Dirty Little Secret_A Secret Baby-Second Chance Romance

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Dirty Little Secret_A Secret Baby-Second Chance Romance Page 19

by Michelle Love

  But Zandra had missed all that because they’d kept her hidden at her home, which they’d made more like a prison. At least that’s the way it sounded when she’d talked to me about it on the phone the week before.

  I’d gotten to know a lot about her over our phone calls. And I had to admit that I had been wrong to judge her. I’d thought her weak. I’d thought she’d taken the easy road, leaving the harder one for someone else to take.

  As easy as that road seemed to be, that road had a dead end, and it wouldn’t be too many more years before she reached that ending. I’d never seen any thirty-year-old waitresses working at nightclubs in all my earlier years of partying. She wouldn’t be able to work the types of clubs she was used to forever. And then what would she do?

  I figured I might as well give her a little push, some incentive to move forward now, instead of waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under her later. And she might as well do it with Fox and me at the front of her mind, giving her a reason to strive for something more than she’d had before us.

  Circa 1886 was the kind of restaurant where men wore suits and ties, and women wore gorgeous evening gowns. If she didn’t know the place by reputation, I knew she’d be able to get an idea of the dress code from looking it up online. She would see exactly what she would have to wear in order to fit into this kind of place.

  And I just had to wait a few minutes longer to see if she was able to meet this one challenge out of the many more she’d likely have to face in the coming months.

  I’d texted her right when I left my house, telling her I was on my way. She’d texted me back, telling me to wait outside in my car, that she would come out to me. So I did as she’d asked, and I sat waiting. Five minutes later, she came out the door.

  At first, I thought I had to be seeing things. Maybe it wasn’t her at all coming out of her apartment and walking toward me. But then again, it had to be. There was that same chestnut brown hair she’d had back in high school, the evening sunlight making a few blonde strands glisten. She was still wearing a bit of makeup, but only enough to enhance her natural beauty. No fake lashes, no overly plump lips. Just her lovely features shining through.

  I got out of the car, obviously stunned. “Zandra. My God.”

  She smiled brilliantly as she spun around slowly. The chocolate brown dress she wore went below her knees, the bottom billowing out, flowing in the breeze as she turned around. “You like the new me, Kane?”

  The boatneck top covered her breasts, not allowing any cleavage to show, but accentuating their round curves. A thin blue belt showed off her narrow waist, and it matched her two-inch heels. Creamy pearl earrings matched the necklace that hung around her long neck, which was beautifully on display thanks to her hair being pinned up.

  She stopped turning to look at me. “Kane?”

  “Uh … umm.” I was speechless.

  She laughed lightly as she walked toward the passenger door. “I know. I look very different. Older.”

  Her movement pulled me out of my daze. “Older? No.” I hurried to get to the door before she did, opening it for her. “I would use many words to describe you—gorgeous, sexy, and naturally beautiful—but old would never cross my mind, Zandra Larkin. I’m very proud to have you at my side this evening.”

  “Ah.” She ran one finger along my jawline. “He approves. I’ve done good then.”

  “You’ve done better than good.” I pressed my lips to her cheek. “You’ve taken my breath away. That’s never happened to me before.”

  Her dark blue eyes peered into mine. “Really?”

  All I could do was nod as I stared back into those eyes, getting lost in them. The same ones I’d looked into so long ago. No thick black mascara surrounded them. No eyeliner either. Just the slightest bit of brown mascara and neutral eyeshadows that blended in so well, they looked like they were hardly there at all.

  She sat in the car with a sweet smile on her pink lips. I closed the door and went around to get in, taking a deep breath t0 try to shake off this star-struck feeling.

  She’d thrown me for a loop, and I had to get back on track.

  With step one completed, I knew the next few ones were up to me. And I was feeling very optimistic about them.

  It took me a little while to come back around to being myself as we drove to the restaurant. But when I reached over, taking her hand in mine, her touch, and the connection that always sprang between us, helped me. “How did your boss take you calling in tonight?”

  “Not well.” She sighed. “And I know he’s going to bitch me out for this change in my look.”

  “Fuck him.” I stopped at a red light and looked at her. “You look amazing.”

  The smile that curved her lips made my heart race. “Thank you, Kane. Taylor wasn’t on board with my new look, either. She said it makes me look old.”

  “You look mature,” I told her. “And it suits you. Please tell me you won’t go back to the old look.”

  With a nod, she said, “I promised myself that very thing yesterday. I won’t be going back, only forward from now on.”

  Relief spread through me. “That’s so good to hear, baby. So good. Forward is the best way to go. Unless you’re a girl and you’re dancing, then backward is okay. But only then.”

  She laughed and I chuckled with her, and it felt amazing.

  The atmosphere of the restaurant did much to make the night special for us both. She ran her hand over the white linen tablecloth after we’d sat down. “Don’t laugh at me please, Kane.” She looked at me with a shy grin. “I’ve never been in a place like this before. It’s kind of surreal. I just want to touch everything, to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

  Reaching across the table, I took her hand in mine. “You’re not dreaming. And I think it’s adorable that you feel that way. To be honest, I feel that way too.”

  Her chest heaved as she sighed and looked around. “I’ll remember this forever.”

  “Good. So will I.” I let her hand go to take a look at the menu. “I think we should start with the chilled oysters Rockefeller.” I put it back down, taking her hand again. “Does that sound good to you?”

  “It does. It sounds very good to me.” She leaned in close, then whispered, “But aren’t those considered an aphrodisiac, Dr. Price?”

  Winking, I answered, “Yep.”

  “If it helps you make any plans for later tonight, then I want you to know that you’re making me feel very special and cared for.” Her smile turned sexy. “If you know what I mean.”

  My cock was hard in an instant, and I was glad for the cover of the table. “I do.” I could’ve jumped her gorgeous bones right then. But I wanted things to progress a little further than they had so far.

  The waiter came back with our white wine and two glasses. “Have you made a decision on the appetizer?” He poured a little bit of the wine in one of the glasses then handed it to me.

  “We have,” I told him then tasted the wine. “And this is perfect.”

  He filled a glass, placing it in front of Zandra, and then filled mine the rest of the way, leaving the bottle on the table. “And what can I bring you first?”

  “The oysters to start,” I let him know.

  “I’ll get to that and be right back to take the rest of your order.” He left us, and I saw Zandra watching him.

  “I’ve never served food before. I wonder if I would be any good at it. It seems kind of complicated,” she pondered.

  I didn’t want her to limit herself to just serving, but I didn’t want to interfere with every decision she made, either. “I’m sure you could be great at it if you put your mind to it, Zandra.” I took her hand again, letting our clasped hands rest on the table. “Whatever you put your mind to, I’m sure you can do. Don’t let anything stop you.”

  With a nod, she pulled her hand out of mine to pick up the menu. “I suppose I should have a look at this so I can make a decision before he gets back.”

  I opened mine too. “
The Piedmontese beef looks good to me.”

  “I’m torn between the catfish and the scallops,” she said, then looked up at me. “The sides are throwing me off, though. I’ve got no idea what any of them are. But I know I like scallops, and I know I like catfish. Do you think you can take a look at them and tell me which one you would pick?”

  I took a look at the sides and read that a grilled zucchini dish with a fancy Italian name was served with the scallops. She had liked the ones I’d made when we had our little Sunday dinner. “I think you’d like the scallops.”

  Putting the menu down, she picked up the wine and took a drink, looking happy as a clam. “I bet I will, Kane. Thank you.”

  Finishing the decadent meal with a dessert called Island Bombe, we left the restaurant and headed back to take her home. Even though all I really wanted to do was take her back to my bedroom and kiss her all over.

  Resting her head on the back of the seat, she ran her hand over her flat stomach. “Oh my gosh, that was the best meal I’ve ever eaten. Thank you so much for taking me, Kane.”

  “If you’ll accept more dates with me, then I’ll take you to a ton more places you’ve never been.” I took her hand, holding it between us on the console. “So, do you think I’ll get a second date?”

  Turning her head, she looked at me, blinking slowly. “A second, third, fourth—you name it, you’ve got it. I had more fun with you tonight, and on Sunday too, than I’ve ever had with anyone.”

  “If the weather is good, we could take the yacht out this coming weekend.” I knew I was getting ahead of myself, but I couldn’t seem to stop.

  “If I’m off, then I would love to join you.” She turned her head to look out the window. “Hopefully, I’ll have a different job by then. I won’t know my schedule until that happens.”

  I pulled up in front of her apartment. “Here we are.” Her hand in mine felt good, comfortable—right.

  She looked back at me. “Yep.” She moved her fingers a little. “I guess this is goodnight, then.”

  With a nod, I said, “I guess so.”

  “Okay, then. Thanks again. I had the best night of my life.” She tried to pull her hand out of mine.

  I held it tight. “Me too.”

  She looked at our hands. “Are you going to let me go, Kane?”

  “Do I have to?” I wanted her. I wanted her more than I ever had.

  She smiled. “Did those oysters get to you?”

  Shaking my head, I admitted, “You got to me.”

  “I bet they helped,” she said with a smile. “Would you like to come inside?”

  “I would. But I’m warning you, I’m going to pull you into my arms and kiss those sweet lips, and I’m not going to want to stop.” I pulled our hands up to my lips then kissed hers.

  “I won’t want you to stop.” She leaned in. “Let’s go inside, Kane.”

  “You know what that means.” I looked into her eyes. “I really do care for you, Zandra Larkin. More than I’ve ever cared about any woman.”

  “Good.” She kissed my lips just once with a soft kiss. “So let’s go inside and I can show you how much I care about you, too.”

  Lord, have mercy!

  Chapter 25


  Thankfully, Taylor was working that night. And that meant we had the place to ourselves for at least four hours. Probably even more than that, if she went out to eat with the other employees we worked with.

  My body already tingled at the thought that I’d get to feel Kane’s hands all over me again. Many times throughout the years I’d ached to feel the man’s touch again. No one had ever even come close to comparing to Kane. Even though he’d been just a seventeen-year-old teen when we’d had our one night of sinful pleasure, he’d known his way around my body. I couldn’t wait to see what he’d learned in the last decade.

  Kane held out his hand, palm up. “Give me your keys, and I’ll open the door.”

  Placing them in his hand, I purposely let my fingertip graze his palm as I licked my lips. I was sure what I wanted to do to the man was considered criminal in some states, and I was going to do everything that I’d ever dreamed of doing to him. “Here ya go.”

  Not moving for a beat, he eyed my finger as it moved over his palm. “Oh, baby, you’re not gonna hold anything back from me, are you?”

  All I did was shake my head. Seeing that, he hurried to unlock the door and then grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. I kicked the door closed then he pushed me up against it, forcing a heavy breath out of my lungs. His mouth came to mine, inhaling the breath I’d exhaled.

  I felt his hand behind me, locking the door.

  Always the responsible adult.

  At least he’d had the wherewithal to think about that. I hadn’t thought about anything but him and how badly I wanted to be naked with him ASAP.

  Our tongues fought for control as his kiss went deep and sensual. I had no choice but to give in to his demands. Pulling his lips from mine, he whispered, “Take me to your bedroom?”

  Taking his hand, I led him through the dark apartment to my bedroom where he promptly closed the door behind us, locking that one too. Waiting for him to tell me what he wanted me to do, I stood there in silence. It took me back to that night when I hadn’t a clue what sex was about, and how he’d taught me so much in the few hours we’d had together.

  Pushing me back a bit, he ran his hands over my shoulders then turned me around to unzip my dress, letting it fall in a heap around my feet. Next to go was the pearl necklace, then the matching earrings. He walked away from me, putting them neatly on the dresser, then he stood there in the dim light.

  I looked over my shoulder to see what he was looking at, as I could feel his eyes on my body. In only a bra and panties, I felt on display for him, and I liked the way it felt. I ran my hands down my sides, leaving them on my thighs.

  “Step out of the shoes and go to the bed, Zandra.” His eyes stayed on my body as I did what he said.

  I didn’t take a seat, as he hadn’t told me to. I did remember that Kane liked to be in control. He’d loved orchestrating every little detail and aspect of what we’d done that night so long ago, and I figured he still liked things that way.

  It seemed like forever before he began undressing himself. Again, I was taken back to that night. He’d stood in front of me, taking his clothes off slowly. I was so shy back then that I’d ducked my head. That had made him stop, pull my head up by my chin, and tell me to look at him. I’d done as he’d wanted me to back then, and I was ready to do the same now.

  Reveling in each inch of his tanned skin that was revealed, my body pulsed with excitement, want, and need. Once he was completely naked, I gasped at his cock, which was somehow even larger than I’d remembered. “Kane!” I yelped, unable to take my eyes away.

  With a wink, he moved toward me. “Yeah, I kept growing in a couple places even after high school, baby.” His hands made quick work of my bra before he ripped my panties off me, making me gasp again.

  My thighs shook as the material cut into them for only a second before breaking free. I reached out, clutching his muscular biceps to steady myself. His hands finally ran up my body, gliding along both sides before he took me by the waist, lifting me up then laying me back on the bed. Pulling my ass back to the edge of the bed, he grinned at me before going to his knees.

  I couldn’t breathe as his lips pressed against my throbbing pussy. He took each leg behind the knee, lifting them both up then placing my heels on the bed. Totally spread and open for him, he went to work.

  Grabbing two handfuls of the bedspread underneath me, I held on tightly as Kane kissed, licked, and sucked me into a state of arousal that seemed as close to heaven as I’d ever been.

  He’d been good at oral sex back then, but now, he was excellent. I didn’t want to think about who he’d practiced on but had to admit that I was pleased that he’d gotten even better.

  One long lick up, then he went back down through the folds wi
th his pointed tongue before pushing it into me. He used it to fuck me into a mindless state that left me screaming as an orgasm moved through me, starting at the top of my head, ending in my toes.

  Satisfied with my reaction, Kane got up. He walked back to the pile of his clothing and leaned down, taking something out of one of the pockets. The light from the window, the only light in the room, caught the shiny foil packets.

  I leaned up on my elbows, looking at what he had. “I’m on the Pill, Kane. You don’t have to use those. And this time you can trust me. Take a look at the package of birth control pills on my dresser.”

  He did take a quick glance at the pills on the dresser, but he kept coming toward me with the strand of condoms still in hand. “Good. I’m glad you’ve decided to take care of the birth control thing.” Pulling one of them open, he slipped it over his hard dick.

  “So why are you still putting one on then?” I wanted to feel the real him inside of me. Skin to skin.

  “Diseases,” he said nonchalantly, as if that wasn’t insensitive or insulting in the least.

  “I don’t have any diseases, Kane.” I moved my body up on the bed then pulled the blanket down so I could get on the sheet underneath it.

  I couldn’t believe the lopsided grin he had on his face. “And how do you know if you have any or not? Did you get checked out after your last sexual encounter?”

  He’d struck a nerve. I hadn’t gotten checked out in the last six months. I’d only had sex a few times though. And with guys who didn’t seem like they had any diseases.

  When I didn’t answer, he climbed onto the bed, giving me that knowing look he had. “So, let me just take precautions this time, baby. I’ll personally give you an exam tomorrow at my office so we can be sure you’re clean.”

  I had to be honest with him. “All this talk of diseases has put a bit of damper on things.”

  With a kiss to the tip of my nose, his knee moved between my legs, spreading them open again. “Sorry about that, baby. It’s a necessary evil. And you can imagine how much both of our spirits would be dampened if I came up with an STD. Let me take care of things. I’m pretty damn good at it.” He pushed his fat, long, hard-as-a-rock cock into me and everything I’d been thinking vanished in an instant. “Better?”


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