Beautiful Entourage

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Beautiful Entourage Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  He ignored my statement altogether. “I want to golf with him this afternoon. Set it up.”

  That was short notice. I had to give Rhett’s office seventy-two hours notice in order to book a date with him. That seemed unlikely. “I’ll let you know.”

  He picked up his club again. “Let me know as soon as possible.”

  I wanted to beat him over the head with that damn club. “Of course, sir.” I walked out.


  I turned before I closed the door.

  “Where are those faxes I asked for an hour ago?” he demanded.

  “I emailed them to you fifty-nine minutes ago. If you were at your desk, you would have noticed.” I shut the door and didn’t even feel bad for snapping. The dickhead deserved it.


  I called Danielle with hesitation. She laid down the rules already and I signed that contract. She said seventy-two hours and I doubt she would make an exception. I’m sure Rhett had other clients he had to attend to, and if not, he had a life.

  She answered. “Beautiful Entourage. How may I help you?”

  “Hey, Danielle. It’s Aspen.”

  Her voice picked up in excitement. “How are you? Is Rhett performing to your satisfaction?”

  “He’s amazing,” I blurted without thinking.

  “He’s quite popular with the ladies.”


  She chuckled. “What can I do for you?”

  I knew I shouldn’t even bother but I had to try. “I know you said you needed seventy-two hours notice but I was wondering if I could use Rhett this afternoon to play golf with my dad…”

  There was a pause on the other end. “I’m sorry, Aspen. Rhett has other obligations, and plans his weeks accordingly. You’re paying for a high quality date, not someone who can change their life around to accommodate you. He’s not a dog.”

  “That’s not what I was implying at all,” I snapped. I had a long day so my tolerance was low. I could yell at Danielle but I couldn’t yell at my father. “I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Geez…”

  Danielle breathed into the phone. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off rude. Like I said before, I’m protective of my boys and I don’t let people walk all over them.”

  “That’s not what I’m trying to do. I thought if Rhett was free, by chance, it wouldn’t be a big deal.”

  “I’ll give him a call,” she said with a sigh. “But don’t expect this treatment again.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I appreciate it.”

  She hung up.

  I got back to work, and half an hour later, my cell phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Rhett is able to accommodate you. Just let me know the details when you have them.”

  I was surprised it actually worked out. “I will. Thank you.” I hung up. Wow, I got lucky. I assumed Rhett already had another date to fulfill, and if not a date, he didn’t want to pick up an extra shift, so to speak.

  My phone rang again but it was a number I didn’t recognize. I decided to answer it, curious whom the number belonged to. “Hello?”


  My lips stretched from ear to ear. His voice was deep and smooth, and it contained a hint of amusement. His face came into my mind, and I imagined that smile I was so fond of and his bright eyes. “Miss.”

  “I always miss,” he said with a laugh.

  I loved listening to the sound of his voice. I’d pay big money just to have his voice on a CD that I could play over and over, as stalker-ish as that made me sound. “This is a nice surprise. I thought I wasn’t supposed to have your phone number?”

  “It’s okay to break the rules once in a while,” he said. “And you don’t strike me as the crazy type so I think we’re good. Besides, Danielle can be a real mood killer.”

  I laughed into the phone. “She just cares about you.”

  “A little too much,” he said. “She’s the mother hen of our company. I’ve seen her pull a chunk of some girl’s hair right out of her scalp, and then slap her hard across the face.”


  “Don’t mess with her. If you need me for something like this, just call me.”

  “Won’t she be upset you gave me your number?”

  He paused for a while. “It’s my decision, not hers. So, your father wants to go golfing, huh?”

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “Hey, it’s what you’re paying me to do. And he’s not that bad…to me at least.”

  “It’s going to be so boring and all he’ll talk about is cars and money…” I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. “You’ll fall right asleep.”

  “How about you come along and keep me company?”

  “My father didn’t invite me.”

  “Who cares?” he said. “Tell him I invited you. Do you know how to golf?”

  “Damn straight, I know how to golf.”

  He chuckled into the phone. “Feisty…I like it. So, come with us then. We’ll get ice cream afterwards.”

  “Are you trying to make me fat?” I said in a teasing way.

  “Like you could ever get fat,” he countered. “You weigh what? A hundred and fifteen pounds?”

  “One twenty, thank you very much.” I was surprised he guessed my weight so well.

  “My apologies,” he said with a laugh.

  “And that can change with enough sundaes.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he said. “So, when am I golfing?”

  “Two hours. Can you make it?”

  “I’ll be there. Should I meet at the office or the country club?”

  “Meet here,” I said. “Let me know when you’re in the lobby and I’ll retrieve you. The building is a little confusing.”

  “Will do. See you then.”



  “Wait,” I said.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Thanks for doing this. I’m sure you have a million other things you’d rather be doing.”

  His voice came out quiet. “Actually, I’d rather help you.”


  Rhett was standing in the lobby wearing dark brown slacks with a black polo. Even in golf clothes, he was eye-catching. His shoulders were broad and noticeable, and the tightness of his shirt outlined his powerful chest and slender waist. His pants hung low on his hips and a belt was woven through the loops. I stared at him for a second, forgetting why I was there to begin with.

  “Nice lobby,” he said. He put his hands in his pockets and examined the tile floor and expansive counter where the receptionist stood.

  I suspected he looked away because my obvious gawking made him uncomfortable. I needed to learn to hide my attraction to him better. “The elevator is this way…”

  We stood side by side as the elevator rose.

  “How’s your day going?” he asked.

  “It’s okay.” I crossed my arms over my chest so I wouldn’t be tempted to touch him.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “My father is just being a dick, nothing unusual.”

  He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.

  My spine shivered involuntarily and I wanted to melt right then and there. Having a ridiculously handsome guy touch me like he loved me was every girl’s dream. I smiled like an idiot, living in the moment.

  “You got me, remember?” he said. “You aren’t alone.”

  “I suppose.”

  The doors opened and we walked down the hall together. A few people in the office turned our way when they saw Rhett with his arm around my waist. I knew what they were all thinking.

  Why is he with her?

  Whatever. They were jealous because they weren’t me.

  Rhett looked around as we walked. “Fancy…”

  “Your office is pretty nice too.”

  “But it’s only one story. This has to be…fifty stories?”

  “Well, we employ a lot people.”

; “I’ll say.”

  We reached Dad’s office and I knocked.

  “Come in,” he called.

  Rhett opened the door and let me enter first.

  I gave him a smile because I couldn’t help it. He was so charming and thoughtful. John never went out of his way for me.

  Dad’s eyes lit up when he spotted Rhett. “There’s the man I wanted to see.” He shook his hand then patted his back. “Ready to hit the green?”

  “I’m always ready, sir.”

  “Excellent, my boy,” Dad said. “Let’s go.” He turned to me. “You can hold down the fort while I’m gone?”

  I would hope so…since I do it every damn day. “Yeah—”

  “Actually, I invited her along,” Rhett said. “I’ve never seen her golf. Is that okay, sir?”

  “Sure,” Dad said. “Why not?”

  Rhett grabbed my hand and walked out with me. When we made it to the lobby, Dad turned to Rhett. “Where are your clubs, kid?”

  “In my car,” he answered. “Should we carpool?”

  “You tell me,” he said. “Have you ever been inside a Bentley?” A mischievous look was on his face.

  “No, sir. I never have,” Rhett said.

  “Then you’re in for a surprise.”

  Rhett and I retrieved his clubs from his trunk then joined my father in the parking garage. When Rhett opened the passenger door for me to sit down, Dad intervened.

  “You need to sit up front, kid. Otherwise you don’t get the full experience. Aspen has been in this thing a million times.”

  Actually, I’d been in it twice. But whatever.

  “Good idea, sir.” He opened the back door for me to get inside.

  I kept a stoic expression as I got in, not wanting to snap at my dad while he was warming up to Rhett.

  For the entire drive, they discussed the Bentley and how shiny and pretty it was. I just stared out the window and tried not to fall asleep. How could my father care so much about something that didn’t matter, but be totally oblivious to something as paramount as clean and renewable energy? I tried not to think about it because it made me want to slash his tires and key the doors.

  When we arrived at the course, it was a beautiful day. The sun shined in a cloudless sky, and the green had its own distinct smell. Golf carts were scattered throughout the course, and a slight breeze moved through my hair. Since my golf clubs were at home, I had to rent a set. If I had my own, I would play better but it wasn’t a big deal. It didn’t matter what clubs I used. I was still a better golfer than my dad even though he would rather say he was a transvestite than admit I was good at anything.

  Rhett continued the boring conversation with my father but touched me whenever affection was permitted. When we began our eight-hole course, Rhett turned to me. “Ladies first.”

  I grabbed my driver then stood over my ball. I carefully planned out my swing and how I intended to hit the ball.

  Dad and Rhett discussed tax loopholes, something my father was particularly interested in. Rhett kept up in the conversation, and I was surprised he knew so much about the topic. He owned a business himself but it was small, not a billion dollar corporation like my father’s. But there didn’t seem to be anything he wasn’t knowledgeable about. He was one of the brightest men I’d ever met.

  They totally ignored me so I took my time lining up the shot. The hole was over a slight hill and dangerously close to a sand pit. The slight breeze also played a factor into my calculations. When I had everything set up, I pulled my driver back then hit it with a predetermined amount of force.

  The ball flew through the air then hit the green with a thud. I swear I could hear it even though it was impossible. I shielded my eyes from the sun as I examined my ball. It rolled slightly, heading right for the hole. Then it dropped inside. I smiled to myself, proud of my golfing abilities.

  Take that, Dad.

  “Did you just make that shot?” Rhett asked in surprise. His eyes were wide and his jaw was hanging.

  “Yep.” I put the driver over one shoulder and put one hand on my hip. “Watch out, Tiger Woods.”

  “That was amazing.” Rhett couldn’t control his shock. “I’ve never seen that happen in my life, except at the Masters Tournaments. How did you…?” He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. “I’m sorry.” He put down his club and started to clap. “That deserves a round of applause.”

  Rhett was already making this day better. At least he acknowledged my accomplishments and acted like they actually mattered. Dad was never impressed with anything I did. I could win the Nobel Prize and he wouldn’t give a damn.

  “Isn’t that amazing, sir?” Rhett asked. “You raised a fine daughter.”

  “Yeah…” He pressed his lips together like they were chapped. “She’s a decent golfer for a woman.”

  “For a woman?” Rhett asked incredulously. I could tell he was combating his anger, sick of the way my father treated me like garbage. The fact I didn’t have a penis dangling between my legs somehow made me worthless. “She’s a great golfer—period.”

  I put my hand on his arm, silently reminding him why I hired him in the first place.

  Dad put his ball down and got ready to swing. “The first hole is always the easiest one.”

  Rhett took a deep breath but didn’t explode. He did a great job hiding his irritation, but I could tell he was struggling. The more time he spent with my father, the more his tolerance started to wane. I wasn’t sure how I put up with it my entire life.

  Dad made his swing and the ball glided across the course. It landed near the flag but didn’t sink in.

  “So much for it being the easiest hole…” Rhett muttered under his breath.

  I squeezed his arm again.

  He sighed then put his ball down and made his hit.

  The afternoon was spent with them bonding while I stood there awkwardly and tried to decide what color to paint my nails. Pink? Nah, I did that color last time. French tips? But that was so old…

  When the game was over and scores were tallied, I was in the lead by five points. Rhett came in second, and of course, Dad came in last.

  “Good game.” Dad shook Rhett’s hand. “You have a great swing. Who taught you to golf?”

  “My uncle.”

  “He must be a fine golfer.”

  “He does alright,” Rhett said with a smile. “Nothing compared to me.”

  Dad chuckled. “We need to do this again sometime. It’s nice to play with someone who knows their way around the course.”

  Uh, hello? Do I not exist?

  Rhett gave me a sad look but didn’t voice his thoughts.

  When we returned to the office, my shift was long over. I’d have more work to do tomorrow, but I refused to go back in there and pick up where I left off. I had enough of the office for one day.

  “Thank you for inviting me, sir.” Rhett shook Dad’s hand.

  “Of course,” he said. “I want to see more of you. You’re a fine young man.”

  “Why, thank you, sir,” Rhett said gracefully. “That means a lot.”

  Dad nodded to me without speaking then got back into his car and drove away.

  Rhett gave me a look of admiration when Dad was down the street. “How do you not poison his scotch?”

  I sighed. “I don’t know. But I’m asking for a raise tomorrow.”


  After we returned his clubs to his trunk, we headed to the nearest ice cream parlor. I needed a big-ass sundae, like, right this second.

  After we sat down with our treats, Rhett spoke. “Where did you learn to golf like that? You obviously didn’t learn from your father.”

  “I hired a golf pro a few years ago. It’s a long story.” I shoveled the ice cream into my mouth, grateful for the cool, crisp taste.

  “I’m yours for the afternoon so I have the time.” He ate his ice cream slowly, like he wasn’t really hungry. He probably just came because he knew I needed something fattening in my stomach pronto. />
  “Well, this was years ago when I was stupid,” I said bluntly.

  “Stupid?” he asked with a hint of a smile. “You don’t strike me as the stupid type.”

  “Wait to cast judgment until you hear the story. Believe me, you’ll think I’m stupid when I’m finished.”

  “I’m still skeptical but I’ll keep an open mind.” His blue eyes looked into my face, waiting to hear the story. They were so deep that I wanted to fall inside and never crawl out.

  “Years ago, I was at a point in my life when I was desperate for his approval. I would get his coffee before he asked for it, work overtime every day just so he wouldn’t have to lift a finger, and I went above and beyond to make this man notice me. Since he loves golf so much, I assumed if I impressed him with my skills, he would pay more attention to me. Then he would invite me to golf with him and it could be an activity we did together.”

  His eyes softened while he listened to me, and I knew he pitied me.

  “So, I paid someone to teach me. I practiced every day, and he praised me as I got better. It came to a point where he had nothing left to teach me. He said if my father wasn’t impressed, he was totally blind.”

  “Then what happened?” he asked quietly.

  “I invited my dad golfing, and after he saw me play, he asked if I was a dyke.”

  His eyes widened then narrowed in confusion. “Sorry?”

  It was such a ridiculous thing to say. I didn’t blame Rhett for being completely confused by it. “He asked if I was a dyke or a lesbian. Why would I be so good at a man’s game unless I was trying to be a man myself?” I shook my head in disapproval. “A woman good at sports? Oh, there must be something wrong with her then. He’s despicable. Sometimes I wish he would crash in that stupid car of his and die.” I realized my words after I said them and guilt washed through me. It was such a cold thing to say and I felt terrible. I let my anger get carried away. “I didn’t mean that…I take it back.”

  Rhett stopped eating his ice cream and gave me all his focus. “I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t take it back.”

  “My father has his flaws and there are a million things I hate about him but…he’s never hurt me physically and he hasn’t killed anyone so he doesn’t deserve that.”

  “Evil doesn’t come in black and white. It comes in shades of gray.”


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