Bought By Him #1

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Bought By Him #1 Page 3

by Taylor, Alycia

  Chapter Five


  I had to leave Grace to get settled alone as Marcus had whispered to me that my father had arrived at the mansion unannounced. I had watched her leave with Marcus wondering how on earth all of this was going to work. I had just invited a complete stranger to come and live with me, and what? It was just all supposed to work out? She had startled me when she had stepped into the limo that evening. She had been even more beautiful than in the pictures that I saw. It was all I could do not to ravaged her on the spot. I had to remind myself however that the girl had no sexual experience.

  I turned around finally and looked off towards the den. The last thing that I needed at that moment was my father being around. I rarely saw the man ad when I did it was never a good day for me. He seemed to put me in a foul disposition just by hearing his name. In my opinion he was a waste of space and I had no need for him in my life. However, it just wasn't that easy getting rid of family. They lingered no matter how difficult they were to have around.

  I headed into another room where I knew my father to be. He stood there in the middle of the room looking pathetic. I often wondered how I managed to come from such a weak man. How had I even been able to succeed in life with him as my main example of what a man should be? He was a sad excuse for a human being and I wondered how he even looked at himself in the mirror sometimes.

  “Father, what are you doing here?” I demanded. I crossed my arms waiting to hear what excuse he came up with this time.

  “Well son, you do I say this. Well I have a...situation.”

  “Oh for god sake.” I knew why he was there, it was written all over his pathetic face. I could barely stand the sight of the man. I didn't understand why he was the way he was. There was a part of me that always wished that he was just disappear and never be heard from again. I would love nothing more.

  “Son, I...”

  “You need money again don't you?” It was best to get the nonsense out of the way and get down to the real issue. I was a busy man and had no time for my fathers bullshit. Money was always what my father wanted, it was all he had ever wanted from me. If I hadn't become wealthy I would probably have never seen him again. My entire life my father never gave a shit about me and now all he wanted was my money now that I was a billionaire. Well, isn't life grand? Now that I was rich, I couldn't seem to get rid of him. Sometimes being wealthy was both a blessing and a curse.

  Normally I would send him off with my foot in his ass, but it wasn't as easy as that. There were others I had to think about when it came to my father. Without money he could become very difficult to live with and could make the lives of people around him unbearable. The only reason I gave any money to him was because I felt bad for my mother. No matter what I did, I could never get my mother to leave my father no matter how disgusting he became. She loved him and would probably love him her whole life. It was the main reason I avoided falling in love at all cost. Look what it brought you? Just plain misery. You could fall in love with someone who could destroy you and you stayed with them for no other reason except the fact that you fell in love once. It was madness and I had no intention of allowing such a thing in my life. Suddenly I thought of Grace and I hoped that she had not come to me thinking I was the answer to some fairy tale she had in her head. She would only be disappointed.

  My mother had never wanted to take my money so the only way she could use any of the money without knowing was if I gave it to my father and my father agreed to never tell my mother. At least then I knew that she was being taken care of financially if not emotionally.

  “This is the last time son, I swear.”

  I laughed with disdain. “Do you have any idea how many times I have heard that from you? This is fucking ridiculous. Has it ever occurred to you to go out and get a fucking job, like the rest of the world?”

  “You want to take care of your mother don't you?”

  Anger seethed through me and I wanted nothing more than to knock him out right there. How dare he question my love for my mother. A man's job was to take care of his wife and provide for her, give her whatever she needed. I couldn't understand why my mother stayed with him when he wasn't providing her with anything. Not love or affection, not mental stability, hell it wasn't even supporting her financially. It sickened me to no end and yet there was nothing I could do about it. I wished that I could whisk her away from that life. I could easily set her up in an apartment in the city, get her a job; she was a beautiful woman, she would marry again quickly. But I couldn't get her to leave my father no matter what. She would probably die with him still hoping he would change for her.

  “That's your job, you piece of shit. I would take care of my mother for the rest of her life, it's you I care nothing for.”

  “How can you say that about your own father.”

  “Oh save it, I will have a check for you soon. Now get the hell out of my house.” I stormed out of the office needing to get the hell away from him.

  Chapter Six


  After my delicious meal with a side of daydreaming I got up out of the bed to change into some pajamas. I intended to go to bed early that night as I was exhausted. I had a full day tomorrow familiarizing myself with my new life. I couldn't wait to tour the mansion and see what the whole house looked like. I was sure that the grounds were just as spectacular as well. It would be a fun day of adventures I just knew it.

  My hair was still damp and I shook it out again. My hair fell around my shoulders and I untied my robe. I slid it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I went to grab one of my suitcases and I set it on the bed. I opened it and started searching for some suitable sleepwear.

  I was still naked when the door swung opened and I turned to find Kip standing there looking at me. I gasped. He didn't appear to be surprised or anything as I quickly tried to cover myself with the robe from the floor.

  “There is no need to hide yourself Grace. You might as well get used to being naked around me as we will be married in a few months.”

  His words startled me as they seemed so matter of fact. There was no warmth to them. I didn't know what I had expected, it just wasn't that. I nodded to him although I kept myself covered from him, I didn't care how used to it I should be.

  There had never been a man that had seen me naked before, whether Kip was going to be my husband or not it didn't matter. Having a man walk in on me naked was certainly something new and I thought to myself that he should have had enough respect for me to knock first. Screw it.

  “I'm a lady, please knock before entering my room please.”

  Finally I got the shocked look that I was originally expecting. Both his eyebrows shot up in the air which seemed comical to me.

  I knew that I was going to have to get used to a lot of things that was obvious. I also wasn't naive enough to think that I could be here and not have to engage in sexual acts with Kip. All I could hope for was that there was a period of time that we could get used to each other before we had sex so that I would be a little more comfortable. I was purchased to be a bride, there were certain expectations that came a long with that but I wasn't going to just stand there and act like it was okay for him to barge in on me.

  He took a deep breath and I hoped that he wasn't already angry with me. “I'm sorry Grace, you are absolutely right. I had no right to barge in on you, to be honest it didn't even occur to me that you would be naked.”

  I smiled warmly, thankful that he had apologized. Living with a complete stranger was terrifying at times. You hoped you had a prince but it was just as likely that you could end up with a sexist pig as well. I hoped that Kip turned out to be everything that I dreamed of. I never wanted to regret the decision to be with him. I was told at the company that the choice to divorce would not be mine to make, since I was purchased. The only way we could ever get a divorce was if Kip decided the marriage wasn't working and wanted out of it. He would lose all the money invested but he could get h
is freedom back if he wanted it.

  “I had an issue that required my attention earlier, but I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you got settled in okay.”

  “I did, thank you. The food was delicious.”

  “Yes, I have some great chefs working for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Look, I will be gone for a few days for business. This is your home now she please act as if it is your own. My staff of course will be at your beck and call to help you with anything that you may need.”

  I just nodded feeling overwhelmed once again.

  Then he walked over to me and said, “We might as well get this the fuck out of the way.” I wasn't quite sure what he meant until he kissed me hard on the lips. My heart literally skipped a beat as our lips fit together perfectly. His tongue found it's way into my mouth and I suddenly felt warm all over. I had never expected a kiss to feel this way before. It affected my mind, causing it to go fuzzy as well as my body which hummed because of it. I liked every moment of it and was sad when it ended. The taste and smell of him lingered on me when our lips parted. I looked at him dazed.

  “I will see you in a couple of days Grace.”

  I couldn't utter a word, I just stood there stunned by the kiss. The only other time that I had been kissed as when I was 13 and an Australian boy had kissed me when he walked me home from school; but it had been just a little peck. That kiss however had been nothing like the one that Kip gave me. There had been passion and emotion behind that kiss. That kiss had a purpose. Not only that but it had been...kinda hot. That had been one hell of a smoldering kiss. The kind of kiss you spent days thinking about, as I'm sure I would until Kip's return.

  I shook those thoughts out of my head and dropped my robe once again, confident that I would not be surprised again. I pulled out a pair of night clothes and laid down in the bed to dream of a brighter future. As I drifted off to sleep I could hardly believe how my life was changing.

  Chapter Seven


  Back in my own room I was preparing for my departure but I couldn't get the image out of my head of Grace's naked body. She had a nice tight figure with curves around her hips and bust. Her body had been incredible and I couldn't help but thin how stupid I was for walking out of that room after the kiss. I should have fucked her right then and got it over with. Sleeping with Grace was inevitable she would be my wife after all. We both knew that things would become sexual between us. All I could think about now was sliding my cock into her tight wet pussy. I should have started fucking her right after that kiss. She responded well to the kiss and probably would have let me fuck her too. I was incredibly horny just thinking about it. Taking her virginity would be my pleasure, I wanted nothing more than to feel her tight pussy wrapped around my cock. Once we had sex for the first time I could have her any time that I needed to. I wanted her at that moment but I didn't want to alarm her by showing up at her bedroom again so soon after the kiss. I didn't want to terrify the girl after all. I had needs, but that was hardly her problem. I could wait for a proper time to be with her and when the time came it would be a night to remember, for the both of us.

  I noticed she didn't keep her pussy trimmed and that would have to be dealt with. I would scheduled her a spa appointment for the next day to have her taken care of. Whether it was because she was poor or whether it was a cultural thing didn't matter, I like my ladies pussy to be bare or at the very least trimmed nicely. I liked the taste of pussy and I didn't want to think of coming up with a mouthful of hair. I would reward her by giving her all the oral she wanted in exchange for her virginity. It would be a gift to me as well as I loved nothing more than to lick a girl to orgasm. Just thinking about putting my tongue between Grace's legs made me rock hard. She had never been touched before, I wondered what it would take for her to orgasm. I had every intention of making her first time the best experience of her life and I would enjoy every minute of it.

  Now I needed a sex fix. Who would fill my needs now that I had walked out of Grace's room? I sent a couple of texts to a few regular girls I slept with to see if one of them would come and handle my needs. I was thinking of bending one of them over my desk and fucking her hard when I received a text from both that they already had plans that evening. I text my assistant, since she had given me an insane blow job a few weeks back and thought she could suck me off again but even she was busy. Fuck. I guess I will have to do the job myself. When you want something done right sometimes you have to do it yourself. That was crazy talk however, I would always rather a woman do the job. Hand jobs served their purpose but they were no where near as fun as being with a woman.

  My jet would be leaving soon so I quickly stepped into the shower. I wanted to get myself off and then rest on the jet for the evening. It would help to relax me and get my mind off of Grace for the time being. I had to focus on business for the next two days.

  The temperature was hot and I grabbed onto my hard cock. I start stroking it feeling the strength of it. I think about Grace's naked boys as start stroking the tip of cock hard and fast. I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation. All I thought about was what it would be like to fuck that tight pussy that grace had. She looked so hot standing there in her bedroom and tasting her pretty little mouth had turned me on so much. I continued to pump my cock to her image until I blew my load in the shower. God, that felt so good. I immersed myself in water and rinsed. I cleaned myself off and exited the shower.

  As I dried myself off I continued to think about Grace. One of the nice things about her was that she looked good without makeup. I had noticed that fact when she had stepped out of the shower without any makeup on. She was naturally beautiful and that was very appealing. Too many of the chicks I had been with looked like entirely different people after their makeup came off at night. It was enough to give you nightmares.

  Chapter Eight


  It was definitely an experience living in a mansion, I couldn't deny how exciting it was. It was something to get used to however especially with Kip gone. It was hard for me to think of the place as my own home so traipsing around Kip's place seemed inappropriate. It was silly however, I knew that it was my home too and I needed to get used to being there as I would be living there for....well hopefully forever. But time would tell. I had no idea what to expect from that arrangement as there was no love between Kip and I. At least when most people married they had the love between them to get them through the hard times and Kip and I didn't have that. I hoped one day that would develop but again we were in a weird situation and I would probably be a fool if I expected happily ever after.

  I found it weird that I had no idea where my husband to be was, just that he was gone away on business for a few days. He never checked in with me once while he was gone, should I find that weird, I wasn't sure what was normal in a situation like this.

  The day after he left was a busy day for me. I had a morning appointment with the spa which surprised me. I was there for hours being pampered. Facials, massage, full body wraps; my body felt like jelly by the time they were done with me. The only non-relaxing part was the Brazilian waxing that I received. That would certainly take getting used to. It had to have been a request of Kip's after he saw me naked, which embarrassed me. I wasn't used to that kind of attention to detail but I knew that I wanted to be the kind of woman that he desired. It was easy to excuse after all the pampering I got.

  When I returned home, Marcus was there to meet me. He brought me to my room where I gasped. “Oh my god, what is this?”

  “That miss, is your wardrobe.”

  In my room were racks upon racks of designer wear.

  “There are a wide range of styles for you to choose from Miss Grace. Pick the ones you like and we will return the rest of them. We got your measurements from miss. Everything should fit you perfectly.”

  “Oh gosh.”

  I went to the racks and started looking at the clothing. There was everything from socks to dresses, thongs and swe
aters. Everything that I would need to have a full wardrobe. There were boxes upon boxes of shoes and even a box of shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries. This had to have cost a fortune. These people lived like Kings and Queens. It was so hard to get used to.

  The next two days were all about getting the hang of things in the mansion. There was a chef that made me whatever I wanted to eat; the food was unbelievable. I often let him choose my meals as a surprise so I got used to new things, tastes and flavors. I assumed we were dining out at times and I didn't want to be nervous about eating something new while with Kip.

  The day Kip returned from his trip, there were butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't sure what to expect from him, especially after our kiss. How would he behave around me and what would his expectations be for his new bride. The thought of marrying a man like him thrilled me to no end. I had been wondering where he had disappeared for two days but hoped that as we grew closer together in the future that I would be privy to that information. I was sure upon seeing him if I should even ask him any questions. We were complete strangers in an odd situation.

  I sat on my bed when there was a knock on my door. Finally he knocks, I thought.

  “Come in.”

  It wasn't Kip who came in however but instead Marcus.

  “Evening miss Grace.”

  “Hello Marcus.”

  “Kip has requested to have dinner with you in the main dining room.”

  I glowed when I smiled at him.

  “I would love to.”

  “He is also requesting that you wear one of your new dresses.”

  I nodded. Was that customary? For a man to choose what a woman wears to dinner?

  “Certainly Marcus, thank you. I will be down shortly.”


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