BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3) Page 4

by Samantha Leal

  “Oh I won’t be,” Erin laughed.

  “Well if this morning is anything to go by….” He winked.

  And then they were both gone. Erin bit her bottom lip with her top teeth and tried not to smile so wide that the whole of Lost Creek would be able to see it.

  She had just been asked out on a date by a hunky man she had met in her brand new home town. She had been wrong when she had thought that her time in Lost Creek couldn’t possibly get any better. Because with each passing moment, she was continuing to be pleasantly surprised.


  As she pushed open the door to the tavern the crowds were already gathering and the throngs of people queuing up to be served were just as intimidating as they had been the following day.

  Erin could see Zeke busying away behind the bar and she waved to him and shrugged her shoulders. He caught her eye and smiled widely.

  “Yes!” he shouted across the crowd to her. “I could definitely do with your assistance!”

  Erin laughed and made her way forward, fighting her way through the endless amounts of people and walked around the side of the counter.

  “Thank God,” he said. “I was about to close up for the day and admit defeat.”

  “Well I don’t know how much use I’ll be,” Erin admitted. “It’s been a while since I’ve been let loose behind a counter, but I’ll do my best.”

  “Anything will be of help… Trust me!” he laughed as he threw an apron across to her and Erin ducked underneath the counter and began to tie it around her waist.

  She looked around and all she could see was what felt like a million eyes all on her, and a throng of voices calling orders at her. She was going to be in over her head, but it didn’t matter. After the positive morning she had had already, she was determined that nothing was going to dampen her mood. And if she was going to make a life for herself in this little town, the quicker she established herself the better.

  “Okay,” she smiled as she clapped her hands together and stepped forwards. “What can I get you…?”

  And just like that, Erin found her new job at the coffee house.

  The day passed quickly and Erin found her feet in no time at all. She moved from person to person, quickly jotting down their orders and making them alongside Zeke until she got the hang of the machines. She learned more about coffee and drinks in the space of an hour than she had known about them for her entire life, and by the time it came for her to take a break for lunch she couldn’t believe three hours had passed and it was almost two pm. The day was flying over, and she just hoped that every shift would be the same.

  More people had drifted in and out and she had been introduced to more faces than she knew she could remember. But Zeke was a good mentor to have, and he was taking her straight under his wing.

  “I’ll make sure you know what’s what in this town,” he said warmly. “I can imagine it’s pretty intimating for a newbie.”

  The lunchtime rush was over and most of the tourists were back out on the slopes. The coffee tavern was quiet for the first time since Erin had been in town, and she sat down on one of the stools by the counter and nursed a nutmeg latte.

  “Honestly?” she said. “It really isn’t… Everyone has been so friendly here, it’s felt like home since the moment I stepped off the bus.”

  Zeke looked up at her and smiled. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

  “I can’t believe I’ve only been in town a day,” she laughed and shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee. “I mean, in twenty-four hours I’ve found a place to live, bagged myself a job… And I’ve even got a date tonight.” The second the words came out of her mouth she regretted it and felt herself blushing.

  “A date?” Zeke asked with interest. He leaned forward and stared at her. “Now you’ve got my attention, tell me more… who’s the lucky guy?” he wiggled his eyebrows jokingly and Erin felt herself blushing again.

  “Oh, you probably don’t know him, he’s new in town too,” Erin said, desperate to change the subject.

  “Try me,” Zeke said as he opened up the dishwasher and started to unload a fresh batch of clean china mugs.

  Erin took a nervous sip of her coffee and placed the mug down on the counter in front of her and cradled it in her hands.

  “His name is Blu, I met him at the B&B,” she said.

  Zeke stopped and turned back to face her. He eyed her for a moment, unsure of whether he had heard her correctly.

  “Blu?” he asked with a raised brow. “As in Blu Tarrenwolf?”

  Erin shrugged her shoulders and wished she could have taken it all back. She had got excited and ahead of herself and now she felt foolish. And the way that Zeke was looking at her was kind of unnerving.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  Zeke smiled and leaned in closer. “Don’t look so terrified,” he laughed. “Blu is like a brother to me, I’m just surprised, that’s all.”

  “Surprised?” Erin said, feeling embarrassed and like the ugliest girl in the world. She felt her cheeks flush crimson again and she wished that she could just disappear.

  “Oh no,” Zeke laughed and shook his head, reaching out to touch her on the arm to reassure her. “Not like that!”

  Erin sighed and her body unclenched. She had to stop being so sensitive and jumping to conclusions.

  “It’s just… Well, Blu is back in town after a long time and I know he’s going to come up against some adversity, that’s all…” Zeke trailed off and looked out of the window as if his mind was elsewhere. “Not only that but I guess he’s been through it, you know?”

  Erin felt a knot tighten in her stomach and she nodded sympathetically.

  “Haven’t we all?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Zeke smiled and nodded.

  “He’s a good guy,” he said genuinely. “Despite what you may or may not hear from some of the others around this town. Blu Tarrenwolf is a man of honor, and one I would trust with my life.”

  Zeke turned and picked up a stack of plates before he disappeared into the kitchen at the back of the room.

  Erin sat and let his words jump around her head. She hadn’t heard anything bad about Blu, and from what she had seen she didn’t know what could possibly be said that would put her off him. He seemed warm and kind, and a wonderful father to a perfect little girl. Surely there couldn’t be some big terrible secret that would turn Erin against him?

  Zeke came back through the doors and sighed.

  “Well Erin, you’ve been fantastic. What a first day!” he slapped his hands together and began to clean down the countertop.

  “God, it was nothing. I’m just glad to be useful around here,” she smiled.

  “Well, the job is yours, if you want it?” he said.

  Erin pretended to think on it for a moment before she started to laugh, “Are you kidding? Of course, I want it.”

  “Brilliant,” Zeke said as he held out his hand as if they were about to make a serious business deal. “Well then, welcome aboard.”

  “A pleasure,” Erin smiled.

  “Well I suppose you better get out of here, I don’t want you standing up my main man Blu,” Zeke winked.

  Erin’s cheeks burned again and she nodded and looked down at the floor.

  “Take tomorrow off,” Zeke said. “I’ll be alright, but back in on Saturday first thing if that’s alright with you?”

  “Of course,” Erin said. “I’ll be here at the crack of dawn.”

  Zeke laughed. “Eight am will be just fine,” he said as he held out his hand to collect her apron.

  Erin thanked him again and made her way to the front door.

  “See you on Saturday, Zeke,” she smiled.

  She stepped out into the brisk afternoon sun and looked the full length of Main Street. She had enjoyed her day so much it was hard to believe that she had just been at work, and in such a hectic environment. But Zeke had put her at ease and made everything flow smoothly, and she felt so very grate
ful that she had managed to stumble upon such a great opportunity.

  As she walked back along the street towards the Bed and Breakfast she couldn’t help but let Zeke’s words come back and echo around her mind once more.

  Despite what you may or may not hear from some of the others around this town. Blu Tarrenwolf is a man of honor and one I would trust with my life…

  She had no idea what could possibly be said about Blu, but all Erin knew was that he had caught her attention and made her feel hopeful for the future again. She hadn’t been interested in going on a date with anyone in over two years, so now that she finally felt as if she could take that step with someone, it was more than a big deal.

  “Would you ever listen to gossip anyways?” she whispered to herself as she walked along, looking up at the snow-capped mountains as they disappeared high up into the clouds. She knew that the answer deep within herself was no and that whatever anyone in Lost Creek had to throw at her, she would deal with on her own terms.

  She approached the B&B and looked up to the double French doors that were hers and she smiled to herself again. She really had landed on her feet after such a long period of uncertainty. Now all she had to do was keep confident and strong. She had been through so much and she had proved herself time and time again. She had survived in the world alone, and now she was ready to open up her life and heart to another place and another person. She was just going to have to trust her instincts and not let any idle gossip or rumors stand in her way, whatever they may be.

  She climbed the stairs and pulled out her key. As she opened the door she couldn’t deny that it had been an interesting day, to say the least, and what was even more exciting was that she was nowhere near done yet.


  As 8pm approached Erin’s nerves began to mount so high that she was unsure of whether she would ever even make it out of her room and down the stairs to meet Blu. She had sat as she had got ready and churned everything over in her mind. She was so attracted to him, and yet she could tell that he was going to be trouble. He had an edge about him which screamed darkness, and yet his eyes were so warm and genuine, even with them being ice blue in color.

  She thought back to what Zeke had told her and she tried to push it to the back of her mind. She would be getting to know the real Blu soon enough. She had only five minutes until she was due to meet him downstairs in the lobby, and she was ready to go.

  She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, trying to imagine how she would greet him when the time came. She had chosen an outfit that wasn’t particularly her, but one she thought would almost be like a disguise, something to give her more confidence. She had chosen a wet look pair of black tight leggings, and a low cut black top. She had applied her make-up a lot darker than normal and she was feeling vampy and ready for anything.

  She slicked on some ruby red lipstick and smiled again. Whatever was about to happen, she was sure that she would have a good time.

  As she pushed open her door and let it close with a click behind her, butterflies danced in her belly but she wouldn’t let them over-power her. This was the first date she had been on for almost four years and the first man she had set eyes on in two years that in any way stirred something within her. That more than anything was something to look forward to.

  At the foot of the stairs she turned the corner into the lobby and he was right there in front of her. Erin felt her breath catch in her throat as she caught sight of him and of how incredibly good looking he was. It was as if she had forgotten what his features looked like, and they all came hurtling back towards her and knocked the air right out of her. She hung back for a moment and her eyes took every inch of him in. He was tall, so blonde his hair was gray and so muscular his arms seemed to bulge out of the sleeves of his tight t-shirt. She swallowed and sucked in some air. He really was incredible to look at, and she could tell that he thought the same about her. The way he looked at her with such hungry eyes, it was as if he could devour every last bit of her and it still not be enough.

  “Erin,” he breathed as a smile curved around his lips.

  “Hi Blu,” she said as she stepped forward.

  He came closer to her and wrapped an arm around the small of her back and kissed her on the cheek. As his lips touched her skin she felt an electricity bounce between them and it made her whole body tingle.

  “You look amazing,” he said gruffly as his eyes traveled from her eyes right down to her toes. She felt a pang of excitement between her legs and then knew that she was blushing.

  “So where are you taking me? Like I said, I hope I have a good reason to stay out late?” she teased.

  “Oh don’t you worry, we’re going somewhere fun alright,” Blu winked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began to lead her towards the main door of the building.

  As they stepped out into the cool night air Erin was finally seeing Lost Creek in a different light. From the hustle and bustle of the day-time now the whole town had taken on another vibe entirely. It was like a party spilling out into the streets from the taverns, and skiers and residents were all drinking, dancing and singing along together.

  “This is a lot wilder than I expected,” she laughed.

  “It’s not all like this,” Blu looked down at her. “This part of town is the party end, you picked wisely on your choice of accommodation.”

  Erin rolled her eyes and smiled. “Sounds about right for me to be in the hectic area.”

  “Well we all need a little bit of a boost every now and then,” Blu said.

  They began to walk back down Main Street and towards an intersection. As they moved further and further away from the B&B the air around them changed again and Erin could sense something darker coming their way.

  “This is a completely different part of town,” Blu said. “My part.”

  Erin looked up at him and she could see something in his eyes which she thought may be fondness or nostalgia… Or both.

  “You know I haven’t been down here for almost six years,” he said. “And I used to be here every day and night.”

  The buildings around them loomed up higher than the rest of the wooden cabins, hotels, and shops that adorned Main Street as they turned left and carried on down a different road.

  Up ahead Erin could see a group of men milling around on the sidewalk, smoking cigarettes and laughing together. Behind them was a tall, black building, its windows completely dark. She could feel the beat of music thumping under her feet, and could hear the music that was playing inside the home, from the sidewalk.

  The bar looked dangerous and the kind of hangout where criminals would frequent. Men who were running from the law and women who were bad to the bone… But even though Erin was a good girl, it intrigued her no end.

  “What is that place?” she asked as she realized Blu was looking down at her with a wry smile on his face.

  “This?” he asked as he looked up at the dark, cavernous building. “This is my old stomping ground… The Nowhere Bar. And I can guarantee you’ll never have been anywhere like it.”

  He moved his arm from around her shoulder and gripped her hand in his as they began walking toward the crowd standing outside the bar, all loitering on the street. The men were all strangers to Erin, but when they saw her and Blu approaching, welcoming smiles widened across their faces.

  “Well ain’t it just like looking at a ghost,” one of them said as he clamped a cigarette between his teeth and held out his hand to clasp Blu’s before he slapped him on the back with the other. Erin took a step back and watched the men all flock around him, all of them full of affection and questions. She felt slightly pushed out but Blu took a step back and found her on the outer rim of the crowd, grabbed her hand and pulled her back in to be beside him.

  “I still can’t believe it’s you,” one of the men said. “When I saw you yesterday I had to pinch myself to check it were real. But now here you are again, brother.”

  “Well I am back,” Blu said. “
And for good this time. No more running.”

  Erin looked up at him and then around at all of the eyes of the men who were surrounding them. They were all dark and mean looking, but she could tell that they thought a lot about Blu, it was written all over their faces.

  “Come on,” Blu said to Erin. “Guys, I need a goddam drink. I’ll be back out in a while.”

  They all nodded and mumbled something in agreement and Erin looked up at him with confusion. It had been a strange welcoming from them and an even more strange reaction from him, almost as if he didn’t want to acknowledge it, and keep his arrival on the down low.

  He gripped her hand tightly and pulled her towards the doorway. The entrance was dark and the heavy music blared out from deep within. Erin felt a tremor of nerves and excitement run through her. He was right, she had never been anywhere like this before and the anticipation of heading inside was mounting inside of her. She looked up at him again and still couldn’t believe that any of it was even real. It was like she was being swept up in a whirlwind and she was becoming a completely different person with each passing second.

  Blu pushed open the door to the bar and the heavy scent of booze and cigarettes hit her like a wave as they walked inside. It was dark and grimy in there. The air was heavy and hot and bodies writhed together as they danced and twirled around the main body of the floor. It was packed inside, and Erin remembered that surely it must be because it was a Friday.

  “Oh,” she gasped as a gyrating woman brushed up against her.

  And Blu looked down at her and smirked.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s have a drink and unwind.”

  He pulled Erin towards the long bar counter that was towards the back of the room. The ceiling seemed low and it made the whole place feel claustrophobic, almost as if they were in some kind of underground cave. She could sense that some of the men in there were looking at her, and it was somewhat unnerving. There was something strange about the place. Something different… Something that could almost not be human.


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