work through whatever was preventing her from recovering her memory.

  She expected to see him soon after rising, but was surprised when the whole day passed and she didn’t hear a word from him. She was taken around by Krista throughout the day, and the kind woman taught her all she needed to know about living underground. She was worried by the time dinner was served and Zaden hadn’t been seen by anybody. Clayton narrowed his eyes at the head of the table where she had been invited to dine with his family when Janes reported that he hadn’t shown up for training, or even the mess hall, which he never missed.

  “It seems Zaden is missing,” he announced, after having a thorough search done of the grounds. “He left unannounced. I can only suspect he is doing something rash and foolish.”

  The news hit Kala hard. She knew, deep in her heart, that she was the reason he had left. He had probably been so ashamed of their night together that he hadn’t wanted to face her again. Perhaps he hadn’t really liked her at all and simply wanted to get some distance between them. Was she so repulsive that he would leave his home simply to get away from her? it seemed to make sense to her that he would. He was a rash and impulsive man, and if he felt like he had made a mistake, he would probably leave without thinking twice.

  “Are you all right, Kala?” Krista asked kindly.

  Kala nodded, surprised to be singled out and to have her feelings noticed so quickly.

  “I’m sure he’s all right,” Krista reassured her. Kala was sure he was fine too, but she smiled politely and nodded again. He was probably fine, off traipsing around in the wilderness, kicking himself for getting entangled with the weird woman who had no memory. Kala sighed and excused herself from the table. She wouldn’t be able to eat anymore knowing that Zaden had left. There was no way she hadn’t factored in to his decision, and knowing that was one of the worst feelings she had ever had.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “What the-“

  Peter, the Guardian who had been stalking Kala and Zaden, ducked as Zaden’s fist nearly reached his face. He ducked out of the way and Zaden grabbed him by the front of his robe.

  “Where did you come from?” Zaden barked at him. His grip was tight, and Peter began to quiver in fear. The rest of the Guardians were busy rounding up the people in the city who had seen the lights of Kaldernon.

  “Stuff it!” Peter said, jutting his chin out defiantly. Zaden growled and punched him hard in the face. The loud crack of his nose breaking echoed in the forest and Peter fell to the ground in a heap, tears burning his eyes. Everybody was so violent these days.

  “Take me to your lair,” Zaden demanded.

  “What do you want to go there for? You’ll be killed,” he said, holding his nose and glaring up at Zaden.

  “Maybe you can help me then,” Zaden said, reconsidering. The last thing he wanted was to go into the devil’s playground.

  “Why would I help you? You broke my nose!”

  “I could do much worse than that,” Zaden threatened.

  “What is it?”

  “Tell me what you know about the girl,” Zaden said.

  “I don’t know anything about her.”

  Zaden kicked him hard in the ribs.

  “How about now?”

  “You’re messed up!” Peter wheezed into the dirt. “I don’t know anything.”

  Zaden sighed. It looked like the only way he would get information would be the worst way imaginable. But he would do what he had to do to help Kala get her life back.

  “Then take me to someone who does. Before I kill you.”

  Peter groaned as he got to his feet and glared at Zaden.

  “All right, if you insist. Follow me.”


  Zaden looked around nervously as they approached the small cement building where the Guardians had made their fortress. He felt sick to his stomach thinking about all of the people who had been there, Kala most likely among them, simply to be tortured for who they were. None of them had chosen to come to this pathetic planet, and yet they were suffering for it, punished by this evil group of bastards and forced into hiding.

  “Here we are, you foolish little man,” Peter said, grinning evilly. He seemed convinced that Zaden would live to regret his choice to come into the wolf’s den, and although he was nervous, the presumption pissed him off. He would do whatever it took.

  “Peter, take me to a back entrance, would you?” he asked, gripping the serpent-like man by the back of the neck.

  “Still pretty bold are you?” Peter chuckled. Zaden began to squeeze, until Peter was coughing. “All right, all right. Calm down. Let’s go this way.”

  “No funny shit or I’ll kill you,” Zaden reminded him.

  “I’ve got it,” Peter sighed, leading Zaden to the laboratory’s entrance. Inside, Zaden was shocked to see a group of men and women in a small cage.

  “I’ve got to get to work!” one man shouted, pointing angrily at his wrist watch. “When are we out of quarantine?”

  Zaden was startled to realize they were speaking to him. No, to Peter, who was walking ahead of him with his eyes to the ground.

  “I’m sorry, but you will have to be patient,” Peter said, oozing false sweetness. It made Zaden sick to his stomach.

  Peter pushed past their cage, much to their dismay. Their disgruntled shouts followed them throughout the laboratory. Zaden was horrified by the state of the subjects that the Guardians had collected. Many cells full of women and men were barely guarded. And why would they have to guard them? The people were as good as vegetables. Drugged out and oblivious of the world around them.

  “What did you do to them?” Zaden hissed down at Peter, jarring him a bit with a shove.

  “I didn’t do any of this,” Peter said indignantly. “This is all Richard’s business. We just help rid the world of otherworldly scum. It’s no good for our planet you know.”

  “Yeah right. Who were those people back there? Why aren’t they zombies like the rest of them?”

  “We just brought them in,�
�� Peter said. He seemed eager to brag and spoke casually to Zaden. And why not? He figured Zaden would be killed soon enough and turned into one of the vegetables in the laboratory. And then he would surely have his fun with him.

  “Why? They don’t smell like shifters.”

  “You can smell other shifters?” Peter asked, raising his eyebrow incredulously. “I’m making a note of that. Richard will surely be able to use that information.”

  “Don’t tell that scum anything!” Zaden exclaimed. “Why are they here?”

  “They were able to see the lights of Kaldernon,” Peter said, his thin lips pursed so that they almost disappeared.

  “That’s impossible,” Zaden said dismissively.

  “Is it?” Peter asked. They stopped walking now, finally reaching the door where Peter was convinced Zaden would meet his doom. “Here we are. Right into the lion’s den.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kala breathed quietly, hoping that nobody would hear her as she crept through the forest. Zaden had been missing for long enough that she knew he wasn’t going to come back. And even if he did, she wasn’t sure she would be able to face him again. She hated the way he was able to make her feel. The clan had begun to feel stifling and scary without him there. She couldn’t handle the psychological effects of being underground without anybody she knew she could trust. She tried to trust Krista, but the fact was that they barely knew each other. She had to be nice because that was what was expected of the Lady of the clan.


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