Scorch (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 6)

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Scorch (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 6) Page 5

by Piper Stone

  “Interesting.” As if she was going to buy any of this bullshit. “What did he tell you, Mr. Tatum?”

  Leaning even further forward, he maintained his lecherous grin.

  She could swear the nauseating scent of blood filled her nostrils, acrid and hinted with copper. The intensity created a gag motion what she was forced to suppress. This was a fucking madman.

  “He told me how he lured those poor girls to his bed, at his house, the very home I grew up in. He described in detail how he plied them with champagne, mixed with just the right formula of phenobarbital before taking them to bed. Then he tied their hands and feet with rope, another wrapped around their fragile necks. And that’s where the fun really began. You see, they were very impure, sluts as my father called them. He made certain they were protected, lying in their beds in their homes. The fires were meant to purify.”

  She bit back an anguished cry as she heard him out, every wretched, gory detail and when he was finished, he had a look of utter satisfaction on his face. “Fascinating story but I’m not the prosecutor. At this point, my job is to give you a fair trial in front of your peers. That’s what I’m doing.” She pushed back the chair. “If you’d like to tell your fascinating tale to someone else, please feel free.” And far away from me.

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of, Reese. You have no idea how much I care about you. I’ve watched you, you know. I know what you crave. Darkness. You never want anyone to know that side of you, but I understand everything that you long for, and I feel every moment. I can tell by the way you dress, pinned and buttoned up to try and hide the real woman inside. But the scent of you gives you away.”

  “How. Fucking. Dare. You.” She heard the rattle in her voice as she placed her palms on the table, glaring. “I am leaving, Mr. Tatum and I will see you in court tomorrow.” She couldn’t collect the two things fast enough and smacked on the door, doing her best not to shake like a leaf.

  “There’s one more thing, Reese. Christopher Sampson isn’t good enough for you. You can do much better.”

  As the deputy opened the door and she took long strides out, she could hear his cackling laughter.

  Monster. Monster. Monster.

  Chapter 3

  “Close the door,” Captain Phillips said.

  Sawyer glanced at Boone. When the man didn’t sit, he knew they were both in serious trouble.

  “Cap’n. I can explain,” Boone started.

  “You’re not going to say anything until I finish.” The captain looked from one to the other.

  Boone shrank back, giving a single nod.

  “You’re all trained men. Each one of you with specialties and I appreciate all your hard work and dedication,” the captain started. “But I have to ask.” The hesitation was almost thirty seconds. “What in the fuck was that shit today?”

  “Cap’n, I…” Boone noticed the look on the captain’s face and clamped his mouth shut.

  “As I was saying. I don’t know what that shit was, but it’s never going to happen again. I should place you on suspension for that shit, Boone. I mean, Jesus. You’re no rookie, here. You left the chain of command to do what, venture into the forest?”

  Sawyer couldn’t help but think about the horse and the fact that he’d left the team for long enough that Boone walked away from the group.

  Captain Phillips rubbed his eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on right now, but I don’t like what I’m seeing. We can’t have any of you going off on your own. That’s how men die. I’m not going to have my record tarnished by death just before I retire. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” both Sawyer and Boone said at the same time. Sawyer heard the words and knew that the captain was planning on retiring, but this was more formal, as if everything had been decided.

  “Good. I’m glad to hear you understand.” Softening his stance, the captain moved closer. “I just don’t want any of you hurt. Sawyer is a senior officer, a Lieutenant. If he gives an order, then you damn well better follow it.”

  “I understand, sir. As I said, it won’t happen again.” Boone exhaled.

  “All right. I trust that it won’t. Now, get out of here. I have a dinner to get to. Sawyer, I just need a minute more of your time.” Captain Phillips nodded toward the door.

  Boone gave Sawyer a curious look before walking to the door. “Sir, I want you to know that you’ve been the finest captain to work for. I appreciate all that you do.”

  Sawyer could tell the captain hadn’t expected the compliment.

  “Thank you, Boone. I’m going to hate leaving, but it’s the right time.”

  “I get it.” Boone glanced into the captain’s eyes before walking out, closing the door behind him.

  Sawyer had no idea what to expect. He knew he should tell the captain his particular plans, but he hadn’t been able to convince himself it was the right thing to do. The fact he was questioning everything as of late, fearful of facing the past demons was a good indication his thoughts were on track. Today had been the icing on the cake. He’d lost his edge. “What can I do for you?”

  Captain Phillips looked him up and down. “You’ve been a member of this team longer than anyone here.”


  “You’ve trained almost everyone to some degree and you’ve been the rock. All the jumpers look up to you.”

  Where was this going? “I just do my job, sir.”

  Laughing, he sat on the edge of his desk, crossing his legs. “That’s so you. Unassuming yet willing to take on any task, no matter what’s asked of you. I admire that, Sawyer and everyone else does, including the Wildland Commissioner.”

  “Am I being transferred?”

  “What? Oh, hell no. You know I would never let that happen. No, it’s something else.” Captain Phillips looked down at the floor briefly. “I know that Antonio is bucking for my job. I think the day he set foot in here he was.”

  Sawyer couldn’t help but smile. “That’s Antonio. A ball buster.”

  “That’s the issue. In order to be an effective leader, you have to listen and think about the long term. Not the here and now. Antonio is aggressive, not assertive.”

  He could feel his heart racing and didn’t like where the conversation was going. “He’s a good man, though. He’s skilled and he does command the men.”

  “Out of fear or respect?”

  “Maybe a little of both.”

  Inhaling, the captain took his time before speaking. “Exactly. What this team needs is a true leader unafraid of looking at the big picture but able to garner respect from his actions as well as his words. You’re that man, Sawyer.”

  “I’m… I don’t know, sir.”

  “Well, I do. I’d like you to consider taking the helm.” The captain’s eyes were twinkling.

  Sawyer was forced to suck in his breath. This, he would have never anticipated. “That’s not necessarily me.”

  “I think it is. As a matter of fact, I think you are the perfect man to lead the team and quite possibly the entire Missoula Smokejumping unit.”


  “This conversation is off the record right now. Can I have your word?”

  “Of course, sir but I don’t understand.” Sawyer wasn’t entirely certain he’d actually spoken the words. He was numb, his fingers tingling.

  “There is a chance that the two teams are going to be formed together as a single unit. There doesn’t seem to be a real reason to have two and given the fact various units in other states are fully functional, the commissioner believes there is money to be saved. In addition,” Captain Phillips took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, “Mayor Falk is fighting with the state government on cutbacks and yes, again, there’s talk of closing at least two engine companies. I think the mayor is trying to be preemptive when it comes to the smokejumpers. A lot of this is just talk, but given the budget is already in draft form for next year, my guess is the information I received is correct.”

  “God love the
damn government. This will crush the guys.” Politics were everywhere, derailing viable programs and operations due to funding issues.

  “Not if its handled properly,” Captain Phillips commented. “I know this is a burden to keep, but if this change occurs, then the person taking the helm must be able to look past politics. You’re the only person I know who can do this.”

  Sawyer was having difficulty focusing. “I just don’t know. I’m no bureaucrat.”

  “Neither am I. I loathe the pompous assholes who have no clue what we do and the danger they place us in with every off the cuff decision. However, we have to play nice in the sandbox.”

  He had no idea how to answer.

  “All right. You don’t need to answer me immediately. And, if you decide to consider the option, there are some hoops as you can imagine that you’ll have to jump through. We all work for the city, meaning the lovely mayor, but I have no doubt she’ll be happy to have you lead the team. Just think about this and we’ll talk again in a week or so.”

  “Yes… Yes, sir.”

  “That’s all, Sawyer except keep Boone on track. I don’t know where his head is lately, but he’s a bit off the rails.” Captain Phillips stood, a smile on his face. “Thank you again.”

  “Thank you, sir.” As Sawyer walked out, he remained on edge, unsure of the words that were just said to him. Now, he needed that drink. He was going to tell the captain that he was thinking about retiring.

  What the hell was he supposed to do now?

  As a series of thunder rolled, rattling the building, he cringed. Signs. He’d been given more than one sign.

  “He said what?” The look of horror on the girl’s face was only matched by the rush of rage in her eyes.

  Reese tried to act nonchalant, as if Walker’s words didn’t matter in the least. She’d said too much already by spouting off to her best friends. At least Tina Drummand was an attorney and would never repeat her comment, but Jo Tyler would happily tell the local news station. Her new buddy, and a woman after her own heart, Stasha Parker simply gave her a shake of her head. Stasha knew more than the others what she was up against. “I’m fine and nothing that another margarita won’t cure.” Thank God, she’d agreed to meet the crunch bunch, as they liked to call themselves at Ziggy’s. She hadn’t been able to enjoy her friends in well over a month. Both reasons why were no longer acceptable.

  Jo leaned over the table, wagging her finger. “How can you represent that man?”

  “Just doing my job and you know I can’t talk about anything else,” Reese said then licked a glob of salt before taking a huge sip. The way the tequila slid down her throat was at least soothing. Yes, she remained rattled, both from the storm as well as the freak of nature. Yes, she had no idea what she was going to say on her closing argument, but she had a feeling it would be fiery. And yes, you bet she wanted another job.

  “Let’s change the subject. Sound good?” Tina suggested.

  “How about we talk about men?” Stasha winked before lifting her margarita. “To hot cowboys with little or no clothes. Muscular. Chiseled. Damn good in bed.”

  “I’ll drink to that!” Jo chortled.

  “You’ll drink to anything. Don’t lie.” Grinning, Tina pushed her friend’s arm playfully.

  “You’re all a terrible influence on me,” Reese said, feeling a slight bit of tension releasing. There was no way the man was getting off. He’d be in prison for the rest of his disgusting life.

  “Right.” Stasha rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you allow me to introduce you to a sexy man?”

  “Are you seriously trying to fix me up with a guy right now?” Reese scoffed. “Last thing on my mind. I have too much work to do.”

  “That career of yours is going to kill you.” Stasha leaned in and pointed toward the back. “Do you see that sexy group of men back there?”

  “You mean the stud muffins?” Jo asked, laughing as she turned her chair.

  Reese couldn’t help but drink them in. There were at least six, maybe seven men who had to be some of the most gorgeous she’d ever seen. They all had broad shoulders, long legs and damn if they weren’t wearing tight jeans, highlighting everything God had intended in a man. Wait a minute. She shouldn’t be thinking this way, but she couldn’t help herself. Perhaps she needed some eye candy to soothe her savage nerves. “All right. You have me intrigued. Who are they?”

  “Smokejumpers. A group called the Jackals,” Stasha purred. “They’re all dark and passionate, danger loving men who crave dominance.”

  The words flowed into the back of Reese’s mind, creating a burst of shivers. She shifted in her seat, cognizant that her pussy was clenching. This was ridiculous.

  “You seem to know them far too well, girlfriend. Have you been keeping a secret from us?” Tina’s voice was decidedly husky.

  “I might know a thing or two,” Stasha said, then winked.

  When one of the men noticed their table, Reese clamped her hand around the glass, sloshing liquid onto the table.

  Stasha laughed. “You can’t have that one. He’s all mine.”

  “You have been holding out on us. Tell us everything!” Jo insisted.

  Reese studied the muscular man as he approached, a second just behind him and she had to admit, her breath was ripped right out of her already overheated body. “Wow.”

  “Trust me, he’s incredible in bed,” Stasha whispered in her ear.

  “Well, well. Do we have trouble brewing here?” His voice was sensual, the timbre deep. He swept his eyes around the table before placing his hands on Stasha’s shoulders, clamping down.

  As if he owned her.

  “Mmm… I was hoping I’d run into you here, Boone, my sexy man,” Stasha cooed as she lifted her head, locking eyes with the man. “Notice I say mine.”

  When the second smokejumper flanked Boone’s side, he smiled, his eyes twinkling.

  “Ladies. This is Boone Martin, my hunky cowboy smokejumper and his friend Sawyer Lincoln. Sawyer, I’d like you to meet Reese Winton, a good friend of mine.”

  “Hey. What about us? I’m Tina,” Tina snarked and held out her hand.

  Boone nodded while Sawyer took Tina’s hand, rubbing his fingers across hers before bringing her hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss against her skin.

  “Whew. That’s somethin’ else,” Jo whispered and thrust out her arm. “I’m Jo. Not that you’re paying attention.” She gave Reese a soulful glare.

  Reese watched the show and without any doubt had to admit, the man was exactly what she craved. Tall and muscular with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, salt and pepper hair and killer eyes – the kind of cerulean blue you could melt into.

  “Lovely to meet you, ladies,” Sawyer said casually yet his voice held the quality of rich velvet. His gaze drifted to Reese and he acknowledged her with a different grin, showing off his dimples.

  Swallowing, Reese was forced to shift in her seat yet again and was afraid the pussy juice soaking her thong was giving her away. “Smokejumpers. You mean firefighters but in the mountains?”

  Boone chuckled as he bent down, kissing Stasha on the cheek.

  Even from where she sat, Reese could see the lick of his tongue, the tip dragging across Stasha’s heated skin. She hadn’t realized she’d fanned her face until she glanced back at Sawyer’s amused expression.

  “Our specialty is eradicating fuel for fires, containing them before they get out of hand. We do work in the mountains, but especially when trees are involved. The work is dangerous and time consuming, often taking us away from Missoula for long periods.” Sawyer’s statement was followed by a moment of silence.

  “I’ve seen you two before. Weren’t you in People Magazine?” Jo asked, excitement in her voice.

  “Here we go again,” Boone said then rose to his full height. He gave Sawyer a knowing look then rolled his eyes. “We might have been but we’re just good ol’ boys trying to make a living.”

  “Yeah, right,” Stasha snipped. “Th
ey are honored and decorated heroes. Don’t let the cowboy twang fool you one bit.”

  Boone fisted her hair, leaning over, whispering a few words before capturing Stasha’s mouth.

  Stasha wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him in closer.

  “Jesus. Get a room you two. We don’t need to see that shit,” Sawyer stated as he moved from foot to foot.

  “Amen,” Tina added.

  Reese heard the blatant words, the promise for later. “You’re getting a hard spanking later.” She was forced to gulp another swig of her margarita as her thoughts slipped into her personal sinful desires, the kind of hunger that Christopher had never been able to fulfill. As soon as she thought of him, the nastiness with Walker crushed her ache. How had the man known about her affair with Chris?

  “Well, sugar, and sweet ladies. We’ll leave you alone, but you know your limits.” Boone laughed when he gripped Stasha’s hand, as if he never wanted to let her go.

  “Don’t worry. I know my curfew,” Stasha whispered, half under her breath.

  “Really nice meeting all of you.” Sawyer nodded to each of them, his eyes never leaving Reese.

  “Oh, you too,” Tina answered and when they walked off, she issued a soft moan. “Mmm. Mmm. Hubba hubba. You have to tell me more about these smokejumpers. They could use some fine-looking women like ourselves.”

  “I think Sawyer has already picked one of us out.” Jo pretended to pout as she smacked Reese on the arm.

  Reese couldn’t help but blush. “Don’t go there. He was just being nice.”

  “Nice? That was undressing you with his eyes then feasting on your mouth, your fingers and your toes.” Tina shook her head. “We’ll have to snack on one of the others.”

  Stasha laughed. “Sorry, ladies. A few are already taken.”

  “Boone. Sounds like a cowboy.” Jo’s eyes were misted over.

  “He is a bona fide cowboy, but so is Sawyer, from what I hear. He’s also romantic, kind and generous and hasn’t had a girlfriend in years. Imagine what he’s craving,” Stasha purred as she crossed and re-crossed her legs.


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