This Hallowed Ground

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by Bruce Catton

  Letters of Lewis Bissell, of the 2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery; loaned by Carl H. Bissell, of Syracuse, N. Y.

  Correspondence of Senator Charles Sumner during the summer of 1864; loaned by Mrs. Mary Reeve, of Clearfield, Pa.

  Letter of General Francis Barlow; loaned by his daughter, Mrs. Pierre Jay, of New York.

  Letters of General U. S. Grant to Mrs. Grant; photostatic copies provided by Ralph Newman, of Chicago.

  Other people to whom thanks for assistance are due include the following:

  E. B. Long and Earl Schenck Miers read the book in manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. (It should go without saying, of course, that neither of these gentlemen is responsible for any opinions expressed in this book or for any factual errors which may be found in the text.)

  Clifford Dowdey generously sacrificed a weekend to guide me about the fascinating but confusing battlefields of the Seven Days’ fighting and shared with me his encyclopedic knowledge of that campaign.

  L. Van Loan Naisawald of New York made available the findings of his extensive study of Civil War artillery.

  Frank Warner, of Mineola, N.Y., kindly checked the facts in connection with the writing and first singing of the song “Year of Jubilo.”

  Donald H. Richards, of Durham, N.H., gave me a copy of his excellent manuscript study of the 5th New Hampshire Volunteers.

  Lewis Gannett, editor of the Mainstream of America Series, and Walter I. Bradbury, managing editor of Doubleday & Company, performed their editorial functions in a way that made my task much more pleasant and easy.

  To the historians and other staff members of the National Park Service at many Civil War battlefield parks I am very deeply indebted. Without exception, these men have had both the will and the knowledge to be of most substantial assistance.

  I am particularly grateful to Mrs. Donna Whiteman, of New York, for speedy and competent typing of this manuscript.


  General Works

  A principal reliance in the preparation of this book has of course been the indispensable War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, published by the War Department in 1902. It is cited here as Official Records; unless otherwise noted, volumes cited are from Series I. Use also has been made of the Dictionary of American Biography, edited by Dumas Malone. In addition, the following works were consulted:

  Abraham Lincoln, by Benjamin P. Thomas. New York, 1952.

  Abraham Lincoln: A History, by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. 10 vols. New York, 1900.

  Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, by Carl Sandburg. 2 vols. New York, 1926.

  Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, by Carl Sandburg. 4 vols. New York, 1939.

  America: The Story of a Free People, by Allan Nevins and Henry Steele Commager. Boston, 1942.

  The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, by Richard Hofstadter. New York, 1951.

  Andrew Atkinson Humphreys: A Biography, by Henry H. Humphreys. Philadelphia, 1924.

  The Annals of the War Written by Leading Participants. Philadelphia, 1879.

  The Antietam and Fredericksburg, by Francis Winthrop Palfrey. New York, 1882.

  The Army of Tennessee, by Stanley Horn. Indianapolis, 1941.

  Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, edited by Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel. 4 vols. New York, 1884-87.

  “Ben Hur” Wallace: The Life of General Lew Wallace, by Irving McKee. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1947.

  P. G. T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray, by T. Harry Williams. Baton Rouge, 1954.

  The Blue and the Gray: The Story of the Civil War as Told by Participants, edited by Henry Steele Commager. Indianapolis, 1950.

  Bleeding Kansas, by Alice Nichols. New York, 1954.

  The Borderland in the Civil War, by Edward Conrad Smith. New York, 1927.

  John Brown, 1800-1859: A Biography Fifty Years After, by Oswald Garrison Villard. New York, 1943.

  Bull Run Remembers, by Joseph Mills Hanson. Washington, 1952.

  The Campaign of Chancellorsville, by John Bigelow, Jr. New Haven, 1910.

  Campaigning with Grant, by Gen. Horace Porter. New York, 1907.

  Civil War Papers Read before the Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Boston, 1900.

  Cleveland, the Making of a City, by William Ganson Rose. Cleveland and New York, 1950.

  Confederate Operations in Canada and New York, by John W. Headley. New York and Washington, 1906.

  Jefferson Davis: The Unreal and the Real, by Robert McElroy. 2 vols. New York, 1937.

  Democracy in the Middle West, 1840-1940, edited by Jeannette P. Nichols and James G. Randall. New York, 1941.

  The Diary of Gideon Welles, with an Introduction by John T. Morse, Jr. 3 vols. Boston and New York, 1911.

  The Emergence of Modern America, 1865-1878, by Allan Nevins. New York, 1935.

  Experiment in Rebellion, by Clifford Dowdey. New York, 1950.

  Frémont: Pathmarker of the West, by Allan Nevins. New York and London, 1939.

  General Grant, by James Grant Wilson. New York, 1897.

  Ulysses S. Grant and the Period of National Preservation and Reconstruction, by William Conant Church. New York, 1897.

  General Grant’s Letters to a Friend, 1861-1880, with Introduction and Notes by James Grant Wilson. New York, 1897.

  Glory Road, by Bruce Catton. New York, 1952.

  Greyhounds of the Sea: The Story of the American Clipper Ship, by Carl C. Cutler. New York, 1930.

  Grierson’s Raid, by D. Alexander Brown. Urbana, Ill., 1954.

  The Growth of the American Republic, by Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager. 2 vols. New York, 1942.

  Guns on the Western Waters: The Story of River Gunboats in the Civil War, by H. Allen Gosnell. Baton Rouge, 1949.

  Forty-Six Years in the Army, by Lt. Gen. John H. Schofield. New York, 1897.

  History of the Army of the Cumberland, by Thomas B. Van Horne. 2 vols. Cincinnati, 1875.

  History of the Army of the Potomac, by J. H. Stine. Philadelphia, 1892.

  History of the Civil War, by James Ford Rhodes. New York, 1917.

  A History of the Negro Troops in the War of the Rebellion, by George W. Williams. New York, 1888.

  History of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal, by Dwight H. Kelton, Captain, U. S. Army. Detroit, 1888.

  A History of the Southern Confederacy, by Clement Eaton. New York, 1954.

  History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, by James Ford Rhodes. 9 vols. New York, 1906.

  Lee’s Lieutenants, by Douglas Southall Freeman. 3 vols. New York, 1942-44.

  R. E. Lee, by Douglas Southall Freeman. 4 vols. New York, 1934.

  Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, 2 vols. New York and London, 1906.

  The Life of Lieutenant General Chaffee, by William Harding Carter. Chicago, 1917.

  Life of General Nathaniel Lyon, by Ashbel Woodward, M.D. Hartford, 1862.

  The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, by George Meade, Captain and Aide-de-Camp. 2 vols. New York, 1913.

  Life in the Middle West, by James S. Clark. Chicago, 1916.

  The Life of John A. Rawlins, by Maj. Gen. James Harrison Wilson. New York, 1916.

  Life of Charles Sumner, by Walter G. Shotwell. New York, 1910.

  The Life of Major General George H. Thomas, by Thomas B. Van Horne. New York, 1882.

  Lincoln and the Radicals, by T. Harry Williams. Madison, Wis., 1941.

  Lincoln Finds a General, by Kenneth P. Williams. 3 vols. New York, 1950-52.

  Mr. Lincoln’s Army, by Bruce Catton. New York, 1951.

  The Living Lincoln, edited by Paul Angle and Earl Schenck Miers. New Brunswick, N.J., 1955.

  The Long Ships Passing: The Story of the Great Lakes, by Walter Havighurst. New York, 1942.

  McClellan’s Own Story, by George B. McClellan. New York, 1887.

  Main-Line of Mid-
America: The Story of the Illinois Central, by Carlton J. Corliss. New York, 1950.

  Meade’s Headquarters, 1863-1865; letters of Col. Theodore Lyman from the Wilderness to Appomattox. Selected and edited by George R. Agassiz. Boston, 1922.

  Michigan: A Guide to the Wolverine State, compiled by workers of the Writers Program of the WPA in the State of Michigan. New York, 1946.

  Military Essays and Recollections: Papers Read before the Commandery of the State of Illinois, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Chicago, 1891.

  Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, by Jacob D. Cox. 2 vols. New York, 1900.

  Minnesota: A State Guide, compiled and written by the Federal Writers Project of the WPA. New York, 1947.

  The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War, by John Fiske. Boston and New York, 1901.

  The Negro in the Civil War, by Benjamin Quarles. Boston, 1953.

  The Ohio Gateway, by D. E. Crouse. New York, 1938.

  Ohio at Shiloh: Report of the Commission, by T. J. Lindsay. Cincinnati, 1903.

  Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel, Astronomer and General, by F. A. Mitchel. Boston and New York, 1887.

  Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, edited by Theodore Dwight. 10 vols. Boston, 1906.

  Pemberton, Defender of Vicksburg, by John C. Pemberton. Chapel Hill, 1944.

  Personal Memoirs of U. S, Grant. 2 vols. New York, 1885.

  Personal Recollections, by Maj. Gen. Grenville M. Dodge. Council Bluffs, 1914.

  Personal Recollections of Distinguished Generals, by William F. G. Shanks. New York, 1866.

  The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, edited by Frank Moore. 12 vols. New York, 1864.

  The Rebel Raider: A Life of John Hunt Morgan, by Howard Swiggett. New York, 1937.

  Recollections of the Civil War, by Charles A. Dana. New York, 1898.

  Recollections of Half a Century, by Alexander K. McClure. Salem, Mass., 1902.

  Recollections of War Times, by Albert Gallatin Riddle. New York, 1895.

  Reporters for the Union, by Bernard Weisberger. Boston, 1953.

  The Rise of U. S. Grant, by A. L. Conger. New York, 1931.

  Sherman, Fighting Prophet, by Lloyd Lewis. New York, 1932.

  The Sherman Letters: Correspondence between General and Senator Sherman from 1837 to 1891, edited by Rachael Sherman Thorndike. New York, 1894.

  Edward Rowland Sill: His Life and Work, by William Belmont Parker. Boston and New York, 1915.

  A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, by William E. Connelley. 5 vols. Chicago and New York, 1918.

  A Stillness at Appomattox, by Bruce Catton. New York, 1953.

  Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War, by Col. G. F. R. Henderson. London and New York, 1936.

  The Story of Detroit, by George B. Catlin. Detroit, 1923.

  The Story of the Guard: A Chronicle of the War, by Jessie Benton Frémont. Boston, 1863.

  Tambo and Bones: A History of the American Minstrel Stage, by Carl Wittke. Durham, N.C., 1930.

  Three Years with Grant, as Recalled by War Correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader, edited and with an Introduction and Notes by Benjamin P. Thomas, New York. 1955.

  Under the Old Flag, by Maj. Gen. James Harrison Wilson. 2 vols. New York, 1912.

  The Union Cause in St. Louis in 1861, by Robert J. Rombauer. St. Louis, 1909.

  War Papers, Commandery of Wisconsin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Milwaukee, 1891.

  War Papers Read before the Commandery of the State of Michigan, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Detroit, 1893.

  The Web of Victory: Grant at Vicksburg, by Earl Schenck Miers. New York, 1955.

  Wisconsin: A Guide to the Badger State, compiled by writers of the Writers Program of the WPA in the State of Wisconsin. New York, 1941.

  Regimental Histories, Soldiers’ Diaries and Reminiscences, etc.

  Army Letters, 1861-1865, by Oliver Willcox Norton. Chicago, 1903.

  Army Life of an Illinois Soldier: Letters and Diaries of the late Charles H. Wills, compiled and published by his sister. Washington, 1906.

  Army Memoirs of Lucius W. Barber, Company D, 15th Illinois Infantry. Chicago, 1894.

  Battle of Wilson’s Creek; reprinted from Articles by Lucile Morris Upton in the Springfield News and Leader. Springfield, Mo., 1950.

  Berdan’s United States Sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac, by Captain C. A. Stevens. St. Paul, 1892.

  Co. Aytch: Maury Gray’s First Tennessee Regiment, by Sam R. Watkins, with an Introduction by Bell I. Wiley. Jackson, Tenn., 1952.

  Days and Events, by Col. Thomas L. Livermore. Boston, 1920.

  Diary of an Ohio Volunteer, by a Musician, Co. H, 19th Regiment. Cleveland, 1861.

  Down in Dixie: Life in a Cavalry Regiment in the War Days, by Stanton P. Allen. Boston, 1888.

  Downing’s War Diary, by Sgt. Alexander Downing, edited by Olynthus B. Clark. Des Moines, 1916.

  Drum Taps in Dixie: Memories of a Drummer Boy, 1861-1865, by Delavan S. Miller. Watertown, N.Y., 1905.

  The Eagle Regiment: 8th Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, by a “Non-Vet” of Company H. Belleville, Wis, 1890.

  Echoes of the Civil War as I Hear Them, by Michael H. Fitch. New York, 1905.

  The Fifth Army Corps, by Lt. Col. William H. Powell. New York, 1896.

  First Ohio Heavy Artillery History, by H. C. Miller. Gallipolis, O., 1899.

  Footprints through Dixie: Everyday Life of the Man under a Musket, by J. W. Gaskill. Alliance, O., 1919.

  Greene County Soldiers in the Late War, by Ira S. Owens. Dayton, O., 1884.

  History of the 8th Cavalry Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, by Abner Hard, M.D. Aurora, Ill., 1868.

  History of the 83rd Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, by Joseph Grecian. Cincinnati, 1865.

  History of the 5th Regiment Maine Volunteers, by the Rev. George W. Bicknell. Portland, Me., 1871.

  History of the 15th Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, by William Worth Belknap. Keokuk, la., 1887.

  History of the 51st Indiana Veteran Volunteer Infantry, by William R. Hartpence. Cincinnati, 1894.

  History of the 53rd Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, by John K. Duke. Portsmouth, O., 1900.

  A History of the First Regiment of Massachusetts Cavalry Volunteers, by Maj. Benjamin W. Crowninshield. Boston and New York, 1891.

  History of the First Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, by R. I. Holcombe. Stillwater, Minn., 1916.

  History of the 14th Illinois Cavalry, by W. L. Sanford. Chicago, 1898.

  The History of Fuller’s Ohio Brigade, by Charles H. Smith. Cleveland, 1909.

  History of the Ninth Massachusetts Battery, by Levi W. Baker. South Framingham, Mass., 1888.

  The History of the 9th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, by Daniel George MacNamara. Boston, 1899.

  The History of the 104th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, by William Wirt Calkins. Chicago, 1895.

  History of the 124th Regiment, N.Y.S.V., by Charles H. Weygant. Newburgh. N.Y., 1877.

  History of the Second Army Corps, by Francis A. Walker. New York, 1886.

  History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, by D. Leib Ambrose. Springfield, Ill., 1868.

  History of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, by Lt. W. H. Bentley. Peoria, Ill., 1883.

  History of the 16th Battery of Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, compiled by a committee, n.p., 1906.

  A History of the Sixth Iowa Infantry, by Henry H. Wright. Iowa City, 1923.

  History of the Sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, by C. C. Briant. Indianapolis, 1891.

  The History of the 10th Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery in the War of the Rebellion, by John W. Billings. Boston, 1881.

  History of the Tenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, by James Birney Shaw. Lafayette, Ind., 1912.

  History of the 3rd Regiment of Wisconsin Veteran Volunteer Infant
ry, by Edwin E. Bryant. Madison, Wis., 1891.

  History of the 38th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, by Henry Fales Perry. Palo Alto, Calif., 1906.

  History of the 34th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, by Edwin W. Payne. Clinton, Ia., 1904.

  The History of the 39th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Veteran Infantry, by Charles M. Clark, M.D. Chicago, 1880.

  History of the 33rd Regiment Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, by Isaac H. Elliott and Virgil G. Way. Gibson City, Ill., 1902.

  History of the 12th Massachusetts Volunteers, by Lt. Col. Benjamin F. Cook. Boston, 1882.

  History of the 12th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, by Capt. A. W. Bartlett. Concord, N.H., 1897.

  History of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade, by O. B. Curtis. Detroit, 1891.

  A Hundred Battles in the West: The Second Michigan Cavalry, by Capt. Marshall P. Thatcher. Detroit, 1884.

  Iowa and the Rebellion, by Lurton Dunham Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1867.

  Letters from the Army, by B. F. Stevenson. Cincinnati, 1884.

  “Letters of C. C. Carpenter,” edited by Mildred Throne; from the Iowa Journal of History, Iowa City, January 1955.

  A Little Fifer’s War Diary, by C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse, 1910.

  Journal History of the 29th Ohio Veteran Volunteers, by J. Hamp SeCheverell. Cleveland, 1883.

  Memoirs of a Volunteer, by John Beatty, edited by Henry S. Ford. New York, 1946.

  Memoirs of the War, by Ephraim A. Wilson. Cleveland, 1893.

  Military History and Reminiscences of the 13th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infantry, prepared by a committee of the regiment. Chicago, 1892.

  Muskets and Medicine; or, Army Life in the Sixties, by Charles Beneulyn Johnson, M.D. Philadelphia, 1917.

  Musket and Sword, by Edwin C. Bennett. Boston, 1900.

  A Narrative of the Formation and Services of the Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers, by Gustavus B. Hutchinson. Boston, 1893.

  The Nineteenth Illinois, by J. Henry Haynie. Chicago, 1912.

  Opdycke Tigers: 125th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, by Charles T. Clark. Columbus, O., 1895.

  The Passing of the Armies, by Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Brevet Major General. New York, 1915.

  Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton, Major and Surgeon, U.S.V., 1861-1865. New York, 1914.


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