A Moment of Passion (The Ladies Book of Pleasures)

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A Moment of Passion (The Ladies Book of Pleasures) Page 23

by Jess Michaels

  “But how?” she asked. “How is this possible?”

  “Because you are you,” he said, as if it were that simple. “And yes, I hated my father. I will probably always hold bitterness for him. But I’ve realized that the love I feel for you is far stronger than the hate. If I let you go, lose you, because of some grudge that bastard will never even see fulfilled, he only wins again. He wins because I lose the only person who has ever mattered to me in every way.”

  “You would let your past go...for me?” she whispered, lifting a trembling hand to touch his warm cheek.

  He nodded, then turned his mouth into her palm and kissed it gently. “I would give up everything I had for you.”

  She gasped, emotion choking her. “People will talk, they’ll turn against you. My father will pester you endlessly for support and trade on your name.”

  “You think that matters to me?” he asked, brow wrinkling.

  She nodded. “It could. You are golden—you don’t know what it’s like to fall.”

  His smile grew soft. “I would rather be fallen with you than on a pedestal alone. At any rate, it won’t come to that.”

  She blinked at his certainty. “It won’t?”

  He laughed. “No. I already told you, if you are associated with me, you will be elevated. They’ll tell tales of how you tamed me, they’ll whisper about our great friendship and love. I will make sure every man knows that I adore my wife beyond measure and they’ll tell all their wives what I said. Those women will all invite you to their gatherings just to see what they’ve missed all these years, and once they start to know you, they’ll recognize why I had to make you mine.”

  “Why?” she asked, still reeling.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Because you’re wonderful.” He leaned in closer. “And I love you.”

  “My father—” she offered again.

  His lips thinned. “Yes, your father. He is a problem.”

  She bent her head. This was all too good to be true. She had known it, but now it stung. “I know.”

  “You are right that he will try to trade on my title, my name, my money. But here is what I will tell him, or better, what you will tell him, if you’d like.” Jason smiled. “That he is not welcome in our home, he is not welcome to our time and that if he comes near you, you will set the dogs on him.”

  Jacinda covered her mouth to hold back the giggle that suddenly burst to the surface at the thought of setting her father down so handily. Of Jason giving her the power to do so.

  “Will I have dogs to follow through on this threat?”

  He laughed. “Huge dogs. And me if the dogs don’t work. But I’m afraid the dogs only come with a promise that you will marry me. As quickly as possible, of course. Unless you do not love me.”

  He shifted and she nearly fell over again at his expression. He actually looked nervous. As if he believed she might not love him.

  “You idiot,” she said, pressing her hand to his very naked and very handsome chest.

  “That’s not a good start.”

  “Hush.” She covered his mouth to force him to do just that. “It is my turn now.”

  He nodded solemnly and didn’t speak.

  “You ask if I love you? Truly? Do you not know that I have loved you likely from the first moment you walked into my house with my brother? What was I, ten? I loved you then, I loved you on the terrace, I certainly loved you after my fall. And I have never loved you more than in this moment when you are offering me everything I’ve ever wanted, despite the fact that you might lose something in return.”

  With his face half-covered, she couldn’t read his expression but his eyes softened with such joy that the tears she had been holding back began to fall.

  “I love you, Jason. With all my heart. And if you are certain, truly certain, that you would have me and that you would want me, for the rest of our lives, then I couldn’t turn you down.”

  She lowered her hand. “And now you can talk again.”

  He laughed. “Thank you for that, my love. Only I don’t want to speak.”

  “No?” she whispered.

  He caught her around the waist and the coverlet fell away. He pulled her against him.

  “No,” he murmured, his mouth close to hers. “I think, in this case, it is better to seal this arrangement, our engagement and our happiness with a kiss.”

  And he dropped his mouth to hers and did just that, sweeping her away and making her the happiest woman in all of London.


  “Friends can lead us down the path of sin or salvation. Both have their advantages.”—The Ladies Book of Pleasures

  Jacinda, Isabel and Grace stood on the veranda, the cool night air moving over them as they sipped wine. Through the windows, they watched Seth and Jason, who were standing just inside the parlor.

  “And so you just got married,” Isabel said, still in wonder.

  Jacinda laughed and all but hugged herself at her friend’s beautiful words. “A thousand times, yes. Off to Gretna Green we rode and that was that. I am now Lady Northfield, thank you very much.”

  “A very happy Lady Northfield, I think,” Grace said, leaning in to touch Jacinda’s face for a moment. “I am so very happy for you.”

  “And now I must have the truth,” Jacinda said, grinning as she set her wine down and folded her arms. “Which of you did it?”

  Isabel and Grace exchanged a look. “Did it?”

  “Gave me the book for my birthday?” Jacinda clarified with a roll of her eyes. “Come now, it worked its magic. I never would have gotten into any of this mess nor married the man I love if you hadn’t, so please tell the truth and accept my eternal gratitude.”

  Isabel shook her head. “I swear to you, it wasn’t me.”

  Jacinda narrowed her eyes at Isabel and swung her gaze on Grace.

  The duchess raised her hands. “You know I would take full credit if I could, my dear.”

  Jacinda sighed. “Damn, I really thought it was one of you.”

  Grace shrugged. “This is a mystery we just may not solve.”

  Jacinda looked out over the darkened lawn with a shake of her head. “Sort of like the lady who wrote it. I would like to meet her as well, and thank her.”

  Isabel slipped an arm around her waist. “You know, I would like to do the same.”

  “As would half of London,” Grace said, her tone dry. “But it won’t happen. So we might as well give it all up and simply be happy for the good the book has done.”

  Isabel arched a brow. “But what about you? Is it possible that book could work its magic on you?”

  Grace laughed. “Oh no, I’m beyond that book’s reach, I assure you. I will simply be happy you two have found love. That will be enough for me.”

  “What will be enough for you?” Jason asked as he and Seth came onto the terrace to join them. Isabel stepped away to join Seth, as Jason slipped an arm around Jacinda’s shoulders.

  “That my two friends are so happy,” Grace said, her smile bright, “and have found such uncommon marriages.”

  Jacinda looked up at Jason, and her heart leapt. Her marriage was uncommon indeed, and thus far very happy. She had no reason to believe it would be anything less than happy for the rest of her life. Especially when Jason bucked all propriety and kissed her.

  About the Author

  Jess Michaels is the award-winning author of nearly fifty romances, erotic romances and urban fantasy novels. She lives in Arizona with her fantastic husband and two adorable cats. When not writing about sexy gentlemen and wicked ladies, she can be found doing geeky things like playing video games and performing aunt duties to two nephews. You can find her online at www.authorjessmichaels.com, on Facebook (Jess Michaels) and on Twitter @jessmichaelsbks.

  Look for these titles by Jess Michaels

  Now Available:

  Mistress Matchmaker

  An Introduction to Pleasure

  For Desire Alone

  Her Perfect Mat

  The Pleasure Wars

  Taken by the Duke

  Pleasuring the Lady

  Beauty and the Earl

  Beautiful Distraction

  The Ladies Book of Pleasures

  A Matter of Sin

  Coming Soon:

  The Ladies Book of Pleasures

  A Measure of Deceit

  Scandal between the pages…surrender between the sheets.

  A Matter of Sin

  © 2014 Jess Michaels

  The Ladies Book of Pleasures, Book 1

  The widowed Lady Isabel Avenbury has one remaining younger sister to shepherd into an advantageous marriage, and then she will be free. Free to take a lover to fill her lonely nights—the only option left for a woman on the delicate edge of a certain age.

  Except when she chaperones her sister to a country house party, she is taken aback by her sudden, undeniable attraction to the host. And deliciously scandalized when she finds a copy of the notorious, much-gossiped-about Ladies Book of Pleasures in his library.

  When Seth Rowland, Marquis Lyndham, notices his book is missing, his interest is piqued as to which of the potential young brides at his party has absconded with it—and he’s shocked to discover it’s Isabel. Though older than the women he’d planned to court, the powerful beauty exudes a sensuality he cannot ignore.

  The book inspires them to begin a desperate, passionate affair. But their time together is running out and they must choose. Follow society’s rules, or take a chance at love.

  Warning: Found within are highly scandalous books that trigger passionate desires, surrender in the orangery and possibly true love.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for A Matter of Sin:

  Isabel’s palms were slick with sweat as she gripped The Ladies Book of Pleasures. Her heart was pounding too, so loudly that she was amazed she hadn’t woken half the house at this ungodly hour as she crept down the long staircase into the hallway.

  In truth, she had waited until close to four in the morning to fulfill this duty for two reasons. One was that she didn’t want to bump into anyone as she had the first night she came here.

  Seth, specifically. She didn’t want to bump into Seth.

  But the second reason for her slowness was far more shocking. She had wanted to look at the book one last time. To be aroused and relieved by it before she returned it to its rightful place and returned herself to her duties.

  So she had done so, dressed, and here she was, standing at the door to the library, ready to return what she had taken and pretend as if none of this silliness had ever happened.

  She could only hope Seth would do the same. Tonight, at the gathering after supper, it had been clear he knew someone had taken the book, as did his smirking friend, Lord Northfield. They had been playing at some kind of investigation right there in the drawing room, teasing the person who had taken the item with no thought to their…her feelings.

  It was all very ungentlemanly.

  Straightening her shoulders, she marched into the library, leaving the door open so there would be a little light from the hallway to serve as her guide. At the table where she had stood the night before, she paused and slipped the book from where she had secreted it away in the folds of her skirts.

  Setting it on the tabletop, she stared at the shape of it in the darkness. How she regretted letting it go when she had hardly had the time to fully explore and enjoy it.

  When she returned to London, she was going to have to find a way to discreetly obtain a copy of her own. Perhaps Grace could help, since she seemed to know a way around everything and everyone.

  With a sigh, she turned to go, but she had not even completed her first step when in the darkness, a figure rose from a chair across the room. The scratch of flint grated on Isabel’s ears and then a candle glowed with light and revealed the person who had found her lurking. Unfortunately, it was the same person who had found her the night before.


  Her heart leapt into her throat and her hands began to shake as he moved toward her, his light lifted as if he was trying to examine her face. The urge to run filled her, to hide her humiliation in her bed and then maybe even return to London where she wouldn’t have to see this man ever again.

  In the dimness, the corners of his lips lifted slightly and he smirked at her. Her humiliation, which had burned so hotly, faded as she looked at his smug countenance. It was instantly replaced by another emotion: irritation.

  She folded her arms as he came to a stop just a step away from her.

  “My lord,” she said, pleased that her tone could be so icy.

  His smirk broadened. “My lady. We are making a habit of these late night rendezvous.”

  She didn’t move, even though he had leaned closer as he spoke and his voice was rough and seductive. Her anger faded, but she forced it back to the surface.

  “Indeed,” she said, perhaps less forcefully than she would have liked. “But I assure you this will be the last time we shall meet like this.”

  One dark brow arched and he tilted his head slightly. “Oh? That is a true disappointment. But as you say this is the last time we shall do this, it would be ungentlemanly of me not to offer you some assistance tonight. Is there something you were looking for? Something you need?”

  She swallowed. Had he moved closer again? He seemed larger now, and her treacherous mind was determined to flash to all the fantasies she had indulged in while she read that dratted book. Why oh why had she allowed herself to think of this man? Now he was a distraction of the highest order.

  With a shake of her head, Isabel attempted focus once more. She had to recall that the marquis was taunting her in a most impolite fashion. He wanted her to be all twisted up and nervous; he was somehow enjoying seeing her squirm. Only she had one way to turn the tables and perhaps make him do the same. One way to defuse his power over her. A way Grace would be most proud of.

  She lifted her gaze and met his, almost overpowered by the way the light caught in his bright, blue eyes. Dear God, he was beautiful.

  But no…focus! She had to focus.

  “Oh no, sir,” she said, her tone gaining strength with each word. “I have fulfilled my purpose in coming here tonight. There is nothing I require.”

  “Your purpose?” he asked with a chuckle in his tone. “And what was that?”

  She reached behind her and found the copy of The Ladies Book of Pleasures on the table. Lifting it, she said, “Why, I was returning your book, Lord Lyndham.” She held it out to him, and he took it with his wide eyes. “You seemed to be in quite a bad way about it tonight when you and Lord Northfield were going on and on about it. I assumed that meant you missed it.”

  He didn’t speak, but stared down at first the book and then toward her. She smiled. Good. She had shocked him by admitting what he was so ruthlessly teasing her about.

  “Oh,” he finally said after what seemed like eternity had passed with nothing but stunned silence between them.

  She shrugged, starting to enjoy her own brand of torture just as much as he had apparently enjoyed his earlier. “It is the talk of the ton, my lord. I had to know what all the fuss was about.”

  Once again, he was silent. In fact, his only response to her statement was to set the book back down on the table where she had retrieved it. His eyes never left her, his gaze never lost any focus.

  And the triumph Isabel had felt in shocking him began to fade. He seemed so stunned now that she was beginning to doubt herself. Perhaps he hadn’t believed her to be the culprit after all. Perhaps he was not shocked by her boldness, but by her inappropriateness.

  If that was true, she might have just made the biggest mistake of her life. And Serena’s.

  She swallowed. “I-I hope you will not judge my sister poorly because of my outrageous behavior, Lord Lyndham.”

  This time she was certain he moved closer. His chest nearly touched hers and heat radiated from him, washing over her.

  “My lady,” h
e whispered, his voice even rougher now that it was soft. “I assure you, the last thing I was thinking about in this moment was your sister.”

  Isabel gasped at the implication of those words and realized that the sharp intake of breath was the first one she had taken in quite some time. Her hands and knees began to shake.

  This situation was spiraling out of control, and she had to exit from it immediately.

  “I-I should—”

  She stepped back, but he caught her wrist and held her where she stood. “Wait…wait… Why did you take the book? It was something more than just mere curiosity, wasn’t it?”

  Isabel turned her face. To her surprise, humiliation did not return, but the heat in her cheeks did. She couldn’t tell this man, this near stranger, that!

  “I don’t know,” she said, tugging on her wrist to free herself.

  He let her go immediately, but stepped in her way so that she couldn’t flee the room. “You must know.”

  She wanted to look up at him, but feared that doing so would allow him to see everything she was fighting so hard to hide. Her longing. Her loneliness. Her desires.

  So she didn’t look at him as she whispered, “My lord, please—”

  “Isabel,” he murmured.

  Her eyes lifted in surprise. The previous night she thought he might have used her given name, but there was no denying it this time. And she loved hearing it roll from his tongue. He said it like he was savoring a sweet treat, like it was a precious word.

  She stared at him as he stared through her, into her very soul. She didn’t want to tell him her secret, she didn’t want to say why she had taken the naughty book, but something compelled her to reveal herself. There was some odd, intense connection between them despite their utter inappropriateness for each other.

  “I-I took it because it has been a long time and I—” She heard her voice making the terrible confession and she cut herself off and dipped her chin down in embarrassment.

  Suddenly she felt the rough slide of his fingers on her skin as he cupped her chin and urged her to look back up at him. Urged her to meet his gaze, which seemed so intense and yet so gentle and nonjudgmental now.


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