BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3)

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BLU: Paranormal Fantasy Romance (LOST CREEK SHIFTERS NOVELLAS Book 3) Page 118

by Samantha Leal

  As the months passed by, her strange talk diminished and she seemed to settle into a peaceful routine with the nuns and the help of his sister, the Abbess Helena. He had visited her often, and she had eventually reciprocated his love. Everything had been going so well until she lost the baby and nearly died too. But now she seemed on the verge of madness again, talking strangely of things he could not understand. He would be fighting soon, and he feared for her safety should the war be lost.

  She had not shared his bed for several months. He had been frightened of her delicate condition and had not wanted to force his lust onto her. Yet he loved her with a passion and ached for her until he could hardly bear it. In a few days he would be gone and who knew if and when he would return? He had hoped to give her another child, so that even though he might not return, part of him would live on. He would go to her tonight and see how she was.

  Back in the room, Andrea woke with a start, wondering where the hell she was. The light had faded and long shadows fell across the bed. At first she thought she was back in the hotel bedroom and had just woken from a strange dream, but as her eyes became more accustomed to the light, she saw the shadows of the simple furniture and the outline of the embroidered birds on her quilt. For a moment she lay still, not quite knowing what to do or think, a bitter taste of herbs still lingering on her lips. Her mind raced back to the entries in her grandmother’s diary. Surely it could not be a coincidence, some grand hallucination that they were both party to – that would be ridiculous.

  Yet what was the alternative? That somehow she had found herself transported back in time to be with a man that Betty had met in 1956? Now that was ludicrous. But what else could explain her position? Alexhander was an extremely attractive man and she could see why her Gran had fallen for him. The dark and brooding good looks combined with a great physique and a gentle nature... What woman wouldn’t kill to be in her position? But that, too, was a ridiculous notion. This man, this phantom, whatever he was, had been dead for nearly four centuries. Back in her own time, his bones would be rotting in their tomb. There was no sense to it all, none that she could see anyhow.

  Moving quickly from the bed, she moved across the floor and made an attempt to open the door. She had been locked in. Cold and hungry, she crept back underneath the quilt. Although she was terrified, she would just have to sit it out. Either it was a terrible nightmare or a reality. But if Betty had somehow managed to live through the strange ordeal, then so could she.

  At the sound of approaching footsteps and the rattle of a key in the lock, Andrea lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. The sound of soft footsteps over the stone floor was soon followed by the hushed whispering voices of Helena and Alexhander.

  “She’s asleep. We better not disturb her.”

  “I need to be with her again Helena, before I ride to battle.”

  “Do you think that would be a good thing, my brother? She is still weak and tired, and I am not sure how strong her mind is.”

  A long sigh ensued as Alex looked over the figure of his sleeping wife.

  “When you return, there will be time.”

  “I may never return.”

  There was a pause as Helena crossed to where her brother was standing and put her arms around him.

  “Do not even think such a thing, Alex. God will be with you. I am certain.”

  “I am worried that she is returning to her old ways. When I first met her, when you had just taken her in, she seemed convinced she was from another time, another place, just as she does now.”

  “It is the fever, that is all. In a few days she will be quite herself again and well enough to go back home. Now you must go to eat with your men. Return here later and she may be awake. The draught I gave her will keep her sleeping for a few hours yet.”

  Andrea felt his soft breath on her forehead before his lips brushed the skin in a tender kiss. Real or not, she had never felt so cared for by a man.

  As soon as she heard the door close and the key turned, she opened her eyes and sat up. She would have to act normal, try and play her part until she could figure out a way to get back to the present time. The thought of being locked in this room and drugged for weeks was not a pleasant thought, and she needed to be strong and in her own mind to get back home. The key to getting back must be somewhere in the chapel grounds and perhaps the small rune had something to do with it. Back at the hotel, Geraldine had seemed to think it held some kind of magic. Searching in her pockets, she realized the stone was missing. The last time she had seen it was when she had shown it to Helena. She searched the room, but it was nowhere to be found. Perhaps the Abbess had taken it as she slept?

  The next time the door opened, it was a younger nun carrying a tray of food, and she brought it over to Andrea and laid it on the bed. Unlike Helena, the young girl had a smile that spread across her face. Her blue eyes twinkled merrily, and she left the room as silently as she had entered it. Andrea was starving and lifted off the cloth to reveal her supper. There was a simple yet wholesome mutton stew, thickened with bread and lentils and a dish of greens that tasted of spinach. There was a goblet of fortified wine, mead she guessed, and the food seemed tastier than she had eaten in a long while. It wasn’t long before the dish was clear and the goblet drained.

  As she wiped her mouth on the square of white linen, the door opened once again, and this time Helena walked into the room.

  “Andra, you are awake and have eaten. You look much better.”

  Andrea smiled back at the Abbess, remembering her resolve to play the game.

  “I feel much better, thank you. The food was delicious. I think I was a little overwrought earlier.”

  Helena smiled, although her eyes seemed more steely than friendly and she looked tired.

  “Alex will be back soon. He wants to stay with you this night.” Her eyes flickered before retaining their gaze.

  Andrea hadn’t prepared herself for that. Of course he was her husband. What could she expect? Maintaining her composure, she struggled to keep her voice steady.

  “Of course, he is my husband, after all.”

  Taking the tray, Helena bowed as she started to exit the room.

  “Just one thing, before you go. Did you happen to pick up the small stone, the one I showed you earlier?”

  The woman’s brow creased below her wimple. “A stone? I can’t remember such a thing.”

  There was something defiant in her manner.

  “I passed it to you earlier. It was etched with a series of strange markings. Surely you remember?”

  Smiling, the woman shook her head. “I have seen no such thing, my dear. You must have been dreaming. Now if you are feeling agitated again, I can always mix you another draught of the sleeping potion?”

  The offer came almost as a threat, but Andrea had to let it go. Something was definitely amiss, but she couldn’t afford to get on the wrong side of the Abbess. Maybe she was just being overprotective.

  “You’re right. I’ll just lie here quietly and wait for Alex. Thank you, Helena.”

  As soon as the Abbess had locked the door behind her, Andrea allowed herself to panic. What if Alex came to her tonight? What if he expected her to perform her wifely duties? Most of her friends would have jumped at the chance to have sex with such a gorgeous specimen. She only had a one-night stand once, and that was when she was a student and extremely drunk, so she couldn’t remember much of the event.

  If she tried to explain to him, he would only think her crazy again, but what was the alternative? Could she lie back and think of England? And what about Steve? She had never been unfaithful in her life, even if these were exceptional circumstances.

  It was too bad about the rune. Why had Helena lied about it? Maybe she was keeping hold of it to stop her from becoming agitated like before, but what if she needed the stone to get back home again?

  Andrea took a deep breath. One thing at a time, she told herself.

  Chapter 7
r />   A knock on the door broke her thoughts. He was here so soon! She sat up quickly in bed and pulled the quilt around her, feeling like a young virgin on her wedding night.

  It was only the young nun again. Smiling, she proceeded to make up the fire and light a series of candles that brought a cozy glow to the room. Stepping over to the small chest, she brought out a white cotton nightdress inset with beautiful lace work and laid it across the bed. She left the room only to return a few minutes later with a jug of hot water and a bowl, along with a piece of soap and a length of material, presumably for washing with. Pouring the water into the bowl, she set it by the fire and beckoned Andrea over before leaving her in peace to attend to her toilette. It was good to feel the heat from the fire, and stripping off her clothes, she proceeded to wash. The soap was thick and quite greasy, but it had the aroma of lavender and helped her to freshen up. Her feet were still dirty from the morning’s walk and she dipped them in the water, feeling the warmth spread to her toes. At home she spent hours in the bath, the water as hot as she could stand, and lost in the fragrance of some exotic oil or lotion. She could have done with a bath, but even the small bowl of hot water seemed like a luxury at this moment in time. Once dried, she slipped on the nightdress. It fit her perfectly, the lace just skimming her ankles. She thought about the skimpy little outfits that Steve bought her that made her feel like a French tart. Why did she let him treat her like an object? She had never really thought about it before. She just accepted it, accepted Steve for what he was—basically a male chauvinist pig.

  A little knock at the door heralded the young nun once again. Walking over to the chest, she picked up a small comb and assorted ribbons, brought them to Andrea, and proceeded to brush through her long hair.

  “Do you have a vow of silence?”

  The young girl smiled and nodded. It was a shame; Andrea would have liked to talk to her. The face seemed so kind and trusting. Once the combing was finished, the girl tied a red ribbon into her dark locks, forming a neat bow.

  Andrea held up the mirror to see the finished look. The ribbon made her look somewhat cutesy, but that was unimportant. Her own face reflected back, and yet somehow it was different. The whole hairstyle was different and made her look more like her Grandma than ever. The only difference was the small beauty spot above her lip, probably the only thing that set the two young women apart.

  There was a cough from just beyond the door, and the nun made haste to tidy away the ribbons. Alex appeared in the doorway and looked even more handsome than when she had last seen him. He had changed his clothing and was wearing a softer looking tunic, less warrior like. As he stepped into the room, the young nun gave a quick courtesy and was gone, leaving the two of them alone. Andrea would have liked to call her back, but she had no cause.

  Alex closed the door carefully behind him.

  His bright eyes looked at her, taking her slowly in, inch by inch, as if he had never seen a woman before. She looked away from his gaze feeling bashful, almost afraid. Walking over to the bed, he sat down, taking her hand gently in his. He smelled much sweeter this evening. He had obviously made the effort for her, and the scent of rosemary and basil filled the air. His hand was trembling against hers, and his eyes softened until the tears were rolling down his cheeks.

  “Oh Andra, I thought I had lost you. I really thought you were gone.” He buried his face into her breast, and her hands automatically cradled his head. Her pale fingers intertwined with his dark hair as she tried to soothe him like a child. It was as if they had always been this way and somehow he didn’t seem such a stranger.

  “Forgive me, Andra; it has been a long day. There are rumors that our enemies are already gathering in the hills, and it won’t be many days hence until I have to ride out with my men. I seek comfort with you tonight, my wife. Let me share your bed.”

  He was almost pleading with her.

  Andrea caught her breath as Alex sat up and looked into her face. It seemed so wrong. The man obviously loved her, but she felt like a fraud. She had to make him see.

  “Tell me, Alex—have I changed much over these past three years?”

  “Only that you are more beautiful than ever. I have never known you as lovely.”

  “Can I speak to you plainly, Alex?”

  He nodded.

  “I’m not who you seem to think I am—”

  He brought up his hand to silence her, but she continued.

  “I know you think I’m mad, but I want you to look at me, Alex, really look at me. What do you see?”

  Alex looked puzzled and shrugged his shoulders.

  “My name is Andrea Taylor, and I was born in 1990. For some reason I seem to have traveled from the future and landed here in the past, some 400 years back in time. I believe my Grandmother Betty came before me and that it was she you fell in love with and married. Time here seems to be different, and although she lived with you for several years, it was only a matter of seconds in our own period; in fact, no time at all. For some reason, she was able to return to her own time, whether by accident or intentionally, I don’t know, but I seem to have replaced her. I’m not sure. None of this makes any sense yet, but the death of your unborn son seems to have been a trigger?”

  “Andra my love, you have spoken like this before. Your mind is unwell, that is all. Maybe I should call for my sister?”

  “No.” Andrea was certain she did not want Helena to join them.

  “Look at me, Alex. How well do you know my face?”

  “I know it as my own. Why?”

  “Well, look here, did your wife have this mark?” Andrea pointed to the beauty spot above her lip.

  At first Alex looked confused. He brought up his hand and traced his finger delicately over the small mole. His brow furrowed.


  “I cannot recall it.”

  “You see, then.”

  “I see nothing. What does that prove?”

  “It is a birth mark, and it proves I’m not who you think I am.”

  Bringing a candle near her face, he inspected her features. She was so alike to his Andra, and yet there had been some hesitation when he had first seen her. He was unsure at first. There was something about her whole bearing, the way she walked, some of the strange words she had used.

  “I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  “There is something else, too—a stone, a rune that my grandma left to me. I believe it has special powers. Your sister has it now and denies it. I believe I need it to return to my own time, and I need your help to get it back.”

  Alex looked crestfallen, and his whole body sagged. Her heart ached to see him so sad. He had loved her so much and maybe she should have been gentler, but how else could she have told him the truth? And there was little time to spare.

  Picking up her hand once more, he raised it to his lips and kissed her gently.

  “I do not know what is happening or why, but I am willing to believe you. Yet in my heart you are still my Andra, and I love you so very much. If what you say is true, I will do all I can to help. I will ask my sister about the stone.”

  “But will you keep the rest of my secret safe, even from Helena? Do you swear?”

  “I swear.”

  Standing up, he moved to the door, and with one final look behind him, he left to find his sister.

  Alex was not the same man he was when he walked into the room. He had always had suspicions about his dear Andra, wondered if her ramblings about the future were true, yet his sister had always insisted that she was unwell and had looked after the girl. It had been an easier story to believe.

  And now this girl was his Andra and yet not his Andra. In his heart, she was still his wife and would always be.

  His sister was sitting quietly in the cloisters. Helena sensed at once that something was not right; surely he should be in bed with his wife? Even though the thought appalled her, it was what he needed, for now. In the darkness, she could not see his expression and he hi
d his face in the shadows, his anxiety too deeply etched to fool his sister.

  “What is wrong, my brother?”

  “Andra is tired, and I did not want to bother her tonight.” His voice sounded strained.

  “There is something else?”

  “Andra is worried about something that belongs to her, a small amulet or stone. She feels it is a good omen, and she thinks that she has lost it. I do not want her to fret about such a small matter.”

  There was a pause while Helena thought.

  “I have it, brother. I did not think it was healthy for her to keep.”

  “Surely it is but a harmless trinket?”

  “She seems to think it has mystical powers, and I did not want to encourage her thinking that way again. You know how fretful she was in the beginning.”

  Alex nodded. “I think if you give it to me for safe keeping, she will be happy with that.”

  Helena bowed her head and walked through the cloister with Alex following closely behind. Entering the room, she fetched out the small stone and placed it in his hand.

  “Be careful with this, Alex. I have seen things like this, and they usually belong to the workings of the devil. Some say these stones have strange powers and bring only death and destruction. Perhaps that is right. Think of the child.”

  “Surely you do not believe in such things? I would have thought it blasphemy to your ears?”

  Helena paused and clasped her hands tightly in front of her.

  “But of course I do not believe in such superstitions myself, Alex. I put my faith in God. But in the hands of the wrong person, such beliefs can damage and weaken the spirits and mind, as I fear has happened with Andra.”

  “She seems much improved this evening, and a good sleep tonight will help her. I’m sure you can see to that, my sister?”

  Bowing goodnight, Alex left the confines of the nunnery and stepped out into the chill night air. The crescent moon hung high in the midnight sky and a myriad of stars looked down upon him. The sky looked the same as always, but tonight he wondered about the girl’s story and its possibilities. In the early days, she had told him of a fantastic world where machines and fantastic inventions seemed to dominate men. It seemed ridiculous at the time, yet standing beneath the heavens, he realized how small and insignificant he was and how little he really understood about life and beyond.


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